Make WordPress Core

Ticket #17580: 17580.diff

File 17580.diff, 5.5 KB (added by mitchoyoshitaka, 13 years ago)
  • wp-admin/includes/media.php

    12951295                'extra_rows' => array(),
    12961296        );
    1298         if ( $send )
    1299                 $send = get_submit_button( __( 'Insert into Post' ), 'button', "send[$attachment_id]", false );
    1300         if ( $delete && current_user_can( 'delete_post', $attachment_id ) ) {
    1301                 if ( !EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS ) {
    1302                         $delete = "<a href='" . wp_nonce_url( "post.php?action=delete&amp;post=$attachment_id", 'delete-attachment_' . $attachment_id ) . "' id='del[$attachment_id]' class='delete'>" . __( 'Delete Permanently' ) . '</a>';
    1303                 } elseif ( !MEDIA_TRASH ) {
    1304                         $delete = "<a href='#' class='del-link' onclick=\"document.getElementById('del_attachment_$attachment_id').style.display='block';return false;\">" . __( 'Delete' ) . "</a>
    1305                          <div id='del_attachment_$attachment_id' class='del-attachment' style='display:none;'>" . sprintf( __( 'You are about to delete <strong>%s</strong>.' ), $filename ) . "
    1306                          <a href='" . wp_nonce_url( "post.php?action=delete&amp;post=$attachment_id", 'delete-attachment_' . $attachment_id ) . "' id='del[$attachment_id]' class='button'>" . __( 'Continue' ) . "</a>
    1307                          <a href='#' class='button' onclick=\"'none';return false;\">" . __( 'Cancel' ) . "</a>
    1308                          </div>";
    1309                 } else {
    1310                         $delete = "<a href='" . wp_nonce_url( "post.php?action=trash&amp;post=$attachment_id", 'trash-attachment_' . $attachment_id ) . "' id='del[$attachment_id]' class='delete'>" . __( 'Move to Trash' ) . "</a>
    1311                         <a href='" . wp_nonce_url( "post.php?action=untrash&amp;post=$attachment_id", 'untrash-attachment_' . $attachment_id ) . "' id='undo[$attachment_id]' class='undo hidden'>" . __( 'Undo' ) . "</a>";
     1298        if ( !isset( $form_fields['buttons'] ) ) {
     1300                $buttons = array();
     1302                if ( $send )
     1303                        $buttons['send'] = get_submit_button( __( 'Insert into Post' ), 'button', "send[$attachment_id]", false );
     1304                if ( $delete && current_user_can( 'delete_post', $attachment_id ) ) {
     1305                        if ( !EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS ) {
     1306                                $buttons['delete'] = "<a href='" . wp_nonce_url( "post.php?action=delete&amp;post=$attachment_id", 'delete-attachment_' . $attachment_id ) . "' id='del[$attachment_id]' class='delete'>" . __( 'Delete Permanently' ) . '</a>';
     1307                        } elseif ( !MEDIA_TRASH ) {
     1308                                $buttons['delete'] = "<a href='#' class='del-link' onclick=\"document.getElementById('del_attachment_$attachment_id').style.display='block';return false;\">" . __( 'Delete' ) . "</a>
     1309                                 <div id='del_attachment_$attachment_id' class='del-attachment' style='display:none;'>" . sprintf( __( 'You are about to delete <strong>%s</strong>.' ), $filename ) . "
     1310                                 <a href='" . wp_nonce_url( "post.php?action=delete&amp;post=$attachment_id", 'delete-attachment_' . $attachment_id ) . "' id='del[$attachment_id]' class='button'>" . __( 'Continue' ) . "</a>
     1311                                 <a href='#' class='button' onclick=\"'none';return false;\">" . __( 'Cancel' ) . "</a>
     1312                                 </div>";
     1313                        } else {
     1314                                $buttons['delete'] = "<a href='" . wp_nonce_url( "post.php?action=trash&amp;post=$attachment_id", 'trash-attachment_' . $attachment_id ) . "' id='del[$attachment_id]' class='delete'>" . __( 'Move to Trash' ) . "</a>
     1315                                <a href='" . wp_nonce_url( "post.php?action=untrash&amp;post=$attachment_id", 'untrash-attachment_' . $attachment_id ) . "' id='undo[$attachment_id]' class='undo hidden'>" . __( 'Undo' ) . "</a>";
     1316                        }
    13121317                }
    1313         } else {
    1314                 $delete = '';
     1319                if ( 'image' == $type ) {
     1320                        $calling_post_id = 0;
     1321                        if ( isset( $_GET['post_id'] ) )
     1322                                $calling_post_id = absint( $_GET['post_id'] );
     1323                        elseif ( isset( $_POST ) && count( $_POST ) ) // Like for async-upload where $_GET['post_id'] isn't set
     1324                                $calling_post_id = $post->post_parent;
     1325                        if ( $calling_post_id && current_theme_supports( 'post-thumbnails', get_post_type( $calling_post_id ) ) && get_post_thumbnail_id( $calling_post_id ) != $attachment_id ) {
     1326                                $ajax_nonce = wp_create_nonce( "set_post_thumbnail-$calling_post_id" );
     1327                                $buttons['thumbnail'] = "<a class='wp-post-thumbnail' id='wp-post-thumbnail-" . $attachment_id . "' href='#' onclick='WPSetAsThumbnail(\"$attachment_id\", \"$ajax_nonce\");return false;'>" . esc_html__( "Use as featured image" ) . "</a>";
     1328                        }
     1329                }
     1331                if ( count( $buttons ) )
     1332                        $form_fields['buttons'] = array( 'tr' => "\t\t<tr class='submit'><td></td><td class='savesend'>" .
     1333                                implode( ' ', apply_filters( 'media_item_buttons', $buttons ) ) .
     1334                                "</td></tr>\n" );
    13151335        }
    1317         $thumbnail = '';
    1318         $calling_post_id = 0;
    1319         if ( isset( $_GET['post_id'] ) )
    1320                 $calling_post_id = absint( $_GET['post_id'] );
    1321         elseif ( isset( $_POST ) && count( $_POST ) ) // Like for async-upload where $_GET['post_id'] isn't set
    1322                 $calling_post_id = $post->post_parent;
    1323         if ( 'image' == $type && $calling_post_id && current_theme_supports( 'post-thumbnails', get_post_type( $calling_post_id ) ) && get_post_thumbnail_id( $calling_post_id ) != $attachment_id ) {
    1324                 $ajax_nonce = wp_create_nonce( "set_post_thumbnail-$calling_post_id" );
    1325                 $thumbnail = "<a class='wp-post-thumbnail' id='wp-post-thumbnail-" . $attachment_id . "' href='#' onclick='WPSetAsThumbnail(\"$attachment_id\", \"$ajax_nonce\");return false;'>" . esc_html__( "Use as featured image" ) . "</a>";
    1326         }
    1328         if ( ( $send || $thumbnail || $delete ) && !isset( $form_fields['buttons'] ) )
    1329                 $form_fields['buttons'] = array( 'tr' => "\t\t<tr class='submit'><td></td><td class='savesend'>$send $thumbnail $delete</td></tr>\n" );
    13311337        $hidden_fields = array();
    13331339        foreach ( $form_fields as $id => $field ) {