Make WordPress Core

Ticket #27866: 27866.2.diff

File 27866.2.diff, 1.1 KB (added by jeremyfelt, 11 years ago)
  • src/wp-includes/ms-settings.php

    5353                        $current_site->blog_id = BLOGID_CURRENT_SITE;
    5454                }
    56                 if ( $current_site->domain === $domain && $current_site->path === $path ) {
     56                if ( $current_site->domain === $domain && 0 === strcasecmp( $current_site->path, $path ) ) {
    5757                        $current_blog = get_site_by_path( $domain, $path );
    58                 } elseif ( '/' !== $current_site->path && $current_site->domain === $domain && 0 === strpos( $path, $current_site->path ) ) {
     58                } elseif ( '/' !== $current_site->path && $current_site->domain === $domain && 0 === stripos( $path, $current_site->path ) ) {
    5959                        // If the current network has a path and also matches the domain and path of the request,
    6060                        // we need to look for a site using the first path segment following the network's path.
    6161                        $current_blog = get_site_by_path( $domain, $path, 1 + count( explode( '/', trim( $current_site->path, '/' ) ) ) );