| 1 | /*! Iris Color Picker - v1.0.6 - 2014-11-17 |
| 2 | * https://github.com/Automattic/Iris |
| 3 | * Copyright (c) 2014 Matt Wiebe; Licensed GPLv2 */ |
| 4 | (function( $, undef ){ |
| 5 | var _html, nonGradientIE, gradientType, vendorPrefixes, _css, Iris, UA, isIE, IEVersion; |
| 6 | |
| 7 | _html = '<div class="iris-picker"><div class="iris-picker-inner"><div class="iris-square"><a class="iris-square-value" href="#"><span class="iris-square-handle ui-slider-handle"></span></a><div class="iris-square-inner iris-square-horiz"></div><div class="iris-square-inner iris-square-vert"></div></div><div class="iris-slider iris-strip"><div class="iris-slider-offset"></div></div></div></div>'; |
| 8 | _css = '.iris-picker{display:block;position:relative}.iris-picker,.iris-picker *{-moz-box-sizing:content-box;-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box}input+.iris-picker{margin-top:4px}.iris-error{background-color:#ffafaf}.iris-border{border-radius:3px;border:1px solid #aaa;width:200px;background-color:#fff}.iris-picker-inner{position:absolute;top:0;right:0;left:0;bottom:0}.iris-border .iris-picker-inner{top:10px;right:10px;left:10px;bottom:10px}.iris-picker .iris-square-inner{position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0}.iris-picker .iris-square,.iris-picker .iris-slider,.iris-picker .iris-square-inner,.iris-picker .iris-palette{border-radius:3px;box-shadow:inset 0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,.4);height:100%;width:12.5%;float:left;margin-right:5%}.iris-picker .iris-square{width:76%;margin-right:10%;position:relative}.iris-picker .iris-square-inner{width:auto;margin:0}.iris-ie-9 .iris-square,.iris-ie-9 .iris-slider,.iris-ie-9 .iris-square-inner,.iris-ie-9 .iris-palette{box-shadow:none;border-radius:0}.iris-ie-9 .iris-square,.iris-ie-9 .iris-slider,.iris-ie-9 .iris-palette{outline:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.1)}.iris-ie-lt9 .iris-square,.iris-ie-lt9 .iris-slider,.iris-ie-lt9 .iris-square-inner,.iris-ie-lt9 .iris-palette{outline:1px solid #aaa}.iris-ie-lt9 .iris-square .ui-slider-handle{outline:1px solid #aaa;background-color:#fff;-ms-filter:"alpha(Opacity=30)"}.iris-ie-lt9 .iris-square .iris-square-handle{background:0;border:3px solid #fff;-ms-filter:"alpha(Opacity=50)"}.iris-picker .iris-strip{margin-right:0;position:relative}.iris-picker .iris-strip .ui-slider-handle{position:absolute;background:0;margin:0;right:-3px;left:-3px;border:4px solid #aaa;border-width:4px 3px;width:auto;height:6px;border-radius:4px;box-shadow:0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.2);opacity:.9;z-index:5;cursor:ns-resize}.iris-strip .ui-slider-handle:before{content:" ";position:absolute;left:-2px;right:-2px;top:-3px;bottom:-3px;border:2px solid #fff;border-radius:3px}.iris-picker .iris-slider-offset{position:absolute;top:11px;left:0;right:0;bottom:-3px;width:auto;height:auto;background:transparent;border:0;border-radius:0}.iris-picker .iris-square-handle{background:transparent;border:5px solid #aaa;border-radius:50%;border-color:rgba(128,128,128,.5);box-shadow:none;width:12px;height:12px;position:absolute;left:-10px;top:-10px;cursor:move;opacity:1;z-index:10}.iris-picker .ui-state-focus .iris-square-handle{opacity:.8}.iris-picker .iris-square-handle:hover{border-color:#999}.iris-picker .iris-square-value:focus .iris-square-handle{box-shadow:0 0 2px rgba(0,0,0,.75);opacity:.8}.iris-picker .iris-square-handle:hover::after{border-color:#fff}.iris-picker .iris-square-handle::after{position:absolute;bottom:-4px;right:-4px;left:-4px;top:-4px;border:3px solid #f9f9f9;border-color:rgba(255,255,255,.8);border-radius:50%;content:" "}.iris-picker .iris-square-value{width:8px;height:8px;position:absolute}.iris-ie-lt9 .iris-square-value,.iris-mozilla .iris-square-value{width:1px;height:1px}.iris-palette-container{position:absolute;bottom:0;left:0;margin:0;padding:0}.iris-border .iris-palette-container{left:10px;bottom:10px}.iris-picker .iris-palette{margin:0;cursor:pointer}.iris-square-handle,.ui-slider-handle{border:0;outline:0}'; |
| 9 | |
| 10 | // Even IE9 dosen't support gradients. Elaborate sigh. |
| 11 | UA = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); |
| 12 | isIE = navigator.appName === 'Microsoft Internet Explorer'; |
| 13 | IEVersion = isIE ? parseFloat( UA.match( /msie ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})/ )[1] ) : 0; |
| 14 | nonGradientIE = ( isIE && IEVersion < 10 ); |
| 15 | gradientType = false; |
| 16 | |
| 17 | // we don't bother with an unprefixed version, as it has a different syntax |
| 18 | vendorPrefixes = [ '-moz-', '-webkit-', '-o-', '-ms-' ]; |
| 19 | |
| 20 | // Bail for IE <= 7 |
| 21 | if ( nonGradientIE && IEVersion <= 7 ) { |
| 22 | $.fn.iris = $.noop; |
| 23 | $.support.iris = false; |
| 24 | return; |
| 25 | } |
| 26 | |
| 27 | $.support.iris = true; |
| 28 | |
| 29 | function testGradientType() { |
| 30 | var el, base, |
| 31 | bgImageString = 'backgroundImage'; |
| 32 | |
| 33 | if ( nonGradientIE ) { |
| 34 | gradientType = 'filter'; |
| 35 | } |
| 36 | else { |
| 37 | el = $( '<div id="iris-gradtest" />' ); |
| 38 | base = 'linear-gradient(top,#fff,#000)'; |
| 39 | $.each( vendorPrefixes, function( i, val ){ |
| 40 | el.css( bgImageString, val + base ); |
| 41 | if ( el.css( bgImageString ).match( 'gradient' ) ) { |
| 42 | gradientType = i; |
| 43 | return false; |
| 44 | } |
| 45 | }); |
| 46 | // check for legacy webkit gradient syntax |
| 47 | if ( gradientType === false ) { |
| 48 | el.css( 'background', '-webkit-gradient(linear,0% 0%,0% 100%,from(#fff),to(#000))' ); |
| 49 | if ( el.css( bgImageString ).match( 'gradient' ) ) { |
| 50 | gradientType = 'webkit'; |
| 51 | } |
| 52 | } |
| 53 | el.remove(); |
| 54 | } |
| 55 | |
| 56 | } |
| 57 | |
| 58 | /** |
| 59 | * Only for CSS3 gradients. oldIE will use a separate function. |
| 60 | * |
| 61 | * Accepts as many color stops as necessary from 2nd arg on, or 2nd |
| 62 | * arg can be an array of color stops |
| 63 | * |
| 64 | * @param {string} origin Gradient origin - top or left, defaults to left. |
| 65 | * @return {string} Appropriate CSS3 gradient string for use in |
| 66 | */ |
| 67 | function createGradient( origin, stops ) { |
| 68 | origin = ( origin === 'top' ) ? 'top' : 'left'; |
| 69 | stops = $.isArray( stops ) ? stops : Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ); |
| 70 | if ( gradientType === 'webkit' ) { |
| 71 | return legacyWebkitGradient( origin, stops ); |
| 72 | } else { |
| 73 | return vendorPrefixes[ gradientType ] + 'linear-gradient(' + origin + ', ' + stops.join(', ') + ')'; |
| 74 | } |
| 75 | } |
| 76 | |
| 77 | /** |
| 78 | * Stupid gradients for a stupid browser. |
| 79 | */ |
| 80 | function stupidIEGradient( origin, stops ) { |
| 81 | var type, self, lastIndex, filter, startPosProp, endPosProp, dimensionProp, template, html; |
| 82 | |
| 83 | origin = ( origin === 'top' ) ? 'top' : 'left'; |
| 84 | stops = $.isArray( stops ) ? stops : Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ); |
| 85 | // 8 hex: AARRGGBB |
| 86 | // GradientType: 0 vertical, 1 horizontal |
| 87 | type = ( origin === 'top' ) ? 0 : 1; |
| 88 | self = $( this ); |
| 89 | lastIndex = stops.length - 1; |
| 90 | filter = 'filter'; |
| 91 | startPosProp = ( type === 1 ) ? 'left' : 'top'; |
| 92 | endPosProp = ( type === 1 ) ? 'right' : 'bottom'; |
| 93 | dimensionProp = ( type === 1 ) ? 'height' : 'width'; |
| 94 | template = '<div class="iris-ie-gradient-shim" style="position:absolute;' + dimensionProp + ':100%;' + startPosProp + ':%start%;' + endPosProp + ':%end%;' + filter + ':%filter%;" data-color:"%color%"></div>'; |
| 95 | html = ''; |
| 96 | // need a positioning context |
| 97 | if ( self.css('position') === 'static' ) { |
| 98 | self.css( {position: 'relative' } ); |
| 99 | } |
| 100 | |
| 101 | stops = fillColorStops( stops ); |
| 102 | $.each(stops, function( i, startColor ) { |
| 103 | var endColor, endStop, filterVal; |
| 104 | |
| 105 | // we want two at a time. if we're on the last pair, bail. |
| 106 | if ( i === lastIndex ) { |
| 107 | return false; |
| 108 | } |
| 109 | |
| 110 | endColor = stops[ i + 1 ]; |
| 111 | //if our pairs are at the same color stop, moving along. |
| 112 | if ( startColor.stop === endColor.stop ) { |
| 113 | return; |
| 114 | } |
| 115 | |
| 116 | endStop = 100 - parseFloat( endColor.stop ) + '%'; |
| 117 | startColor.octoHex = new Color( startColor.color ).toIEOctoHex(); |
| 118 | endColor.octoHex = new Color( endColor.color ).toIEOctoHex(); |
| 119 | |
| 120 | filterVal = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=' + type + ', StartColorStr=\'' + startColor.octoHex + '\', EndColorStr=\'' + endColor.octoHex + '\')'; |
| 121 | html += template.replace( '%start%', startColor.stop ).replace( '%end%', endStop ).replace( '%filter%', filterVal ); |
| 122 | }); |
| 123 | self.find( '.iris-ie-gradient-shim' ).remove(); |
| 124 | $( html ).prependTo( self ); |
| 125 | } |
| 126 | |
| 127 | function legacyWebkitGradient( origin, colorList ) { |
| 128 | var stops = []; |
| 129 | origin = ( origin === 'top' ) ? '0% 0%,0% 100%,' : '0% 100%,100% 100%,'; |
| 130 | colorList = fillColorStops( colorList ); |
| 131 | $.each( colorList, function( i, val ){ |
| 132 | stops.push( 'color-stop(' + ( parseFloat( val.stop ) / 100 ) + ', ' + val.color + ')' ); |
| 133 | }); |
| 134 | return '-webkit-gradient(linear,' + origin + stops.join(',') + ')'; |
| 135 | } |
| 136 | |
| 137 | function fillColorStops( colorList ) { |
| 138 | var colors = [], |
| 139 | percs = [], |
| 140 | newColorList = [], |
| 141 | lastIndex = colorList.length - 1; |
| 142 | |
| 143 | $.each( colorList, function( index, val ) { |
| 144 | var color = val, |
| 145 | perc = false, |
| 146 | match = val.match( /1?[0-9]{1,2}%$/ ); |
| 147 | |
| 148 | if ( match ) { |
| 149 | color = val.replace( /\s?1?[0-9]{1,2}%$/, '' ); |
| 150 | perc = match.shift(); |
| 151 | } |
| 152 | colors.push( color ); |
| 153 | percs.push( perc ); |
| 154 | }); |
| 155 | |
| 156 | // back fill first and last |
| 157 | if ( percs[0] === false ) { |
| 158 | percs[0] = '0%'; |
| 159 | } |
| 160 | |
| 161 | if ( percs[lastIndex] === false ) { |
| 162 | percs[lastIndex] = '100%'; |
| 163 | } |
| 164 | |
| 165 | percs = backFillColorStops( percs ); |
| 166 | |
| 167 | $.each( percs, function( i ){ |
| 168 | newColorList[i] = { color: colors[i], stop: percs[i] }; |
| 169 | }); |
| 170 | return newColorList; |
| 171 | } |
| 172 | |
| 173 | function backFillColorStops( stops ) { |
| 174 | var first = 0, |
| 175 | last = stops.length - 1, |
| 176 | i = 0, |
| 177 | foundFirst = false, |
| 178 | incr, |
| 179 | steps, |
| 180 | step, |
| 181 | firstVal; |
| 182 | |
| 183 | if ( stops.length <= 2 || $.inArray( false, stops ) < 0 ) { |
| 184 | return stops; |
| 185 | } |
| 186 | while ( i < stops.length - 1 ) { |
| 187 | if ( ! foundFirst && stops[i] === false ) { |
| 188 | first = i - 1; |
| 189 | foundFirst = true; |
| 190 | } else if ( foundFirst && stops[i] !== false ) { |
| 191 | last = i; |
| 192 | i = stops.length; |
| 193 | } |
| 194 | i++; |
| 195 | } |
| 196 | steps = last - first; |
| 197 | firstVal = parseInt( stops[first].replace('%'), 10 ); |
| 198 | incr = ( parseFloat( stops[last].replace('%') ) - firstVal ) / steps; |
| 199 | i = first + 1; |
| 200 | step = 1; |
| 201 | while ( i < last ) { |
| 202 | stops[i] = ( firstVal + ( step * incr ) ) + '%'; |
| 203 | step++; |
| 204 | i++; |
| 205 | } |
| 206 | return backFillColorStops( stops ); |
| 207 | } |
| 208 | |
| 209 | $.fn.gradient = function() { |
| 210 | var args = arguments; |
| 211 | return this.each( function() { |
| 212 | // this'll be oldishIE |
| 213 | if ( nonGradientIE ) { |
| 214 | stupidIEGradient.apply( this, args ); |
| 215 | } else { |
| 216 | // new hotness |
| 217 | $( this ).css( 'backgroundImage', createGradient.apply( this, args ) ); |
| 218 | } |
| 219 | }); |
| 220 | }; |
| 221 | |
| 222 | $.fn.raninbowGradient = function( origin, args ) { |
| 223 | var opts, template, i, steps; |
| 224 | |
| 225 | origin = origin || 'top'; |
| 226 | opts = $.extend( {}, { s: 100, l: 50 }, args ); |
| 227 | template = 'hsl(%h%,' + opts.s + '%,' + opts.l + '%)'; |
| 228 | i = 0; |
| 229 | steps = []; |
| 230 | while ( i <= 360 ) { |
| 231 | steps.push( template.replace('%h%', i) ); |
| 232 | i += 30; |
| 233 | } |
| 234 | return this.each(function() { |
| 235 | $(this).gradient( origin, steps ); |
| 236 | }); |
| 237 | }; |
| 238 | |
| 239 | // the colorpicker widget def. |
| 240 | Iris = { |
| 241 | options: { |
| 242 | color: false, |
| 243 | mode: 'hsl', |
| 244 | controls: { |
| 245 | horiz: 's', // horizontal defaults to saturation |
| 246 | vert: 'l', // vertical defaults to lightness |
| 247 | strip: 'h' // right strip defaults to hue |
| 248 | }, |
| 249 | hide: true, // hide the color picker by default |
| 250 | border: true, // draw a border around the collection of UI elements |
| 251 | target: false, // a DOM element / jQuery selector that the element will be appended within. Only used when called on an input. |
| 252 | width: 200, // the width of the collection of UI elements |
| 253 | palettes: false // show a palette of basic colors beneath the square. |
| 254 | }, |
| 255 | _color: '', |
| 256 | _palettes: [ '#000', '#fff', '#d33', '#d93', '#ee2', '#81d742', '#1e73be', '#8224e3' ], |
| 257 | _inited: false, |
| 258 | _defaultHSLControls: { |
| 259 | horiz: 's', |
| 260 | vert: 'l', |
| 261 | strip: 'h' |
| 262 | }, |
| 263 | _defaultHSVControls: { |
| 264 | horiz: 'h', |
| 265 | vert: 'v', |
| 266 | strip: 's' |
| 267 | }, |
| 268 | _scale: { |
| 269 | h: 360, |
| 270 | s: 100, |
| 271 | l: 100, |
| 272 | v: 100 |
| 273 | }, |
| 274 | _create: function() { |
| 275 | var self = this, |
| 276 | el = self.element, |
| 277 | color = self.options.color || el.val(); |
| 278 | |
| 279 | if ( gradientType === false ) { |
| 280 | testGradientType(); |
| 281 | } |
| 282 | |
| 283 | if ( el.is( 'input' ) ) { |
| 284 | if ( self.options.target ) { |
| 285 | self.picker = $( _html ).appendTo( self.options.target ); |
| 286 | } else { |
| 287 | self.picker = $( _html ).insertAfter( el ); |
| 288 | } |
| 289 | |
| 290 | self._addInputListeners( el ); |
| 291 | } else { |
| 292 | el.append( _html ); |
| 293 | self.picker = el.find( '.iris-picker' ); |
| 294 | } |
| 295 | |
| 296 | // Browsers / Versions |
| 297 | // Feature detection doesn't work for these, and $.browser is deprecated |
| 298 | if ( isIE ) { |
| 299 | if ( IEVersion === 9 ) { |
| 300 | self.picker.addClass( 'iris-ie-9' ); |
| 301 | } else if ( IEVersion <= 8 ) { |
| 302 | self.picker.addClass( 'iris-ie-lt9' ); |
| 303 | } |
| 304 | } else if ( UA.indexOf('compatible') < 0 && UA.indexOf('khtml') < 0 && UA.match( /mozilla/ ) ) { |
| 305 | self.picker.addClass( 'iris-mozilla' ); |
| 306 | } |
| 307 | |
| 308 | if ( self.options.palettes ) { |
| 309 | self._addPalettes(); |
| 310 | } |
| 311 | |
| 312 | self._color = new Color( color ).setHSpace( self.options.mode ); |
| 313 | self.options.color = self._color.toString(); |
| 314 | |
| 315 | // prep 'em for re-use |
| 316 | self.controls = { |
| 317 | square: self.picker.find( '.iris-square' ), |
| 318 | squareDrag: self.picker.find( '.iris-square-value' ), |
| 319 | horiz: self.picker.find( '.iris-square-horiz' ), |
| 320 | vert: self.picker.find( '.iris-square-vert' ), |
| 321 | strip: self.picker.find( '.iris-strip' ), |
| 322 | stripSlider: self.picker.find( '.iris-strip .iris-slider-offset' ) |
| 323 | }; |
| 324 | |
| 325 | // small sanity check - if we chose hsv, change default controls away from hsl |
| 326 | if ( self.options.mode === 'hsv' && self._has('l', self.options.controls) ) { |
| 327 | self.options.controls = self._defaultHSVControls; |
| 328 | } else if ( self.options.mode === 'hsl' && self._has('v', self.options.controls) ) { |
| 329 | self.options.controls = self._defaultHSLControls; |
| 330 | } |
| 331 | |
| 332 | // store it. HSL gets squirrely |
| 333 | self.hue = self._color.h(); |
| 334 | |
| 335 | if ( self.options.hide ) { |
| 336 | self.picker.hide(); |
| 337 | } |
| 338 | |
| 339 | if ( self.options.border ) { |
| 340 | self.picker.addClass( 'iris-border' ); |
| 341 | } |
| 342 | |
| 343 | self._initControls(); |
| 344 | self.active = 'external'; |
| 345 | self._dimensions(); |
| 346 | self._change(); |
| 347 | }, |
| 348 | _has: function(needle, haystack) { |
| 349 | var ret = false; |
| 350 | $.each(haystack, function(i,v){ |
| 351 | if ( needle === v ) { |
| 352 | ret = true; |
| 353 | // exit the loop |
| 354 | return false; |
| 355 | } |
| 356 | }); |
| 357 | return ret; |
| 358 | }, |
| 359 | _addPalettes: function () { |
| 360 | var container = $( '<div class="iris-palette-container" />' ), |
| 361 | palette = $( '<a class="iris-palette" tabindex="0" />' ), |
| 362 | colors = $.isArray( this.options.palettes ) ? this.options.palettes : this._palettes; |
| 363 | |
| 364 | // do we have an existing container? Empty and reuse it. |
| 365 | if ( this.picker.find( '.iris-palette-container' ).length ) { |
| 366 | container = this.picker.find( '.iris-palette-container' ).detach().html( '' ); |
| 367 | } |
| 368 | |
| 369 | $.each(colors, function(index, val) { |
| 370 | palette.clone().data( 'color', val ) |
| 371 | .css( 'backgroundColor', val ).appendTo( container ) |
| 372 | .height( 10 ).width( 10 ); |
| 373 | }); |
| 374 | |
| 375 | this.picker.append(container); |
| 376 | }, |
| 377 | _paint: function() { |
| 378 | var self = this; |
| 379 | self._paintDimension( 'top', 'strip' ); |
| 380 | self._paintDimension( 'top', 'vert' ); |
| 381 | self._paintDimension( 'left', 'horiz' ); |
| 382 | }, |
| 383 | _paintDimension: function( origin, control ) { |
| 384 | var self = this, |
| 385 | c = self._color, |
| 386 | mode = self.options.mode, |
| 387 | color = self._getHSpaceColor(), |
| 388 | target = self.controls[ control ], |
| 389 | controlOpts = self.options.controls, |
| 390 | stops; |
| 391 | |
| 392 | // don't paint the active control |
| 393 | if ( control === self.active || ( self.active === 'square' && control !== 'strip' ) ) { |
| 394 | return; |
| 395 | } |
| 396 | |
| 397 | switch ( controlOpts[ control ] ) { |
| 398 | case 'h': |
| 399 | if ( mode === 'hsv' ) { |
| 400 | color = c.clone(); |
| 401 | switch ( control ) { |
| 402 | case 'horiz': |
| 403 | color[controlOpts.vert](100); |
| 404 | break; |
| 405 | case 'vert': |
| 406 | color[controlOpts.horiz](100); |
| 407 | break; |
| 408 | case 'strip': |
| 409 | color.setHSpace('hsl'); |
| 410 | break; |
| 411 | } |
| 412 | stops = color.toHsl(); |
| 413 | } else { |
| 414 | if ( control === 'strip' ) { |
| 415 | stops = { s: color.s, l: color.l }; |
| 416 | } else { |
| 417 | stops = { s: 100, l: color.l }; |
| 418 | } |
| 419 | } |
| 420 | |
| 421 | target.raninbowGradient( origin, stops ); |
| 422 | break; |
| 423 | case 's': |
| 424 | if ( mode === 'hsv' ) { |
| 425 | if ( control === 'vert' ) { |
| 426 | stops = [ c.clone().a(0).s(0).toCSS('rgba'), c.clone().a(1).s(0).toCSS('rgba') ]; |
| 427 | } else if ( control === 'strip' ) { |
| 428 | stops = [ c.clone().s(100).toCSS('hsl'), c.clone().s(0).toCSS('hsl') ]; |
| 429 | } else if ( control === 'horiz' ) { |
| 430 | stops = [ '#fff', 'hsl(' + color.h + ',100%,50%)' ]; |
| 431 | } |
| 432 | } else { // implicit mode === 'hsl' |
| 433 | if ( control === 'vert' && self.options.controls.horiz === 'h' ) { |
| 434 | stops = ['hsla(0, 0%, ' + color.l + '%, 0)', 'hsla(0, 0%, ' + color.l + '%, 1)']; |
| 435 | } else { |
| 436 | stops = ['hsl('+ color.h +',0%,50%)', 'hsl(' + color.h + ',100%,50%)']; |
| 437 | } |
| 438 | } |
| 439 | |
| 440 | |
| 441 | target.gradient( origin, stops ); |
| 442 | break; |
| 443 | case 'l': |
| 444 | if ( control === 'strip' ) { |
| 445 | stops = ['hsl(' + color.h + ',100%,100%)', 'hsl(' + color.h + ', ' + color.s + '%,50%)', 'hsl('+ color.h +',100%,0%)']; |
| 446 | } else { |
| 447 | stops = ['#fff', 'rgba(255,255,255,0) 50%', 'rgba(0,0,0,0) 50%', 'rgba(0,0,0,1)']; |
| 448 | } |
| 449 | target.gradient( origin, stops ); |
| 450 | break; |
| 451 | case 'v': |
| 452 | if ( control === 'strip' ) { |
| 453 | stops = [ c.clone().v(100).toCSS(), c.clone().v(0).toCSS() ]; |
| 454 | } else { |
| 455 | stops = ['rgba(0,0,0,0)', '#000']; |
| 456 | } |
| 457 | target.gradient( origin, stops ); |
| 458 | break; |
| 459 | default: |
| 460 | break; |
| 461 | } |
| 462 | }, |
| 463 | |
| 464 | _getHSpaceColor: function() { |
| 465 | return ( this.options.mode === 'hsv' ) ? this._color.toHsv() : this._color.toHsl(); |
| 466 | }, |
| 467 | |
| 468 | _dimensions: function( reset ) { |
| 469 | // whatever size |
| 470 | var self = this, |
| 471 | opts = self.options, |
| 472 | controls = self.controls, |
| 473 | square = controls.square, |
| 474 | strip = self.picker.find( '.iris-strip' ), |
| 475 | squareWidth = '77.5%', |
| 476 | stripWidth = '12%', |
| 477 | totalPadding = 20, |
| 478 | innerWidth = opts.border ? opts.width - totalPadding : opts.width, |
| 479 | controlsHeight, |
| 480 | paletteCount = $.isArray( opts.palettes ) ? opts.palettes.length : self._palettes.length, |
| 481 | paletteMargin, paletteWidth, paletteContainerWidth; |
| 482 | |
| 483 | if ( reset ) { |
| 484 | square.css( 'width', '' ); |
| 485 | strip.css( 'width', '' ); |
| 486 | self.picker.css( {width: '', height: ''} ); |
| 487 | } |
| 488 | |
| 489 | squareWidth = innerWidth * ( parseFloat( squareWidth ) / 100 ); |
| 490 | stripWidth = innerWidth * ( parseFloat( stripWidth ) / 100 ); |
| 491 | controlsHeight = opts.border ? squareWidth + totalPadding : squareWidth; |
| 492 | |
| 493 | square.width( squareWidth ).height( squareWidth ); |
| 494 | strip.height( squareWidth ).width( stripWidth ); |
| 495 | self.picker.css( { width: opts.width, height: controlsHeight } ); |
| 496 | |
| 497 | if ( ! opts.palettes ) { |
| 498 | return self.picker.css( 'paddingBottom', '' ); |
| 499 | } |
| 500 | |
| 501 | // single margin at 2% |
| 502 | paletteMargin = squareWidth * 2 / 100; |
| 503 | paletteContainerWidth = squareWidth - ( ( paletteCount - 1 ) * paletteMargin ); |
| 504 | paletteWidth = paletteContainerWidth / paletteCount; |
| 505 | self.picker.find('.iris-palette').each( function( i ) { |
| 506 | var margin = i === 0 ? 0 : paletteMargin; |
| 507 | $( this ).css({ |
| 508 | width: paletteWidth, |
| 509 | height: paletteWidth, |
| 510 | marginLeft: margin |
| 511 | }); |
| 512 | }); |
| 513 | self.picker.css( 'paddingBottom', paletteWidth + paletteMargin ); |
| 514 | strip.height( paletteWidth + paletteMargin + squareWidth ); |
| 515 | }, |
| 516 | |
| 517 | _addInputListeners: function( input ) { |
| 518 | var self = this, |
| 519 | debounceTimeout = 100, |
| 520 | callback = function( event ){ |
| 521 | var color = new Color( input.val() ), |
| 522 | val = input.val().replace( /^#/, '' ); |
| 523 | |
| 524 | input.removeClass( 'iris-error' ); |
| 525 | // we gave a bad color |
| 526 | if ( color.error ) { |
| 527 | // don't error on an empty input - we want those allowed |
| 528 | if ( val !== '' ) { |
| 529 | input.addClass( 'iris-error' ); |
| 530 | } |
| 531 | } else { |
| 532 | if ( color.toString() !== self._color.toString() ) { |
| 533 | // let's not do this on keyup for hex shortcodes |
| 534 | if ( ! ( event.type === 'keyup' && val.match( /^[0-9a-fA-F]{3}$/ ) ) ) { |
| 535 | self._setOption( 'color', color.toString() ); |
| 536 | } |
| 537 | } |
| 538 | } |
| 539 | }; |
| 540 | |
| 541 | input.on( 'change', callback ).on( 'keyup', self._debounce( callback, debounceTimeout ) ); |
| 542 | |
| 543 | // If we initialized hidden, show on first focus. The rest is up to you. |
| 544 | if ( self.options.hide ) { |
| 545 | input.one( 'focus', function() { |
| 546 | self.show(); |
| 547 | }); |
| 548 | } |
| 549 | }, |
| 550 | |
| 551 | _initControls: function() { |
| 552 | var self = this, |
| 553 | controls = self.controls, |
| 554 | square = controls.square, |
| 555 | controlOpts = self.options.controls, |
| 556 | stripScale = self._scale[controlOpts.strip]; |
| 557 | |
| 558 | controls.stripSlider.slider({ |
| 559 | orientation: 'vertical', |
| 560 | max: stripScale, |
| 561 | slide: function( event, ui ) { |
| 562 | self.active = 'strip'; |
| 563 | // "reverse" for hue. |
| 564 | if ( controlOpts.strip === 'h' ) { |
| 565 | ui.value = stripScale - ui.value; |
| 566 | } |
| 567 | |
| 568 | self._color[controlOpts.strip]( ui.value ); |
| 569 | self._change.apply( self, arguments ); |
| 570 | } |
| 571 | }); |
| 572 | |
| 573 | controls.squareDrag.draggable({ |
| 574 | containment: 'div.iris-square-inner', |
| 575 | zIndex: 1000, |
| 576 | cursor: 'move', |
| 577 | drag: function( event, ui ) { |
| 578 | self._squareDrag( event, ui ); |
| 579 | }, |
| 580 | start: function() { |
| 581 | square.addClass( 'iris-dragging' ); |
| 582 | $(this).addClass( 'ui-state-focus' ); |
| 583 | }, |
| 584 | stop: function() { |
| 585 | square.removeClass( 'iris-dragging' ); |
| 586 | $(this).removeClass( 'ui-state-focus' ); |
| 587 | } |
| 588 | }).on( 'mousedown mouseup', function( event ) { |
| 589 | var focusClass = 'ui-state-focus'; |
| 590 | event.preventDefault(); |
| 591 | if (event.type === 'mousedown' ) { |
| 592 | self.picker.find( '.' + focusClass ).removeClass( focusClass ).blur(); |
| 593 | $(this).addClass( focusClass ).focus(); |
| 594 | } else { |
| 595 | $(this).removeClass( focusClass ); |
| 596 | } |
| 597 | }).on( 'keydown', function( event ) { |
| 598 | var container = controls.square, |
| 599 | draggable = controls.squareDrag, |
| 600 | position = draggable.position(), |
| 601 | distance = self.options.width / 100; // Distance in pixels the draggable should be moved: 1 "stop" |
| 602 | |
| 603 | // make alt key go "10" |
| 604 | if ( event.altKey ) { |
| 605 | distance *= 10; |
| 606 | } |
| 607 | |
| 608 | // Reposition if one of the directional keys is pressed |
| 609 | switch ( event.keyCode ) { |
| 610 | case 37: position.left -= distance; break; // Left |
| 611 | case 38: position.top -= distance; break; // Up |
| 612 | case 39: position.left += distance; break; // Right |
| 613 | case 40: position.top += distance; break; // Down |
| 614 | default: return true; // Exit and bubble |
| 615 | } |
| 616 | |
| 617 | // Keep draggable within container |
| 618 | position.left = Math.max( 0, Math.min( position.left, container.width() ) ); |
| 619 | position.top = Math.max( 0, Math.min( position.top, container.height() ) ); |
| 620 | |
| 621 | draggable.css(position); |
| 622 | self._squareDrag( event, { position: position }); |
| 623 | event.preventDefault(); |
| 624 | }); |
| 625 | |
| 626 | // allow clicking on the square to move there and keep dragging |
| 627 | square.mousedown( function( event ) { |
| 628 | var squareOffset, pos; |
| 629 | // only left click |
| 630 | if ( event.which !== 1 ) { |
| 631 | return; |
| 632 | } |
| 633 | |
| 634 | // prevent bubbling from the handle: no infinite loops |
| 635 | if ( ! $( event.target ).is( 'div' ) ) { |
| 636 | return; |
| 637 | } |
| 638 | |
| 639 | squareOffset = self.controls.square.offset(); |
| 640 | pos = { |
| 641 | top: event.pageY - squareOffset.top, |
| 642 | left: event.pageX - squareOffset.left |
| 643 | }; |
| 644 | event.preventDefault(); |
| 645 | self._squareDrag( event, { position: pos } ); |
| 646 | event.target = self.controls.squareDrag.get(0); |
| 647 | self.controls.squareDrag.css( pos ).trigger( event ); |
| 648 | }); |
| 649 | |
| 650 | // palettes |
| 651 | if ( self.options.palettes ) { |
| 652 | self._paletteListeners(); |
| 653 | } |
| 654 | }, |
| 655 | |
| 656 | _paletteListeners: function() { |
| 657 | var self = this; |
| 658 | self.picker.find('.iris-palette-container').on('click.palette', '.iris-palette', function() { |
| 659 | self._color.fromCSS( $(this).data('color') ); |
| 660 | self.active = 'external'; |
| 661 | self._change(); |
| 662 | }).on( 'keydown.palette', '.iris-palette', function( event ) { |
| 663 | if ( ! ( event.keyCode === 13 || event.keyCode === 32 ) ) { |
| 664 | return true; |
| 665 | } |
| 666 | event.stopPropagation(); |
| 667 | $( this ).click(); |
| 668 | }); |
| 669 | }, |
| 670 | |
| 671 | _squareDrag: function( event, ui ) { |
| 672 | var self = this, |
| 673 | controlOpts = self.options.controls, |
| 674 | dimensions = self._squareDimensions(), |
| 675 | vertVal = Math.round( ( dimensions.h - ui.position.top ) / dimensions.h * self._scale[controlOpts.vert] ), |
| 676 | horizVal = self._scale[controlOpts.horiz] - Math.round( ( dimensions.w - ui.position.left ) / dimensions.w * self._scale[controlOpts.horiz] ); |
| 677 | |
| 678 | self._color[controlOpts.horiz]( horizVal )[controlOpts.vert]( vertVal ); |
| 679 | |
| 680 | self.active = 'square'; |
| 681 | self._change.apply( self, arguments ); |
| 682 | }, |
| 683 | |
| 684 | _setOption: function( key, value ) { |
| 685 | var self = this, |
| 686 | oldValue = self.options[key], |
| 687 | doDimensions = false, |
| 688 | hexLessColor, |
| 689 | newColor, |
| 690 | method; |
| 691 | |
| 692 | // ensure the new value is set. We can reset to oldValue if some check wasn't met. |
| 693 | self.options[key] = value; |
| 694 | |
| 695 | switch(key) { |
| 696 | case 'color': |
| 697 | // cast to string in case we have a number |
| 698 | value = '' + value; |
| 699 | hexLessColor = value.replace( /^#/, '' ); |
| 700 | newColor = new Color( value ).setHSpace( self.options.mode ); |
| 701 | if ( newColor.error ) { |
| 702 | self.options[key] = oldValue; |
| 703 | } else { |
| 704 | self._color = newColor; |
| 705 | self.options.color = self.options[key] = self._color.toString(); |
| 706 | self.active = 'external'; |
| 707 | self._change(); |
| 708 | } |
| 709 | break; |
| 710 | case 'palettes': |
| 711 | doDimensions = true; |
| 712 | |
| 713 | if ( value ) { |
| 714 | self._addPalettes(); |
| 715 | } else { |
| 716 | self.picker.find('.iris-palette-container').remove(); |
| 717 | } |
| 718 | |
| 719 | // do we need to add events? |
| 720 | if ( ! oldValue ) { |
| 721 | self._paletteListeners(); |
| 722 | } |
| 723 | break; |
| 724 | case 'width': |
| 725 | doDimensions = true; |
| 726 | break; |
| 727 | case 'border': |
| 728 | doDimensions = true; |
| 729 | method = value ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'; |
| 730 | self.picker[method]('iris-border'); |
| 731 | break; |
| 732 | case 'mode': |
| 733 | case 'controls': |
| 734 | // if nothing's changed, let's bail, since this causes re-rendering the whole widget |
| 735 | if ( oldValue === value ) { |
| 736 | return; |
| 737 | } |
| 738 | |
| 739 | // we're using these poorly named variables because they're already scoped. |
| 740 | // method is the element that Iris was called on. oldValue will be the options |
| 741 | method = self.element; |
| 742 | oldValue = self.options; |
| 743 | oldValue.hide = ! self.picker.is( ':visible' ); |
| 744 | self.destroy(); |
| 745 | self.picker.remove(); |
| 746 | return $(self.element).iris(oldValue); |
| 747 | } |
| 748 | |
| 749 | // Do we need to recalc dimensions? |
| 750 | if ( doDimensions ) { |
| 751 | self._dimensions(true); |
| 752 | } |
| 753 | }, |
| 754 | |
| 755 | _squareDimensions: function( forceRefresh ) { |
| 756 | var square = this.controls.square, |
| 757 | dimensions, |
| 758 | control; |
| 759 | |
| 760 | if ( forceRefresh !== undef && square.data('dimensions') ) { |
| 761 | return square.data('dimensions'); |
| 762 | } |
| 763 | |
| 764 | control = this.controls.squareDrag; |
| 765 | dimensions = { |
| 766 | w: square.width(), |
| 767 | h: square.height() |
| 768 | }; |
| 769 | square.data( 'dimensions', dimensions ); |
| 770 | return dimensions; |
| 771 | }, |
| 772 | |
| 773 | _isNonHueControl: function( active, type ) { |
| 774 | if ( active === 'square' && this.options.controls.strip === 'h' ) { |
| 775 | return true; |
| 776 | } else if ( type === 'external' || ( type === 'h' && active === 'strip' ) ) { |
| 777 | return false; |
| 778 | } |
| 779 | |
| 780 | return true; |
| 781 | }, |
| 782 | |
| 783 | _change: function() { |
| 784 | var self = this, |
| 785 | controls = self.controls, |
| 786 | color = self._getHSpaceColor(), |
| 787 | actions = [ 'square', 'strip' ], |
| 788 | controlOpts = self.options.controls, |
| 789 | type = controlOpts[self.active] || 'external', |
| 790 | oldHue = self.hue; |
| 791 | |
| 792 | if ( self.active === 'strip' ) { |
| 793 | // take no action on any of the square sliders if we adjusted the strip |
| 794 | actions = []; |
| 795 | } else if ( self.active !== 'external' ) { |
| 796 | // for non-strip, non-external, strip should never change |
| 797 | actions.pop(); // conveniently the last item |
| 798 | } |
| 799 | |
| 800 | $.each( actions, function(index, item) { |
| 801 | var value, dimensions, cssObj; |
| 802 | if ( item !== self.active ) { |
| 803 | switch ( item ) { |
| 804 | case 'strip': |
| 805 | // reverse for hue |
| 806 | value = ( controlOpts.strip === 'h' ) ? self._scale[controlOpts.strip] - color[controlOpts.strip] : color[controlOpts.strip]; |
| 807 | controls.stripSlider.slider( 'value', value ); |
| 808 | break; |
| 809 | case 'square': |
| 810 | dimensions = self._squareDimensions(); |
| 811 | cssObj = { |
| 812 | left: color[controlOpts.horiz] / self._scale[controlOpts.horiz] * dimensions.w, |
| 813 | top: dimensions.h - ( color[controlOpts.vert] / self._scale[controlOpts.vert] * dimensions.h ) |
| 814 | }; |
| 815 | |
| 816 | self.controls.squareDrag.css( cssObj ); |
| 817 | break; |
| 818 | } |
| 819 | } |
| 820 | }); |
| 821 | |
| 822 | // Ensure that we don't change hue if we triggered a hue reset |
| 823 | if ( color.h !== oldHue && self._isNonHueControl( self.active, type ) ) { |
| 824 | self._color.h(oldHue); |
| 825 | } |
| 826 | |
| 827 | // store hue for repeating above check next time |
| 828 | self.hue = self._color.h(); |
| 829 | |
| 830 | self.options.color = self._color.toString(); |
| 831 | |
| 832 | // only run after the first time |
| 833 | if ( self._inited ) { |
| 834 | self._trigger( 'change', { type: self.active }, { color: self._color } ); |
| 835 | } |
| 836 | |
| 837 | if ( self.element.is( ':input' ) && ! self._color.error ) { |
| 838 | self.element.removeClass( 'iris-error' ); |
| 839 | if ( self.element.val() !== self._color.toString() ) { |
| 840 | self.element.val( self._color.toString() ); |
| 841 | } |
| 842 | } |
| 843 | |
| 844 | self._paint(); |
| 845 | self._inited = true; |
| 846 | self.active = false; |
| 847 | }, |
| 848 | // taken from underscore.js _.debounce method |
| 849 | _debounce: function( func, wait, immediate ) { |
| 850 | var timeout, result; |
| 851 | return function() { |
| 852 | var context = this, |
| 853 | args = arguments, |
| 854 | later, |
| 855 | callNow; |
| 856 | |
| 857 | later = function() { |
| 858 | timeout = null; |
| 859 | if ( ! immediate) { |
| 860 | result = func.apply( context, args ); |
| 861 | } |
| 862 | }; |
| 863 | |
| 864 | callNow = immediate && !timeout; |
| 865 | clearTimeout( timeout ); |
| 866 | timeout = setTimeout( later, wait ); |
| 867 | if ( callNow ) { |
| 868 | result = func.apply( context, args ); |
| 869 | } |
| 870 | return result; |
| 871 | }; |
| 872 | }, |
| 873 | show: function() { |
| 874 | this.picker.show(); |
| 875 | }, |
| 876 | hide: function() { |
| 877 | this.picker.hide(); |
| 878 | }, |
| 879 | toggle: function() { |
| 880 | this.picker.toggle(); |
| 881 | }, |
| 882 | color: function(newColor) { |
| 883 | if ( newColor === true ) { |
| 884 | return this._color.clone(); |
| 885 | } else if ( newColor === undef ) { |
| 886 | return this._color.toString(); |
| 887 | } |
| 888 | this.option('color', newColor); |
| 889 | } |
| 890 | }; |
| 891 | // initialize the widget |
| 892 | $.widget( 'a8c.iris', Iris ); |
| 893 | // add CSS |
| 894 | $( '<style id="iris-css">' + _css + '</style>' ).appendTo( 'head' ); |
| 895 | |
| 896 | }( jQuery )); |
| 897 | /*! Color.js - v0.9.11 - 2013-08-09 |
| 898 | * https://github.com/Automattic/Color.js |
| 899 | * Copyright (c) 2013 Matt Wiebe; Licensed GPLv2 */ |
| 900 | (function(global, undef) { |
| 901 | |
| 902 | var Color = function( color, type ) { |
| 903 | if ( ! ( this instanceof Color ) ) |
| 904 | return new Color( color, type ); |
| 905 | |
| 906 | return this._init( color, type ); |
| 907 | }; |
| 908 | |
| 909 | Color.fn = Color.prototype = { |
| 910 | _color: 0, |
| 911 | _alpha: 1, |
| 912 | error: false, |
| 913 | // for preserving hue/sat in fromHsl().toHsl() flows |
| 914 | _hsl: { h: 0, s: 0, l: 0 }, |
| 915 | // for preserving hue/sat in fromHsv().toHsv() flows |
| 916 | _hsv: { h: 0, s: 0, v: 0 }, |
| 917 | // for setting hsl or hsv space - needed for .h() & .s() functions to function properly |
| 918 | _hSpace: 'hsl', |
| 919 | _init: function( color ) { |
| 920 | var func = 'noop'; |
| 921 | switch ( typeof color ) { |
| 922 | case 'object': |
| 923 | // alpha? |
| 924 | if ( color.a !== undef ) |
| 925 | this.a( color.a ); |
| 926 | func = ( color.r !== undef ) ? 'fromRgb' : |
| 927 | ( color.l !== undef ) ? 'fromHsl' : |
| 928 | ( color.v !== undef ) ? 'fromHsv' : func; |
| 929 | return this[func]( color ); |
| 930 | case 'string': |
| 931 | return this.fromCSS( color ); |
| 932 | case 'number': |
| 933 | return this.fromInt( parseInt( color, 10 ) ); |
| 934 | } |
| 935 | return this; |
| 936 | }, |
| 937 | |
| 938 | _error: function() { |
| 939 | this.error = true; |
| 940 | return this; |
| 941 | }, |
| 942 | |
| 943 | clone: function() { |
| 944 | var newColor = new Color( this.toInt() ), |
| 945 | copy = ['_alpha', '_hSpace', '_hsl', '_hsv', 'error']; |
| 946 | for ( var i = copy.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { |
| 947 | newColor[ copy[i] ] = this[ copy[i] ]; |
| 948 | } |
| 949 | return newColor; |
| 950 | }, |
| 951 | |
| 952 | setHSpace: function( space ) { |
| 953 | this._hSpace = ( space === 'hsv' ) ? space : 'hsl'; |
| 954 | return this; |
| 955 | }, |
| 956 | |
| 957 | noop: function() { |
| 958 | return this; |
| 959 | }, |
| 960 | |
| 961 | fromCSS: function( color ) { |
| 962 | var list, |
| 963 | leadingRE = /^(rgb|hs(l|v))a?\(/; |
| 964 | this.error = false; |
| 965 | |
| 966 | // whitespace and semicolon trim |
| 967 | color = color.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '').replace(/;$/, ''); |
| 968 | |
| 969 | if ( color.match(leadingRE) && color.match(/\)$/) ) { |
| 970 | list = color.replace(/(\s|%)/g, '').replace(leadingRE, '').replace(/,?\);?$/, '').split(','); |
| 971 | |
| 972 | if ( list.length < 3 ) |
| 973 | return this._error(); |
| 974 | |
| 975 | if ( list.length === 4 ) { |
| 976 | this.a( parseFloat( list.pop() ) ); |
| 977 | // error state has been set to true in .a() if we passed NaN |
| 978 | if ( this.error ) |
| 979 | return this; |
| 980 | } |
| 981 | |
| 982 | for (var i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { |
| 983 | list[i] = parseInt(list[i], 10); |
| 984 | if ( isNaN( list[i] ) ) |
| 985 | return this._error(); |
| 986 | } |
| 987 | |
| 988 | if ( color.match(/^rgb/) ) { |
| 989 | return this.fromRgb( { |
| 990 | r: list[0], |
| 991 | g: list[1], |
| 992 | b: list[2] |
| 993 | } ); |
| 994 | } else if ( color.match(/^hsv/) ) { |
| 995 | return this.fromHsv( { |
| 996 | h: list[0], |
| 997 | s: list[1], |
| 998 | v: list[2] |
| 999 | } ); |
| 1000 | } else { |
| 1001 | return this.fromHsl( { |
| 1002 | h: list[0], |
| 1003 | s: list[1], |
| 1004 | l: list[2] |
| 1005 | } ); |
| 1006 | } |
| 1007 | } else { |
| 1008 | // must be hex amirite? |
| 1009 | return this.fromHex( color ); |
| 1010 | } |
| 1011 | }, |
| 1012 | |
| 1013 | fromRgb: function( rgb, preserve ) { |
| 1014 | if ( typeof rgb !== 'object' || rgb.r === undef || rgb.g === undef || rgb.b === undef ) |
| 1015 | return this._error(); |
| 1016 | |
| 1017 | this.error = false; |
| 1018 | return this.fromInt( parseInt( ( rgb.r << 16 ) + ( rgb.g << 8 ) + rgb.b, 10 ), preserve ); |
| 1019 | }, |
| 1020 | |
| 1021 | fromHex: function( color ) { |
| 1022 | color = color.replace(/^#/, '').replace(/^0x/, ''); |
| 1023 | if ( color.length === 3 ) { |
| 1024 | color = color[0] + color[0] + color[1] + color[1] + color[2] + color[2]; |
| 1025 | } |
| 1026 | |
| 1027 | // rough error checking - this is where things go squirrely the most |
| 1028 | this.error = ! /^[0-9A-F]{6}$/i.test( color ); |
| 1029 | return this.fromInt( parseInt( color, 16 ) ); |
| 1030 | }, |
| 1031 | |
| 1032 | fromHsl: function( hsl ) { |
| 1033 | var r, g, b, q, p, h, s, l; |
| 1034 | |
| 1035 | if ( typeof hsl !== 'object' || hsl.h === undef || hsl.s === undef || hsl.l === undef ) |
| 1036 | return this._error(); |
| 1037 | |
| 1038 | this._hsl = hsl; // store it |
| 1039 | this._hSpace = 'hsl'; // implicit |
| 1040 | h = hsl.h / 360; s = hsl.s / 100; l = hsl.l / 100; |
| 1041 | if ( s === 0 ) { |
| 1042 | r = g = b = l; // achromatic |
| 1043 | } |
| 1044 | else { |
| 1045 | q = l < 0.5 ? l * ( 1 + s ) : l + s - l * s; |
| 1046 | p = 2 * l - q; |
| 1047 | r = this.hue2rgb( p, q, h + 1/3 ); |
| 1048 | g = this.hue2rgb( p, q, h ); |
| 1049 | b = this.hue2rgb( p, q, h - 1/3 ); |
| 1050 | } |
| 1051 | return this.fromRgb( { |
| 1052 | r: r * 255, |
| 1053 | g: g * 255, |
| 1054 | b: b * 255 |
| 1055 | }, true ); // true preserves hue/sat |
| 1056 | }, |
| 1057 | |
| 1058 | fromHsv: function( hsv ) { |
| 1059 | var h, s, v, r, g, b, i, f, p, q, t; |
| 1060 | if ( typeof hsv !== 'object' || hsv.h === undef || hsv.s === undef || hsv.v === undef ) |
| 1061 | return this._error(); |
| 1062 | |
| 1063 | this._hsv = hsv; // store it |
| 1064 | this._hSpace = 'hsv'; // implicit |
| 1065 | |
| 1066 | h = hsv.h / 360; s = hsv.s / 100; v = hsv.v / 100; |
| 1067 | i = Math.floor( h * 6 ); |
| 1068 | f = h * 6 - i; |
| 1069 | p = v * ( 1 - s ); |
| 1070 | q = v * ( 1 - f * s ); |
| 1071 | t = v * ( 1 - ( 1 - f ) * s ); |
| 1072 | |
| 1073 | switch( i % 6 ) { |
| 1074 | case 0: |
| 1075 | r = v; g = t; b = p; |
| 1076 | break; |
| 1077 | case 1: |
| 1078 | r = q; g = v; b = p; |
| 1079 | break; |
| 1080 | case 2: |
| 1081 | r = p; g = v; b = t; |
| 1082 | break; |
| 1083 | case 3: |
| 1084 | r = p; g = q; b = v; |
| 1085 | break; |
| 1086 | case 4: |
| 1087 | r = t; g = p; b = v; |
| 1088 | break; |
| 1089 | case 5: |
| 1090 | r = v; g = p; b = q; |
| 1091 | break; |
| 1092 | } |
| 1093 | |
| 1094 | return this.fromRgb( { |
| 1095 | r: r * 255, |
| 1096 | g: g * 255, |
| 1097 | b: b * 255 |
| 1098 | }, true ); // true preserves hue/sat |
| 1099 | |
| 1100 | }, |
| 1101 | // everything comes down to fromInt |
| 1102 | fromInt: function( color, preserve ) { |
| 1103 | this._color = parseInt( color, 10 ); |
| 1104 | |
| 1105 | if ( isNaN( this._color ) ) |
| 1106 | this._color = 0; |
| 1107 | |
| 1108 | // let's coerce things |
| 1109 | if ( this._color > 16777215 ) |
| 1110 | this._color = 16777215; |
| 1111 | else if ( this._color < 0 ) |
| 1112 | this._color = 0; |
| 1113 | |
| 1114 | // let's not do weird things |
| 1115 | if ( preserve === undef ) { |
| 1116 | this._hsv.h = this._hsv.s = this._hsl.h = this._hsl.s = 0; |
| 1117 | } |
| 1118 | // EVENT GOES HERE |
| 1119 | return this; |
| 1120 | }, |
| 1121 | |
| 1122 | hue2rgb: function( p, q, t ) { |
| 1123 | if ( t < 0 ) { |
| 1124 | t += 1; |
| 1125 | } |
| 1126 | if ( t > 1 ) { |
| 1127 | t -= 1; |
| 1128 | } |
| 1129 | if ( t < 1/6 ) { |
| 1130 | return p + ( q - p ) * 6 * t; |
| 1131 | } |
| 1132 | if ( t < 1/2 ) { |
| 1133 | return q; |
| 1134 | } |
| 1135 | if ( t < 2/3 ) { |
| 1136 | return p + ( q - p ) * ( 2/3 - t ) * 6; |
| 1137 | } |
| 1138 | return p; |
| 1139 | }, |
| 1140 | |
| 1141 | toString: function() { |
| 1142 | var hex = parseInt( this._color, 10 ).toString( 16 ); |
| 1143 | if ( this.error ) |
| 1144 | return ''; |
| 1145 | // maybe left pad it |
| 1146 | if ( hex.length < 6 ) { |
| 1147 | for (var i = 6 - hex.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { |
| 1148 | hex = '0' + hex; |
| 1149 | } |
| 1150 | } |
| 1151 | return '#' + hex; |
| 1152 | }, |
| 1153 | |
| 1154 | toCSS: function( type, alpha ) { |
| 1155 | type = type || 'hex'; |
| 1156 | alpha = parseFloat( alpha || this._alpha ); |
| 1157 | switch ( type ) { |
| 1158 | case 'rgb': |
| 1159 | case 'rgba': |
| 1160 | var rgb = this.toRgb(); |
| 1161 | if ( alpha < 1 ) { |
| 1162 | return "rgba( " + rgb.r + ", " + rgb.g + ", " + rgb.b + ", " + alpha + " )"; |
| 1163 | } |
| 1164 | else { |
| 1165 | return "rgb( " + rgb.r + ", " + rgb.g + ", " + rgb.b + " )"; |
| 1166 | } |
| 1167 | break; |
| 1168 | case 'hsl': |
| 1169 | case 'hsla': |
| 1170 | var hsl = this.toHsl(); |
| 1171 | if ( alpha < 1 ) { |
| 1172 | return "hsla( " + hsl.h + ", " + hsl.s + "%, " + hsl.l + "%, " + alpha + " )"; |
| 1173 | } |
| 1174 | else { |
| 1175 | return "hsl( " + hsl.h + ", " + hsl.s + "%, " + hsl.l + "% )"; |
| 1176 | } |
| 1177 | break; |
| 1178 | default: |
| 1179 | return this.toString(); |
| 1180 | } |
| 1181 | }, |
| 1182 | |
| 1183 | toRgb: function() { |
| 1184 | return { |
| 1185 | r: 255 & ( this._color >> 16 ), |
| 1186 | g: 255 & ( this._color >> 8 ), |
| 1187 | b: 255 & ( this._color ) |
| 1188 | }; |
| 1189 | }, |
| 1190 | |
| 1191 | toHsl: function() { |
| 1192 | var rgb = this.toRgb(); |
| 1193 | var r = rgb.r / 255, g = rgb.g / 255, b = rgb.b / 255; |
| 1194 | var max = Math.max( r, g, b ), min = Math.min( r, g, b ); |
| 1195 | var h, s, l = ( max + min ) / 2; |
| 1196 | |
| 1197 | if ( max === min ) { |
| 1198 | h = s = 0; // achromatic |
| 1199 | } else { |
| 1200 | var d = max - min; |
| 1201 | s = l > 0.5 ? d / ( 2 - max - min ) : d / ( max + min ); |
| 1202 | switch ( max ) { |
| 1203 | case r: h = ( g - b ) / d + ( g < b ? 6 : 0 ); |
| 1204 | break; |
| 1205 | case g: h = ( b - r ) / d + 2; |
| 1206 | break; |
| 1207 | case b: h = ( r - g ) / d + 4; |
| 1208 | break; |
| 1209 | } |
| 1210 | h /= 6; |
| 1211 | } |
| 1212 | |
| 1213 | // maintain hue & sat if we've been manipulating things in the HSL space. |
| 1214 | h = Math.round( h * 360 ); |
| 1215 | if ( h === 0 && this._hsl.h !== h ) { |
| 1216 | h = this._hsl.h; |
| 1217 | } |
| 1218 | s = Math.round( s * 100 ); |
| 1219 | if ( s === 0 && this._hsl.s ) { |
| 1220 | s = this._hsl.s; |
| 1221 | } |
| 1222 | |
| 1223 | return { |
| 1224 | h: h, |
| 1225 | s: s, |
| 1226 | l: Math.round( l * 100 ) |
| 1227 | }; |
| 1228 | |
| 1229 | }, |
| 1230 | |
| 1231 | toHsv: function() { |
| 1232 | var rgb = this.toRgb(); |
| 1233 | var r = rgb.r / 255, g = rgb.g / 255, b = rgb.b / 255; |
| 1234 | var max = Math.max( r, g, b ), min = Math.min( r, g, b ); |
| 1235 | var h, s, v = max; |
| 1236 | var d = max - min; |
| 1237 | s = max === 0 ? 0 : d / max; |
| 1238 | |
| 1239 | if ( max === min ) { |
| 1240 | h = s = 0; // achromatic |
| 1241 | } else { |
| 1242 | switch( max ){ |
| 1243 | case r: |
| 1244 | h = ( g - b ) / d + ( g < b ? 6 : 0 ); |
| 1245 | break; |
| 1246 | case g: |
| 1247 | h = ( b - r ) / d + 2; |
| 1248 | break; |
| 1249 | case b: |
| 1250 | h = ( r - g ) / d + 4; |
| 1251 | break; |
| 1252 | } |
| 1253 | h /= 6; |
| 1254 | } |
| 1255 | |
| 1256 | // maintain hue & sat if we've been manipulating things in the HSV space. |
| 1257 | h = Math.round( h * 360 ); |
| 1258 | if ( h === 0 && this._hsv.h !== h ) { |
| 1259 | h = this._hsv.h; |
| 1260 | } |
| 1261 | s = Math.round( s * 100 ); |
| 1262 | if ( s === 0 && this._hsv.s ) { |
| 1263 | s = this._hsv.s; |
| 1264 | } |
| 1265 | |
| 1266 | return { |
| 1267 | h: h, |
| 1268 | s: s, |
| 1269 | v: Math.round( v * 100 ) |
| 1270 | }; |
| 1271 | }, |
| 1272 | |
| 1273 | toInt: function() { |
| 1274 | return this._color; |
| 1275 | }, |
| 1276 | |
| 1277 | toIEOctoHex: function() { |
| 1278 | // AARRBBGG |
| 1279 | var hex = this.toString(); |
| 1280 | var AA = parseInt( 255 * this._alpha, 10 ).toString(16); |
| 1281 | if ( AA.length === 1 ) { |
| 1282 | AA = '0' + AA; |
| 1283 | } |
| 1284 | return '#' + AA + hex.replace(/^#/, '' ); |
| 1285 | }, |
| 1286 | |
| 1287 | toLuminosity: function() { |
| 1288 | var rgb = this.toRgb(); |
| 1289 | return 0.2126 * Math.pow( rgb.r / 255, 2.2 ) + 0.7152 * Math.pow( rgb.g / 255, 2.2 ) + 0.0722 * Math.pow( rgb.b / 255, 2.2); |
| 1290 | }, |
| 1291 | |
| 1292 | getDistanceLuminosityFrom: function( color ) { |
| 1293 | if ( ! ( color instanceof Color ) ) { |
| 1294 | throw 'getDistanceLuminosityFrom requires a Color object'; |
| 1295 | } |
| 1296 | var lum1 = this.toLuminosity(); |
| 1297 | var lum2 = color.toLuminosity(); |
| 1298 | if ( lum1 > lum2 ) { |
| 1299 | return ( lum1 + 0.05 ) / ( lum2 + 0.05 ); |
| 1300 | } |
| 1301 | else { |
| 1302 | return ( lum2 + 0.05 ) / ( lum1 + 0.05 ); |
| 1303 | } |
| 1304 | }, |
| 1305 | |
| 1306 | getMaxContrastColor: function() { |
| 1307 | var lum = this.toLuminosity(); |
| 1308 | var hex = ( lum >= 0.5 ) ? '000000' : 'ffffff'; |
| 1309 | return new Color( hex ); |
| 1310 | }, |
| 1311 | |
| 1312 | getReadableContrastingColor: function( bgColor, minContrast ) { |
| 1313 | if ( ! bgColor instanceof Color ) { |
| 1314 | return this; |
| 1315 | } |
| 1316 | |
| 1317 | // you shouldn't use less than 5, but you might want to. |
| 1318 | var targetContrast = ( minContrast === undef ) ? 5 : minContrast; |
| 1319 | // working things |
| 1320 | var contrast = bgColor.getDistanceLuminosityFrom( this ); |
| 1321 | var maxContrastColor = bgColor.getMaxContrastColor(); |
| 1322 | var maxContrast = maxContrastColor.getDistanceLuminosityFrom( bgColor ); |
| 1323 | |
| 1324 | // if current max contrast is less than the target contrast, we had wishful thinking. |
| 1325 | // still, go max |
| 1326 | if ( maxContrast <= targetContrast ) { |
| 1327 | return maxContrastColor; |
| 1328 | } |
| 1329 | // or, we might already have sufficient contrast |
| 1330 | else if ( contrast >= targetContrast ) { |
| 1331 | return this; |
| 1332 | } |
| 1333 | |
| 1334 | var incr = ( 0 === maxContrastColor.toInt() ) ? -1 : 1; |
| 1335 | while ( contrast < targetContrast ) { |
| 1336 | this.l( incr, true ); // 2nd arg turns this into an incrementer |
| 1337 | contrast = this.getDistanceLuminosityFrom( bgColor ); |
| 1338 | // infininite loop prevention: you never know. |
| 1339 | if ( this._color === 0 || this._color === 16777215 ) { |
| 1340 | break; |
| 1341 | } |
| 1342 | } |
| 1343 | |
| 1344 | return this; |
| 1345 | |
| 1346 | }, |
| 1347 | |
| 1348 | a: function( val ) { |
| 1349 | if ( val === undef ) |
| 1350 | return this._alpha; |
| 1351 | |
| 1352 | var a = parseFloat( val ); |
| 1353 | |
| 1354 | if ( isNaN( a ) ) |
| 1355 | return this._error(); |
| 1356 | |
| 1357 | this._alpha = a; |
| 1358 | return this; |
| 1359 | }, |
| 1360 | |
| 1361 | // TRANSFORMS |
| 1362 | |
| 1363 | darken: function( amount ) { |
| 1364 | amount = amount || 5; |
| 1365 | return this.l( - amount, true ); |
| 1366 | }, |
| 1367 | |
| 1368 | lighten: function( amount ) { |
| 1369 | amount = amount || 5; |
| 1370 | return this.l( amount, true ); |
| 1371 | }, |
| 1372 | |
| 1373 | saturate: function( amount ) { |
| 1374 | amount = amount || 15; |
| 1375 | return this.s( amount, true ); |
| 1376 | }, |
| 1377 | |
| 1378 | desaturate: function( amount ) { |
| 1379 | amount = amount || 15; |
| 1380 | return this.s( - amount, true ); |
| 1381 | }, |
| 1382 | |
| 1383 | toGrayscale: function() { |
| 1384 | return this.setHSpace('hsl').s( 0 ); |
| 1385 | }, |
| 1386 | |
| 1387 | getComplement: function() { |
| 1388 | return this.h( 180, true ); |
| 1389 | }, |
| 1390 | |
| 1391 | getSplitComplement: function( step ) { |
| 1392 | step = step || 1; |
| 1393 | var incr = 180 + ( step * 30 ); |
| 1394 | return this.h( incr, true ); |
| 1395 | }, |
| 1396 | |
| 1397 | getAnalog: function( step ) { |
| 1398 | step = step || 1; |
| 1399 | var incr = step * 30; |
| 1400 | return this.h( incr, true ); |
| 1401 | }, |
| 1402 | |
| 1403 | getTetrad: function( step ) { |
| 1404 | step = step || 1; |
| 1405 | var incr = step * 60; |
| 1406 | return this.h( incr, true ); |
| 1407 | }, |
| 1408 | |
| 1409 | getTriad: function( step ) { |
| 1410 | step = step || 1; |
| 1411 | var incr = step * 120; |
| 1412 | return this.h( incr, true ); |
| 1413 | }, |
| 1414 | |
| 1415 | _partial: function( key ) { |
| 1416 | var prop = shortProps[key]; |
| 1417 | return function( val, incr ) { |
| 1418 | var color = this._spaceFunc('to', prop.space); |
| 1419 | |
| 1420 | // GETTER |
| 1421 | if ( val === undef ) |
| 1422 | return color[key]; |
| 1423 | |
| 1424 | // INCREMENT |
| 1425 | if ( incr === true ) |
| 1426 | val = color[key] + val; |
| 1427 | |
| 1428 | // MOD & RANGE |
| 1429 | if ( prop.mod ) |
| 1430 | val = val % prop.mod; |
| 1431 | if ( prop.range ) |
| 1432 | val = ( val < prop.range[0] ) ? prop.range[0] : ( val > prop.range[1] ) ? prop.range[1] : val; |
| 1433 | |
| 1434 | // NEW VALUE |
| 1435 | color[key] = val; |
| 1436 | |
| 1437 | return this._spaceFunc('from', prop.space, color); |
| 1438 | }; |
| 1439 | }, |
| 1440 | |
| 1441 | _spaceFunc: function( dir, s, val ) { |
| 1442 | var space = s || this._hSpace, |
| 1443 | funcName = dir + space.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + space.substr(1); |
| 1444 | return this[funcName](val); |
| 1445 | } |
| 1446 | }; |
| 1447 | |
| 1448 | var shortProps = { |
| 1449 | h: { |
| 1450 | mod: 360 |
| 1451 | }, |
| 1452 | s: { |
| 1453 | range: [0,100] |
| 1454 | }, |
| 1455 | l: { |
| 1456 | space: 'hsl', |
| 1457 | range: [0,100] |
| 1458 | }, |
| 1459 | v: { |
| 1460 | space: 'hsv', |
| 1461 | range: [0,100] |
| 1462 | }, |
| 1463 | r: { |
| 1464 | space: 'rgb', |
| 1465 | range: [0,255] |
| 1466 | }, |
| 1467 | g: { |
| 1468 | space: 'rgb', |
| 1469 | range: [0,255] |
| 1470 | }, |
| 1471 | b: { |
| 1472 | space: 'rgb', |
| 1473 | range: [0,255] |
| 1474 | } |
| 1475 | }; |
| 1476 | |
| 1477 | for ( var key in shortProps ) { |
| 1478 | if ( shortProps.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) |
| 1479 | Color.fn[key] = Color.fn._partial(key); |
| 1480 | } |
| 1481 | |
| 1482 | // play nicely with Node + browser |
| 1483 | if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) |
| 1484 | module.exports = Color; |
| 1485 | else |
| 1486 | global.Color = Color; |
| 1487 | |
| 1488 | }(this)); |