Make WordPress Core

Ticket #21834: comment_meta.patch

File comment_meta.patch, 6.3 KB (added by mattoperry, 12 years ago)
  • wp-includes/comment.php

    20222022        return $open;
     2027 * Prints the html for the comment meta box
     2028 *
     2029 * @uses get_comment_history() to get comment meta
     2030 * @param  Object $comment WP comment object
     2031 * @return void
     2032 */
     2035// Comment History
     2039 * Add a history entry to a comment with a messaged tailored to the event being recorded.
     2040 *
     2041 * @global object $current_user the current logged in user, if any
     2042 * @param int $comment_id the id of the comment to add a history entry
     2043 * @param string $status optional comment status string
     2044 * @return type
     2045 */
     2046function _wp_update_comment_history( $comment_id, $status = '' ) {
     2048        global $current_user;
     2050        // some hooks pass in the comment object, not just the id
     2051        // in those cases we get the id from the object
     2052        if( is_object( $comment_id ) )
     2053                $comment_id = $comment_id->comment_ID;
     2055        $action = current_filter();                             // what action happened that we will log as an event in the comment's history?
     2056        $current_user_login = 'anonymous user'; // what is the name of this user for the comment's history? 'anonymous user' by default.
     2057        $message = '';                                                  // what message should we log in the comment's history?
     2059        // no action or no comment id then we can't log history and must stop
     2060        if( ! $action || ! $comment_id )
     2061                return;
     2063        // get the current logged in user's login name for the history message
     2064        if ( is_object($current_user) && isset($current_user->user_login) )
     2065                $current_user_login = $current_user->user_login;
     2067        // create a custom message for the comment history based on the action ( the hook )
     2068        if( 'edit_comment' === $action )
     2069                $message = sprintf( __( "edited by %s" ), $current_user_login );
     2070        elseif( 'trashed_comment' === $action )
     2071                $message = sprintf( __( "trashed by %s" ), $current_user_login );
     2072        elseif( 'untrashed_comment' === $action )
     2073                $message = sprintf( __( "untrashed by %s" ), $current_user_login );
     2074        elseif( 'comment_unapproved_to_approved' === $action )
     2075                $message = sprintf( __( "%s approved this comment" ), $current_user_login );
     2076        elseif( 'comment_approved_to_unapproved' === $action )
     2077                $message = sprintf( __( "%s unapproved this comment" ), $current_user_login );
     2078        elseif( 'spammed_comment' === $action )
     2079                $message = sprintf( __( "%s marked this comment as spam" ), $current_user_login );
     2080        elseif( 'unspammed_comment' === $action )
     2081                $message = sprintf( __( "%s marked this comment as ham" ), $current_user_login );
     2082        else
     2083                $message = sprintf( __( "%s by %s" ), str_replace( '_', ' ', $action ), $current_user_login ); // default message is based on the hook name
     2085        // insert the history message into comment meta and return result
     2087        $r = false;
     2089        if( $message ) {
     2090                $entry = array(
     2091                        'time' => time(),
     2092                        'message' => $message,
     2093                        'event' => $action,
     2094                        'user' => $current_user_login,
     2095                );
     2097                $r = add_comment_meta( $comment_id, '_wp_history', $entry, false );
     2098        }
     2100        return $r;
     2104 * Comment history events:
     2105 * Use comment-related hooks call to _wp_update_comment_history in order to log the comment event.
     2106 * Add additional actions here, along with corresponding support in _wp_update_comment_history to log in the comment history
     2107 */
     2108add_action( 'edit_comment', '_wp_update_comment_history', 10 );
     2109add_action( 'trashed_comment', '_wp_update_comment_history', 10 );
     2110add_action( 'untrashed_comment', '_wp_update_comment_history', 10 );
     2111add_action( 'comment_unapproved_to_approved', '_wp_update_comment_history', 10 );
     2112add_action( 'comment_approved_to_unapproved', '_wp_update_comment_history', 10 );
     2113add_action( 'spammed_comment', '_wp_update_comment_history', 10 );
     2114add_action( 'unspammed_comment', '_wp_update_comment_history', 10 );
     2118 * Get the comment history for a given comment id, as an array.
     2119 * Allows filtering of the history array for custom reordering or editing of history
     2120 *
     2121 * @param int $comment_id Comment ID
     2122 * @return array Associative array of a comment's history. Keys are time, message, event, and user.
     2123 */
     2124function get_comment_history( $comment_id ) {
     2125        $history = get_comment_meta( $comment_id, '_wp_history', false );
     2126        return apply_filters('get_comment_history', $history, $comment_id );
     2131 * Sort the comment history in reverse chronological order.
     2132 *
     2133 * @uses _sort_comment_history_reverse_chronological() to sort the history entries in reverse chronological order
     2134 * @param Array $history array of history entries
     2135 * @return Array sorted array of history events
     2136 */
     2137function sort_comment_history( $history ){
     2138        usort( $history, '_sort_comment_history_reverse_chronological' );
     2139        return $history;
     2141add_filter( 'get_comment_history', 'sort_comment_history', 1, 1 );
     2144 * Used with usort() to sort comment history entries in reverse chronological order
     2145 *
     2146 * @access private
     2147 *
     2148 * @param  array $a History entry for a comment
     2149 * @param  array $b Another history entry for the same comment
     2150 * @return int    -1 if history entry a is older than history entry b, 1 otherwise
     2151 */
     2152function _sort_comment_history_reverse_chronological( $a, $b ) {
     2153        return $a['time'] > $b['time'] ? -1 : 1;
     2158 * Adds the comment history meta box to comment pages in the admin interface
     2159 * @return void
     2160 */
     2161function add_comment_history_meta_box(){
     2162        add_meta_box( 'comment-history', __('Comment History'), 'comment_history_meta_box_html', 'comment', 'normal' );
     2165function comment_history_meta_box_html( $comment ) {
     2166        $history = get_comment_history( $comment->comment_ID );
     2168        echo '<div class="comment-history" style="margin: 13px;">';
     2170        if ( $history ) {
     2172                foreach ( $history as $row ) {
     2173                        $time           = date( 'D d M Y @ h:i:m a', (int) $row['time'] ) . ' GMT';
     2174                        $human_time = sprintf( __('%s ago'), human_time_diff( $row['time'] ) );
     2175                        $message        = esc_html( $row['message'] );
     2177                        printf( '<div style="margin-bottom: 13px;"><span style="color: #999;" alt="%1$s" title="%1$s">%2$s</span> - %3$s</div>',
     2178                                        $time,
     2179                                        $human_time,
     2180                                        $message
     2181                                        );
     2182                }
     2184        } else {
     2186                echo '<em>'. __('There is no history for this comment.') . '</em>';
     2188        }
     2190        echo '</div> <!-- .comment-history -->';
     2193add_action( 'admin_init', 'add_comment_history_meta_box' );