Ticket #29544: 0001-added-permissions-to-mock-file-system-and-is_readabl.patch
File 0001-added-permissions-to-mock-file-system-and-is_readabl.patch, 15.8 KB (added by , 10 years ago) |
From a58985470d4560fd4952f5dc31e63d9e15e72d06 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Michael Nelson <michael@eventespresso.com> Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2014 15:45:56 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] added permissions to mock file system and is_readable and is_writable methods --- tests/phpunit/includes/mock-fs.php | 272 ++++++++++++++++++++++++- tests/phpunit/tests/filesystem/permissions.php | 108 ++++++++++ 2 files changed, 374 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) create mode 100644 tests/phpunit/tests/filesystem/permissions.php diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/mock-fs.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/mock-fs.php index 8873b5c..200b5c7 100644
a b 1 1 <?php 2 define( 'WP_Filesystem_MockFS_default_perms' , '0777' ); 3 define( 'WP_Filesystem_MockFS_default_owner' , 'wp-owner' ); 4 define( 'WP_Filesystem_MockFS_default_group' , 'wp-group' ); 2 5 class WP_Filesystem_MockFS extends WP_Filesystem_Base { 3 6 private $cwd; 4 7 … … class WP_Filesystem_MockFS extends WP_Filesystem_Base { 9 12 // a fast more efficient way of determining if a path exists, and access to that node 10 13 private $fs_map = array(); 11 14 15 private $_current_system_user_name; 16 private $_system_users = array(); 17 12 18 public $verbose = false; // Enable to debug WP_Filesystem_Base::find_folder() / etc. 13 19 public $errors = array(); 14 20 public $method = 'MockFS'; … … class WP_Filesystem_MockFS extends WP_Filesystem_Base { 45 51 $this->cache = array(); // Used by find_folder() and friends 46 52 $this->cwd = isset( $this->fs_map[ $home_dir ] ) ? $this->fs_map[ $home_dir ] : '/'; 47 53 $this->setfs( $paths ); 54 $this->add_system_user( WP_Filesystem_MockFS_default_owner ); 48 55 } 49 56 50 57 /** … … class WP_Filesystem_MockFS extends WP_Filesystem_Base { 72 79 73 80 /** 74 81 * Locates a filesystem "node" 82 * @return MockFS_Node 75 83 */ 76 84 private function locate_node( $path ) { 77 85 return isset( $this->fs_map[ $path ] ) ? $this->fs_map[ $path ] : false; … … class WP_Filesystem_MockFS extends WP_Filesystem_Base { 99 107 return false; 100 108 } 101 109 102 $node = new MockFS_Directory_Node( $path );110 $node = new MockFS_Directory_Node( $path, $chmod, $chown, $chgrp ); 103 111 104 112 $parent_node->children[ $node->name ] = $node; 105 113 $this->fs_map[ $path ] = $node; … … class WP_Filesystem_MockFS extends WP_Filesystem_Base { 109 117 110 118 function put_contents( $path, $contents = '', $mode = null ) { 111 119 if ( ! $this->is_dir( dirname( $path ) ) ) 112 $this->mkdir( dirname( $path ) );120 $this->mkdir( dirname( $path ), $mode ); 113 121 114 122 $parent = $this->locate_parent_node( $path ); 115 $new_file = new MockFS_File_Node( $path, $contents );123 $new_file = new MockFS_File_Node( $path, $contents, $mode ); 116 124 117 125 $parent->children[ $new_file->name ] = $new_file; 118 126 $this->fs_map[ $path ] = $new_file; … … class WP_Filesystem_MockFS extends WP_Filesystem_Base { 191 199 return $ret; 192 200 } 193 201 202 /** 203 * Changes the permissions 204 * @param string $file path to file/folder 205 * @param string $mode 206 * @param boolean $recursive 207 * @return boolean success 208 */ 209 public function chmod( $file, $mode = false, $recursive = false ) { 210 $node = $this->locate_node( $file ); 211 if( ! $node instanceof MockFS_Node ){ 212 return FALSE; 213 } 214 $node->perms = $mode; 215 if( $node instanceof MockFS_Directory_Node && $recursive ){ 216 foreach( $node->children as $child_node ){ 217 $this->chmod( $child_node->path, $mode, $recursive ); 218 } 219 } 220 return TRUE; 221 } 222 /** 223 * CHanges the owner 224 * @param string $file 225 * @param string $owner name of owner 226 * @param type $recursive 227 */ 228 public function chown( $file, $owner, $recursive = false ) { 229 $node = $this->locate_node( $file ); 230 if( ! $node instanceof MockFS_Node || ! $this->is_writable( $file ) ){ 231 return FALSE; 232 } 233 $node->owner = $owner; 234 if( $node instanceof MockFS_Directory_Node && $recursive ){ 235 foreach( $node->children as $child_node ){ 236 $this->chown( $child_node->path, $owner, $recursive ); 237 } 238 } 239 return TRUE; 240 } 241 /** 242 * Sets the group name 243 * @param string $file 244 * @param string $group 245 * @param boolean $recursive 246 * @return boolean success 247 */ 248 public function chgrp( $file, $group, $recursive = false ) { 249 $node = $this->locate_node( $file ); 250 if( ! $node instanceof MockFS_Node || ! $this->is_writable( $file ) ){ 251 return FALSE; 252 } 253 $node->group = $group; 254 if( $node instanceof MockFS_Directory_Node && $recursive ){ 255 foreach( $node->children as $child_node ){ 256 $this->chgrp( $child_node->path, $group, $recursive ); 257 } 258 } 259 return TRUE; 260 } 261 262 /** 263 * 264 * @param type $file 265 * @return string | false on error 266 */ 267 function owner( $file ) { 268 $node = $this->locate_node( $file ); 269 if( ! $node instanceof MockFS_Node || ! $this->is_writable( $file ) ){ 270 return FALSE; 271 }else{ 272 return $node->owner(); 273 } 274 } 275 276 /** 277 * 278 * @param type $file 279 * @return string | false on error 280 */ 281 function group( $file ) { 282 $node = $this->locate_node( $file ); 283 if( ! $node instanceof MockFS_Node ){ 284 return FALSE; 285 }else{ 286 return $node->group(); 287 } 288 } 289 290 /** 291 * Gets the permissions on the file 292 * @return string | false on error 293 */ 294 public function getchmod( $file ){ 295 $node = $this->locate_node( $file ); 296 if( ! $node instanceof MockFS_Node ){ 297 return FALSE; 298 }else{ 299 return $node->perms(); 300 } 301 } 302 303 /** 304 * Users to swithch to 305 * @param string $new_username 306 * @return boolean success 307 */ 308 public function change_current_system_user( $new_username ){ 309 if( isset( $this->_system_users[ $new_username ] ) ){ 310 $this->_current_system_user_name = $new_username; 311 }else{ 312 return FALSE; 313 } 314 } 315 /** 316 * Gets the current mock FS system user, or FALSE if none has been set 317 * @return MockFS_System_User 318 */ 319 public function get_current_system_user(){ 320 if( isset( $this->_system_users[ $this->_current_system_user_name ] ) ){ 321 return $this->_system_users[ $this->_current_system_user_name ]; 322 }else{ 323 return FALSE; 324 } 325 } 326 327 /** 328 * Adds the specified user. Returns that new user obejct or FALSE 329 * @param string $username 330 * @param string $groupname 331 * @return boolean|\MockFS_System_User 332 */ 333 function add_system_user( $username, $groupname = NULL ){ 334 if( isset( $this->_system_users[ $username ] ) ){ 335 return FALSE; 336 } 337 if( ! $groupname ){ 338 $groupname = WP_Filesystem_MockFS_default_group; 339 } 340 $user = new MockFS_System_User( $username, $groupname ); 341 $this->_current_system_user_name = $user->username; 342 $this->_system_users[ $user->username ] = $user; 343 return $user; 344 } 345 346 function is_readable( $file ) { 347 $user = $this->get_current_system_user(); 348 $file_node = $this->locate_node( $file ); 349 $perms = intval( $file_node->perms(), 8 ) ; 350 //owned by this user 351 if( $file_node->owner() == $user->username ) { 352 if( $perms & 0400 ){ 353 // echo "\r\n " . $user->username . " has permision to read " . $file_node->name . " because its perms are :" . $perms; 354 return TRUE; 355 } 356 } 357 //owned by this group? 358 if( $file_node->group == $user->groupname ) { 359 if( $perms & 0040 ) { 360 // echo "\r\n " . $user->groupname . " has permision to read " . $file_node->name . " because its perms are :" . $perms; 361 return TRUE; 362 } 363 } 364 if( $perms & 0004){ 365 // echo "\r\n anyone has permision to read " . $file_node->name . " because its perms are :" . $perms; 366 return TRUE; 367 }else{ 368 return FALSE; 369 } 370 } 371 function is_writable( $file ) { 372 $user = $this->get_current_system_user(); 373 $file_node = $this->locate_node( $file ); 374 $perms = intval( $file_node->perms(), 8 ) ; 375 //owned by this user 376 if( $file_node->owner() == $user->username ) { 377 if( $perms & 0200 ){ 378 // echo "\r\n " . $user->username . " has permision to read " . $file_node->name . " because its perms are :" . $perms; 379 return TRUE; 380 } 381 } 382 //owned by this group? 383 if( $file_node->group == $user->groupname ) { 384 if( $perms & 0020 ) { 385 // echo "\r\n " . $user->groupname . " has permision to read " . $file_node->name . " because its perms are :" . $perms; 386 return TRUE; 387 } 388 } 389 if( $perms & 0002){ 390 // echo "\r\n anyone has permision to read " . $file_node->name . " because its perms are :" . $perms; 391 return TRUE; 392 }else{ 393 return FALSE; 394 } 395 } 396 /** 397 * 398 * @param type $path 399 * @param type $time 400 * @param type $atime 401 * @return boolean 402 */ 403 function touch( $path, $time = 0, $atime = 0 ) { 404 if( ! $this->exists( $path ) ){ 405 $this->put_contents($path); 406 return TRUE; 407 }else{ 408 //if we kept track of when a file was last edited we would update it 409 return TRUE; 410 } 411 } 412 413 194 414 } 195 415 196 416 class MockFS_Node { 197 417 public $name; // The "name" of the entry, does not include a slash (exception, root) 198 418 public $type; // The type of the entry 'f' for file, 'd' for Directory 199 419 public $path; // The full path to the entry. 420 public $perms; //permissions associated with this file or folder 421 public $owner; //the owner name of the file or folder 422 public $group; //the group of this file or folder 200 423 201 function __construct( $path ) {424 function __construct( $path, $chmod = NULL, $chown = NULL, $chgrp = NULL ) { 202 425 $this->path = $path; 203 426 $this->name = basename( $path ); 427 if( ! $chmod ) { 428 $chmod = WP_Filesystem_MockFS_default_perms; 429 } 430 if( ! $chown ) { 431 $chown = WP_Filesystem_MockFS_default_owner; 432 } 433 if( ! $chgrp ) { 434 $chgrp = WP_Filesystem_MockFS_default_group; 435 } 436 $this->perms = $chmod; 437 $this->owner = $chown; 438 $this->group = $chgrp; 204 439 } 205 440 206 441 function is_file() { … … class MockFS_Node { 210 445 function is_dir() { 211 446 return $this->type == 'd'; 212 447 } 448 /** 449 * 450 * @return string @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_system_permissions#Numeric_notation 451 */ 452 function perms(){ 453 return $this->perms; 454 } 455 function owner(){ 456 return $this->owner; 457 } 458 function group(){ 459 return $this->group; 460 } 213 461 } 214 462 215 463 class MockFS_Directory_Node extends MockFS_Node { … … class MockFS_File_Node extends MockFS_Node { 221 469 public $type = 'f'; 222 470 public $contents = ''; // The contents of the file 223 471 224 function __construct( $path, $contents = '' ) {225 parent::__construct( $path );472 function __construct( $path, $contents = '', $chmod = NULL, $chown = NULL, $chgrp = NULL ) { 473 parent::__construct( $path, $chmod, $chown, $chgrp ); 226 474 $this->contents = $contents; 227 475 } 476 } 477 478 class MockFS_System_User{ 479 public $username; 480 public $groupname; 481 function __construct( $username, $groupname = NULL) { 482 $this->username = $username; 483 if( ! $groupname ){ 484 $groupname = WP_Filesystem_MockFS_default_group; 485 } 486 $this->groupname = $groupname; 487 } 228 488 } 489 No newline at end of file -
new file tests/phpunit/tests/filesystem/permissions.php
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/tests/filesystem/permissions.php b/tests/phpunit/tests/filesystem/permissions.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb12347
- + 1 <?php 2 /** 3 * 4 * permissions 5 * 6 * @package Event Espresso 7 * @subpackage 8 * @author Mike Nelson 9 * @group filesystem 10 */ 11 class WP_Filesystem_permissions_UnitTestCases extends WP_Filesystem_UnitTestCase{ 12 13 function test_mkdir(){ 14 global $wp_filesystem; 15 $wp_filesystem->init('/'); 16 $folder_path = '/test/'; 17 $wp_filesystem->mkdir( $folder_path ); 18 $this->assertTrue( $wp_filesystem->exists( $folder_path ) ); 19 $this->assertEquals( WP_Filesystem_MockFS_default_perms, $wp_filesystem->getchmod( $folder_path ) ); 20 $this->assertEquals( WP_Filesystem_MockFS_default_owner, $wp_filesystem->owner( $folder_path ) ); 21 $this->assertEquals( WP_Filesystem_MockFS_default_group, $wp_filesystem->group( $folder_path ) ); 22 } 23 24 function test_chmod(){ 25 global $wp_filesystem; 26 $wp_filesystem->init('/'); 27 $folder_path = '/test/'; 28 $wp_filesystem->mkdir( $folder_path ); 29 $this->assertEquals( WP_Filesystem_MockFS_default_perms, $wp_filesystem->getchmod( $folder_path ) ); 30 $wp_filesystem->chmod( $folder_path, 664 ); 31 $this->assertEquals( 664, $wp_filesystem->getchmod( $folder_path ) ); 32 } 33 34 function test_chown(){ 35 global $wp_filesystem; 36 $wp_filesystem->init('/'); 37 $folder_path = '/test/'; 38 $wp_filesystem->mkdir( $folder_path ); 39 $this->assertEquals( WP_Filesystem_MockFS_default_owner, $wp_filesystem->owner( $folder_path ) ); 40 $wp_filesystem->chown( $folder_path, 'stranger'); 41 $this->assertEquals( 'stranger', $wp_filesystem->owner( $folder_path ) ); 42 } 43 44 function test_chgroup(){ 45 global $wp_filesystem; 46 $wp_filesystem->init('/'); 47 $folder_path = '/test/'; 48 $wp_filesystem->mkdir( $folder_path ); 49 $this->assertEquals( WP_Filesystem_MockFS_default_group, $wp_filesystem->group( $folder_path ) ); 50 $success = $wp_filesystem->chgrp( $folder_path, 'globe-trotters'); 51 $this->assertEquals( 'globe-trotters', $wp_filesystem->group( $folder_path ) ); 52 } 53 54 function test_is_readable(){ 55 global $wp_filesystem; 56 $wp_filesystem->init('/'); 57 $folder_path = '/test/'; 58 $wp_filesystem->mkdir( $folder_path ); 59 $this->assertEquals( WP_Filesystem_MockFS_default_perms, $wp_filesystem->getchmod( $folder_path )); 60 $this->assertTrue( $wp_filesystem->is_readable( $folder_path ) ); 61 //switch to another user, although they should be able to read it too 62 $other_user_same_group = $wp_filesystem->add_system_user( 'other_user_same_group', WP_Filesystem_MockFS_default_group ); 63 $other_user_other_group = $wp_filesystem->add_system_user( 'other_user_other_group', 'other_group' ); 64 $wp_filesystem->change_current_system_user( $other_user_other_group->username ); 65 $this->assertTrue( $wp_filesystem->is_readable( $folder_path ) ); 66 67 $wp_filesystem->change_current_system_user( WP_Filesystem_MockFS_default_owner ); 68 //change the permissions soo only someone in the same group can read 69 $wp_filesystem->chmod( $folder_path, '770' ); 70 $this->assertEquals( '770', $wp_filesystem->getchmod( $folder_path ) ); 71 $this->assertTrue( $wp_filesystem->is_readable( $folder_path ) ); 72 //and now check the user in the same group can still read... 73 $wp_filesystem->change_current_system_user( $other_user_same_group->username ); 74 $this->assertTrue( $wp_filesystem->is_readable( $folder_path ) ); 75 //..bu tthe user in a differeng group can't 76 $wp_filesystem->change_current_system_user( $other_user_other_group->username ); 77 $this->assertFalse( $wp_filesystem->is_readable( $folder_path ) ); 78 } 79 80 function test_is_writable(){ 81 global $wp_filesystem; 82 $wp_filesystem->init('/'); 83 $folder_path = '/test/'; 84 $wp_filesystem->mkdir( $folder_path ); 85 $this->assertEquals( WP_Filesystem_MockFS_default_perms, $wp_filesystem->getchmod( $folder_path )); 86 $this->assertTrue( $wp_filesystem->is_writable( $folder_path ) ); 87 //switch to another user, although they should be able to write it too 88 $other_user_same_group = $wp_filesystem->add_system_user( 'other_user_same_group', WP_Filesystem_MockFS_default_group ); 89 $other_user_other_group = $wp_filesystem->add_system_user( 'other_user_other_group', 'other_group' ); 90 $wp_filesystem->change_current_system_user( $other_user_other_group->username ); 91 $this->assertTrue( $wp_filesystem->is_writable( $folder_path ) ); 92 93 $wp_filesystem->change_current_system_user( WP_Filesystem_MockFS_default_owner ); 94 //change the permissions soo only someone in the same group can read 95 $wp_filesystem->chmod( $folder_path, '770' ); 96 $this->assertEquals( '770', $wp_filesystem->getchmod( $folder_path ) ); 97 $this->assertTrue( $wp_filesystem->is_writable( $folder_path ) ); 98 //and now check the user in the same group can still write... 99 $wp_filesystem->change_current_system_user( $other_user_same_group->username ); 100 $this->assertTrue( $wp_filesystem->is_writable( $folder_path ) ); 101 //..bu tthe user in a differeng group can't 102 $wp_filesystem->change_current_system_user( $other_user_other_group->username ); 103 $this->assertFalse( $wp_filesystem->is_writable( $folder_path ) ); 104 } 105 106 } 107 108 // End of file permissions.php 109 No newline at end of file