Make WordPress Core

Ticket #24061: 24061.2.diff

File 24061.2.diff, 2.2 KB (added by jeremyfelt, 12 years ago)
  • src/wp-includes/ms-load.php

    6363 * Dies with a default message if the blog does not pass the check.
    6464 *
    6565 * To change the default message when a blog does not pass the check,
    66  * use the wp-content/blog-deleted.php, blog-inactive.php and
    67  * blog-suspended.php drop-ins.
     66 * use the wp-content/blog-deleted.php, blog-inactive.php, blog-spam.php,
     67 * blog-archived.php and blog-suspended.php drop-ins.
    6868 *
    6969 * @return bool|string Returns true on success, or drop-in file to include.
    7070 */
    9797        }
    9999        if ( $blog->archived == '1' || $blog->spam == '1' ) {
    100                 if ( file_exists( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/blog-suspended.php' ) )
     100                if ( $blog->spam == '1' && file_exists( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/blog-spam.php' ) )
     101                        return WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/blog-spam.php';
     102                else if ( $blog->archived == '1' && file_exists( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/blog-archived.php' ) )
     103                        return WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/blog-archived.php';
     104                else if ( file_exists( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/blog-suspended.php' ) )
    101105                        return WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/blog-suspended.php';
    102106                else
    103107                        wp_die( __( 'This site has been archived or suspended.' ), '', array( 'response' => 410 ) );
  • src/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php

    417417                $dropins['sunrise.php'       ] = array( __( 'Executed before Multisite is loaded.' ), 'SUNRISE' ); // SUNRISE
    418418                $dropins['blog-deleted.php'  ] = array( __( 'Custom site deleted message.'   ), true ); // auto on deleted blog
    419419                $dropins['blog-inactive.php' ] = array( __( 'Custom site inactive message.'  ), true ); // auto on inactive blog
     420                $dropins['blog-spam.php'     ] = array( __( 'Custom site spam message.' ), true ); // auto on spammed blog
     421                $dropins['blog-archived.php' ] = array( __( 'Custom site archived message.' ), true ); // auto on archived blog
    420422                $dropins['blog-suspended.php'] = array( __( 'Custom site suspended message.' ), true ); // auto on archived or spammed blog
    421423        }