Ticket #24302: 24302.diff
File 24302.diff, 6.1 KB (added by , 12 years ago) |
1074 1074 * * While the default settings of exclude_from_search, publicly_queryable, show_ui, and show_in_nav_menus are 1075 1075 * inherited from public, each does not rely on this relationship and controls a very specific intention. 1076 1076 * - exclude_from_search - Whether to exclude posts with this post type from front end search results. 1077 * * If not set, the theopposite of public's current value is used.1077 * * If not set, the opposite of public's current value is used. 1078 1078 * - publicly_queryable - Whether queries can be performed on the front end for the post type as part of parse_request(). 1079 1079 * * ?post_type={post_type_key} 1080 1080 * * ?{post_type_key}={single_post_slug} -
87 87 /** 88 88 * The directory name of the theme's files, inside the theme root. 89 89 * 90 * In the case of a child theme, this is directory name of the thechild theme.90 * In the case of a child theme, this is directory name of the child theme. 91 91 * Otherwise, 'stylesheet' is the same as 'template'. 92 92 * 93 93 * @access private … … 720 720 /** 721 721 * The directory name of the theme's "stylesheet" files, inside the theme root. 722 722 * 723 * In the case of a child theme, this is directory name of the thechild theme.723 * In the case of a child theme, this is directory name of the child theme. 724 724 * Otherwise, get_stylesheet() is the same as get_template(). 725 725 * 726 726 * @since 3.4.0 -
827 827 } 828 828 829 829 /** 830 * Set the thedefault timeout for fetching remote feeds830 * Set the default timeout for fetching remote feeds 831 831 * 832 832 * This allows you to change the maximum time the feed's server to respond 833 833 * and send the feed back. … … 3116 3116 } 3117 3117 } 3118 3118 } 3119 endif; 3120 No newline at end of file 3119 endif; -
2743 2743 * search engines from caching the message. Custom DB messages should do the 2744 2744 * same. 2745 2745 * 2746 * This function was backported to the theWordPress 2.3.2, but originally was2746 * This function was backported to the WordPress 2.3.2, but originally was 2747 2747 * added in WordPress 2.5.0. 2748 2748 * 2749 2749 * @since 2.3.2 -
1913 1913 * 1914 1914 * @since 1.2.0 1915 1915 * 1916 * @uses get_option() to retrieve the thevalue of 'gmt_offset'.1916 * @uses get_option() to retrieve the value of 'gmt_offset'. 1917 1917 * @param string $string The date to be converted. 1918 1918 * @param string $format The format string for the returned date (default is Y-m-d H:i:s) 1919 1919 * @return string GMT version of the date provided. … … 3390 3390 */ 3391 3391 function wp_unslash( $value ) { 3392 3392 return stripslashes_deep( $value ); 3393 } 3394 No newline at end of file 3393 } -
391 391 foreach ( (array) $val as $enc ) { 392 392 $enclosure = explode("\n", $enc); 393 393 394 //only get the thefirst element eg, audio/mpeg from 'audio/mpeg mpga mp2 mp3'394 //only get the first element eg, audio/mpeg from 'audio/mpeg mpga mp2 mp3' 395 395 $t = preg_split('/[ \t]/', trim($enclosure[2]) ); 396 396 $type = $t[0]; 397 397 -
438 438 case 'array': 439 439 /* 440 440 * As per JSON spec if any array key is not an integer 441 * we must treat the thewhole array as an object. We441 * we must treat the whole array as an object. We 442 442 * also try to catch a sparsely populated associative 443 443 * array with numeric keys here because some JS engines 444 444 * will create an array with empty indexes up to … … 447 447 * otherwise. 448 448 * 449 449 * As per the ECMA and JSON specification an object may 450 * have any string as a property. Unfortunately due to451 * a hole in the ECMA specification if the key is a450 * have any string as a property. Unfortunately, due to 451 * a hole in the ECMA specification, if the key is a 452 452 * ECMA reserved word or starts with a digit the 453 453 * parameter is only accessible using ECMAScript's 454 454 * bracket notation. … … 933 933 934 934 } 935 935 936 endif; 937 No newline at end of file 936 endif; -
58 58 59 59 /** 60 60 * Show the widgets and their settings for a sidebar. 61 * Used in the theadmin widget config screen.61 * Used in the admin widget config screen. 62 62 * 63 63 * @since 2.5.0 64 64 * -
621 621 }, true ); 622 622 }, 623 623 624 // go the theprevious revision624 // go the previous revision 625 625 previousRevision: function() { 626 626 if ( Diff.rightDiff > 1 ) // unless at left boundry 627 627 Diff.rightDiff = Diff.rightDiff - 1 ;