Make WordPress Core

Ticket #15346: commentshelp.patch

File commentshelp.patch, 1004 bytes (added by dougwrites, 14 years ago)
  • comment.php

    4848        add_contextual_help( $current_screen, '<p>' . __( 'You can edit the information left in a comment if needed. This is often useful when you notice that a commenter has made a typographical error.' ) . '</p>' .
    4949        '<p>' . __( 'You can also moderate the comment from this screen using the Status box, where you can also change the timestamp of the comment.' ) . '</p>' .
    5050        '<p><strong>' . __( 'For more information:' ) . '</strong></p>' .
    51         '<p>' . __( '<a href="" target="_blank">Comments Documentation</a>' ) . '</p>' .
     51        '<p>' . __( '<a href="" target="_blank">Documentation on Comments</a>' ) . '</p>' .
    5252        '<p>' . __( '<a href="" target="_blank" >Support Forums</a>' ) . '</p>'
    5353        );