22 | | <?php |
23 | | if ( ! $is_opera ) { |
24 | | ?> |
25 | | <div class="tool-box"> |
26 | | <div id="gears-msg1"> |
27 | | <h3 class="title"><?php _e('Turbo:'); ?> <?php _e('Speed up WordPress'); ?></h3> |
28 | | <p><?php _e('WordPress has support for Gears, which adds new features to your web browser.'); ?><br /> |
29 | | <a href="http://gears.google.com/" target="_blank" style="font-weight:normal;"><?php _e('More information...'); ?></a></p> |
30 | | <p><?php _e('After you install and enable Gears, most of WordPress’ images, scripts, and CSS files will be stored locally on your computer. This speeds up page load time.'); ?></p> |
31 | | <p><strong><?php _e('Don’t install on a public or shared computer.'); ?></strong></p> |
32 | | <div class="buttons"><button onclick="window.location = 'http://gears.google.com/?action=install&return=<?php echo urlencode( admin_url() ); ?>';" class="button"><?php _e('Install Now'); ?></button></div> |
33 | | </div> |
34 | | |
35 | | <div id="gears-msg2" style="display:none;"> |
36 | | <h3 class="title"><?php _e('Turbo:'); ?> <?php _e('Gears Status'); ?></h3> |
37 | | <p><?php _e('Gears is installed on this computer, but is not enabled for use with WordPress.'); ?></p> |
38 | | <p><?php _e('To enable it click the button below.'); ?></p> |
39 | | <p><strong><?php _e('Note: Do not enable Gears if this is a public or shared computer!'); ?></strong></p> |
40 | | <div class="buttons"><button class="button" onclick="wpGears.getPermission();"><?php _e('Enable Gears'); ?></button></div> |
41 | | </div> |
42 | | |
43 | | <div id="gears-msg3" style="display:none;"> |
44 | | <h3 class="title"><?php _e('Turbo:'); ?> <?php _e('Gears Status'); ?></h3> |
45 | | <p><?php |
46 | | |
47 | | if ( $is_chrome ) |
48 | | _e('Gears is installed and enabled on this computer. You can disable it from the Under the Hood tab in Chrome’s Options menu.'); |
49 | | elseif ( $is_safari ) |
50 | | _e('Gears is installed and enabled on this computer. You can disable it from the Safari menu.'); |
51 | | else |
52 | | _e('Gears is installed and enabled on this computer. You can disable it from your browser’s Tools menu.'); |
53 | | |
54 | | ?></p> |
55 | | <p><?php _e('If there are any errors try disabling Gears, reloading the page, and re-enabling Gears.'); ?></p> |
56 | | <p><?php _e('Local storage status:'); ?> <span id="gears-wait"><span style="color:#f00;"><?php _e('Updating files:'); ?></span> <span id="gears-upd-number"></span></span></p> |
57 | | </div> |
58 | | |
59 | | <div id="gears-msg4" style="display:none;"> |
60 | | <h3 class="title"><?php _e('Turbo:'); ?> <?php _e('Gears Status'); ?></h3> |
61 | | <p><?php _e('Your browser’s settings do not permit this website to use Google Gears.'); ?></p> |
62 | | <p><?php |
63 | | |
64 | | if ( $is_chrome ) |
65 | | _e('To allow it, change the Gears settings in your browser’s Options, Under the Hood menu and reload this page.'); |
66 | | elseif ( $is_safari ) |
67 | | _e('To allow it, change the Gears settings in the Safari menu and reload this page.'); |
68 | | else |
69 | | _e('To allow it, change the Gears settings in your browser’s Tools menu and reload this page.'); |
70 | | |
71 | | ?></p> |
72 | | <p><strong><?php _e('Note: Do not enable Gears if this is a public or shared computer!'); ?></strong></p> |
73 | | </div> |
74 | | <script type="text/javascript">wpGears.message();</script> |
75 | | </div> |
76 | | <?php } ?> |
77 | | |