Ticket #21546: site-settings.diff
File site-settings.diff, 21.5 KB (added by , 12 years ago) |
973 973 if ( ! $blog_id = insert_blog($domain, $path, $site_id) ) 974 974 return new WP_Error('insert_blog', __('Could not create site.')); 975 975 976 switch_to_blog( $blog_id);977 install_blog( $blog_id, $title);978 wp_install_defaults( $user_id);976 switch_to_blog( $blog_id ); 977 install_blog( $blog_id, $title ); 978 wp_install_defaults( $user_id ); 979 979 980 add_user_to_blog( $blog_id, $user_id, 'administrator');980 add_user_to_blog( $blog_id, $user_id, 'administrator' ); 981 981 982 if ( is_array( $meta) ) foreach ($meta as $key => $value) {983 if ( $key == 'public' || $key == 'archived' || $key == 'mature' || $key == 'spam' || $key == 'deleted' || $key == 'lang_id')982 if ( is_array( $meta ) ) foreach ( $meta as $key => $value ) { 983 if ( in_array( $key, array( 'public', 'archived', 'mature', 'spam', 'deleted', 'lang_id' ) ) ) 984 984 update_blog_status( $blog_id, $key, $value ); 985 985 else 986 986 update_option( $key, $value ); 987 987 } 988 988 989 add_option( 'WPLANG', get_site_option( 'WPLANG' ) ); 990 update_option( 'blog_public', (int)$meta['public'] ); 989 update_option( 'blog_public', (int) $meta['public'] ); 991 990 992 991 if ( ! is_super_admin( $user_id ) && ! get_user_meta( $user_id, 'primary_blog', true ) ) 993 992 update_user_meta( $user_id, 'primary_blog', $blog_id ); … … 1128 1127 * @param int $blog_id The value returned by insert_blog(). 1129 1128 * @param string $blog_title The title of the new site. 1130 1129 */ 1131 function install_blog( $blog_id, $blog_title = '') {1130 function install_blog( $blog_id, $blog_title = '') { 1132 1131 global $wpdb, $table_prefix, $wp_roles; 1133 1132 $wpdb->suppress_errors(); 1134 1133 … … 1142 1141 1143 1142 $wpdb->suppress_errors(false); 1144 1143 1145 $url = get_blogaddress_by_id($blog_id);1146 1147 1144 // Set everything up 1148 1145 make_db_current_silent( 'blog' ); 1149 1146 populate_options(); 1150 1147 populate_roles(); 1151 1148 $wp_roles->_init(); 1152 1149 1153 $url = untrailingslashit( $url ); 1154 // fix url. 1155 update_option('siteurl', $url); 1156 update_option('home', $url); 1157 update_option('fileupload_url', $url . "/files" ); 1158 update_option('upload_path', UPLOADBLOGSDIR . "/$blog_id/files"); 1159 update_option('blogname', stripslashes( $blog_title ) ); 1160 update_option('admin_email', ''); 1161 $wpdb->update( $wpdb->options, array('option_value' => ''), array('option_name' => 'admin_email') ); 1162 1150 update_option( 'blogname', stripslashes( $blog_title ) ); 1151 1163 1152 // remove all perms 1164 1153 $wpdb->delete( $wpdb->usermeta, array( 'meta_key' => $table_prefix.'user_level' ) ); 1165 1154 -
44 44 populate_options(); 45 45 populate_roles(); 46 46 47 update_option( 'blogname', $blog_title);48 update_option( 'admin_email', $user_email);49 update_option( 'blog_public', $public);47 update_option( 'blogname', $blog_title ); 48 update_option( 'admin_email', $user_email ); 49 update_option( 'blog_public', $public ); 50 50 51 51 $guessurl = wp_guess_url(); 52 52 53 update_option( 'siteurl', $guessurl);53 update_option( 'siteurl', $guessurl ); 54 54 55 55 // If not a public blog, don't ping. 56 56 if ( ! $public ) -
323 323 * @uses $wp_db_version 324 324 */ 325 325 function populate_options() { 326 global $wpdb , $wp_db_version, $current_site, $wp_current_db_version;326 global $wpdb; 327 327 328 $guessurl = wp_guess_url();329 330 do_action('populate_options');331 332 if ( ini_get('safe_mode') ) {333 // Safe mode can break mkdir() so use a flat structure by default.334 $uploads_use_yearmonth_folders = 0;335 } else {336 $uploads_use_yearmonth_folders = 1;337 }338 339 $template = WP_DEFAULT_THEME;340 // If default theme is a child theme, we need to get its template341 $theme = wp_get_theme( $template );342 if ( ! $theme->errors() )343 $template = $theme->get_template();344 345 $timezone_string = '';346 $gmt_offset = 0;347 /* translators: default GMT offset or timezone string. Must be either a valid offset (-12 to 14)348 or a valid timezone string (America/New_York). See http://us3.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php349 for all timezone strings supported by PHP.350 */351 $offset_or_tz = _x( '0', 'default GMT offset or timezone string' );352 if ( is_numeric( $offset_or_tz ) )353 $gmt_offset = $offset_or_tz;354 elseif ( $offset_or_tz && in_array( $offset_or_tz, timezone_identifiers_list() ) )355 $timezone_string = $offset_or_tz;356 357 $options = array(358 'siteurl' => $guessurl,359 'blogname' => __('My Site'),360 /* translators: blog tagline */361 'blogdescription' => __('Just another WordPress site'),362 'users_can_register' => 0,363 'admin_email' => 'you@example.com',364 /* translators: default start of the week. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday */365 'start_of_week' => _x( '1', 'start of week' ),366 'use_balanceTags' => 0,367 'use_smilies' => 1,368 'require_name_email' => 1,369 'comments_notify' => 1,370 'posts_per_rss' => 10,371 'rss_use_excerpt' => 0,372 'mailserver_url' => 'mail.example.com',373 'mailserver_login' => 'login@example.com',374 'mailserver_pass' => 'password',375 'mailserver_port' => 110,376 'default_category' => 1,377 'default_comment_status' => 'open',378 'default_ping_status' => 'open',379 'default_pingback_flag' => 1,380 'default_post_edit_rows' => 20,381 'posts_per_page' => 10,382 /* translators: default date format, see http://php.net/date */383 'date_format' => __('F j, Y'),384 /* translators: default time format, see http://php.net/date */385 'time_format' => __('g:i a'),386 /* translators: links last updated date format, see http://php.net/date */387 'links_updated_date_format' => __('F j, Y g:i a'),388 'links_recently_updated_prepend' => '<em>',389 'links_recently_updated_append' => '</em>',390 'links_recently_updated_time' => 120,391 'comment_moderation' => 0,392 'moderation_notify' => 1,393 'permalink_structure' => '',394 'gzipcompression' => 0,395 'hack_file' => 0,396 'blog_charset' => 'UTF-8',397 'moderation_keys' => '',398 'active_plugins' => array(),399 'home' => $guessurl,400 'category_base' => '',401 'ping_sites' => 'http://rpc.pingomatic.com/',402 'advanced_edit' => 0,403 'comment_max_links' => 2,404 'gmt_offset' => $gmt_offset,405 406 // 1.5407 'default_email_category' => 1,408 'recently_edited' => '',409 'template' => $template,410 'stylesheet' => WP_DEFAULT_THEME,411 'comment_whitelist' => 1,412 'blacklist_keys' => '',413 'comment_registration' => 0,414 'html_type' => 'text/html',415 416 // 1.5.1417 'use_trackback' => 0,418 419 // 2.0420 'default_role' => 'subscriber',421 'db_version' => $wp_db_version,422 423 // 2.0.1424 'uploads_use_yearmonth_folders' => $uploads_use_yearmonth_folders,425 'upload_path' => '',426 427 // 2.1428 'blog_public' => '1',429 'default_link_category' => 2,430 'show_on_front' => 'posts',431 432 // 2.2433 'tag_base' => '',434 435 // 2.5436 'show_avatars' => '1',437 'avatar_rating' => 'G',438 'upload_url_path' => '',439 'thumbnail_size_w' => 150,440 'thumbnail_size_h' => 150,441 'thumbnail_crop' => 1,442 'medium_size_w' => 300,443 'medium_size_h' => 300,444 445 // 2.6446 'avatar_default' => 'mystery',447 'enable_app' => 0,448 'enable_xmlrpc' => 0,449 450 // 2.7451 'large_size_w' => 1024,452 'large_size_h' => 1024,453 'image_default_link_type' => 'file',454 'image_default_size' => '',455 'image_default_align' => '',456 'close_comments_for_old_posts' => 0,457 'close_comments_days_old' => 14,458 'thread_comments' => 1,459 'thread_comments_depth' => 5,460 'page_comments' => 0,461 'comments_per_page' => 50,462 'default_comments_page' => 'newest',463 'comment_order' => 'asc',464 'sticky_posts' => array(),465 'widget_categories' => array(),466 'widget_text' => array(),467 'widget_rss' => array(),468 'uninstall_plugins' => array(),469 470 // 2.8471 'timezone_string' => $timezone_string,472 473 // 2.9474 'embed_autourls' => 1,475 'embed_size_w' => '',476 'embed_size_h' => 600,477 478 // 3.0479 'page_for_posts' => 0,480 'page_on_front' => 0,481 482 // 3.1483 'default_post_format' => 0,484 );485 486 // 3.3487 if ( ! is_multisite() ) {488 $options['initial_db_version'] = ! empty( $wp_current_db_version ) && $wp_current_db_version < $wp_db_version489 ? $wp_current_db_version : $wp_db_version;490 }491 492 // 3.0 multisite493 if ( is_multisite() ) {494 /* translators: blog tagline */495 $options[ 'blogdescription' ] = sprintf(__('Just another %s site'), $current_site->site_name );496 $options[ 'permalink_structure' ] = '/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/';497 }498 499 328 // Set autoload to no for these options 500 329 $fat_options = array( 'moderation_keys', 'recently_edited', 'blacklist_keys', 'uninstall_plugins' ); 501 330 502 $existing_options = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT option_name FROM $wpdb->options");331 $existing_options = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT option_name FROM $wpdb->options" ); 503 332 504 333 $insert = ''; 505 foreach ( $optionsas $option => $value ) {506 if ( in_array( $option, $existing_options) )334 foreach ( ms_default_options() as $option => $value ) { 335 if ( in_array( $option, $existing_options ) ) 507 336 continue; 508 if ( in_array($option, $fat_options) ) 509 $autoload = 'no'; 510 else 511 $autoload = 'yes'; 337 338 $autoload = in_array( $option, ms_fat_options() ) ? 'no' : 'yes'; 512 339 513 $option = $wpdb->escape( $option);514 if ( is_array( $value) )515 $value = serialize( $value);516 $value = $wpdb->escape( $value);517 if ( ! empty($insert) )340 $option = $wpdb->escape( $option ); 341 if ( is_array( $value ) ) 342 $value = serialize( $value ); 343 $value = $wpdb->escape( $value ); 344 if ( ! empty( $insert ) ) 518 345 $insert .= ', '; 519 346 $insert .= "('$option', '$value', '$autoload')"; 520 347 } 521 348 522 if ( ! empty($insert) )523 $wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO $wpdb->options (option_name, option_value, autoload) VALUES " . $insert);349 if ( ! empty( $insert ) ) 350 $wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO $wpdb->options (option_name, option_value, autoload) VALUES " . $insert ); 524 351 525 352 // in case it is set, but blank, update "home" 526 if ( !__get_option('home') ) update_option('home', $guessurl); 353 if ( ! __get_option( 'home' ) ) 354 update_option( 'home', wp_guess_url() ); 527 355 528 356 // Delete unused options 529 $unusedoptions = array ( 'blodotgsping_url', 'bodyterminator', 'emailtestonly', 'phoneemail_separator', 'smilies_directory', 'subjectprefix', 'use_bbcode', 'use_blodotgsping', 'use_phoneemail', 'use_quicktags', 'use_weblogsping', 'weblogs_cache_file', 'use_preview', 'use_htmltrans', 'smilies_directory', 'fileupload_allowedusers', 'use_phoneemail', 'default_post_status', 'default_post_category', 'archive_mode', 'time_difference', 'links_minadminlevel', 'links_use_adminlevels', 'links_rating_type', 'links_rating_char', 'links_rating_ignore_zero', 'links_rating_single_image', 'links_rating_image0', 'links_rating_image1', 'links_rating_image2', 'links_rating_image3', 'links_rating_image4', 'links_rating_image5', 'links_rating_image6', 'links_rating_image7', 'links_rating_image8', 'links_rating_image9', 'weblogs_cacheminutes', 'comment_allowed_tags', 'search_engine_friendly_urls', 'default_geourl_lat', 'default_geourl_lon', 'use_default_geourl', 'weblogs_xml_url', 'new_users_can_blog', '_wpnonce', '_wp_http_referer', 'Update', 'action', 'rich_editing', 'autosave_interval', 'deactivated_plugins', 'can_compress_scripts', 'page_uris', 'update_core', 'update_plugins', 'update_themes', 'doing_cron', 'random_seed', 'rss_excerpt_length', 'secret', 'use_linksupdate', 'default_comment_status_page', 'wporg_popular_tags', 'what_to_show', 'rss_language');357 $unusedoptions = array ( 'blodotgsping_url', 'bodyterminator', 'emailtestonly', 'phoneemail_separator', 'smilies_directory', 'subjectprefix', 'use_bbcode', 'use_blodotgsping', 'use_phoneemail', 'use_quicktags', 'use_weblogsping', 'weblogs_cache_file', 'use_preview', 'use_htmltrans', 'smilies_directory', 'fileupload_allowedusers', 'use_phoneemail', 'default_post_status', 'default_post_category', 'archive_mode', 'time_difference', 'links_minadminlevel', 'links_use_adminlevels', 'links_rating_type', 'links_rating_char', 'links_rating_ignore_zero', 'links_rating_single_image', 'links_rating_image0', 'links_rating_image1', 'links_rating_image2', 'links_rating_image3', 'links_rating_image4', 'links_rating_image5', 'links_rating_image6', 'links_rating_image7', 'links_rating_image8', 'links_rating_image9', 'weblogs_cacheminutes', 'comment_allowed_tags', 'search_engine_friendly_urls', 'default_geourl_lat', 'default_geourl_lon', 'use_default_geourl', 'weblogs_xml_url', 'new_users_can_blog', '_wpnonce', '_wp_http_referer', 'Update', 'action', 'rich_editing', 'autosave_interval', 'deactivated_plugins', 'can_compress_scripts', 'page_uris', 'update_core', 'update_plugins', 'update_themes', 'doing_cron', 'random_seed', 'rss_excerpt_length', 'secret', 'use_linksupdate', 'default_comment_status_page', 'wporg_popular_tags', 'what_to_show', 'rss_language', 'language' ); 530 358 foreach ( $unusedoptions as $option ) 531 delete_option( $option);359 delete_option( $option ); 532 360 533 361 // delete obsolete magpie stuff 534 $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name REGEXP '^rss_[0-9a-f]{32}(_ts)?$'"); 362 $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name REGEXP '^rss_[0-9a-f]{32}(_ts)?$'" ); 363 364 $url = untrailingslashit( get_blogaddress_by_id( $wpdb->blogid ) ); 365 // fix url. 366 update_option( 'siteurl', $url ); 367 update_option( 'home', $url ); 368 update_option( 'fileupload_url', $url . "/files" ); 369 update_option( 'upload_path', UPLOADBLOGSDIR . "/$blog_id/files" ); 370 update_option( 'admin_email', '' ); 371 // no, really, empty this value 372 $wpdb->update( $wpdb->options, array( 'option_value' => '' ), array( 'option_name' => 'admin_email' ) ); 535 373 } 536 374 537 375 /** -
803 803 $count = get_blog_count(); 804 804 return apply_filters( 'wp_is_large_network', $count > 10000, 'sites', $count ); 805 805 } 806 807 /** 808 * Return all of the default options for a multisite blog 809 * 810 * @global int $wp_db_version 811 * @global object $current_site 812 * @global int $wp_current_db_version 813 * @return array filtered options map 814 */ 815 function ms_default_options() { 816 global $wp_db_version, $current_site, $wp_current_db_version; 817 818 $guessurl = wp_guess_url(); 819 820 do_action( 'populate_options' ); 821 822 if ( ini_get('safe_mode') ) { 823 // Safe mode can break mkdir() so use a flat structure by default. 824 $uploads_use_yearmonth_folders = 0; 825 } else { 826 $uploads_use_yearmonth_folders = 1; 827 } 828 829 $template = WP_DEFAULT_THEME; 830 // If default theme is a child theme, we need to get its template 831 $theme = wp_get_theme( $template ); 832 if ( ! $theme->errors() ) 833 $template = $theme->get_template(); 834 835 $timezone_string = ''; 836 $gmt_offset = 0; 837 /* translators: default GMT offset or timezone string. Must be either a valid offset (-12 to 14) 838 or a valid timezone string (America/New_York). See http://us3.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php 839 for all timezone strings supported by PHP. 840 */ 841 $offset_or_tz = _x( '0', 'default GMT offset or timezone string' ); 842 if ( is_numeric( $offset_or_tz ) ) 843 $gmt_offset = $offset_or_tz; 844 elseif ( $offset_or_tz && in_array( $offset_or_tz, timezone_identifiers_list() ) ) 845 $timezone_string = $offset_or_tz; 846 847 $options = array( 848 'siteurl' => $guessurl, 849 'blogname' => __('My Site'), 850 /* translators: blog tagline */ 851 'blogdescription' => __('Just another WordPress site'), 852 'users_can_register' => 0, 853 'admin_email' => 'you@example.com', 854 /* translators: default start of the week. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday */ 855 'start_of_week' => _x( '1', 'start of week' ), 856 'use_balanceTags' => 0, 857 'use_smilies' => 1, 858 'require_name_email' => 1, 859 'comments_notify' => 1, 860 'posts_per_rss' => 10, 861 'rss_use_excerpt' => 0, 862 'mailserver_url' => 'mail.example.com', 863 'mailserver_login' => 'login@example.com', 864 'mailserver_pass' => 'password', 865 'mailserver_port' => 110, 866 'default_category' => 1, 867 'default_comment_status' => 'open', 868 'default_ping_status' => 'open', 869 'default_pingback_flag' => 1, 870 'default_post_edit_rows' => 20, 871 'posts_per_page' => 10, 872 /* translators: default date format, see http://php.net/date */ 873 'date_format' => __('F j, Y'), 874 /* translators: default time format, see http://php.net/date */ 875 'time_format' => __('g:i a'), 876 /* translators: links last updated date format, see http://php.net/date */ 877 'links_updated_date_format' => __('F j, Y g:i a'), 878 'links_recently_updated_prepend' => '<em>', 879 'links_recently_updated_append' => '</em>', 880 'links_recently_updated_time' => 120, 881 'comment_moderation' => 0, 882 'moderation_notify' => 1, 883 'permalink_structure' => '', 884 'gzipcompression' => 0, 885 'hack_file' => 0, 886 'blog_charset' => 'UTF-8', 887 'moderation_keys' => '', 888 'active_plugins' => array(), 889 'home' => $guessurl, 890 'category_base' => '', 891 'ping_sites' => 'http://rpc.pingomatic.com/', 892 'advanced_edit' => 0, 893 'comment_max_links' => 2, 894 'gmt_offset' => $gmt_offset, 895 896 // 1.5 897 'default_email_category' => 1, 898 'recently_edited' => '', 899 'template' => $template, 900 'stylesheet' => WP_DEFAULT_THEME, 901 'comment_whitelist' => 1, 902 'blacklist_keys' => '', 903 'comment_registration' => 0, 904 'html_type' => 'text/html', 905 906 // 1.5.1 907 'use_trackback' => 0, 908 909 // 2.0 910 'default_role' => 'subscriber', 911 'db_version' => $wp_db_version, 912 913 // 2.0.1 914 'uploads_use_yearmonth_folders' => $uploads_use_yearmonth_folders, 915 'upload_path' => '', 916 917 // 2.1 918 'blog_public' => '1', 919 'default_link_category' => 2, 920 'show_on_front' => 'posts', 921 922 // 2.2 923 'tag_base' => '', 924 925 // 2.5 926 'show_avatars' => '1', 927 'avatar_rating' => 'G', 928 'upload_url_path' => '', 929 'thumbnail_size_w' => 150, 930 'thumbnail_size_h' => 150, 931 'thumbnail_crop' => 1, 932 'medium_size_w' => 300, 933 'medium_size_h' => 300, 934 935 // 2.6 936 'avatar_default' => 'mystery', 937 'enable_app' => 0, 938 'enable_xmlrpc' => 0, 939 940 // 2.7 941 'large_size_w' => 1024, 942 'large_size_h' => 1024, 943 'image_default_link_type' => 'file', 944 'image_default_size' => '', 945 'image_default_align' => '', 946 'close_comments_for_old_posts' => 0, 947 'close_comments_days_old' => 14, 948 'thread_comments' => 1, 949 'thread_comments_depth' => 5, 950 'page_comments' => 0, 951 'comments_per_page' => 50, 952 'default_comments_page' => 'newest', 953 'comment_order' => 'asc', 954 'sticky_posts' => array(), 955 'widget_categories' => array(), 956 'widget_text' => array(), 957 'widget_rss' => array(), 958 'uninstall_plugins' => array(), 959 960 // 2.8 961 'timezone_string' => $timezone_string, 962 963 // 2.9 964 'embed_autourls' => 1, 965 'embed_size_w' => '', 966 'embed_size_h' => 600, 967 968 // 3.0 969 'page_for_posts' => 0, 970 'page_on_front' => 0, 971 972 // 3.1 973 'default_post_format' => 0, 974 ); 975 976 // 3.3 977 if ( ! is_multisite() ) { 978 $options['initial_db_version'] = ( ! empty( $wp_current_db_version ) && $wp_current_db_version < $wp_db_version ) 979 ? $wp_current_db_version : $wp_db_version; 980 } 981 982 // 3.0 multisite 983 if ( is_multisite() ) { 984 /* translators: blog tagline */ 985 $options[ 'blogdescription' ] = sprintf( __( 'Just another %s site' ), $current_site->site_name ); 986 $options[ 'permalink_structure' ] = '/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/'; 987 $options[ 'WPLANG' ] = get_site_option( 'WPLANG' ); 988 } 989 990 return apply_filters( 'network_default_options', $options ); 991 } 992 993 /** 994 * Returns a list of Multisite options that aren't autoloaded 995 * 996 * @return array filtered option names 997 */ 998 function ms_fat_options() { 999 $option_names = array( 'moderation_keys', 'recently_edited', 'blacklist_keys', 'uninstall_plugins' ); 1000 return apply_filters( 'network_fat_options', $option_names ); 1001 } 1002 No newline at end of file -
113 113 <table class="form-table"> 114 114 <?php 115 115 $blog_prefix = $wpdb->get_blog_prefix( $id ); 116 117 $default_options = ms_default_options(); 116 118 $options = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM {$blog_prefix}options WHERE option_name NOT LIKE '\_%' AND option_name NOT LIKE '%user_roles'" ); 119 117 120 foreach ( $options as $option ) { 118 if ( $option->option_name == 'default_role' ) 121 if ( isset( $default_options[$option->option_name] ) ) 122 unset( $default_options[$option->option_name] ); 123 } 124 125 if ( ! empty( $default_options ) ) { 126 foreach ( $default_options as $name => $value ) { 127 $_option = new stdClass(); 128 $_option->option_name = $name; 129 $_option->option_value = $value; 130 $_option->autoload = in_array( $name, ms_fat_options() ) ? 'no' : 'yes'; 131 $options[] = $_option; 132 } 133 } 134 135 foreach ( $options as $option ) { 136 if ( 'default_role' === $option->option_name ) 119 137 $editblog_default_role = $option->option_value; 138 120 139 $disabled = false; 121 140 $class = 'all-options'; 141 122 142 if ( is_serialized( $option->option_value ) ) { 123 143 if ( is_serialized_string( $option->option_value ) ) { 124 144 $option->option_value = esc_html( maybe_unserialize( $option->option_value ), 'single' ); … … 128 148 $class = 'all-options disabled'; 129 149 } 130 150 } 151 131 152 if ( strpos( $option->option_value, "\n" ) !== false ) { 132 153 ?> 133 154 <tr class="form-field"> -
87 87 } else { 88 88 $whitelist_options['general'][] = 'new_admin_email'; 89 89 $whitelist_options['general'][] = 'WPLANG'; 90 $whitelist_options['general'][] = 'language';91 90 92 91 if ( apply_filters( 'enable_post_by_email_configuration', true ) ) 93 92 $whitelist_options['writing'] = array_merge($whitelist_options['writing'], $mail_options);