Make WordPress Core

Ticket #16638: 16638.patch

File 16638.patch, 9.8 KB (added by SergeyBiryukov, 14 years ago)
  • wp-includes/js/tinymce/langs/wp-langs-en.js

    126126desc:"Toggle fullscreen mode (Alt+Shift+G)"
    128 media:{
    129 desc:"Insert / edit embedded media",
    130 delta_width:"0",
    131 delta_height:"0",
    132 edit:"Edit embedded media"
    133 },
    135129desc:"Document properties"
    275269link_list:"Link list"
    278 tinyMCE.addI18n("en.media_dlg",{
    279 title:"Insert / edit embedded media",
    280 general:"General",
    281 advanced:"Advanced",
    282 file:"File/URL",
    283 list:"List",
    284 size:"Dimensions",
    285 preview:"Preview",
    286 constrain_proportions:"Constrain proportions",
    287 type:"Type",
    288 id:"Id",
    289 name:"Name",
    290 class_name:"Class",
    291 vspace:"V-Space",
    292 hspace:"H-Space",
    293 play:"Auto play",
    294 loop:"Loop",
    295 menu:"Show menu",
    296 quality:"Quality",
    297 scale:"Scale",
    298 align:"Align",
    299 salign:"SAlign",
    300 wmode:"WMode",
    301 bgcolor:"Background",
    302 base:"Base",
    303 flashvars:"Flashvars",
    304 liveconnect:"SWLiveConnect",
    305 autohref:"AutoHREF",
    306 cache:"Cache",
    307 hidden:"Hidden",
    308 controller:"Controller",
    309 kioskmode:"Kiosk mode",
    310 playeveryframe:"Play every frame",
    311 targetcache:"Target cache",
    312 correction:"No correction",
    313 enablejavascript:"Enable JavaScript",
    314 starttime:"Start time",
    315 endtime:"End time",
    316 href:"Href",
    317 qtsrcchokespeed:"Choke speed",
    318 target:"Target",
    319 volume:"Volume",
    320 autostart:"Auto start",
    321 enabled:"Enabled",
    322 fullscreen:"Fullscreen",
    323 invokeurls:"Invoke URLs",
    324 mute:"Mute",
    325 stretchtofit:"Stretch to fit",
    326 windowlessvideo:"Windowless video",
    327 balance:"Balance",
    328 baseurl:"Base URL",
    329 captioningid:"Captioning id",
    330 currentmarker:"Current marker",
    331 currentposition:"Current position",
    332 defaultframe:"Default frame",
    333 playcount:"Play count",
    334 rate:"Rate",
    335 uimode:"UI Mode",
    336 flash_options:"Flash options",
    337 qt_options:"Quicktime options",
    338 wmp_options:"Windows media player options",
    339 rmp_options:"Real media player options",
    340 shockwave_options:"Shockwave options",
    341 autogotourl:"Auto goto URL",
    342 center:"Center",
    343 imagestatus:"Image status",
    344 maintainaspect:"Maintain aspect",
    345 nojava:"No java",
    346 prefetch:"Prefetch",
    347 shuffle:"Shuffle",
    348 console:"Console",
    349 numloop:"Num loops",
    350 controls:"Controls",
    351 scriptcallbacks:"Script callbacks",
    352 swstretchstyle:"Stretch style",
    353 swstretchhalign:"Stretch H-Align",
    354 swstretchvalign:"Stretch V-Align",
    355 sound:"Sound",
    356 progress:"Progress",
    357 qtsrc:"QT Src",
    358 qt_stream_warn:"Streamed rtsp resources should be added to the QT Src field under the advanced tab.",
    359 align_top:"Top",
    360 align_right:"Right",
    361 align_bottom:"Bottom",
    362 align_left:"Left",
    363 align_center:"Center",
    364 align_top_left:"Top left",
    365 align_top_right:"Top right",
    366 align_bottom_left:"Bottom left",
    367 align_bottom_right:"Bottom right",
    368 flv_options:"Flash video options",
    369 flv_scalemode:"Scale mode",
    370 flv_buffer:"Buffer",
    371 flv_startimage:"Start image",
    372 flv_starttime:"Start time",
    373 flv_defaultvolume:"Default volume",
    374 flv_hiddengui:"Hidden GUI",
    375 flv_autostart:"Auto start",
    376 flv_loop:"Loop",
    377 flv_showscalemodes:"Show scale modes",
    378 flv_smoothvideo:"Smooth video",
    379 flv_jscallback:"JS Callback"
    380 });
    383273wp_adv_desc:"Show/Hide Kitchen Sink (Alt+Shift+Z)",
    384274wp_more_desc:"Insert More tag (Alt+Shift+T)",
  • wp-includes/js/tinymce/langs/wp-langs.php

    149149desc:"' . mce_escape( __('Toggle fullscreen mode') ) . ' (Alt+Shift+G)"
    151 media:{
    152 desc:"' . mce_escape( __('Insert / edit embedded media') ) . '",
    153 delta_width:"' . /* translators: Extra width for the media popup in pixels */ mce_escape( _x('0', 'media popup width') ) . '",
    154 delta_height:"' . /* translators: Extra height for the media popup in pixels */ mce_escape( _x('0', 'media popup height') ) . '",
    155 edit:"' . mce_escape( __('Edit embedded media') ) . '"
    156 },
    158152desc:"' . mce_escape( __('Document properties') ) . '"
    298292link_list:"' . mce_escape( __('Link list') ) . '"
    301 tinyMCE.addI18n("' . $language . '.media_dlg",{
    302 title:"' . mce_escape( __('Insert / edit embedded media') ) . '",
    303 general:"' . mce_escape( __('General') ) . '",
    304 advanced:"' . mce_escape( __('Advanced') ) . '",
    305 file:"' . mce_escape( __('File/URL') ) . '",
    306 list:"' . mce_escape( __('List') ) . '",
    307 size:"' . mce_escape( __('Dimensions') ) . '",
    308 preview:"' . mce_escape( __('Preview') ) . '",
    309 constrain_proportions:"' . mce_escape( __('Constrain proportions') ) . '",
    310 type:"' . mce_escape( __('Type') ) . '",
    311 id:"' . mce_escape( __('Id') ) . '",
    312 name:"' . mce_escape( __('Name') ) . '",
    313 class_name:"' . mce_escape( __('Class') ) . '",
    314 vspace:"' . mce_escape( __('V-Space') ) . '",
    315 hspace:"' . mce_escape( __('H-Space') ) . '",
    316 play:"' . mce_escape( __('Auto play') ) . '",
    317 loop:"' . mce_escape( __('Loop') ) . '",
    318 menu:"' . mce_escape( __('Show menu') ) . '",
    319 quality:"' . mce_escape( __('Quality') ) . '",
    320 scale:"' . mce_escape( __('Scale') ) . '",
    321 align:"' . mce_escape( __('Align') ) . '",
    322 salign:"' . mce_escape( __('SAlign') ) . '",
    323 wmode:"' . mce_escape( __('WMode') ) . '",
    324 bgcolor:"' . mce_escape( __('Background') ) . '",
    325 base:"' . mce_escape( __('Base') ) . '",
    326 flashvars:"' . mce_escape( __('Flashvars') ) . '",
    327 liveconnect:"' . mce_escape( __('SWLiveConnect') ) . '",
    328 autohref:"' . mce_escape( __('AutoHREF') ) . '",
    329 cache:"' . mce_escape( __('Cache') ) . '",
    330 hidden:"' . mce_escape( __('Hidden') ) . '",
    331 controller:"' . mce_escape( __('Controller') ) . '",
    332 kioskmode:"' . mce_escape( __('Kiosk mode') ) . '",
    333 playeveryframe:"' . mce_escape( __('Play every frame') ) . '",
    334 targetcache:"' . mce_escape( __('Target cache') ) . '",
    335 correction:"' . mce_escape( __('No correction') ) . '",
    336 enablejavascript:"' . mce_escape( __('Enable JavaScript') ) . '",
    337 starttime:"' . mce_escape( __('Start time') ) . '",
    338 endtime:"' . mce_escape( __('End time') ) . '",
    339 href:"' . mce_escape( __('href') ) . '",
    340 qtsrcchokespeed:"' . mce_escape( __('Choke speed') ) . '",
    341 target:"' . mce_escape( __('Target') ) . '",
    342 volume:"' . mce_escape( __('Volume') ) . '",
    343 autostart:"' . mce_escape( __('Auto start') ) . '",
    344 enabled:"' . mce_escape( __('Enabled') ) . '",
    345 fullscreen:"' . mce_escape( __('Fullscreen') ) . '",
    346 invokeurls:"' . mce_escape( __('Invoke URLs') ) . '",
    347 mute:"' . mce_escape( __('Mute') ) . '",
    348 stretchtofit:"' . mce_escape( __('Stretch to fit') ) . '",
    349 windowlessvideo:"' . mce_escape( __('Windowless video') ) . '",
    350 balance:"' . mce_escape( __('Balance') ) . '",
    351 baseurl:"' . mce_escape( __('Base URL') ) . '",
    352 captioningid:"' . mce_escape( __('Captioning id') ) . '",
    353 currentmarker:"' . mce_escape( __('Current marker') ) . '",
    354 currentposition:"' . mce_escape( __('Current position') ) . '",
    355 defaultframe:"' . mce_escape( __('Default frame') ) . '",
    356 playcount:"' . mce_escape( __('Play count') ) . '",
    357 rate:"' . mce_escape( __('Rate') ) . '",
    358 uimode:"' . mce_escape( __('UI Mode') ) . '",
    359 flash_options:"' . mce_escape( __('Flash options') ) . '",
    360 qt_options:"' . mce_escape( __('Quicktime options') ) . '",
    361 wmp_options:"' . mce_escape( __('Windows media player options') ) . '",
    362 rmp_options:"' . mce_escape( __('Real media player options') ) . '",
    363 shockwave_options:"' . mce_escape( __('Shockwave options') ) . '",
    364 autogotourl:"' . mce_escape( __('Auto goto URL') ) . '",
    365 center:"' . mce_escape( __('Center') ) . '",
    366 imagestatus:"' . mce_escape( __('Image status') ) . '",
    367 maintainaspect:"' . mce_escape( __('Maintain aspect') ) . '",
    368 nojava:"' . mce_escape( __('No java') ) . '",
    369 prefetch:"' . mce_escape( __('Prefetch') ) . '",
    370 shuffle:"' . mce_escape( __('Shuffle') ) . '",
    371 console:"' . mce_escape( __('Console') ) . '",
    372 numloop:"' . mce_escape( __('Num loops') ) . '",
    373 controls:"' . mce_escape( __('Controls') ) . '",
    374 scriptcallbacks:"' . mce_escape( __('Script callbacks') ) . '",
    375 swstretchstyle:"' . mce_escape( __('Stretch style') ) . '",
    376 swstretchhalign:"' . mce_escape( __('Stretch H-Align') ) . '",
    377 swstretchvalign:"' . mce_escape( __('Stretch V-Align') ) . '",
    378 sound:"' . mce_escape( __('Sound') ) . '",
    379 progress:"' . mce_escape( __('Progress') ) . '",
    380 qtsrc:"' . mce_escape( __('QT Src') ) . '",
    381 qt_stream_warn:"' . mce_escape( __('Streamed rtsp resources should be added to the QT Src field under the advanced tab.') ) . '",
    382 align_top:"' . mce_escape( __('Top') ) . '",
    383 align_right:"' . mce_escape( __('Right') ) . '",
    384 align_bottom:"' . mce_escape( __('Bottom') ) . '",
    385 align_left:"' . mce_escape( __('Left') ) . '",
    386 align_center:"' . mce_escape( __('Center') ) . '",
    387 align_top_left:"' . mce_escape( __('Top left') ) . '",
    388 align_top_right:"' . mce_escape( __('Top right') ) . '",
    389 align_bottom_left:"' . mce_escape( __('Bottom left') ) . '",
    390 align_bottom_right:"' . mce_escape( __('Bottom right') ) . '",
    391 flv_options:"' . mce_escape( __('Flash video options') ) . '",
    392 flv_scalemode:"' . mce_escape( __('Scale mode') ) . '",
    393 flv_buffer:"' . mce_escape( __('Buffer') ) . '",
    394 flv_startimage:"' . mce_escape( __('Start image') ) . '",
    395 flv_starttime:"' . mce_escape( __('Start time') ) . '",
    396 flv_defaultvolume:"' . mce_escape( __('Default volume') ) . '",
    397 flv_hiddengui:"' . mce_escape( __('Hidden GUI') ) . '",
    398 flv_autostart:"' . mce_escape( __('Auto start') ) . '",
    399 flv_loop:"' . mce_escape( __('Loop') ) . '",
    400 flv_showscalemodes:"' . mce_escape( __('Show scale modes') ) . '",
    401 flv_smoothvideo:"' . mce_escape( __('Smooth video') ) . '",
    402 flv_jscallback:"' . mce_escape( __('JS Callback') ) . '"
    403 });
    405295tinyMCE.addI18n("' . $language . '.wordpress",{
    406296wp_adv_desc:"' . mce_escape( __('Show/Hide Kitchen Sink') )  . ' (Alt+Shift+Z)",
    407297wp_more_desc:"' . mce_escape( __('Insert More Tag') ) . ' (Alt+Shift+T)",