186 | | <p><?php _e('When pasting content from another web page the results can be inconsistent and depend on your browser and on the web page you are pasting from. The editor tries to correct any invalid HTML code that was pasted, but for best results try using the Text tab or one of the paste buttons that are on the second row. Alternatively try pasting paragraph by paragraph. In most browsers to select one paragraph at a time, triple-click on it.'); ?></p> |
187 | | <p><?php _e('Pasting content from another application, like Word or Excel, is best done with the Paste from Word button on the second row, or in Text mode.'); ?></p> |
| 186 | <p><?php _e('When pasting content from another web page the results can be inconsistent and depend on your browser and on the web page you are pasting from. The editor tries to correct any invalid HTML code that was pasted, but for best results try using the Text tab or the "Paste as text" button on the second row. Alternatively try pasting paragraph by paragraph. In most browsers to select one paragraph at a time, triple-click on it.'); ?></p> |
| 187 | <p><?php _e('Pasting content from another application, like Word or Excel, is best done with the "Paste as text" button on the second row, or in Text mode.'); ?></p> |