Make WordPress Core

Ticket #13841: 13841.unitTest.diff

File 13841.unitTest.diff, 1.7 KB (added by kirasong, 13 years ago)

First pass at Unit Test - Only fails on fsockopen (and fixed by patch on ticket)

  • wp-testcase/test_http.php

    44// The WP_HTTP tests require a class-http.php file of r17550 or later.
    55class _WPHTTP extends WPTestCase {
    66        var $redirection_script = ''; // You can use your own version here, You can find it in wp-testdata/WPHTTP-testcase-redirection-script.php
     7        var $timeout_script = ''; // You can use your own version here, You can find it in wp-testdata/WPHTTP-testcase-timeout-script.php
    89        function SetUp() {
    144145                unlink($res['filename']); // Remove the temporary file
    145146        }
     148        function test_timeout() {
     149                $this->knownWPBug(13841);
     150                // Test that transports timeout within the amount of seconds specified.
     151                $res = wp_remote_request( $this->timeout_script, array( 'timeout' => 6 ) );
     153                $this->assertTrue( is_wp_error( $res ), "Transfer timed-out within 6 seconds.");
     154                $this->assertTrue( $res->get_error_code() == "http_request_failed", "Transfer failed with http_request_failed code." );
     155        }
    148158// Stubs to test each transport
  • wp-testdata/WPHTTP-testcase-timeout-script.php

     3$seconds_to_timeout = 10;
     5for ($i = 0; $i < $seconds_to_timeout; $i++ ) {
     6        sleep( 1 );
     9die("Request did not time out within $seconds_to_timeout seconds.");
     12 No newline at end of file