Make WordPress Core

Ticket #28648: 28648.patch

File 28648.patch, 633 bytes (added by meekyhwang, 11 years ago)

empty check to fix the issue.

  • wp-includes/class-http.php

    diff --git wp-includes/class-http.php wp-includes/class-http.php
    index 41cfe84..666ac08 100644
    class WP_Http { 
    184184                // Determine if this request is to OUR install of WordPress
    185185                $homeURL = parse_url( get_bloginfo( 'url' ) );
    186                 $r['local'] = $homeURL['host'] == $arrURL['host'] || 'localhost' == $arrURL['host'];
     186                $r['local'] = ( ! empty ( $homeURL['host'] ) && $homeURL['host'] == $arrURL['host'] ) || 'localhost' == $arrURL['host'];
    187187                unset( $homeURL );
    189189                // If we are streaming to a file but no filename was given drop it in the WP temp dir