Make WordPress Core

Ticket #16416: 16416.RightNowBlocked.2.patch

File 16416.RightNowBlocked.2.patch, 884 bytes (added by SergeyBiryukov, 13 years ago)
  • wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php

    414414        }
    415415        echo '</p>';
    417         // Check if search engines are blocked.
     417        // Check if search engines are asked not to index this site.
    418418        if ( !is_network_admin() && !is_user_admin() && current_user_can('manage_options') && '1' != get_option('blog_public') ) {
    419419                $title = apply_filters('privacy_on_link_title', __('Your site is asking search engines not to index its content') );
    420                 $content = apply_filters('privacy_on_link_text', __('Search Engines Blocked') );
     420                $content = apply_filters('privacy_on_link_text', __('Search Engines are asked not to index this site') );
    422422                echo "<p><a href='options-privacy.php' title='$title'>$content</a></p>";
    423423        }