Make WordPress Core

Ticket #2018: wp-db-backup.php.diff

File wp-db-backup.php.diff, 1.0 KB (added by filosofo, 19 years ago)
  • wp-db-backup.php

    780780                echo '<label style="display:block;"><input type="radio" name="deliver" value="none" /> ' . __('Save to server') . " ({$this->backup_dir})</label>";
    781781                echo '<label style="display:block;"><input type="radio" checked="checked" name="deliver" value="http" /> ' . __('Download to your computer') . '</label>';
    782782                echo '<div><input type="radio" name="deliver" id="do_email" value="smtp" /> ';
    783                 echo '<label for="do_email">'.__('Email backup to:').'</label><input type="text" name="backup_recipient" size="20" value="' . get_settings('admin_email') . '" />');
     783                echo '<label for="do_email">'.__('Email backup to:').'</label><input type="text" name="backup_recipient" size="20" value="' . get_settings('admin_email') . '" />';
    785785                // Check DB dize.
    786786                $table_status = $wpdb->get_results("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM " . $this->backquote(DB_NAME));