Ticket #24736: 24736.4.patch
File 24736.4.patch, 2.8 KB (added by , 12 years ago) |
452 452 render: function() { 453 453 wp.Backbone.View.prototype.render.apply( this, arguments ); 454 454 455 $('html').css( 'overflow-y', 'scroll' ); 455 456 $('#wpbody-content .wrap').append( this.el ); 456 457 this.updateCompareTwoMode(); 457 458 this.renderDiff( this.model.diff() ); … … 532 533 tickCount = this.model.revisions.length - 1; 533 534 tickWidth = 1 / tickCount; 534 535 535 _(tickCount).times( function(){ this.$el.append( '<div></div>' ); }, this ); 536 _(tickCount - 1).times( function(){ this.$el.append( '<div></div>' ); }, this ); 537 536 538 this.$('div').css( 'width', ( 100 * tickWidth ) + '%' ); 537 539 } 538 540 }); -
3500 3500 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3501 3501 11.2 - Post Revisions 3502 3502 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 3503 body.revision-php {3504 overflow-y: scroll; /* Force a scrollbar, so centering doesn't jump */3505 }3506 3507 3503 .revisions-control-frame, 3508 3504 .revisions-diff-frame { 3509 3505 position: relative; … … 3522 3518 3523 3519 .revisions-tickmarks { 3524 3520 position: relative; 3525 margin: 0 auto 0;3521 margin: 0 auto; 3526 3522 height: 0.8em; 3527 3523 z-index: 2; 3528 3524 top: 7px; 3529 3525 width: 70%; 3530 3526 -moz-box-sizing: border-box; 3531 3527 -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; 3532 -ms-box-sizing: border-box; /* ie8 only */3533 3528 box-sizing: border-box; 3534 3529 } 3535 3530 … … 3539 3534 float: left; 3540 3535 z-index: 10002; 3541 3536 border-style: solid; 3542 border-width: 0 0 0 1px;3537 border-width: 0 1px 0 0; 3543 3538 -moz-box-sizing: border-box; 3544 3539 -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; 3545 -ms-box-sizing: border-box; /* ie8 only */3546 3540 box-sizing: border-box; 3547 3541 } 3548 3542 3549 .revisions-tickmarks > div:first- of-type{3543 .revisions-tickmarks > div:first-child { 3550 3544 border-left-width: 0; 3551 3545 } 3552 3546 … … 3559 3553 text-align: center; 3560 3554 vertical-align: middle; 3561 3555 opacity: 0; 3556 filter: alpha(opacity=0); 3562 3557 margin: 0 auto; 3563 3558 width: 100%; 3564 3559 height: 32px; … … 3569 3564 -ms-transition: opacity 0.5s; 3570 3565 -o-transition: opacity 0.5s; 3571 3566 transition: opacity 0.5s; 3567 filter: alpha(opacity=0); /* ie8 and earlier */ 3572 3568 } 3573 3569 3574 3570 .revisions.loading .loading-indicator { 3575 3571 opacity: 1; 3572 filter: alpha(opacity=100); /* ie8 and earlier */ 3576 3573 } 3577 3574 3578 3575 .revisions .diff { … … 3585 3582 3586 3583 .revisions.loading .diff { 3587 3584 opacity: 0.5; 3585 filter: alpha(opacity=50); /* ie8 and earlier */ 3588 3586 } 3589 3587 3590 3588 .revisions-meta { … … 3612 3610 3613 3611 .wp-slider { 3614 3612 width: 70%; 3615 margin: 0 auto 0;3613 margin: 0 auto; 3616 3614 top: -3px; 3617 3615 } 3618 3616