1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
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4 | xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" |
5 | xmlns:wfw="http://wellformedweb.org/CommentAPI/" |
6 | xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" |
7 | > |
8 | |
9 | <channel> |
10 | <title>Jake's Weblog</title> |
11 | <link>http://www.steenhagen.us/~jake/blog</link> |
12 | <description>Just another WordPress weblog</description> |
13 | <pubDate>Fri, 29 Jul 2005 17:08:10 +0000</pubDate> |
14 | <generator>http://wordpress.org/?v=1.6-ALPHA-do-not-use</generator> |
15 | <language>en</language> |
16 | <item> |
17 | <title>Made the Switch</title> |
18 | <link>http://www.steenhagen.us/~jake/blog/archives/63.html</link> |
19 | <comments>http://www.steenhagen.us/~jake/blog/archives/63.html#comments</comments> |
20 | <pubDate>Fri, 29 Jul 2005 17:08:10 +0000</pubDate> |
21 | <dc:creator>Jake</dc:creator> |
22 | |
23 | <category>Uncategorized</category> |
24 | <guid>http://www.steenhagen.us/~jake/blog/archives/63.html</guid> |
25 | <description><![CDATA[ The SPAM finally got to me. I don’t know if WordPress will be any better at handling SPAM or not, but I can dream . The design is still very much off the shelf, so I’ll have ot play with that in the months to come and, of course, I still have to learn [...]]]></description> |
26 | <content:encoded><![CDATA[ <p class="first">The SPAM finally got to me. I don’t know if <a href="http://wordpress.org">WordPress</a> will be any better at handling SPAM or not, but I can dream <img src='http://www.steenhagen.us/~jake/blog/wp-images/smilies/icon_smile.gif' alt=':)' class='wp-smiley' /> . The design is still very much off the shelf, so I’ll have ot play with that in the months to come and, of course, I still have to learn about how to use this software. But I’m hoping that it will be much better than MoveableType was. In my brief playing while evaluating and setting it up, I think I like it better. MoveableType 3.0 may have been much better, but I didn’t wanna have to pay for it.</p> |
27 | <p>So, if you’re curious, read on to find out how I set it up. It really was quite simple. I first downloaded and installed WordPress using their <a href="http://wordpress.org/docs/installation/5-minute/">5 minute install guide</a>. After that, I followed the instructions for <a href="http://wordpress.org/docs/tutorials/import-mt/">importing from MoveableType</a>. The most difficult part was making sure my permalinks from MovableType (like the archives) still worked. To do that, I created an <tt>.htaccess</tt> file to leaverage <tt><a href="http://wordpress.org/docs/tutorials/import-mt/">mod_rewrite</a></tt>. It looks like this:</p> |
28 | <pre> |
29 | RewriteEngine on |
30 | RewriteRule ^archives/0*(\d+).html /~jake/blog/index.php?p=$1 |
31 | RewriteRule index.rdf /~jake/blog/index.php?feed=rdf |
32 | RewriteRule index.rdf /~jake/blog/index.php?feed=rss |
33 | RewriteRule index.xml /~jake/blog/index.php?feed=rss2 |
34 | </pre> |
35 | <p>So, we’ll have to see how well this really works for me, but at this point I’d have to say that I’ve already committed to it.</p> |
36 | ]]></content:encoded> |
37 | <wfw:commentRSS>http://www.steenhagen.us/~jake/blog/archives/63.html/feed/</wfw:commentRSS> |
38 | </item> |
39 | <item> |
40 | <title>Fedora Core 4… Not yet :(</title> |
41 | <link>http://www.steenhagen.us/~jake/blog/archives/62.html</link> |
42 | <comments>http://www.steenhagen.us/~jake/blog/archives/62.html#comments</comments> |
43 | <pubDate>Mon, 20 Jun 2005 17:02:23 +0000</pubDate> |
44 | <dc:creator>Jake</dc:creator> |
45 | |
46 | <category>Computers</category> |
47 | <guid>http://www.steenhagen.us/~jake/blog/archives/62.html</guid> |
48 | <description><![CDATA[ For reasons I don’t entirely understand, I have been unable to try out Fedora Core 4. I have downloaded it and successfully made the install disks and I can boot off disk one with no problem. The problem arises when I select which installation to upgrade. My setup isn’t entirely normal. I have two 120GB [...]]]></description> |
49 | <content:encoded><![CDATA[ <p class="first">For reasons I don’t entirely understand, I have been unable to try out <a href="http://fedora.redhat.com/docs/release-notes/fc4/">Fedora Core 4</a>. I have downloaded it and successfully made the install disks and I can boot off disk one with no problem. The problem arises when I select which installation to upgrade. My setup isn’t entirely normal. I have two 120GB disks running off an ATA100 controller (so they are NOT hda and hdb) that are mirrored using software mirroring. So my root device is /dev/md0. That shows up as an option and has Fedora Core 3 detected on it, but when I click next, I get a dialog that looks similar to:</p> |
50 | <pre> |
51 | +-----------------------------------------------------+ |
52 | | Duplicate Labels | |
53 | +-----------------------------------------------------+ |
54 | | | |
55 | | (*) Multiple devices on your system are labelled | |
56 | | | |
57 | | [ Reboot ] | |
58 | +-----------------------------------------------------+ |
59 | </pre> |
60 | <p>In the above ASCII art, <tt>(*)</tt> represents a symbol that looks like a critical fail icon.</p> |
61 | <p>What really confuses me about this dialog is that it doesn’t tell me what label is duplicated. I’m guessing this is some kind of bug because I have two physical disks that are identical in every way, but I’m not sure. I open <a href="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=160622">bug 160622</a> on Redhat’s Bugzilla, but it got closed telling me that my RAID disks can not be labelled and suggesting that I remove the label. As far as I can tell, I have no labels of any sort, so I think I’m gonna have to reopen this bug. I’ve been poking around on the ‘net trying to find a solution, but having no luck. So for the time being, I’m unable to use Fedora Core 4… unless, of course, I install it on another machine.</p> |
62 | ]]></content:encoded> |
63 | <wfw:commentRSS>http://www.steenhagen.us/~jake/blog/archives/62.html/feed/</wfw:commentRSS> |
64 | </item> |
65 | <item> |
66 | <title>MichiganGasPrices.com</title> |
67 | <link>http://www.steenhagen.us/~jake/blog/archives/61.html</link> |
68 | <comments>http://www.steenhagen.us/~jake/blog/archives/61.html#comments</comments> |
69 | <pubDate>Fri, 10 Jun 2005 16:23:30 +0000</pubDate> |
70 | <dc:creator>Jake</dc:creator> |
71 | |
72 | <category>Misc.</category> |
73 | <guid>http://www.steenhagen.us/~jake/blog/archives/61.html</guid> |
74 | <description><![CDATA[ A couple of days ago, I stumbled upon GasBuddy.com, a site with a bunch of links to other sites that use the same software to track gas prices nationwide. When I clicked on the link for Michigan, I saw listings for Grand Rapids, Lansing, and Detroit but pretty much overlooked the link to MichiganGasPrices.com at [...]]]></description> |
75 | <content:encoded><![CDATA[ <p class="first">A couple of days ago, I stumbled upon <a href="http://www.gasbuddy.com">GasBuddy.com</a>, a site with a bunch of links to other sites that use the same software to track gas prices nationwide. When I clicked on the link for <a href="http://www.gasbuddy.com/gb_region.asp?region=MI">Michigan</a>, I saw listings for Grand Rapids, Lansing, and Detroit but pretty much overlooked the link to <a href="http://www.michigangasprices.com">MichiganGasPrices.com</a> at the top. I was disappointed that there was no Muskegon listing and actually emailed GasBuddy.com to ask about it. They, very kindly, sent me back a link to the <a href="http://michigangasprices.com/index.aspx?s=Y&fuel=A&area=Muskegon&tme_limit=36">Muskegon section</a> of MichiganGasPrices.com. So now I can track area gas prices, assuming that people in the area help keep it updated… which at least some people do, seeing how there are prices listed. <acronym title="For What It's Worth">FWIW</acronym>, my user ID on that site is StarDestroyer.</p> |
76 | ]]></content:encoded> |
77 | <wfw:commentRSS>http://www.steenhagen.us/~jake/blog/archives/61.html/feed/</wfw:commentRSS> |
78 | </item> |
79 | <item> |
80 | <title>I’m a clonetrooper?</title> |
81 | <link>http://www.steenhagen.us/~jake/blog/archives/60.html</link> |
82 | <comments>http://www.steenhagen.us/~jake/blog/archives/60.html#comments</comments> |
83 | <pubDate>Fri, 03 Jun 2005 16:39:31 +0000</pubDate> |
84 | <dc:creator>Jake</dc:creator> |
85 | |
86 | <category>Personal</category> |
87 | <guid>http://www.steenhagen.us/~jake/blog/archives/60.html</guid> |
88 | <description><![CDATA[ |
89 | |
90 | |
91 | You scored as Clone Trooper. |
92 | |
93 | |
94 | |
95 | Clone Trooper |
96 | |
97 | |
98 | |
99 | |
100 | |
101 | |
102 | |
103 | |
104 | 72% |
105 | |
106 | |
107 | |
108 | R2-D2 |
109 | |
110 | |
111 | |
112 | |
113 | |
114 | |
115 | |
116 | |
117 | 67% |
118 | |
119 | |
120 | |
121 | Anakin Skywalker |
122 | |
123 | |
124 | |
125 | |
126 | |
127 | |
128 | |
129 | |
130 | 64% |
131 | |
132 | |
133 | |
134 | Darth Vader |
135 | |
136 | |
137 | |
138 | |
139 | |
140 | |
141 | |
142 | |
143 | 58% |
144 | |
145 | |
146 | |
147 | Obi Wan Kenobi |
148 | |
149 | |
150 | |
151 | |
152 | |
153 | |
154 | |
155 | |
156 | 58% |
157 | |
158 | |
159 | |
160 | General Grievous |
161 | |
162 | |
163 | |
164 | |
165 | |
166 | |
167 | |
168 | |
169 | 56% |
170 | |
171 | |
172 | |
173 | Yoda |
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175 | |
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177 | |
178 | |
179 | |
180 | |
181 | |
182 | 53% |
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184 | |
185 | |
186 | Mace Windu |
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188 | |
189 | |
190 | |
191 | |
192 | |
193 | |
194 | |
195 | 47% |
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197 | |
198 | |
199 | Chewbacca |
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201 | |
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204 | |
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206 | |
207 | |
208 | 42% |
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210 | |
211 | |
212 | C-3PO |
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217 | |
218 | |
219 | |
220 | |
221 | 39% |
222 | |
223 | |
224 | |
225 | Padme Amidala |
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227 | |
228 | |
229 | |
230 | |
231 | |
232 | |
233 | |
234 | 36% |
235 | |
236 | |
237 | |
238 | Emperor Palpatine |
239 | |
240 | |
241 | |
242 | |
243 | |
244 | |
245 | |
246 | |
247 | 33% |
248 | |
249 | |
250 | |
251 | |
252 | Which Revenge of the Sith Character are you?created with QuizFarm.com |
253 | ]]></description> |
254 | <content:encoded><![CDATA[ <table border='0' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0' width='600'> |
255 | <tr> |
256 | <td><img src='http://images.quizfarm.com/1115766142clonetrooper.JPG' alt='Clone Trooper' /></td> |
257 | <td> You scored as <b>Clone Trooper</b>. </p> |
258 | <table border='0' width='300' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'> |
259 | <tr> |
260 | <td> |
261 | <p><font face='Arial' size='1'>Clone Trooper</font></p> |
262 | </td> |
263 | <td> |
264 | <table border='1' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='72' bgcolor='#dddddd'> |
265 | <tr> |
266 | <td></td> |
267 | </tr> |
268 | </table> |
269 | </td> |
270 | <td><font face='Arial' size='1'>72%</font></td> |
271 | </tr> |
272 | <tr> |
273 | <td> |
274 | <p><font face='Arial' size='1'>R2-D2</font></p> |
275 | </td> |
276 | <td> |
277 | <table border='1' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='67' bgcolor='#dddddd'> |
278 | <tr> |
279 | <td></td> |
280 | </tr> |
281 | </table> |
282 | </td> |
283 | <td><font face='Arial' size='1'>67%</font></td> |
284 | </tr> |
285 | <tr> |
286 | <td> |
287 | <p><font face='Arial' size='1'>Anakin Skywalker</font></p> |
288 | </td> |
289 | <td> |
290 | <table border='1' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='64' bgcolor='#dddddd'> |
291 | <tr> |
292 | <td></td> |
293 | </tr> |
294 | </table> |
295 | </td> |
296 | <td><font face='Arial' size='1'>64%</font></td> |
297 | </tr> |
298 | <tr> |
299 | <td> |
300 | <p><font face='Arial' size='1'>Darth Vader</font></p> |
301 | </td> |
302 | <td> |
303 | <table border='1' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='58' bgcolor='#dddddd'> |
304 | <tr> |
305 | <td></td> |
306 | </tr> |
307 | </table> |
308 | </td> |
309 | <td><font face='Arial' size='1'>58%</font></td> |
310 | </tr> |
311 | <tr> |
312 | <td> |
313 | <p><font face='Arial' size='1'>Obi Wan Kenobi</font></p> |
314 | </td> |
315 | <td> |
316 | <table border='1' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='58' bgcolor='#dddddd'> |
317 | <tr> |
318 | <td></td> |
319 | </tr> |
320 | </table> |
321 | </td> |
322 | <td><font face='Arial' size='1'>58%</font></td> |
323 | </tr> |
324 | <tr> |
325 | <td> |
326 | <p><font face='Arial' size='1'>General Grievous</font></p> |
327 | </td> |
328 | <td> |
329 | <table border='1' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='56' bgcolor='#dddddd'> |
330 | <tr> |
331 | <td></td> |
332 | </tr> |
333 | </table> |
334 | </td> |
335 | <td><font face='Arial' size='1'>56%</font></td> |
336 | </tr> |
337 | <tr> |
338 | <td> |
339 | <p><font face='Arial' size='1'>Yoda</font></p> |
340 | </td> |
341 | <td> |
342 | <table border='1' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='53' bgcolor='#dddddd'> |
343 | <tr> |
344 | <td></td> |
345 | </tr> |
346 | </table> |
347 | </td> |
348 | <td><font face='Arial' size='1'>53%</font></td> |
349 | </tr> |
350 | <tr> |
351 | <td> |
352 | <p><font face='Arial' size='1'>Mace Windu</font></p> |
353 | </td> |
354 | <td> |
355 | <table border='1' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='47' bgcolor='#dddddd'> |
356 | <tr> |
357 | <td></td> |
358 | </tr> |
359 | </table> |
360 | </td> |
361 | <td><font face='Arial' size='1'>47%</font></td> |
362 | </tr> |
363 | <tr> |
364 | <td> |
365 | <p><font face='Arial' size='1'>Chewbacca</font></p> |
366 | </td> |
367 | <td> |
368 | <table border='1' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='42' bgcolor='#dddddd'> |
369 | <tr> |
370 | <td></td> |
371 | </tr> |
372 | </table> |
373 | </td> |
374 | <td><font face='Arial' size='1'>42%</font></td> |
375 | </tr> |
376 | <tr> |
377 | <td> |
378 | <p><font face='Arial' size='1'>C-3PO</font></p> |
379 | </td> |
380 | <td> |
381 | <table border='1' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='39' bgcolor='#dddddd'> |
382 | <tr> |
383 | <td></td> |
384 | </tr> |
385 | </table> |
386 | </td> |
387 | <td><font face='Arial' size='1'>39%</font></td> |
388 | </tr> |
389 | <tr> |
390 | <td> |
391 | <p><font face='Arial' size='1'>Padme Amidala</font></p> |
392 | </td> |
393 | <td> |
394 | <table border='1' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='36' bgcolor='#dddddd'> |
395 | <tr> |
396 | <td></td> |
397 | </tr> |
398 | </table> |
399 | </td> |
400 | <td><font face='Arial' size='1'>36%</font></td> |
401 | </tr> |
402 | <tr> |
403 | <td> |
404 | <p><font face='Arial' size='1'>Emperor Palpatine</font></p> |
405 | </td> |
406 | <td> |
407 | <table border='1' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='33' bgcolor='#dddddd'> |
408 | <tr> |
409 | <td></td> |
410 | </tr> |
411 | </table> |
412 | </td> |
413 | <td><font face='Arial' size='1'>33%</font></td> |
414 | </tr> |
415 | </td> |
416 | </tr> |
417 | </table> |
418 | <br /><a href='http://quizfarm.com/test.php?q_id=34136'>Which Revenge of the Sith Character are you?</a><br /><font face='Arial' size='1'>created with <a href='http://quizfarm.com'>QuizFarm.com</a></font></table> |
419 | ]]></content:encoded> |
420 | <wfw:commentRSS>http://www.steenhagen.us/~jake/blog/archives/60.html/feed/</wfw:commentRSS> |
421 | </item> |
422 | <item> |
423 | <title>More on Sprint Ringtones</title> |
424 | <link>http://www.steenhagen.us/~jake/blog/archives/59.html</link> |
425 | <comments>http://www.steenhagen.us/~jake/blog/archives/59.html#comments</comments> |
426 | <pubDate>Wed, 25 May 2005 14:58:17 +0000</pubDate> |
427 | <dc:creator>Jake</dc:creator> |
428 | |
429 | <category>Personal</category> |
430 | <guid>http://www.steenhagen.us/~jake/blog/archives/59.html</guid> |
431 | <description><![CDATA[ After making my previous post about Sprint ringtones, I made a ringtone for my fiancée from a song that she really liked. She had previously said that she was really looking forward to it becoming available and would use it as her ring as soon as it was. She was really appreaciative, but after a [...]]]></description> |
432 | <content:encoded><![CDATA[ <p class="first">After making my previous post about <a href="http://www.steenhagen.us/~jake/blog/archives/000057.html">Sprint ringtones</a>, I made a ringtone for my fiancée from a song that she really liked. She had previously said that she was really looking forward to it becoming available and would use it as her ring as soon as it was. She was really appreaciative, but after a couple weeks pointed out that it didn’t sound as good as the other ringtones on her phone. I thought that was weird, because I had listened to that ringtone and some of the ones I had downloaded from Sprint’s site on my phone and they all sounded about the same to me. My fiancée, being a Sprint employee, has a <a href="http://www1.sprintpcs.com/explore/PhonesAccessories/PhoneDetails.jsp?selectSkuId=sanyomm7400">fancier phone</a> than I do, so I listened to a couple of the other ringtones on her phone, and she was right… the one I made for her just didn’t sound as good. So I went back and did a little more research and discovered that the Sanyo MM 7400 supports <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mp4">MP4</a> ringtones, provided they have the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M4a">M4A</a> extention. So, I had to find a way to convert my <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WAV">WAV</a> file into an MP4 file. For that purpose, I used <a href="http://www.dbpoweramp.com/">dBpowerAMP</a>. So to make a long story short, she was really happy that I was able to produce a ringtone that sounds just as good as the ones she gets from the Sprint site and was just what she wanted.</p> |
433 | ]]></content:encoded> |
434 | <wfw:commentRSS>http://www.steenhagen.us/~jake/blog/archives/59.html/feed/</wfw:commentRSS> |
435 | </item> |
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