Make WordPress Core

Ticket #28516: 28516.diff

File 28516.diff, 3.2 KB (added by dkotter, 10 years ago)
  • wp-includes/plugin.php

    9393 * @global array $wp_filter Stores all of the filters
    9494 *
    9595 * @param string $tag The name of the filter hook.
    96  * @param callback $function_to_check optional.
     96 * @param bool|callback $function_to_check optional.
    9797 * @return mixed If $function_to_check is omitted, returns boolean for whether the hook has anything registered.
    9898 *      When checking a specific function, the priority of that hook is returned, or false if the function is not attached.
    9999 *      When using the $function_to_check argument, this function may return a non-boolean value that evaluates to false
    269269 * @param string $tag The filter hook to which the function to be removed is hooked.
    270270 * @param callback $function_to_remove The name of the function which should be removed.
    271271 * @param int $priority optional. The priority of the function (default: 10).
    272  * @param int $accepted_args optional. The number of arguments the function accepts (default: 1).
    273272 * @return boolean Whether the function existed before it was removed.
    274273 */
    275274function remove_filter( $tag, $function_to_remove, $priority = 10 ) {
    293292 * @since 2.7.0
    294293 *
    295294 * @param string $tag The filter to remove hooks from.
    296  * @param int $priority The priority number to remove.
     295 * @param bool|int $priority The priority number to remove.
    297296 * @return bool True when finished.
    298297 */
    299298function remove_all_filters($tag, $priority = false) {
    397396 * @param callback $function_to_add The name of the function you wish to be called.
    398397 * @param int $priority optional. Used to specify the order in which the functions associated with a particular action are executed (default: 10). Lower numbers correspond with earlier execution, and functions with the same priority are executed in the order in which they were added to the action.
    399398 * @param int $accepted_args optional. The number of arguments the function accept (default 1).
     399 * @return bool Will always return true.
    400400 */
    401401function add_action($tag, $function_to_add, $priority = 10, $accepted_args = 1) {
    402402        return add_filter($tag, $function_to_add, $priority, $accepted_args);
    558558 * @see has_filter() has_action() is an alias of has_filter().
    559559 *
    560560 * @param string $tag The name of the action hook.
    561  * @param callback $function_to_check optional.
     561 * @param bool|callback $function_to_check optional.
    562562 * @return mixed If $function_to_check is omitted, returns boolean for whether the hook has anything registered.
    563563 *      When checking a specific function, the priority of that hook is returned, or false if the function is not attached.
    564564 *      When using the $function_to_check argument, this function may return a non-boolean value that evaluates to false
    592592 * @since 2.7.0
    593593 *
    594594 * @param string $tag The action to remove hooks from.
    595  * @param int $priority The priority number to remove them from.
     595 * @param bool|int $priority The priority number to remove them from.
    596596 * @return bool True when finished.
    597597 */
    598598function remove_all_actions($tag, $priority = false) {