Ticket #26952: 26952.patch
File 26952.patch, 17.9 KB (added by , 11 years ago) |
2 2 TinyMCE and Quicklinks toolbars 3 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 4 4 5 /* TinyMCE widgets/containers */ 6 7 .mce-container, 8 .mce-container *, 9 .mce-widget, 10 .mce-widget * { 11 color: inherit; 12 font-family: inherit; 13 } 14 15 /* TinyMCE windows */ 16 17 #mce-modal-block.mce-in { 18 opacity: 0.7; 19 z-index: 159900!important; /* Overwrite inline style added by TinyMCE. */ 20 } 21 22 .mce-window { 23 border-radius: 0; 24 box-shadow: 0 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.7); 25 z-index: 160000!important; /* Overwrite inline style added by TinyMCE. */ 26 -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased; 27 } 28 29 .mce-window .mce-container-body.mce-abs-layout { 30 overflow: visible; 31 } 32 33 .mce-window iframe { 34 margin-top: -1px; 35 } 36 37 .mce-window-head { 38 background: #fcfcfc; 39 border-bottom: 1px solid #dfdfdf; 40 height: 56px; 41 padding: 0; 42 } 43 44 .mce-window-head .mce-title { 45 font-size: 22px; 46 font-weight: 600; 47 line-height: 56px; 48 margin: 0; 49 padding: 0 16px; 50 } 51 52 .mce-window-head .mce-close { 53 color: #666; 54 top: 15px; 55 width: 20px; 56 } 57 58 .mce-window-head .mce-close:hover { 59 color: #2ea2cc; 60 } 61 62 /* TinyMCE menus */ 63 64 .mce-menu, 65 .mce-floatpanel.mce-popover { 66 border: none; 67 border-radius: 0; 68 box-shadow: 0 3px 5px rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.2 ); 69 } 70 71 .mce-floatpanel.mce-popover.mce-bottom { 72 margin-top: 2px; 73 } 74 75 .mce-floatpanel .mce-arrow { 76 display: none; 77 } 78 79 .mce-menu { 80 min-width: 0; 81 } 82 83 .mce-menu-item { 84 border: none; 85 margin-bottom: 2px; 86 } 87 88 .mce-menu-item .mce-text { 89 color: inherit!important; /* Overwrite inline style added by TinyMCE. */ 90 } 91 92 .mce-menu-item:hover { 93 background: #f3f3f3; 94 color: inherit; 95 } 96 97 .mce-menu-item.mce-active { 98 background: #2ea2cc; 99 } 100 101 .mce-menu-item.mce-active .mce-text { 102 color: #fff!important; 103 } 104 105 /* TinyMCE panel */ 106 5 107 div.mce-panel { 6 108 border: 0; 7 109 background: #fff; … … 9 111 filter: none; 10 112 } 11 113 114 /* TinyMCE toolbars */ 115 12 116 div.mce-toolbar-grp { 13 117 border-bottom: 1px solid #dedede; 14 118 background: #f5f5f5; … … 75 179 } 76 180 77 181 .mce-toolbar .mce-btn i { 78 text-shadow: 0;182 text-shadow: none; 79 183 } 80 184 81 185 .mce-toolbar .mce-btn:focus { 82 186 outline: 1px solid #888; 83 187 } 84 188 85 .mce-toolbar .mce-btn-group .mce-btn.mce-listbox { 86 -webkit-border-radius: 0; 87 border-radius: 0; 88 direction: ltr; 89 background: #fff; 90 border: 1px solid #ddd; 91 -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2); 92 box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2); 189 .mce-toolbar .mce-btn .mce-open { 190 border-right: 0; 93 191 } 94 192 95 .mce-toolbar .mce-btn-group .mce-btn.mce-listbox:hover { 96 background-image: none; 97 border-color: #bbb; 193 .mce-toolbar .mce-colorbutton .mce-preview { 194 margin-left: -18px; 195 padding: 0; 196 width: 18px; 98 197 } 99 198 100 .mce-toolbar .mce-colorbutton .mce-open { 101 border-right: 0; 102 } 199 /* TinyMCE charmap */ 103 200 104 .mce- toolbar .mce-colorbutton .mce-preview{105 margin -left: -16px;201 .mce-charmap { 202 margin: 8px; 106 203 } 107 204 108 /* Charmap modal */109 205 .mce-charmap td { 206 border-color: #dfdfdf; 207 cursor: pointer; 110 208 padding: 0; 111 209 } 112 210 211 .mce-charmap td:hover { 212 background: #f3f3f3; 213 } 214 113 215 .mce-charmap td div { 114 width: 18px;115 216 height: 22px; 116 217 line-height: 22px; 218 width: 18px; 117 219 } 118 220 119 /* Icons */ 120 .mce-toolbar .mce-ico { 221 /* TinyMCE tooltips */ 222 223 .mce-tooltip { 224 margin-top: 2px; 225 } 226 227 .mce-tooltip-inner { 228 box-shadow: 0 3px 5px rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.2 ); 229 color: #fff; 230 font-size: 12px; 231 } 232 233 /* TinyMCE icons */ 234 235 .mce-toolbar .mce-ico, 236 .mce-toolbar .mce-caret { 121 237 color: #777; 122 238 line-height: 20px; 123 239 width: 20px; 124 240 height: 20px; 125 241 text-align: center; 242 text-shadow: none; 126 243 } 127 244 128 .mce-toolbar .mce-btn:hover .mce-ico { 245 .mce-toolbar .mce-btn:hover .mce-ico, 246 .mce-toolbar .mce-btn.mce-active .mce-ico, 247 .mce-toolbar .mce-btn:hover .mce-caret, 248 .mce-toolbar .mce-btn.mce-active .mce-caret { 129 249 color: #333; 130 250 } 131 251 252 .mce-toolbar .mce-btn.mce-active .mce-open { 253 border-left-color: #bdbdbd; 254 } 255 132 256 i.mce-i-bold, 133 257 i.mce-i-italic, 134 258 i.mce-i-bullist, … … 160 284 i.mce-i-wp_help, 161 285 i.mce-i-wp-media-library, 162 286 i.mce-i-ltr, 163 i.mce-i-wp_page { 287 i.mce-i-wp_page, 288 i.mce-caret, 289 .mce-close { 164 290 font: normal 20px/1 'dashicons'; 165 291 padding: 0; 166 292 vertical-align: top; … … 287 413 content: '\f105'; 288 414 } 289 415 416 i.mce-caret:before { 417 content: '\f140'; 418 } 419 420 .mce-active i.mce-caret:before { 421 content: '\f142'; 422 } 423 424 .mce-close:before { 425 content: '\f158'; 426 } 427 428 .mce-toolbar .mce-caret { 429 border: none; 430 margin: 0; 431 margin-left: -5px; 432 width: 16px; 433 } 434 435 .mce-menubtn span { 436 margin-right: 0; 437 padding-left: 3px; 438 } 439 440 .mce-listbox .mce-caret { 441 margin-top: 0; 442 padding: 2px 3px; 443 right: 0; 444 top: 0; 445 width: 10px; 446 } 447 448 .mce-listbox:hover .mce-caret, 449 .mce-listbox.mce-active .mce-caret { 450 border-left: 1px solid #bdbdbd; 451 } 452 453 .mce-listbox .mce-caret:before { 454 margin-left: -6px; 455 } 456 290 457 /* Editors */ 291 458 .wp-editor-wrap { 292 459 position: relative; … … 435 602 .quicktags-toolbar { 436 603 border-bottom-style: solid; 437 604 border-bottom-width: 1px; 438 -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 3px;439 border-top-right-radius: 3px;440 -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 3px;441 border-top-left-radius: 3px;442 605 padding: 2px 8px 0; 443 606 min-height: 29px; 444 607 } … … 1034 1197 filter: alpha(opacity=60); 1035 1198 } 1036 1199 1037 /* TinyMCE modal */1038 /* TODO: restyle the TinyMCE 4.0 modals1039 .clearlooks2 .mceTop {1040 border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;1041 }1042 1043 .clearlooks2 .mceTop span {1044 font: 13px/24px "Open Sans", sans-serif;1045 color: #e5e5e5;1046 }1047 1048 .clearlooks2 .mceTop .mceLeft {1049 background: #444444;1050 border-color: transparent;1051 }1052 1053 .clearlooks2 .mceTop .mceRight {1054 background: #444444;1055 border-color: transparent;1056 }1057 1058 .clearlooks2 .mceMiddle {1059 clip: rect(24px auto auto auto);1060 }1061 1062 .clearlooks2 .mceMiddle .mceLeft {1063 background: #f1f1f1;1064 border-color: transparent;1065 }1066 1067 .clearlooks2 .mceMiddle .mceRight {1068 background: #f1f1f1;1069 border-color: transparent;1070 }1071 1072 .clearlooks2 .mceBottom {1073 background: #f1f1f1;1074 border-color: transparent;1075 }1076 1077 .clearlooks2 .mceBottom .mceLeft {1078 background: #f1f1f1;1079 border-color: transparent;1080 }1081 1082 .clearlooks2 .mceBottom .mceCenter {1083 background: #f1f1f1;1084 border-color: transparent;1085 }1086 1087 .clearlooks2 .mceBottom .mceRight {1088 background: #f1f1f1;1089 border-color: transparent;1090 }1091 1092 .clearlooks2 .mceClose,1093 .clearlooks2 .mceFocus .mceClose,1094 .clearlooks2 .mceFocus .mceClose:hover {1095 background-image: none;1096 }1097 .clearlooks2 .mceClose:before {1098 content: '\f158';1099 font: normal 20px/1 'dashicons';1100 speak: none;1101 -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;1102 -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;1103 color: #999;1104 padding-left: 12px;1105 }1106 1107 /* from colors.css1108 .clearlooks2 {1109 box-shadow: 0 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.7);1110 }1111 1112 .clearlooks2 .mceMiddle span,1113 .clearlooks2 .mceMiddle .mceLeft,1114 .clearlooks2 .mceMiddle .mceRight,1115 .clearlooks2 .mceBottom,1116 .clearlooks2 .mceBottom .mceLeft,1117 .clearlooks2 .mceBottom .mceCenter,1118 .clearlooks2 .mceBottom .mceRight {1119 background-color: #fcfcfc;1120 }1121 1122 .clearlooks2 .mceTop span,1123 .clearlooks2 .mceFocus .mceTop span {1124 color: #222;1125 }1126 1127 .clearlooks2 .mceClose:before {1128 color: #999;1129 }1130 1131 .clearlooks2 .mceClose:hover:before {1132 color: #2ea2cc;1133 }1134 */1135 1200 /* Distraction Free Writing mode 1136 1201 * =Overlay Styles 1137 1202 -------------------------------------------------------------- */ -
43 43 if (settings.popup_css !== false) { 44 44 if (settings.popup_css) { 45 45 settings.popup_css = self.editor.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(settings.popup_css); 46 } else {47 settings.popup_css = self.editor.baseURI.toAbsolute("plugins/compat3x/css/dialog.css");48 46 } 49 47 } 50 48 -
15 15 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="<?php bloginfo('html_type'); ?>; charset=<?php echo get_option('blog_charset'); ?>" /> 16 16 <title><?php _e('Rich Editor Help'); ?></title> 17 17 <script type="text/javascript" src="tiny_mce_popup.js?ver=358-20121205"></script> 18 <?php 19 wp_admin_css( 'wp-admin', true ); 20 ?> 18 <?php wp_admin_css( 'wp-admin', true ); ?> 21 19 <style type="text/css"> 22 body { 23 min-width: 0; 20 21 html { 22 background: #fcfcfc; 23 overflow: hidden; 24 24 } 25 #wphead { 26 font-size: 80%; 27 border-top: 0; 28 color: #555; 29 background-color: #f1f1f1; 30 } 31 #wphead h1 { 32 font-size: 24px; 33 color: #555; 34 margin: 0; 35 padding: 10px; 25 26 #tabs-wrap { 27 height: 36px; 28 position: absolute; 29 top: 2px; 36 30 } 31 37 32 #tabs { 38 padding: 15px 15px 3px; 39 background-color: #f1f1f1; 40 border-bottom: 1px solid #dfdfdf; 33 box-shadow: 0 3px 5px rgba( 255, 255, 255, 0.2 ); 41 34 margin: 0; 35 padding: 0 6px; 36 position: relative; 37 -webkit-user-select: none; 38 -moz-user-select: none; 39 -ms-user-select: none; 40 user-select: none; 42 41 } 43 #tabs li { 44 display: inline; 45 } 46 #tabs a.current { 47 background-color: #fff; 48 border-color: #dfdfdf; 49 border-bottom-color: #fff; 50 color: #d54e21; 51 } 42 52 43 #tabs a { 53 color: #2583AD; 54 padding: 6px; 55 border-width: 1px 1px 0; 56 border-style: solid solid none; 57 border-color: #f1f1f1; 44 -webkit-transition: none; 45 transition: none; 46 } 47 48 #tabs > a { 49 float: left; 50 font-size: 14px; 51 height: 18px; 52 line-height: 18px; 53 margin: 0; 54 padding: 8px 10px 9px; 55 position: relative; 58 56 text-decoration: none; 59 57 } 60 #tabs a:hover { 61 color: #d54e21; 58 59 #tabs > a:last-child { 60 border-right: 0; 62 61 } 63 .wrap h2 { 64 border-bottom-color: #dfdfdf; 65 color: #555; 66 margin: 5px 0; 67 padding: 0; 68 font-size: 18px; 69 } 70 #user_info { 71 right: 5%; 72 top: 5px; 73 } 74 h3 { 75 font-size: 1.1em; 76 margin-top: 10px; 77 margin-bottom: 0px; 62 63 #tabs > a:active, 64 #tabs > a:focus { 65 outline: none; 78 66 } 67 68 #tabs .active, 69 #tabs .active:hover { 70 color: #333; 71 } 72 73 #tabs .active, 74 #tabs > a.active:last-child { 75 background: #fff; 76 border: 1px solid #ddd; 77 border-bottom: none; 78 margin: -1px -1px 0; 79 } 80 81 #tabs .active:after { 82 display: none; 83 } 84 79 85 #flipper { 80 margin: 0;81 padding: 5px 20px 10px;82 86 background-color: #fff; 83 border-left: 1px solid #dfdfdf; 84 border-bottom: 1px solid #dfdfdf; 85 } 86 * html { 87 overflow-x: hidden; 88 overflow-y: scroll; 89 } 90 #flipper div p { 91 margin-top: 0.4em; 92 margin-bottom: 0.8em; 93 text-align: justify; 87 border-top: 1px solid #ddd; 88 height: 360px; 89 margin: 0; 90 margin-top: 36px; 91 overflow-y: scroll; 92 padding: 10px 16px; 94 93 } 94 95 95 th { 96 96 text-align: center; 97 97 } 98 98 99 .top th { 99 100 text-decoration: underline; 100 101 } 102 101 103 .top .key { 102 104 text-align: center; 103 105 width: 5em; 104 106 } 105 .top .action { 106 text-align: left; 107 } 108 .align { 109 border-left: 3px double #333; 110 border-right: 3px double #333; 111 } 107 112 108 .keys { 109 border: 0 none; 113 110 margin-bottom: 15px; 114 111 width: 100%; 115 border: 0 none;116 112 } 113 117 114 .keys p { 118 115 display: inline-block; 119 116 margin: 0px; 120 117 padding: 0px; 121 118 } 122 .keys .left { text-align: left; } 123 .keys .center { text-align: center; } 124 .keys .right { text-align: right; } 125 td b { 126 font-family: "Times New Roman" Times serif; 119 120 .keys .left { 121 text-align: left; 127 122 } 128 #buttoncontainer { 123 124 .keys .center { 129 125 text-align: center; 130 margin-bottom: 20px;131 126 } 132 #buttoncontainer a, #buttoncontainer a:hover { 133 border-bottom: 0px; 127 128 .keys .right { 129 text-align: right; 134 130 } 131 135 132 .macos .win, 136 133 .windows .mac { 137 134 display: none; 138 135 } 136 139 137 </style> 140 138 <?php if ( is_rtl() ) : ?> 141 139 <style type="text/css"> 142 #wphead, #tabs { 143 padding-left: auto;144 padding-right: 15px;140 141 .keys .left { 142 text-align: right; 145 143 } 146 #flipper { 147 margin: 5px 0 3px 10px; 144 145 .keys .right { 146 text-align: left; 148 147 } 149 .keys .left, .top, .action { text-align: right; } 150 .keys .right { text-align: left; } 151 td b { font-family: Tahoma, "Times New Roman", Times, serif } 148 152 149 </style> 153 150 <?php endif; ?> 154 151 </head> … … 158 155 document.body.className = document.body.className.replace(/windows/, 'macos'); 159 156 </script> 160 157 161 <ul id="tabs"> 162 <li><a id="tab1" href="javascript:flipTab(1)" title="<?php esc_attr_e('Basics of Rich Editing'); ?>" accesskey="1" class="current"><?php _e('Basics'); ?></a></li> 163 <li><a id="tab2" href="javascript:flipTab(2)" title="<?php esc_attr_e('Advanced use of the Rich Editor'); ?>" accesskey="2"><?php _e('Advanced'); ?></a></li> 164 <li><a id="tab3" href="javascript:flipTab(3)" title="<?php esc_attr_e('Hotkeys'); ?>" accesskey="3"><?php _e('Hotkeys'); ?></a></li> 165 <li><a id="tab4" href="javascript:flipTab(4)" title="<?php esc_attr_e('About the software'); ?>" accesskey="4"><?php _e('About'); ?></a></li> 166 </ul> 158 <div id="tabs-wrap"> 159 <div id="tabs"> 160 <a id="tab1" href="javascript:flipTab(1)" title="<?php esc_attr_e('Basics of Rich Editing'); ?>" accesskey="1" class="active"><?php _e('Basics'); ?></a> 161 <a id="tab2" href="javascript:flipTab(2)" title="<?php esc_attr_e('Advanced use of the Rich Editor'); ?>" accesskey="2"><?php _e('Advanced'); ?></a> 162 <a id="tab3" href="javascript:flipTab(3)" title="<?php esc_attr_e('Hotkeys'); ?>" accesskey="3"><?php _e('Hotkeys'); ?></a> 163 <a id="tab4" href="javascript:flipTab(4)" title="<?php esc_attr_e('About the software'); ?>" accesskey="4"><?php _e('About'); ?></a> 164 </div> 165 </div> 167 166 168 167 <div id="flipper" class="wrap"> 169 168 … … 172 171 <p><?php _e('<em>Rich editing</em>, also called WYSIWYG for What You See Is What You Get, means your text is formatted as you type. The rich editor creates HTML code behind the scenes while you concentrate on writing. Font styles, links and images all appear approximately as they will on the internet.'); ?></p> 173 172 <p><?php _e('WordPress includes a rich HTML editor that works well in all major web browsers used today. However editing HTML is not the same as typing text. Each web page has two major components: the structure, which is the actual HTML code and is produced by the editor as you type, and the display, that is applied to it by the currently selected WordPress theme and is defined in style.css. WordPress is producing valid XHTML 1.0 which means that inserting multiple line breaks (BR tags) after a paragraph would not produce white space on the web page. The BR tags will be removed as invalid by the internal HTML correcting functions.'); ?></p> 174 173 <p><?php _e('While using the editor, most basic keyboard shortcuts work like in any other text editor. For example: Shift+Enter inserts line break, Ctrl+C = copy, Ctrl+X = cut, Ctrl+Z = undo, Ctrl+Y = redo, Ctrl+A = select all, etc. (on Mac use the Command key instead of Ctrl). See the Hotkeys tab for all available keyboard shortcuts.'); ?></p> 175 174 <p><?php _e('If you do not like the way the rich editor works, you may turn it off from Your Profile submenu, under Users in the admin menu.'); ?></p> 176 175 </div> 177 176 178 177 <div id="content2" class="hidden"> … … 189 188 190 189 <div id="content3" class="hidden"> 191 190 <h2><?php _e('Writing at Full Speed'); ?></h2> 192 191 <p><?php _e('Rather than reaching for your mouse to click on the toolbar, use these access keys. Windows and Linux use Ctrl + letter. Macintosh uses Command + letter.'); ?></p> 193 192 194 193 <table class="keys"> 195 194 <tr class="top"><th class="key center"><?php _e('Letter'); ?></th><th class="left"><?php _e('Action'); ?></th><th class="key center"><?php _e('Letter'); ?></th><th class="left"><?php _e('Action'); ?></th></tr> … … 228 227 <div id="content4" class="hidden"> 229 228 <h2><?php _e('About TinyMCE'); ?></h2> 230 229 231 230 <p><?php _e('Version:'); ?> <span id="version"></span> (<span id="date"></span>)</p> 232 231 <p><?php printf(__('TinyMCE is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor released as Open Source under %sLGPL</a> by Moxiecode Systems AB. It has the ability to convert HTML TEXTAREA fields or other HTML elements to editor instances.'), '<a href="'.home_url('/wp-includes/js/tinymce/license.txt').'" target="_blank" title="'.esc_attr__('GNU Library General Public License').'">'); ?></p> 233 232 <p><?php _e('Copyright © 2003-2014, <a href="http://www.moxiecode.com" target="_blank">Moxiecode Systems AB</a>, All rights reserved.'); ?></p> 234 233 <p><?php _e('For more information about this software visit the <a href="http://tinymce.com" target="_blank">TinyMCE website</a>.'); ?></p> 235 234 </div> 236 235 237 236 </div> 238 239 <div class="mceActionPanel">240 <div style="margin: 8px auto; text-align: center;padding-bottom: 10px;">241 <input type="button" id="cancel" name="cancel" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Close'); ?>" title="<?php esc_attr_e('Close'); ?>" onclick="tinyMCEPopup.close();" />242 </div>243 </div>244 237 <script type="text/javascript"> 245 238 function d(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } 246 239 … … 252 245 t = d('tab'+i.toString()); 253 246 if ( n == i ) { 254 247 c.className = ''; 255 t.className = ' current';248 t.className = 'active'; 256 249 } else { 257 250 c.className = 'hidden'; 258 251 t.className = ''; … … 260 253 } 261 254 } 262 255 263 264 256 tinyMCEPopup.onInit.add(function() { 257 var win = tinyMCEPopup.getWin(); 265 258 266 259 d('version').innerHTML = tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion; 267 260 d('date').innerHTML = tinymce.releaseDate; 268 261 269 262 if ( win.fullscreen && win.fullscreen.settings.visible ) { 270 263 d('content1').className = 'hidden'; 271 264 d('tabs').className = 'hidden'; 272 265 d('content3').className = 'dfw'; 273 266 } 274 267 }); 275 268 </script> 276 269 </body> 277 270 </html>