1 | diff -r installer/wordpress-3.3/wp-admin/network/settings.php /var/www/saytlar/blogo/wp-admin/network/settings.php |
2 | 68c68 |
3 | < if ( ! preg_match( '/(--|\.\.)/', $domain ) && preg_match( '|^([a-zA-Z0-9-\.])+$|', $domain ) ) |
4 | --- |
5 | > if ( ! preg_match( '/(\.\.)/', $domain ) && preg_match( '|^([a-zA-Z0-9-\.])+$|', $domain ) ) |
6 | 81c81 |
7 | < if ( ! preg_match( '/(--|\.\.)/', $domain ) && preg_match( '|^([a-zA-Z0-9-\.])+$|', $domain ) ) |
8 | --- |
9 | > if ( ! preg_match( '/(\.\.)/', $domain ) && preg_match( '|^([a-zA-Z0-9-\.])+$|', $domain ) ) |
10 | diff -r installer/wordpress-3.3/wp-admin/network/site-new.php /var/www/saytlar/blogo/wp-admin/network/site-new.php |
11 | 130c130 |
12 | < echo '<p>' . __( 'Only the characters a-z and 0-9 recommended.' ) . '</p>'; |
13 | --- |
14 | > echo '<p>' . __( 'Only letters, digits and dashes are recommended.' ) . '</p>'; |
15 | |
16 | diff -r installer/wordpress-3.3/wp-includes/ms-functions.php /var/www/saytlar/blogo/wp-includes/ms-functions.php |
17 | 566c566 |
18 | < if ( preg_match( '/[^a-z0-9]+/', $blogname ) ) |
19 | --- |
20 | > if ( preg_match( '/[^a-z0-9-]+/', $blogname ) ) |
21 | |
22 | diff -r installer/wordpress-3.3/wp-signup.php /var/www/saytlar/blogo/wp-signup.php |
23 | 76c76 |
24 | < echo '<input name="blogname" type="text" id="blogname" value="'.esc_attr($blogname).'" maxlength="60" /><span class="suffix_address">.' . ( $site_domain = preg_replace( '|^www\.|', '', $current_site->domain ) ) . '</span><br />'; |
25 | --- |
26 | > echo '<input name="blogname" type="text" id="blogname" value="'.idn_to_unicode(esc_attr($blogname)).'" maxlength="60" /><span class="suffix_address">.' . ( $site_domain = idn_to_unicode( preg_replace( '|^www\.|', '', $current_site->domain ) ) ) . '</span><br />'; |
27 | 130c130 |
28 | < _e( '(Must be at least 4 characters, letters and numbers only.)' ); |
29 | --- |
30 | > _e( '(Must be at least 4 characters, latin letters and numbers only.)' ); |
31 | 376a377 |
32 | > $_POST['blogname']=idn_to_ascii($_POST['blogname']); |