Make WordPress Core

Ticket #20342: 20342.diff

File 20342.diff, 795 bytes (added by cmmarslender, 11 years ago)

Unit Test

  • tests/phpunit/tests/formatting/WPTexturize.php

    194194                $this->assertEquals( ' — ', wptexturize( ' -- ' ) );
    195195                $this->assertEquals( ' — ', wptexturize( ' -- ') );
    196196        }
     198        /**
     199         * @ticket 20342
     200         */
     201        function test_quotes_after_emdash() {
     202                $this->assertEquals( '<p>I also remember the line in &#8220;Casey at the Bat&#8221; when he struck out&#8212;&#8220;There is no Joy in Mudville!!!&#8221;</p>', wptexturize( '<p>I also remember the line in "Casey at the Bat" when he struck out---"There is no Joy in Mudville!!!"</p>' ) );
     203        }