Make WordPress Core

Ticket #26879: 26879.diff

File 26879.diff, 13.0 KB (added by nacin, 11 years ago)
  • src/wp-admin/css/install.css

    6060        border: 0;
    6161        font-variant: normal;
    6364#logo {
    6465        margin: 6px 0 14px 0;
    6566        border-bottom: none;
    175176        font-size: 18px;
    178 #error-page {
     179body.error-page {
    179180        margin-top: 50px;
    182 #error-page p {
     183body.error-page p {
    183184        font-size: 14px;
    184185        line-height: 18px;
    185186        margin: 25px 0 20px;
    188 #error-page code, .code {
    189         font-family: Consolas, Monaco, monospace;
    190 }
    192189#pass-strength-result {
    193190        background-color: #eee;
    194191        border-color: #ddd !important;
  • src/wp-admin/setup-config.php

    112112                setup_config_display_header();
    115 <p><?php _e( 'Welcome to WordPress. Before getting started, we need some information on the database. You will need to know the following items before proceeding.' ) ?></p>
     115<p><?php _e( "OK! We need some information about your database." )?></p>
     116<p><?php _e( "This information is available through your web host. If you don't have it, you'll need to get in touch with them. Here's what you need:" ) ?></p>
    117118        <li><?php _e( 'Database name' ); ?></li>
    118119        <li><?php _e( 'Database username' ); ?></li>
    119120        <li><?php _e( 'Database password' ); ?></li>
    120121        <li><?php _e( 'Database host' ); ?></li>
    121         <li><?php _e( 'Table prefix (if you want to run more than one WordPress in a single database)' ); ?></li>
    123 <p><strong><?php _e( "If for any reason this automatic file creation doesn&#8217;t work, don&#8217;t worry. All this does is fill in the database information to a configuration file. You may also simply open <code>wp-config-sample.php</code> in a text editor, fill in your information, and save it as <code>wp-config.php</code>." ); ?></strong></p>
    124 <p><?php _e( "In all likelihood, these items were supplied to you by your Web Host. If you do not have this information, then you will need to contact them before you can continue. If you&#8217;re all ready&hellip;" ); ?></p>
     123<p><?php _e( "Once you fill in this information, WordPress will create a configuration file called <code>wp-config.php</code>. This connects WordPress with your database, where your content and settings will be stored. Need more help? Check out our <a href=''>documentation</a>." ); ?></p>
     124<p><?php _e( "If you&#8217;re all ready&hellip;" ); ?></p>
    126 <p class="step"><a href="setup-config.php?step=1<?php if ( isset( $_GET['noapi'] ) ) echo '&amp;noapi'; ?>" class="button button-large"><?php _e( 'Let&#8217;s go!' ); ?></a></p>
     126<p class="step"><a href="setup-config.php?step=1<?php if ( isset( $_GET['noapi'] ) ) echo '&amp;noapi'; ?>" class="button button-large"><?php _e( 'Let&#8217;s Go!' ); ?></a></p>
    128128        break;
    131131                setup_config_display_header();
    132132        ?>
    133133<form method="post" action="setup-config.php?step=2">
    134         <p><?php _e( "Below you should enter your database connection details. If you&#8217;re not sure about these, contact your host." ); ?></p>
     134        <p><?php _e( "Below you should enter your MySQL database connection details. If you&#8217;re not sure about these, contact your host." ); ?></p>
    135135        <table class="form-table">
    136136                <tr>
    137137                        <th scope="row"><label for="dbname"><?php _e( 'Database Name' ); ?></label></th>
    138138                        <td><input name="dbname" id="dbname" type="text" size="25" value="wordpress" /></td>
    139                         <td><?php _e( 'The name of the database you want to run WP in.' ); ?></td>
     139                        <td><?php _e( 'The name of the database you want to use with WordPress.' ); ?></td>
    140140                </tr>
    141141                <tr>
    142142                        <th scope="row"><label for="uname"><?php _e( 'User Name' ); ?></label></th>
    143143                        <td><input name="uname" id="uname" type="text" size="25" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( _x( 'username', 'example username' ), ENT_QUOTES ); ?>" /></td>
    144                         <td><?php _e( 'Your MySQL username' ); ?></td>
     144                        <td><?php _e( 'Your database username.' ); ?></td>
    145145                </tr>
    146146                <tr>
    147147                        <th scope="row"><label for="pwd"><?php _e( 'Password' ); ?></label></th>
    148148                        <td><input name="pwd" id="pwd" type="text" size="25" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( _x( 'password', 'example password' ), ENT_QUOTES ); ?>" /></td>
    149                         <td><?php _e( '&hellip;and your MySQL password.' ); ?></td>
     149                        <td><?php _e( 'Your database password.' ); ?></td>
    150150                </tr>
    151151                <tr>
    152152                        <th scope="row"><label for="dbhost"><?php _e( 'Database Host' ); ?></label></th>
    169169        foreach ( array( 'dbname', 'uname', 'pwd', 'dbhost', 'prefix' ) as $key )
    170170                $$key = trim( wp_unslash( $_POST[ $key ] ) );
    172         $tryagain_link = '</p><p class="step"><a href="setup-config.php?step=1" onclick="javascript:history.go(-1);return false;" class="button button-large">' . __( 'Try again' ) . '</a>';
     172        $tryagain_link = '</p><p class="step"><a href="setup-config.php?step=1" onclick="javascript:history.go(-1);return false;" class="button button-large">' . __( 'Try Again' ) . '</a>';
    174         if ( empty( $prefix ) )
    175                 wp_die( __( '<strong>ERROR</strong>: "Table Prefix" must not be empty.' . $tryagain_link ) );
     174        // Validate $prefix: it must not be empty
     175        if ( empty( $prefix ) ) {
     176                $die .= '<p style="text-align: center;">' . __( "Oops, the Table Prefix field can't be empty. Please go back and try again." ) . '</p>';
     177                $die .= '<p style="text-align: center;">' . __( "Need more help? Check out our <a href=''>documentation</a>." ) . '</p>';
     178                $die .= ( __( $tryagain_link ) );
     179                wp_die( $die );
     180        }
    177182        // Validate $prefix: it can only contain letters, numbers and underscores.
    178         if ( preg_match( '|[^a-z0-9_]|i', $prefix ) )
    179                 wp_die( __( '<strong>ERROR</strong>: "Table Prefix" can only contain numbers, letters, and underscores.' . $tryagain_link ) );
     183        if ( preg_match( '|[^a-z0-9_]|i', $prefix ) ) {
     184                $die .= '<p style="text-align: center;">' . __( "Oops, the Table Prefix field can only contain numbers, letters, and underscores. Please go back and try again. ") . '</p>';
     185                $die .= '<p style="text-align: center;">' . __( "Need more help? Check out our <a href=''>documentation</a>." ) . '</p>';
     186                $die .= ( __( $tryagain_link ) );
     187                wp_die( $die );
     188        }
    181190        // Test the db connection.
    182191        /**#@+
    260269                setup_config_display_header();
    262271<p><?php _e( "Sorry, but I can&#8217;t write the <code>wp-config.php</code> file." ); ?></p>
    263 <p><?php _e( 'You can create the <code>wp-config.php</code> manually and paste the following text into it.' ); ?></p>
     272<p><?php _e( 'To continue, manually create a file named <code>wp-config.php</code> in the root directory where the rest of your WordPress files are located and copy and paste the following text into the file:' ); ?></p>
    264273<textarea id="wp-config" cols="98" rows="15" class="code" readonly="readonly"><?php
    265274                foreach( $config_file as $line ) {
    266275                        echo htmlentities($line, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
  • src/wp-includes/functions.php

    21592159                        $message = "<ul>\n\t\t<li>" . join( "</li>\n\t\t<li>", $errors ) . "</li>\n\t</ul>";
    21602160                        break;
    21612161                endswitch;
    2162         } elseif ( is_string( $message ) ) {
     2162        } elseif ( is_string( $message ) && empty( $r['raw'] ) ) {
    21632163                $message = "<p>$message</p>";
    21642164        }
    21832183                        $text_direction = 'rtl';
    21842184                elseif ( function_exists( 'is_rtl' ) && is_rtl() )
    21852185                        $text_direction = 'rtl';
     2187                $site_url = wp_guess_url();
     2189                $classes = 'wp-core-ui';
     2190                if ( ! empty( $r['error'] ) ) {
     2191                        $classes .= ' error-page';
     2192                }
     2193                if ( 'rtl' === $text_direction ) {
     2194                        $classes .= ' rtl';
     2195                }
    21872197<!DOCTYPE html>
    21882198<!-- Ticket #11289, IE bug fix: always pad the error page with enough characters such that it is greater than 512 bytes, even after gzip compression abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz11223344556677889900abacbcbdcdcededfefegfgfhghgihihjijikjkjlklkmlmlnmnmononpopoqpqprqrqsrsrtstsubcbcdcdedefefgfabcadefbghicjkldmnoepqrfstugvwxhyz1i234j567k890laabmbccnddeoeffpgghqhiirjjksklltmmnunoovppqwqrrxsstytuuzvvw0wxx1yyz2z113223434455666777889890091abc2def3ghi4jkl5mno6pqr7stu8vwx9yz11aab2bcc3dd4ee5ff6gg7hh8ii9j0jk1kl2lmm3nnoo4p5pq6qrr7ss8tt9uuvv0wwx1x2yyzz13aba4cbcb5dcdc6dedfef8egf9gfh0ghg1ihi2hji3jik4jkj5lkl6kml7mln8mnm9ono
    21922202        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    21932203        <title><?php echo $title ?></title>
    2194         <style type="text/css">
    2195                 html {
    2196                         background: #eee;
    2197                 }
    2198                 body {
    2199                         background: #fff;
    2200                         color: #333;
    2201                         font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif;
    2202                         margin: 2em auto;
    2203                         padding: 1em 2em;
    2204                         max-width: 700px;
    2205                         -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.13);
    2206                         box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.13);
    2207                 }
    2208                 h1 {
    2209                         border-bottom: 1px solid #dadada;
    2210                         clear: both;
    2211                         color: #666;
    2212                         font: 24px "Open Sans", sans-serif;
    2213                         margin: 30px 0 0 0;
    2214                         padding: 0;
    2215                         padding-bottom: 7px;
    2216                 }
    2217                 #error-page {
    2218                         margin-top: 50px;
    2219                 }
    2220                 #error-page p {
    2221                         font-size: 14px;
    2222                         line-height: 1.5;
    2223                         margin: 25px 0 20px;
    2224                 }
    2225                 #error-page code {
    2226                         font-family: Consolas, Monaco, monospace;
    2227                 }
    2228                 ul li {
    2229                         margin-bottom: 10px;
    2230                         font-size: 14px ;
    2231                 }
    2232                 a {
    2233                         color: #21759B;
    2234                         text-decoration: none;
    2235                 }
    2236                 a:hover {
    2237                         color: #D54E21;
    2238                 }
    2239                 .button {
    2240                         background: #f7f7f7;
    2241                         border: 1px solid #cccccc;
    2242                         color: #555;
    2243                         display: inline-block;
    2244                         text-decoration: none;
    2245                         font-size: 13px;
    2246                         line-height: 26px;
    2247                         height: 28px;
    2248                         margin: 0;
    2249                         padding: 0 10px 1px;
    2250                         cursor: pointer;
    2251                         -webkit-border-radius: 3px;
    2252                         -webkit-appearance: none;
    2253                         border-radius: 3px;
    2254                         white-space: nowrap;
    2255                         -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
    2256                         -moz-box-sizing:    border-box;
    2257                         box-sizing:         border-box;
    2259                         -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 #fff, 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.08);
    2260                         box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 #fff, 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.08);
    2261                         vertical-align: top;
    2262                 }
    2264                 .button.button-large {
    2265                         height: 29px;
    2266                         line-height: 28px;
    2267                         padding: 0 12px;
    2268                 }
    2270                 .button:hover,
    2271                 .button:focus {
    2272                         background: #fafafa;
    2273                         border-color: #999;
    2274                         color: #222;
    2275                 }
    2277                 .button:focus  {
    2278                         -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.2);
    2279                         box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.2);
    2280                 }
    2282                 .button:active {
    2283                         background: #eee;
    2284                         border-color: #999;
    2285                         color: #333;
    2286                         -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 2px 5px -3px rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.5 );
    2287                         box-shadow: inset 0 2px 5px -3px rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.5 );
    2288                 }
    2290                 <?php if ( 'rtl' == $text_direction ) : ?>
    2291                 body { font-family: Tahoma, Arial; }
    2292                 <?php endif; ?>
    2293         </style>
     2204        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $site_url; ?>/wp-admin/css/install.css?ver=20140309" />
     2205        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $site_url; ?>/wp-includes/css/buttons.css?ver=20140309" />
    2295 <body id="error-page">
     2207<body class="<?php echo $classes; ?>">
    22962208<?php endif; // ! did_action( 'admin_head' ) ?>
    22972209        <?php echo $message; ?>
  • src/wp-load.php

    5353        $path = wp_guess_url() . '/wp-admin/setup-config.php';
    5555        // Die with an error message
    56         $die  = __( "There doesn't seem to be a <code>wp-config.php</code> file. I need this before we can get started." ) . '</p>';
    57         $die .= '<p>' . __( "Need more help? <a href=''>We got it</a>." ) . '</p>';
    58         $die .= '<p>' . __( "You can create a <code>wp-config.php</code> file through a web interface, but this doesn't work for all server setups. The safest way is to manually create the file." ) . '</p>';
    59         $die .= '<p><a href="' . $path . '" class="button button-large">' . __( "Create a Configuration File" ) . '</a>';
     56        $die = '<h1 id="logo"><a href="">WordPress</a></h1>';
     57        $die .= '<h1>' . __( 'Welcome to WordPress' ) . '</h1>';
     58        $die .= '<p>' . __( "In just a few minutes, you'll be all set up with WordPress and ready to create your own corner of the web." ) . '</p>';
     59        $die .= '<p>' . __( "This free and Open Source software is built and maintained by a community of hundreds of volunteers. Transform your website with countless of <a href=''>plugins</a> and <a href=''>themes</a> available from right within WordPress." ) . '</p>';
     60        $die .= '<p>' . __( "Write your blog, build your first website, launch your business, share your photos with your friends. You can do just about anything you can imagine." ) . '</p>';
     61        $die .= '<p><a href="' . $path . '" class="button button-large">' . __( "Let's Get Started!" ) . '</a>';
    61         wp_die( $die, __( 'WordPress &rsaquo; Error' ) );
     63        wp_die( $die, __( 'Welcome to WordPress!' ), array( 'error' => false, 'raw' => true ) );