Ticket #31242: 31242.2.diff
File 31242.2.diff, 62.1 KB (added by , 10 years ago) |
360 360 'wordpress', 361 361 'wpautoresize', 362 362 'wpeditimage', 363 'wpemoji', 363 364 'wpgallery', 364 365 'wplink', 365 366 'wpdialogs', -
160 160 add_filter( 'the_title_rss', 'ent2ncr', 8 ); 161 161 add_filter( 'the_title_rss', 'esc_html' ); 162 162 add_filter( 'the_content_rss', 'ent2ncr', 8 ); 163 add_filter( 'the_content_feed', 'feed_emoji' ); 163 164 add_filter( 'the_excerpt_rss', 'convert_chars' ); 164 165 add_filter( 'the_excerpt_rss', 'ent2ncr', 8 ); 165 166 add_filter( 'comment_author_rss', 'ent2ncr', 8 ); 166 167 add_filter( 'comment_text_rss', 'ent2ncr', 8 ); 167 168 add_filter( 'comment_text_rss', 'esc_html' ); 169 add_filter( 'comment_text_rss', 'feed_emoji' ); 168 170 add_filter( 'bloginfo_rss', 'ent2ncr', 8 ); 169 171 add_filter( 'the_author', 'ent2ncr', 8 ); 170 172 173 // Email filters 174 add_filter( 'wp_mail', 'mail_emoji' ); 175 171 176 // Misc filters 172 177 add_filter( 'option_ping_sites', 'privacy_ping_filter' ); 173 178 add_filter( 'option_blog_charset', '_wp_specialchars' ); // IMPORTANT: This must not be wp_specialchars() or esc_html() or it'll cause an infinite loop … … 217 222 add_action( 'wp_print_footer_scripts', '_wp_footer_scripts' ); 218 223 add_action( 'init', 'check_theme_switched', 99 ); 219 224 add_action( 'after_switch_theme', '_wp_sidebars_changed' ); 225 add_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' ); 220 226 221 227 if ( isset( $_GET['replytocom'] ) ) 222 228 add_action( 'wp_head', 'wp_no_robots' ); … … 247 253 add_action( 'admin_print_scripts', 'print_head_scripts', 20 ); 248 254 add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', '_wp_footer_scripts' ); 249 255 add_action( 'admin_print_styles', 'print_admin_styles', 20 ); 256 add_action( 'admin_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' ); 250 257 add_action( 'init', 'smilies_init', 5 ); 251 258 add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'wp_maybe_load_widgets', 0 ); 252 259 add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'wp_maybe_load_embeds', 0 ); -
649 649 650 650 return $feed; 651 651 } 652 653 /** 654 * Convert emoji characters in a feed into static images. 655 * 656 * @param string $content The content to convert. 657 * 658 * @return The converted content. 659 */ 660 function feed_emoji( $content ) { 661 return wp_staticize_emoji( $content, true ); 662 } -
2038 2038 $smiley = trim( reset( $matches ) ); 2039 2039 $img = $wpsmiliestrans[ $smiley ]; 2040 2040 2041 $matches = array(); 2042 $ext = preg_match( '/\.([^.]+)$/', $img, $matches ) ? strtolower( $matches[1] ) : false; 2043 $image_exts = array( 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'jpe', 'gif', 'png' ); 2044 2045 // Don't convert smilies that aren't images - they're probably emoji. 2046 if ( ! in_array( $ext, $image_exts ) ) { 2047 return $img; 2048 } 2049 2041 2050 /** 2042 2051 * Filter the Smiley image URL before it's used in the image element. 2043 2052 * … … 4015 4024 4016 4025 return $spaces; 4017 4026 } 4027 4028 /** 4029 * Print the important emoji-related styles. 4030 * 4031 * @since 4.2.0 4032 */ 4033 function print_emoji_styles() { 4034 ?> 4035 <style type="text/css"> 4036 img.wp-smiley, 4037 img.emoji { 4038 border: none !important; 4039 box-shadow: none !important; 4040 height: 1em !important; 4041 width: 1em !important; 4042 margin: 0 .05em 0 .1em !important; 4043 vertical-align: -0.1em !important; 4044 background: none !important; 4045 padding: 0 !important; 4046 } 4047 </style> 4048 <?php 4049 } 4050 4051 /** 4052 * Convert any 4 byte emoji in a string to their equivalent HTML entity. 4053 * Currently, only Unicode 7 emoji are supported. Unicode 8 emoji will be added 4054 * when the spec in finalised, along with the new skin-tone modifiers. 4055 * 4056 * This allows us to store emoji in a DB using the utf8 character set. 4057 * 4058 * @since 4.2.0 4059 * 4060 * @param string $content The content to encode. 4061 * @return string The encoded content. 4062 */ 4063 function wp_encode_emoji( $content ) { 4064 if ( function_exists( 'mb_convert_encoding' ) ) { 4065 $regex = '/( 4066 \x23\xE2\x83\xA3 # Digits 4067 [\x30-\x39]\xE2\x83\xA3 4068 | \xF0\x9F[\x85-\x88][\xA6-\xBF] # Enclosed characters 4069 | \xF0\x9F[\x8C-\x97][\x80-\xBF] # Misc 4070 | \xF0\x9F\x98[\x80-\xBF] # Smilies 4071 | \xF0\x9F\x99[\x80-\x8F] 4072 | \xF0\x9F\x9A[\x80-\xBF] # Transport and map symbols 4073 | \xF0\x9F\x99[\x80-\x85] 4074 )/x'; 4075 4076 $matches = array(); 4077 if ( preg_match_all( $regex, $content, $matches ) ) { 4078 if ( ! empty( $matches[1] ) ) { 4079 foreach( $matches[1] as $emoji ) { 4080 /* 4081 * UTF-32's hex encoding is the same as HTML's hex encoding. 4082 * So, by converting the emoji from UTF-8 to UTF-32, we magically 4083 * get the correct hex encoding. 4084 */ 4085 $unpacked = unpack( 'H*', mb_convert_encoding( $emoji, 'UTF-32', 'UTF-8' ) ); 4086 if ( isset( $unpacked[1] ) ) { 4087 $entity = '&#x' . trim( $unpacked[1], '0' ) . ';'; 4088 $content = str_replace( $emoji, $entity, $content ); 4089 } 4090 } 4091 } 4092 } 4093 } 4094 4095 return $content; 4096 } 4097 4098 /** 4099 * Convert emoji to a static <img> link. 4100 * 4101 * @since 4.2.0 4102 * 4103 * @param string $content The content to encode. 4104 * @return string The encoded content. 4105 */ 4106 function wp_staticize_emoji( $content ) { 4107 $content = wp_encode_emoji( $content ); 4108 4109 if ( ! class_exists( 'DOMDocument' ) ) { 4110 return $content; 4111 } 4112 4113 /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/script-loader.php */ 4114 $cdn_url = apply_filters( 'emoji_url', '//s0.wp.com/wp-content/mu-plugins/emoji/twemoji/72x72/' ); 4115 /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/script-loader.php */ 4116 $ext = apply_filters( 'emoji_ext', '.png' ); 4117 4118 $html = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body>' . $content . '</body></html>'; 4119 4120 $document = new DOMDocument; 4121 if ( ! $document->loadHTML( $html ) ) { 4122 return $content; 4123 } 4124 4125 $xpath = new DOMXPath( $document ); 4126 $textnodes = $xpath->query( '//text()' ); 4127 4128 foreach( $textnodes as $node ) { 4129 $originalText = $text = wp_encode_emoji( $node->nodeValue ); 4130 4131 $matches = array(); 4132 if ( preg_match_all( '/(DZ(e[6-9a-f]|f[0-9a-f]);){2}/', $text, $matches ) ) { 4133 if ( ! empty( $matches[0] ) ) { 4134 foreach ( $matches[0] as $flag ) { 4135 $chars = str_replace( array( '&#x', ';'), '', $flag ); 4136 4137 list( $char1, $char2 ) = str_split( $chars, 5 ); 4138 $entity = '<img src="https:' . $cdn_url . $char1 . '-' . $char2 . $ext . '" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em;" />'; 4139 4140 $text = str_replace( $flag, $entity, $text ); 4141 } 4142 } 4143 } 4144 4145 // Loosely match the Emoji Unicode range. 4146 $regex = '/(&#x[2-3][0-9a-f]{3};|[1-6][0-9a-f]{2};)/'; 4147 4148 $matches = array(); 4149 if ( preg_match_all( $regex, $text, $matches ) ) { 4150 if ( ! empty( $matches[1] ) ) { 4151 foreach ( $matches[1] as $emoji ) { 4152 $char = str_replace( array( '&#x', ';'), '', $emoji ); 4153 $entity = '<img src="https:' . $cdn_url . $char . $ext . '" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em;" />'; 4154 4155 $text = str_replace( $emoji, $entity, $text ); 4156 } 4157 } 4158 } 4159 4160 if ( $originalText !== $text ) { 4161 $content = str_replace( $originalText, $text, $content ); 4162 } 4163 } 4164 4165 return $content; 4166 } 4167 4168 /** 4169 * Convert emoji in emails into static images. 4170 * 4171 * @param array $mail The email data array. 4172 * 4173 * @return array The email data array, with emoji in the message staticized. 4174 */ 4175 function mail_emoji( $mail ) { 4176 $mail['message'] = wp_staticize_emoji( $mail['message'], true ); 4177 return $mail; 4178 } -
2945 2945 2946 2946 if ( !isset( $wpsmiliestrans ) ) { 2947 2947 $wpsmiliestrans = array( 2948 ':mrgreen:' => ' icon_mrgreen.gif',2949 ':neutral:' => 'icon_neutral.gif',2950 ':twisted:' => 'icon_twisted.gif',2951 ':arrow:' => 'icon_arrow.gif',2952 ':shock:' => 'icon_eek.gif',2953 ':smile:' => ' icon_smile.gif',2954 ':???:' => 'icon_confused.gif',2955 ':cool:' => 'icon_cool.gif',2956 ':evil:' => 'icon_evil.gif',2957 ':grin:' => 'icon_biggrin.gif',2958 ':idea:' => 'icon_idea.gif',2959 ':oops:' => 'icon_redface.gif',2960 ':razz:' => 'icon_razz.gif',2961 ':roll:' => ' icon_rolleyes.gif',2962 ':wink:' => 'icon_wink.gif',2963 ':cry:' => 'icon_cry.gif',2964 ':eek:' => 'icon_surprised.gif',2965 ':lol:' => 'icon_lol.gif',2966 ':mad:' => 'icon_mad.gif',2967 ':sad:' => 'icon_sad.gif',2968 '8-)' => 'icon_cool.gif',2969 '8-O' => 'icon_eek.gif',2970 ':-(' => 'icon_sad.gif',2971 ':-)' => ' icon_smile.gif',2972 ':-?' => 'icon_confused.gif',2973 ':-D' => 'icon_biggrin.gif',2974 ':-P' => 'icon_razz.gif',2975 ':-o' => 'icon_surprised.gif',2976 ':-x' => 'icon_mad.gif',2977 ':-|' => 'icon_neutral.gif',2978 ';-)' => 'icon_wink.gif',2948 ':mrgreen:' => 'mrgreen.png', 2949 ':neutral:' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\x90", 2950 ':twisted:' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\x88", 2951 ':arrow:' => "\xe2\x9e\xa1", 2952 ':shock:' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\xaf", 2953 ':smile:' => 'simple-smile.png', 2954 ':???:' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\xaf", 2955 ':cool:' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\x8e", 2956 ':evil:' => "\xf0\x9f\x91\xbf", 2957 ':grin:' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\x84", 2958 ':idea:' => "\xf0\x9f\x92\xa1", 2959 ':oops:' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\xb3", 2960 ':razz:' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\x9b", 2961 ':roll:' => 'rolleyes.png', 2962 ':wink:' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\x89", 2963 ':cry:' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\xa5", 2964 ':eek:' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\xaf", 2965 ':lol:' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\x84", 2966 ':mad:' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\xa1", 2967 ':sad:' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\xa6", 2968 '8-)' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\x8e", 2969 '8-O' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\xaf", 2970 ':-(' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\xa6", 2971 ':-)' => 'simple-smile.png', 2972 ':-?' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\xaf", 2973 ':-D' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\x84", 2974 ':-P' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\x9b", 2975 ':-o' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\xaf", 2976 ':-x' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\xa1", 2977 ':-|' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\x90", 2978 ';-)' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\x89", 2979 2979 // This one transformation breaks regular text with frequency. 2980 // '8)' => 'icon_cool.gif',2981 '8O' => 'icon_eek.gif',2982 ':(' => 'icon_sad.gif',2983 ':)' => ' icon_smile.gif',2984 ':?' => 'icon_confused.gif',2985 ':D' => 'icon_biggrin.gif',2986 ':P' => 'icon_razz.gif',2987 ':o' => 'icon_surprised.gif',2988 ':x' => 'icon_mad.gif',2989 ':|' => 'icon_neutral.gif',2990 ';)' => 'icon_wink.gif',2991 ':!:' => 'icon_exclaim.gif',2992 ':?:' => 'icon_question.gif',2980 // '8)' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\x8e", 2981 '8O' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\xaf", 2982 ':(' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\xa6", 2983 ':)' => 'simple-smile.png', 2984 ':?' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\xaf", 2985 ':D' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\x84", 2986 ':P' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\x9b", 2987 ':o' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\xaf", 2988 ':x' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\xa1", 2989 ':|' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\x90", 2990 ';)' => "\xf0\x9f\x98\x89", 2991 ':!:' => "\xe2\x9d\x97", 2992 ':?:' => "\xe2\x9d\x93", 2993 2993 ); 2994 2994 } 2995 2995 -
1 /* global EmojiSettings, twemoji */ 2 var WPEmoji; 3 4 (function() { 5 WPEmoji = { 6 /** 7 * The CDN URL for where emoji files are hosted. 8 * 9 * @since 4.2.0 10 * 11 * @var string 12 */ 13 base_url: '//s0.wp.com/wp-content/mu-plugins/emoji/twemoji/72x72', 14 15 /** 16 * The extension of the hosted emoji files. 17 * 18 * @since 4.2.0 19 * 20 * @var string 21 */ 22 ext: '.png', 23 24 /** 25 * Flag to determine if we should parse all emoji characters into Twemoji images. 26 * 27 * @since 4.2.0 28 * 29 * @var bool 30 */ 31 parseAllEmoji: false, 32 33 /** 34 * Flag to determine if we should consider parsing emoji characters into Twemoji images. 35 * 36 * @since 4.2.0 37 * 38 * @var bool 39 */ 40 parseEmoji: false, 41 42 /** 43 * Flag to determine if we should parse flag characters into Twemoji images. 44 * 45 * @since 4.2.0 46 * 47 * @var bool 48 */ 49 parseFlags: false, 50 51 /** 52 * Initialize our emoji support, and set up listeners. 53 * 54 * @since 4.2.0 55 */ 56 init: function() { 57 if ( typeof EmojiSettings !== 'undefined' ) { 58 this.base_url = EmojiSettings.base_url || this.base_url; 59 this.ext = EmojiSettings.ext || this.ext; 60 } 61 62 WPEmoji.parseAllEmoji = ! WPEmoji.browserSupportsEmoji(); 63 WPEmoji.parseFlags = ! WPEmoji.browserSupportsFlagEmoji(); 64 WPEmoji.parseEmoji = WPEmoji.parseAllEmoji || WPEmoji.parseFlags; 65 66 if ( ! WPEmoji.parseEmoji ) { 67 return; 68 } 69 }, 70 71 /** 72 * Runs when the document load event is fired, so we can do our first parse of the page. 73 * 74 * @since 4.2.0 75 */ 76 load: function() { 77 WPEmoji.parse( document.body ); 78 }, 79 80 /** 81 * Detect if the browser supports rendering emoji. 82 * 83 * @since 4.2.0 84 * 85 * @return {bool} True if the browser can render emoji, false if it cannot. 86 */ 87 browserSupportsEmoji: function() { 88 var context, smile; 89 90 if ( ! document.createElement( 'canvas' ).getContext ) { 91 return; 92 } 93 94 context = document.createElement( 'canvas' ).getContext( '2d' ); 95 if ( typeof context.fillText != 'function' ) { 96 return; 97 } 98 99 smile = String.fromCharCode( 55357 ) + String.fromCharCode( 56835 ); 100 101 /* 102 * Chrome OS X added native emoji rendering in M41. Unfortunately, 103 * it doesn't work when the font is bolder than 500 weight. So, we 104 * check for bold rendering support to avoid invisible emoji in Chrome. 105 */ 106 context.textBaseline = 'top'; 107 context.font = '600 32px Arial'; 108 context.fillText( smile, 0, 0 ); 109 110 return context.getImageData( 16, 16, 1, 1 ).data[0] !== 0; 111 }, 112 113 /** 114 * Detect if the browser supports rendering flag emoji. Flag emoji are a single glyph 115 * made of two characters, so some browsers (notably, Firefox OS X) don't support them. 116 * 117 * @since 4.2.0 118 * @return {bool} True if the browser renders flag characters as a flag glyph, false if it does not. 119 */ 120 browserSupportsFlagEmoji: function() { 121 var context, flag, canvas; 122 123 canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' ); 124 125 if ( ! canvas.getContext ) { 126 return; 127 } 128 129 context = canvas.getContext( '2d' ); 130 131 if ( typeof context.fillText != 'function' ) { 132 return; 133 } 134 135 flag = String.fromCharCode(55356) + String.fromCharCode(56812); // [G] 136 flag += String.fromCharCode(55356) + String.fromCharCode(56807); // [B] 137 138 context.textBaseline = 'top'; 139 context.font = '32px Arial'; 140 context.fillText( flag, 0, 0 ); 141 142 /* 143 * This works because the image will be one of three things: 144 * - Two empty squares, if the browser doen't render emoji 145 * - Two squares with 'G' and 'B' in them, if the browser doen't render flag emoji 146 * - The British flag 147 * 148 * The first two will encode to small images (1-2KB data URLs), the third will encode 149 * to a larger image (4-5KB data URL). 150 */ 151 return canvas.toDataURL().length > 3000; 152 153 }, 154 155 /** 156 * Given a DOM node, parse any emoji characters into Twemoji images. 157 * 158 * @since 4.2.0 159 * 160 * @param {Element} element The DOM node to parse. 161 */ 162 parse: function( element ) { 163 if ( ! WPEmoji.parseEmoji ) { 164 return; 165 } 166 167 return twemoji.parse( element, { 168 base: this.base_url, 169 ext: this.ext, 170 callback: function( icon, options ) { 171 // Ignore some standard characters that TinyMCE recommends in its character map. 172 switch ( icon ) { 173 case 'a9': 174 case 'ae': 175 case '2122': 176 case '2194': 177 case '2660': 178 case '2663': 179 case '2665': 180 case '2666': 181 return false; 182 } 183 184 if ( WPEmoji.parseFlags && ! WPEmoji.parseAllEmoji && ! icon.match( /^1f1(e[6-9a-f]|f[1-9a-f])-1f1(e[6-9a-f]|f[1-9a-f])$/ ) ) { 185 return false; 186 } 187 188 return ''.concat( options.base, '/', icon, options.ext ); 189 } 190 } ); 191 } 192 }; 193 194 if ( window.addEventListener ) { 195 window.addEventListener( 'load', WPEmoji.load, false ); 196 } else if ( window.attachEvent ) { 197 window.attachEvent( 'onload', WPEmoji.load ); 198 } 199 200 WPEmoji.init(); 201 })(); -
Property changes on: src/wp-includes/js/emoji.js ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property
1 .emoji-wrapper, 2 .emoji-spacer { 3 -moz-user-select: none; 4 -webkit-user-select: none; 5 -ms-user-select: none; 6 user-select: none; 7 } 8 img.emoji { 9 height: 1em; 10 width: 1em; 11 margin: 0 .05em 0 .1em; 12 vertical-align: -0.1em; 13 border: none; 14 padding: 0; 15 } -
Property changes on: src/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpemoji/css/editor.css ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property
1 /* This file was automatically generated on Nov 19 2014 05:08:11 */ 2 3 .emoji-wrapper, 4 .emoji-spacer { 5 -moz-user-select: none; 6 -webkit-user-select: none; 7 -ms-user-select: none; 8 user-select: none; 9 } 10 img.emoji { 11 height: 1em; 12 width: 1em; 13 margin: 0 .1em 0 .05em; 14 vertical-align: -0.1em; 15 border: none; 16 padding: 0; 17 } -
Property changes on: src/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpemoji/css/rtl/editor-rtl.css ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property
1 ( function( tinymce, WPEmoji ) { 2 tinymce.PluginManager.add( 'wpemoji', function( editor, url ) { 3 var typing; 4 5 if ( ! WPEmoji.parseEmoji ) { 6 return; 7 } 8 9 // Loads stylesheet for custom styles within the editor 10 editor.on( 'init', function() { 11 var cssId = editor.dom.uniqueId(); 12 var linkElm = editor.dom.create( 'link', { 13 id: cssId, 14 rel: 'stylesheet', 15 href: url + '/css/editor.css' 16 }); 17 editor.getDoc().getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[0].appendChild( linkElm ); 18 } ); 19 20 editor.on( 'keydown keyup', function( event ) { 21 typing = event.type === 'keydown'; 22 } ); 23 24 editor.on( 'input setcontent', function() { 25 var selection, node, bookmark, imgs; 26 27 if ( typing ) { 28 return; 29 } 30 31 selection = editor.selection; 32 node = selection.getNode(); 33 bookmark = selection.getBookmark(); 34 35 WPEmoji.parse( node ); 36 37 imgs = editor.dom.select( 'img.emoji', node ); 38 39 tinymce.each( imgs, function( elem ) { 40 if ( ! elem.getAttribute( 'data-wp-emoji' ) ) { 41 elem.setAttribute( 'data-mce-resize', 'false' ); 42 elem.setAttribute( 'data-mce-placeholder', '1' ); 43 elem.setAttribute( 'data-wp-emoji', elem.alt ); 44 } 45 } ); 46 47 selection.moveToBookmark( bookmark ); 48 } ); 49 50 editor.on( 'postprocess', function( event ) { 51 if ( event.content ) { 52 event.content = event.content.replace( /<img[^>]+data-wp-emoji="([^"]+)"[^>]*>/g, function( match, emoji ) { 53 return emoji; 54 } ); 55 } 56 } ); 57 58 editor.on( 'resolvename', function( event ) { 59 if ( event.target.nodeName === 'IMG' && editor.dom.getAttrib( event.target, 'data-wp-emoji' ) ) { 60 event.preventDefault(); 61 } 62 } ); 63 } ); 64 } )( window.tinymce, window.WPEmoji ); -
Property changes on: src/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpemoji/plugin.js ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property
1 /*jslint indent: 2, browser: true, bitwise: true, plusplus: true */ 2 var twemoji; 3 twemoji = (function ( 4 /*! Copyright Twitter Inc. and other contributors. Licensed under MIT *//* 5 https://github.com/twitter/twemoji/blob/gh-pages/LICENSE 6 */ 7 8 // WARNING: this file is generated automatically via 9 // `node twemoji-generator.js` 10 // please update its `createTwemoji` function 11 // at the bottom of the same file instead. 12 13 ) { 14 'use strict'; 15 16 /*jshint maxparams:4 */ 17 18 var 19 // the exported module object 20 twemoji = { 21 22 23 ///////////////////////// 24 // properties // 25 ///////////////////////// 26 27 // default assets url, by default will be Twitter Inc. CDN 28 base: (location.protocol === 'https:' ? 'https:' : 'http:') + 29 '//twemoji.maxcdn.com/', 30 31 // default assets file extensions, by default '.png' 32 ext: '.png', 33 34 // default assets/folder size, by default "36x36" 35 // available via Twitter CDN: 16, 36, 72 36 size: '36x36', 37 38 // default class name, by default 'emoji' 39 className: 'emoji', 40 41 // basic utilities / helpers to convert code points 42 // to JavaScript surrogates and vice versa 43 convert: { 44 45 /** 46 * Given an HEX codepoint, returns UTF16 surrogate pairs. 47 * 48 * @param string generic codepoint, i.e. '1F4A9' 49 * @return string codepoint transformed into utf16 surrogates pair, 50 * i.e. \uD83D\uDCA9 51 * 52 * @example 53 * twemoji.convert.fromCodePoint('1f1e8'); 54 * // "\ud83c\udde8" 55 * 56 * '1f1e8-1f1f3'.split('-').map(twemoji.convert.fromCodePoint).join('') 57 * // "\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddf3" 58 */ 59 fromCodePoint: fromCodePoint, 60 61 /** 62 * Given UTF16 surrogate pairs, returns the equivalent HEX codepoint. 63 * 64 * @param string generic utf16 surrogates pair, i.e. \uD83D\uDCA9 65 * @param string optional separator for double code points, default='-' 66 * @return string utf16 transformed into codepoint, i.e. '1F4A9' 67 * 68 * @example 69 * twemoji.convert.toCodePoint('\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddf3'); 70 * // "1f1e8-1f1f3" 71 * 72 * twemoji.convert.toCodePoint('\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddf3', '~'); 73 * // "1f1e8~1f1f3" 74 */ 75 toCodePoint: toCodePoint 76 }, 77 78 79 ///////////////////////// 80 // methods // 81 ///////////////////////// 82 83 /** 84 * User first: used to remove missing images 85 * preserving the original text intent when 86 * a fallback for network problems is desired. 87 * Automatically added to Image nodes via DOM 88 * It could be recycled for string operations via: 89 * $('img.emoji').on('error', twemoji.onerror) 90 */ 91 onerror: function onerror() { 92 if (this.parentNode) { 93 this.parentNode.replaceChild(createText(this.alt), this); 94 } 95 }, 96 97 /** 98 * Main method/logic to generate either <img> tags or HTMLImage nodes. 99 * "emojify" a generic text or DOM Element. 100 * 101 * @overloads 102 * 103 * String replacement for `innerHTML` or server side operations 104 * twemoji.parse(string); 105 * twemoji.parse(string, Function); 106 * twemoji.parse(string, Object); 107 * 108 * HTMLElement tree parsing for safer operations over existing DOM 109 * twemoji.parse(HTMLElement); 110 * twemoji.parse(HTMLElement, Function); 111 * twemoji.parse(HTMLElement, Object); 112 * 113 * @param string|HTMLElement the source to parse and enrich with emoji. 114 * 115 * string replace emoji matches with <img> tags. 116 * Mainly used to inject emoji via `innerHTML` 117 * It does **not** parse the string or validate it, 118 * it simply replaces found emoji with a tag. 119 * NOTE: be sure this won't affect security. 120 * 121 * HTMLElement walk through the DOM tree and find emoji 122 * that are inside **text node only** (nodeType === 3) 123 * Mainly used to put emoji in already generated DOM 124 * without compromising surrounding nodes and 125 * **avoiding** the usage of `innerHTML`. 126 * NOTE: Using DOM elements instead of strings should 127 * improve security without compromising too much 128 * performance compared with a less safe `innerHTML`. 129 * 130 * @param Function|Object [optional] 131 * either the callback that will be invoked or an object 132 * with all properties to use per each found emoji. 133 * 134 * Function if specified, this will be invoked per each emoji 135 * that has been found through the RegExp except 136 * those follwed by the invariant \uFE0E ("as text"). 137 * Once invoked, parameters will be: 138 * 139 * codePoint:string the lower case HEX code point 140 * i.e. "1f4a9" 141 * 142 * options:Object all info for this parsing operation 143 * 144 * variant:char the optional \uFE0F ("as image") 145 * variant, in case this info 146 * is anyhow meaningful. 147 * By default this is ignored. 148 * 149 * If such callback will return a falsy value instead 150 * of a valid `src` to use for the image, nothing will 151 * actually change for that specific emoji. 152 * 153 * 154 * Object if specified, an object containing the following properties 155 * 156 * callback Function the callback to invoke per each found emoji. 157 * base string the base url, by default twemoji.base 158 * ext string the image extension, by default twemoji.ext 159 * size string the assets size, by default twemoji.size 160 * 161 * @example 162 * 163 * twemoji.parse("I \u2764\uFE0F emoji!"); 164 * // I <img class="emoji" draggable="false" alt="❤️" src="/assets/2764.gif"> emoji! 165 * 166 * 167 * twemoji.parse("I \u2764\uFE0F emoji!", function(icon, options, variant) { 168 * return '/assets/' + icon + '.gif'; 169 * }); 170 * // I <img class="emoji" draggable="false" alt="❤️" src="/assets/2764.gif"> emoji! 171 * 172 * 173 * twemoji.parse("I \u2764\uFE0F emoji!", { 174 * size: 72, 175 * callback: function(icon, options, variant) { 176 * return '/assets/' + options.size + '/' + icon + options.ext; 177 * } 178 * }); 179 * // I <img class="emoji" draggable="false" alt="❤️" src="/assets/72x72/2764.png"> emoji! 180 * 181 */ 182 parse: parse, 183 184 /** 185 * Given a string, invokes the callback argument 186 * per each emoji found in such string. 187 * This is the most raw version used by 188 * the .parse(string) method itself. 189 * 190 * @param string generic string to parse 191 * @param Function a generic callback that will be 192 * invoked to replace the content. 193 * This calback wil receive standard 194 * String.prototype.replace(str, callback) 195 * arguments such: 196 * callback( 197 * match, // the emoji match 198 * icon, // the emoji text (same as text) 199 * variant // either '\uFE0E' or '\uFE0F', if present 200 * ); 201 * 202 * and others commonly received via replace. 203 * 204 * NOTE: When the variant \uFE0E is found, remember this is an explicit intent 205 * from the user: the emoji should **not** be replaced with an image. 206 * In \uFE0F case one, it's the opposite, it should be graphic. 207 * This utility convetion is that only \uFE0E are not translated into images. 208 */ 209 replace: replace, 210 211 /** 212 * Simplify string tests against emoji. 213 * 214 * @param string some text that might contain emoji 215 * @return boolean true if any emoji was found, false otherwise. 216 * 217 * @example 218 * 219 * if (twemoji.test(someContent)) { 220 * console.log("emoji All The Things!"); 221 * } 222 */ 223 test: test 224 }, 225 226 // RegExp based on emoji's official Unicode standards 227 // http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/EmojiSources.txt 228 re = /((?:\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddf3|\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8|\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddfa|\ud83c\uddf0\ud83c\uddf7|\ud83c\uddef\ud83c\uddf5|\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf9|\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7|\ud83c\uddeb\ud83c\uddf7|\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddf8|\ud83c\udde9\ud83c\uddea|\u0039\ufe0f?\u20e3|\u0038\ufe0f?\u20e3|\u0037\ufe0f?\u20e3|\u0036\ufe0f?\u20e3|\u0035\ufe0f?\u20e3|\u0034\ufe0f?\u20e3|\u0033\ufe0f?\u20e3|\u0032\ufe0f?\u20e3|\u0031\ufe0f?\u20e3|\u0030\ufe0f?\u20e3|\u0023\ufe0f?\u20e3|\ud83d\udeb3|\ud83d\udeb1|\ud83d\udeb0|\ud83d\udeaf|\ud83d\udeae|\ud83d\udea6|\ud83d\udea3|\ud83d\udea1|\ud83d\udea0|\ud83d\ude9f|\ud83d\ude9e|\ud83d\ude9d|\ud83d\ude9c|\ud83d\ude9b|\ud83d\ude98|\ud83d\ude96|\ud83d\ude94|\ud83d\ude90|\ud83d\ude8e|\ud83d\ude8d|\ud83d\ude8b|\ud83d\ude8a|\ud83d\ude88|\ud83d\ude86|\ud83d\ude82|\ud83d\ude81|\ud83d\ude36|\ud83d\ude34|\ud83d\ude2f|\ud83d\ude2e|\ud83d\ude2c|\ud83d\ude27|\ud83d\ude26|\ud83d\ude1f|\ud83d\ude1b|\ud83d\ude19|\ud83d\ude17|\ud83d\ude15|\ud83d\ude11|\ud83d\ude10|\ud83d\ude0e|\ud83d\ude08|\ud83d\ude07|\ud83d\ude00|\ud83d\udd67|\ud83d\udd66|\ud83d\udd65|\ud83d\udd64|\ud83d\udd63|\ud83d\udd62|\ud83d\udd61|\ud83d\udd60|\ud83d\udd5f|\ud83d\udd5e|\ud83d\udd5d|\ud83d\udd5c|\ud83d\udd2d|\ud83d\udd2c|\ud83d\udd15|\ud83d\udd09|\ud83d\udd08|\ud83d\udd07|\ud83d\udd06|\ud83d\udd05|\ud83d\udd04|\ud83d\udd02|\ud83d\udd01|\ud83d\udd00|\ud83d\udcf5|\ud83d\udcef|\ud83d\udced|\ud83d\udcec|\ud83d\udcb7|\ud83d\udcb6|\ud83d\udcad|\ud83d\udc6d|\ud83d\udc6c|\ud83d\udc65|\ud83d\udc2a|\ud83d\udc16|\ud83d\udc15|\ud83d\udc13|\ud83d\udc10|\ud83d\udc0f|\ud83d\udc0b|\ud83d\udc0a|\ud83d\udc09|\ud83d\udc08|\ud83d\udc07|\ud83d\udc06|\ud83d\udc05|\ud83d\udc04|\ud83d\udc03|\ud83d\udc02|\ud83d\udc01|\ud83d\udc00|\ud83c\udfe4|\ud83c\udfc9|\ud83c\udfc7|\ud83c\udf7c|\ud83c\udf50|\ud83c\udf4b|\ud83c\udf33|\ud83c\udf32|\ud83c\udf1e|\ud83c\udf1d|\ud83c\udf1c|\ud83c\udf1a|\ud83c\udf18|\ud83c\udccf|\ud83c\udd70|\ud83c\udd71|\ud83c\udd7e|\ud83c\udd8e|\ud83c\udd91|\ud83c\udd92|\ud83c\udd93|\ud83c\udd94|\ud83c\udd95|\ud83c\udd96|\ud83c\udd97|\ud83c\udd98|\ud83c\udd99|\ud83c\udd9a|\ud83d\udc77|\ud83d\udec5|\ud83d\udec4|\ud83d\udec3|\ud83d\udec2|\ud83d\udec1|\ud83d\udebf|\ud83d\udeb8|\ud83d\udeb7|\ud83d\udeb5|\ud83c\ude01|\ud83c\ude02|\ud83c\ude32|\ud83c\ude33|\ud83c\ude34|\ud83c\ude35|\ud83c\ude36|\ud83c\ude37|\ud83c\ude38|\ud83c\ude39|\ud83c\ude3a|\ud83c\ude50|\ud83c\ude51|\ud83c\udf00|\ud83c\udf01|\ud83c\udf02|\ud83c\udf03|\ud83c\udf04|\ud83c\udf05|\ud83c\udf06|\ud83c\udf07|\ud83c\udf08|\ud83c\udf09|\ud83c\udf0a|\ud83c\udf0b|\ud83c\udf0c|\ud83c\udf0f|\ud83c\udf11|\ud83c\udf13|\ud83c\udf14|\ud83c\udf15|\ud83c\udf19|\ud83c\udf1b|\ud83c\udf1f|\ud83c\udf20|\ud83c\udf30|\ud83c\udf31|\ud83c\udf34|\ud83c\udf35|\ud83c\udf37|\ud83c\udf38|\ud83c\udf39|\ud83c\udf3a|\ud83c\udf3b|\ud83c\udf3c|\ud83c\udf3d|\ud83c\udf3e|\ud83c\udf3f|\ud83c\udf40|\ud83c\udf41|\ud83c\udf42|\ud83c\udf43|\ud83c\udf44|\ud83c\udf45|\ud83c\udf46|\ud83c\udf47|\ud83c\udf48|\ud83c\udf49|\ud83c\udf4a|\ud83c\udf4c|\ud83c\udf4d|\ud83c\udf4e|\ud83c\udf4f|\ud83c\udf51|\ud83c\udf52|\ud83c\udf53|\ud83c\udf54|\ud83c\udf55|\ud83c\udf56|\ud83c\udf57|\ud83c\udf58|\ud83c\udf59|\ud83c\udf5a|\ud83c\udf5b|\ud83c\udf5c|\ud83c\udf5d|\ud83c\udf5e|\ud83c\udf5f|\ud83c\udf60|\ud83c\udf61|\ud83c\udf62|\ud83c\udf63|\ud83c\udf64|\ud83c\udf65|\ud83c\udf66|\ud83c\udf67|\ud83c\udf68|\ud83c\udf69|\ud83c\udf6a|\ud83c\udf6b|\ud83c\udf6c|\ud83c\udf6d|\ud83c\udf6e|\ud83c\udf6f|\ud83c\udf70|\ud83c\udf71|\ud83c\udf72|\ud83c\udf73|\ud83c\udf74|\ud83c\udf75|\ud83c\udf76|\ud83c\udf77|\ud83c\udf78|\ud83c\udf79|\ud83c\udf7a|\ud83c\udf7b|\ud83c\udf80|\ud83c\udf81|\ud83c\udf82|\ud83c\udf83|\ud83c\udf84|\ud83c\udf85|\ud83c\udf86|\ud83c\udf87|\ud83c\udf88|\ud83c\udf89|\ud83c\udf8a|\ud83c\udf8b|\ud83c\udf8c|\ud83c\udf8d|\ud83c\udf8e|\ud83c\udf8f|\ud83c\udf90|\ud83c\udf91|\ud83c\udf92|\ud83c\udf93|\ud83c\udfa0|\ud83c\udfa1|\ud83c\udfa2|\ud83c\udfa3|\ud83c\udfa4|\ud83c\udfa5|\ud83c\udfa6|\ud83c\udfa7|\ud83c\udfa8|\ud83c\udfa9|\ud83c\udfaa|\ud83c\udfab|\ud83c\udfac|\ud83c\udfad|\ud83c\udfae|\ud83c\udfaf|\ud83c\udfb0|\ud83c\udfb1|\ud83c\udfb2|\ud83c\udfb3|\ud83c\udfb4|\ud83c\udfb5|\ud83c\udfb6|\ud83c\udfb7|\ud83c\udfb8|\ud83c\udfb9|\ud83c\udfba|\ud83c\udfbb|\ud83c\udfbc|\ud83c\udfbd|\ud83c\udfbe|\ud83c\udfbf|\ud83c\udfc0|\ud83c\udfc1|\ud83c\udfc2|\ud83c\udfc3|\ud83c\udfc4|\ud83c\udfc6|\ud83c\udfc8|\ud83c\udfca|\ud83c\udfe0|\ud83c\udfe1|\ud83c\udfe2|\ud83c\udfe3|\ud83c\udfe5|\ud83c\udfe6|\ud83c\udfe7|\ud83c\udfe8|\ud83c\udfe9|\ud83c\udfea|\ud83c\udfeb|\ud83c\udfec|\ud83c\udfed|\ud83c\udfee|\ud83c\udfef|\ud83c\udff0|\ud83d\udc0c|\ud83d\udc0d|\ud83d\udc0e|\ud83d\udc11|\ud83d\udc12|\ud83d\udc14|\ud83d\udc17|\ud83d\udc18|\ud83d\udc19|\ud83d\udc1a|\ud83d\udc1b|\ud83d\udc1c|\ud83d\udc1d|\ud83d\udc1e|\ud83d\udc1f|\ud83d\udc20|\ud83d\udc21|\ud83d\udc22|\ud83d\udc23|\ud83d\udc24|\ud83d\udc25|\ud83d\udc26|\ud83d\udc27|\ud83d\udc28|\ud83d\udc29|\ud83d\udc2b|\ud83d\udc2c|\ud83d\udc2d|\ud83d\udc2e|\ud83d\udc2f|\ud83d\udc30|\ud83d\udc31|\ud83d\udc32|\ud83d\udc33|\ud83d\udc34|\ud83d\udc35|\ud83d\udc36|\ud83d\udc37|\ud83d\udc38|\ud83d\udc39|\ud83d\udc3a|\ud83d\udc3b|\ud83d\udc3c|\ud83d\udc3d|\ud83d\udc3e|\ud83d\udc40|\ud83d\udc42|\ud83d\udc43|\ud83d\udc44|\ud83d\udc45|\ud83d\udc46|\ud83d\udc47|\ud83d\udc48|\ud83d\udc49|\ud83d\udc4a|\ud83d\udc4b|\ud83d\udc4c|\ud83d\udc4d|\ud83d\udc4e|\ud83d\udc4f|\ud83d\udc50|\ud83d\udc51|\ud83d\udc52|\ud83d\udc53|\ud83d\udc54|\ud83d\udc55|\ud83d\udc56|\ud83d\udc57|\ud83d\udc58|\ud83d\udc59|\ud83d\udc5a|\ud83d\udc5b|\ud83d\udc5c|\ud83d\udc5d|\ud83d\udc5e|\ud83d\udc5f|\ud83d\udc60|\ud83d\udc61|\ud83d\udc62|\ud83d\udc63|\ud83d\udc64|\ud83d\udc66|\ud83d\udc67|\ud83d\udc68|\ud83d\udc69|\ud83d\udc6a|\ud83d\udc6b|\ud83d\udc6e|\ud83d\udc6f|\ud83d\udc70|\ud83d\udc71|\ud83d\udc72|\ud83d\udc73|\ud83d\udc74|\ud83d\udc75|\ud83d\udc76|\ud83d\udeb4|\ud83d\udc78|\ud83d\udc79|\ud83d\udc7a|\ud83d\udc7b|\ud83d\udc7c|\ud83d\udc7d|\ud83d\udc7e|\ud83d\udc7f|\ud83d\udc80|\ud83d\udc81|\ud83d\udc82|\ud83d\udc83|\ud83d\udc84|\ud83d\udc85|\ud83d\udc86|\ud83d\udc87|\ud83d\udc88|\ud83d\udc89|\ud83d\udc8a|\ud83d\udc8b|\ud83d\udc8c|\ud83d\udc8d|\ud83d\udc8e|\ud83d\udc8f|\ud83d\udc90|\ud83d\udc91|\ud83d\udc92|\ud83d\udc93|\ud83d\udc94|\ud83d\udc95|\ud83d\udc96|\ud83d\udc97|\ud83d\udc98|\ud83d\udc99|\ud83d\udc9a|\ud83d\udc9b|\ud83d\udc9c|\ud83d\udc9d|\ud83d\udc9e|\ud83d\udc9f|\ud83d\udca0|\ud83d\udca1|\ud83d\udca2|\ud83d\udca3|\ud83d\udca4|\ud83d\udca5|\ud83d\udca6|\ud83d\udca7|\ud83d\udca8|\ud83d\udca9|\ud83d\udcaa|\ud83d\udcab|\ud83d\udcac|\ud83d\udcae|\ud83d\udcaf|\ud83d\udcb0|\ud83d\udcb1|\ud83d\udcb2|\ud83d\udcb3|\ud83d\udcb4|\ud83d\udcb5|\ud83d\udcb8|\ud83d\udcb9|\ud83d\udcba|\ud83d\udcbb|\ud83d\udcbc|\ud83d\udcbd|\ud83d\udcbe|\ud83d\udcbf|\ud83d\udcc0|\ud83d\udcc1|\ud83d\udcc2|\ud83d\udcc3|\ud83d\udcc4|\ud83d\udcc5|\ud83d\udcc6|\ud83d\udcc7|\ud83d\udcc8|\ud83d\udcc9|\ud83d\udcca|\ud83d\udccb|\ud83d\udccc|\ud83d\udccd|\ud83d\udcce|\ud83d\udccf|\ud83d\udcd0|\ud83d\udcd1|\ud83d\udcd2|\ud83d\udcd3|\ud83d\udcd4|\ud83d\udcd5|\ud83d\udcd6|\ud83d\udcd7|\ud83d\udcd8|\ud83d\udcd9|\ud83d\udcda|\ud83d\udcdb|\ud83d\udcdc|\ud83d\udcdd|\ud83d\udcde|\ud83d\udcdf|\ud83d\udce0|\ud83d\udce1|\ud83d\udce2|\ud83d\udce3|\ud83d\udce4|\ud83d\udce5|\ud83d\udce6|\ud83d\udce7|\ud83d\udce8|\ud83d\udce9|\ud83d\udcea|\ud83d\udceb|\ud83d\udcee|\ud83d\udcf0|\ud83d\udcf1|\ud83d\udcf2|\ud83d\udcf3|\ud83d\udcf4|\ud83d\udcf6|\ud83d\udcf7|\ud83d\udcf9|\ud83d\udcfa|\ud83d\udcfb|\ud83d\udcfc|\ud83d\udd03|\ud83d\udd0a|\ud83d\udd0b|\ud83d\udd0c|\ud83d\udd0d|\ud83d\udd0e|\ud83d\udd0f|\ud83d\udd10|\ud83d\udd11|\ud83d\udd12|\ud83d\udd13|\ud83d\udd14|\ud83d\udd16|\ud83d\udd17|\ud83d\udd18|\ud83d\udd19|\ud83d\udd1a|\ud83d\udd1b|\ud83d\udd1c|\ud83d\udd1d|\ud83d\udd1e|\ud83d\udd1f|\ud83d\udd20|\ud83d\udd21|\ud83d\udd22|\ud83d\udd23|\ud83d\udd24|\ud83d\udd25|\ud83d\udd26|\ud83d\udd27|\ud83d\udd28|\ud83d\udd29|\ud83d\udd2a|\ud83d\udd2b|\ud83d\udd2e|\ud83d\udd2f|\ud83d\udd30|\ud83d\udd31|\ud83d\udd32|\ud83d\udd33|\ud83d\udd34|\ud83d\udd35|\ud83d\udd36|\ud83d\udd37|\ud83d\udd38|\ud83d\udd39|\ud83d\udd3a|\ud83d\udd3b|\ud83d\udd3c|\ud83d\udd3d|\ud83d\udd50|\ud83d\udd51|\ud83d\udd52|\ud83d\udd53|\ud83d\udd54|\ud83d\udd55|\ud83d\udd56|\ud83d\udd57|\ud83d\udd58|\ud83d\udd59|\ud83d\udd5a|\ud83d\udd5b|\ud83d\uddfb|\ud83d\uddfc|\ud83d\uddfd|\ud83d\uddfe|\ud83d\uddff|\ud83d\ude01|\ud83d\ude02|\ud83d\ude03|\ud83d\ude04|\ud83d\ude05|\ud83d\ude06|\ud83d\ude09|\ud83d\ude0a|\ud83d\ude0b|\ud83d\ude0c|\ud83d\ude0d|\ud83d\ude0f|\ud83d\ude12|\ud83d\ude13|\ud83d\ude14|\ud83d\ude16|\ud83d\ude18|\ud83d\ude1a|\ud83d\ude1c|\ud83d\ude1d|\ud83d\ude1e|\ud83d\ude20|\ud83d\ude21|\ud83d\ude22|\ud83d\ude23|\ud83d\ude24|\ud83d\ude25|\ud83d\ude28|\ud83d\ude29|\ud83d\ude2a|\ud83d\ude2b|\ud83d\ude2d|\ud83d\ude30|\ud83d\ude31|\ud83d\ude32|\ud83d\ude33|\ud83d\ude35|\ud83d\ude37|\ud83d\ude38|\ud83d\ude39|\ud83d\ude3a|\ud83d\ude3b|\ud83d\ude3c|\ud83d\ude3d|\ud83d\ude3e|\ud83d\ude3f|\ud83d\ude40|\ud83d\ude45|\ud83d\ude46|\ud83d\ude47|\ud83d\ude48|\ud83d\ude49|\ud83d\ude4a|\ud83d\ude4b|\ud83d\ude4c|\ud83d\ude4d|\ud83d\ude4e|\ud83d\ude4f|\ud83d\ude80|\ud83d\ude83|\ud83d\ude84|\ud83d\ude85|\ud83d\ude87|\ud83d\ude89|\ud83d\ude8c|\ud83d\ude8f|\ud83d\ude91|\ud83d\ude92|\ud83d\ude93|\ud83d\ude95|\ud83d\ude97|\ud83d\ude99|\ud83d\ude9a|\ud83d\udea2|\ud83d\udea4|\ud83d\udea5|\ud83d\udea7|\ud83d\udea8|\ud83d\udea9|\ud83d\udeaa|\ud83d\udeab|\ud83d\udeac|\ud83d\udead|\ud83d\udeb2|\ud83d\udeb6|\ud83d\udeb9|\ud83d\udeba|\ud83d\udebb|\ud83d\udebc|\ud83d\udebd|\ud83d\udebe|\ud83d\udec0|\ud83c\udde6|\ud83c\udde7|\ud83c\udde8|\ud83c\udde9|\ud83c\uddea|\ud83c\uddeb|\ud83c\uddec|\ud83c\udded|\ud83c\uddee|\ud83c\uddef|\ud83c\uddf0|\ud83c\uddf1|\ud83c\uddf2|\ud83c\uddf3|\ud83c\uddf4|\ud83c\uddf5|\ud83c\uddf6|\ud83c\uddf7|\ud83c\uddf8|\ud83c\uddf9|\ud83c\uddfa|\ud83c\uddfb|\ud83c\uddfc|\ud83c\uddfd|\ud83c\uddfe|\ud83c\uddff|\ud83c\udf0d|\ud83c\udf0e|\ud83c\udf10|\ud83c\udf12|\ud83c\udf16|\ud83c\udf17|\ue50a|\u3030|\u27b0|\u2797|\u2796|\u2795|\u2755|\u2754|\u2753|\u274e|\u274c|\u2728|\u270b|\u270a|\u2705|\u26ce|\u23f3|\u23f0|\u23ec|\u23eb|\u23ea|\u23e9|\u2122|\u27bf|\u00a9|\u00ae)|(?:(?:\ud83c\udc04|\ud83c\udd7f|\ud83c\ude1a|\ud83c\ude2f|\u3299|\u303d|\u2b55|\u2b50|\u2b1c|\u2b1b|\u2b07|\u2b06|\u2b05|\u2935|\u2934|\u27a1|\u2764|\u2757|\u2747|\u2744|\u2734|\u2733|\u2716|\u2714|\u2712|\u270f|\u270c|\u2709|\u2708|\u2702|\u26fd|\u26fa|\u26f5|\u26f3|\u26f2|\u26ea|\u26d4|\u26c5|\u26c4|\u26be|\u26bd|\u26ab|\u26aa|\u26a1|\u26a0|\u2693|\u267f|\u267b|\u3297|\u2666|\u2665|\u2663|\u2660|\u2653|\u2652|\u2651|\u2650|\u264f|\u264e|\u264d|\u264c|\u264b|\u264a|\u2649|\u2648|\u263a|\u261d|\u2615|\u2614|\u2611|\u260e|\u2601|\u2600|\u25fe|\u25fd|\u25fc|\u25fb|\u25c0|\u25b6|\u25ab|\u25aa|\u24c2|\u231b|\u231a|\u21aa|\u21a9|\u2199|\u2198|\u2197|\u2196|\u2195|\u2194|\u2139|\u2049|\u203c|\u2668)([\uFE0E\uFE0F]?)))/g, 229 230 // nodes with type 1 which should **not** be parsed 231 shouldntBeParsed = /IFRAME|NOFRAMES|NOSCRIPT|SCRIPT|STYLE|TEXTAREA|SELECT/, 232 233 // just a private shortcut 234 fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode; 235 236 return twemoji; 237 238 239 ///////////////////////// 240 // private functions // 241 // declaration // 242 ///////////////////////// 243 244 /** 245 * Shortcut to create text nodes 246 * @param string text used to create DOM text node 247 * @return Node a DOM node with that text 248 */ 249 function createText(text) { 250 return document.createTextNode(text); 251 } 252 253 /** 254 * Default callback used to generate emoji src 255 * based on Twitter CDN 256 * @param string the emoji codepoint string 257 * @param string the default size to use, i.e. "36x36" 258 * @param string optional "\uFE0F" variant char, ignored by default 259 * @return string the image source to use 260 */ 261 function defaultImageSrcGenerator(icon, options) { 262 return ''.concat(options.base, options.size, '/', icon, options.ext); 263 } 264 265 /** 266 * Given a generic DOM nodeType 1, walk through all children 267 * and store every nodeType 3 (#text) found in the tree. 268 * @param Element a DOM Element with probably some text in it 269 * @param Array the list of previously discovered text nodes 270 * @return Array same list with new discovered nodes, if any 271 */ 272 function grabAllTextNodes(node, allText) { 273 var 274 childNodes = node.childNodes, 275 length = childNodes.length, 276 subnode, 277 nodeType; 278 while (length--) { 279 subnode = childNodes[length]; 280 nodeType = subnode.nodeType; 281 // parse emoji only in text nodes 282 if (nodeType === 3) { 283 // collect them to process emoji later 284 allText.push(subnode); 285 } 286 // ignore all nodes that are not type 1 or that 287 // should not be parsed as script, style, and others 288 else if (nodeType === 1 && !shouldntBeParsed.test(subnode.nodeName)) { 289 grabAllTextNodes(subnode, allText); 290 } 291 } 292 return allText; 293 } 294 295 /** 296 * Used to both remove the possible variant 297 * and to convert utf16 into code points 298 * @param string the emoji surrogate pair 299 * @param string the optional variant char, if any 300 */ 301 function grabTheRightIcon(icon, variant) { 302 // if variant is present as \uFE0F 303 return toCodePoint( 304 variant === '\uFE0F' ? 305 // the icon should not contain it 306 icon.slice(0, -1) : 307 // fix non standard OSX behavior 308 (icon.length === 3 && icon.charAt(1) === '\uFE0F' ? 309 icon.charAt(0) + icon.charAt(2) : icon) 310 ); 311 } 312 313 /** 314 * DOM version of the same logic / parser: 315 * emojify all found sub-text nodes placing images node instead. 316 * @param Element generic DOM node with some text in some child node 317 * @param Object options containing info about how to parse 318 * 319 * .callback Function the callback to invoke per each found emoji. 320 * .base string the base url, by default twemoji.base 321 * .ext string the image extension, by default twemoji.ext 322 * .size string the assets size, by default twemoji.size 323 * 324 * @return Element same generic node with emoji in place, if any. 325 */ 326 function parseNode(node, options) { 327 var 328 allText = grabAllTextNodes(node, []), 329 length = allText.length, 330 fragment, 331 subnode, 332 text, 333 match, 334 i, 335 index, 336 img, 337 alt, 338 icon, 339 variant, 340 src; 341 while (length--) { 342 fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); 343 subnode = allText[length]; 344 text = subnode.nodeValue; 345 i = 0; 346 while ((match = re.exec(text))) { 347 index = match.index; 348 if (index !== i) { 349 fragment.appendChild( 350 createText(text.slice(i, index)) 351 ); 352 } 353 alt = match[0]; 354 icon = match[1]; 355 variant = match[2]; 356 i = index + alt.length; 357 if (variant !== '\uFE0E') { 358 src = options.callback( 359 grabTheRightIcon(icon, variant), 360 options, 361 variant 362 ); 363 if (src) { 364 img = new Image(); 365 img.onerror = twemoji.onerror; 366 img.className = options.className; 367 img.setAttribute('draggable', 'false'); 368 img.alt = alt; 369 img.src = src; 370 } 371 } 372 fragment.appendChild(img || createText(alt)); 373 img = null; 374 } 375 // is there actually anything to replace in here ? 376 if (0 < i) { 377 // any text left to be added ? 378 if (i < text.length) { 379 fragment.appendChild( 380 createText(text.slice(i)) 381 ); 382 } 383 // replace the text node only, leave intact 384 // anything else surrounding such text 385 subnode.parentNode.replaceChild(fragment, subnode); 386 } 387 } 388 return node; 389 } 390 391 /** 392 * String/HTML version of the same logic / parser: 393 * emojify a generic text placing images tags instead of surrogates pair. 394 * @param string generic string with possibly some emoji in it 395 * @param Object options containing info about how to parse 396 * 397 * .callback Function the callback to invoke per each found emoji. 398 * .base string the base url, by default twemoji.base 399 * .ext string the image extension, by default twemoji.ext 400 * .size string the assets size, by default twemoji.size 401 * 402 * @return the string with <img tags> replacing all found and parsed emoji 403 */ 404 function parseString(str, options) { 405 return replace(str, function (match, icon, variant) { 406 var src; 407 // verify the variant is not the FE0E one 408 // this variant means "emoji as text" and should not 409 // require any action/replacement 410 // http://unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/StandardizedVariants.html 411 if (variant !== '\uFE0E') { 412 src = options.callback( 413 grabTheRightIcon(icon, variant), 414 options, 415 variant 416 ); 417 if (src) { 418 // recycle the match string replacing the emoji 419 // with its image counter part 420 match = '<img '.concat( 421 'class="', options.className, '" ', 422 'draggable="false" ', 423 // needs to preserve user original intent 424 // when variants should be copied and pasted too 425 'alt="', 426 match, 427 '" ', 428 'src="', 429 src, 430 '"', 431 '>' 432 ); 433 } 434 } 435 return match; 436 }); 437 } 438 439 /** 440 * Given a generic value, creates its squared counterpart if it's a number. 441 * As example, number 36 will return '36x36'. 442 * @param any a generic value. 443 * @return any a string representing asset size, i.e. "36x36" 444 * only in case the value was a number. 445 * Returns initial value otherwise. 446 */ 447 function toSizeSquaredAsset(value) { 448 return typeof value === 'number' ? 449 value + 'x' + value : 450 value; 451 } 452 453 454 ///////////////////////// 455 // exported functions // 456 // declaration // 457 ///////////////////////// 458 459 function fromCodePoint(codepoint) { 460 var code = typeof codepoint === 'string' ? 461 parseInt(codepoint, 16) : codepoint; 462 if (code < 0x10000) { 463 return fromCharCode(code); 464 } 465 code -= 0x10000; 466 return fromCharCode( 467 0xD800 + (code >> 10), 468 0xDC00 + (code & 0x3FF) 469 ); 470 } 471 472 function parse(what, how) { 473 if (!how || typeof how === 'function') { 474 how = {callback: how}; 475 } 476 // if first argument is string, inject html <img> tags 477 // otherwise use the DOM tree and parse text nodes only 478 return (typeof what === 'string' ? parseString : parseNode)(what, { 479 callback: how.callback || defaultImageSrcGenerator, 480 base: typeof how.base === 'string' ? how.base : twemoji.base, 481 ext: how.ext || twemoji.ext, 482 size: how.folder || toSizeSquaredAsset(how.size || twemoji.size), 483 className:how.className || twemoji.className 484 }); 485 } 486 487 function replace(text, callback) { 488 return String(text).replace(re, callback); 489 } 490 491 function test(text) { 492 // IE6 needs a reset before too 493 re.lastIndex = 0; 494 var result = re.test(text); 495 re.lastIndex = 0; 496 return result; 497 } 498 499 function toCodePoint(unicodeSurrogates, sep) { 500 var 501 r = [], 502 c = 0, 503 p = 0, 504 i = 0; 505 while (i < unicodeSurrogates.length) { 506 c = unicodeSurrogates.charCodeAt(i++); 507 if (p) { 508 r.push((0x10000 + ((p - 0xD800) << 10) + (c - 0xDC00)).toString(16)); 509 p = 0; 510 } else if (0xD800 <= c && c <= 0xDBFF) { 511 p = c; 512 } else { 513 r.push(c.toString(16)); 514 } 515 } 516 return r.join(sep || '-'); 517 } 518 519 }()); 520 No newline at end of file -
Property changes on: src/wp-includes/js/twemoji.js ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property
3329 3329 // Expected_slashed (everything!). 3330 3330 $data = compact( 'post_author', 'post_date', 'post_date_gmt', 'post_content', 'post_content_filtered', 'post_title', 'post_excerpt', 'post_status', 'post_type', 'comment_status', 'ping_status', 'post_password', 'post_name', 'to_ping', 'pinged', 'post_modified', 'post_modified_gmt', 'post_parent', 'menu_order', 'post_mime_type', 'guid' ); 3331 3331 3332 $emoji_fields = array( 'post_title', 'post_content', 'post_excerpt' ); 3333 3334 foreach( $emoji_fields as $emoji_field ) { 3335 if ( isset( $data[ $emoji_field ] ) ) { 3336 $charset = $wpdb->get_col_charset( $wpdb->posts, $emoji_field ); 3337 if ( 'utf8' === $charset ) { 3338 $data[ $emoji_field ] = wp_encode_emoji( $data[ $emoji_field ] ); 3339 } 3340 } 3341 } 3342 3332 3343 if ( 'attachment' === $post_type ) { 3333 3344 /** 3334 3345 * Filter attachment post data before it is updated in or added to the database. -
424 424 $scripts->add( 'media-audiovideo', "/wp-includes/js/media/audio-video$suffix.js", array( 'media-editor' ), false, 1 ); 425 425 $scripts->add( 'mce-view', "/wp-includes/js/mce-view$suffix.js", array( 'shortcode', 'media-models', 'media-audiovideo', 'wp-playlist' ), false, 1 ); 426 426 427 $scripts->add( 'twemoji', "/wp-includes/js/twemoji$suffix.js", array(), false, 1 ); 428 $scripts->add( 'emoji', "/wp-includes/js/emoji$suffix.js", array( 'twemoji' ), false, 1 ); 429 did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize( 'emoji', 'EmojiSettings', array( 430 /** 431 * Filter the URL where emoji images are hosted. 432 * 433 * @since 4.2.0 434 * 435 * @param string The emoji base URL. 436 */ 437 'base_url' => apply_filters( 'emoji_url', '//s0.wp.com/wp-content/mu-plugins/emoji/twemoji/72x72/' ), 438 /** 439 * Filter the extension of the emoji files. 440 * 441 * @since 4.2.0 442 * 443 * @param string The emoji extension. 444 */ 445 'ext' => apply_filters( 'emoji_ext', '.png' ), 446 ) ); 447 $scripts->enqueue( 'emoji' ); 448 427 449 if ( is_admin() ) { 428 450 $scripts->add( 'admin-tags', "/wp-admin/js/tags$suffix.js", array('jquery', 'wp-ajax-response'), false, 1 ); 429 451 did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize( 'admin-tags', 'tagsl10n', array( -
12 12 $GLOBALS['wp_styles'] = null; 13 13 $this->old_wp_styles = $GLOBALS['wp_styles']; 14 14 remove_action( 'wp_default_styles', 'wp_default_styles' ); 15 remove_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' ); 15 16 $GLOBALS['wp_styles'] = new WP_Styles(); 16 17 $GLOBALS['wp_styles']->default_version = get_bloginfo( 'version' ); 17 18 } … … 19 20 function tearDown() { 20 21 $GLOBALS['wp_styles'] = $this->old_wp_styles; 21 22 add_action( 'wp_default_styles', 'wp_default_styles' ); 23 add_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' ); 22 24 parent::tearDown(); 23 25 } 24 26 -
16 16 return array ( 17 17 array ( 18 18 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet mauris ;-) Praesent gravida sodales. :lol: Vivamus nec diam in faucibus eu, bibendum varius nec, imperdiet purus est, at augue at lacus malesuada elit dapibus a, :eek: mauris. Cras mauris viverra elit. Nam laoreet viverra. Pellentesque tortor. Nam libero ante, porta urna ut turpis. Nullam wisi magna, :mrgreen: tincidunt nec, sagittis non, fringilla enim. Nam consectetuer nec, ullamcorper pede eu dui odio consequat vel, vehicula tortor quis pede turpis cursus quis, egestas ipsum ultricies ut, eleifend velit. Mauris vestibulum iaculis. Sed in nunc. Vivamus elit porttitor egestas. Mauris purus :?:', 19 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet mauris <img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_wink.gif" alt=";-)" class="wp-smiley" /> Praesent gravida sodales. <img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" class="wp-smiley" /> Vivamus nec diam in faucibus eu, bibendum varius nec, imperdiet purus est, at augue at lacus malesuada elit dapibus a, <img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_surprised.gif" alt=":eek:" class="wp-smiley" /> mauris. Cras mauris viverra elit. Nam laoreet viverra. Pellentesque tortor. Nam libero ante, porta urna ut turpis. Nullam wisi magna, <img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" class="wp-smiley" /> tincidunt nec, sagittis non, fringilla enim. Nam consectetuer nec, ullamcorper pede eu dui odio consequat vel, vehicula tortor quis pede turpis cursus quis, egestas ipsum ultricies ut, eleifend velit. Mauris vestibulum iaculis. Sed in nunc. Vivamus elit porttitor egestas. Mauris purus <img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" class="wp-smiley" />'19 "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet mauris \xf0\x9f\x98\x89 Praesent gravida sodales. \xf0\x9f\x98\x84 Vivamus nec diam in faucibus eu, bibendum varius nec, imperdiet purus est, at augue at lacus malesuada elit dapibus a, \xf0\x9f\x98\xaf mauris. Cras mauris viverra elit. Nam laoreet viverra. Pellentesque tortor. Nam libero ante, porta urna ut turpis. Nullam wisi magna, <img src=\"${includes_path}mrgreen.png\" alt=\":mrgreen:\" class=\"wp-smiley\" /> tincidunt nec, sagittis non, fringilla enim. Nam consectetuer nec, ullamcorper pede eu dui odio consequat vel, vehicula tortor quis pede turpis cursus quis, egestas ipsum ultricies ut, eleifend velit. Mauris vestibulum iaculis. Sed in nunc. Vivamus elit porttitor egestas. Mauris purus \xe2\x9d\x93" 20 20 ), 21 21 array ( 22 22 '<strong>Welcome to the jungle!</strong> We got fun n games! :) We got everything you want 8-) <em>Honey we know the names :)</em>', 23 '<strong>Welcome to the jungle!</strong> We got fun n games! <img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley" /> We got everything you want <img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" class="wp-smiley" /> <em>Honey we know the names <img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley" /></em>'23 "<strong>Welcome to the jungle!</strong> We got fun n games! <img src=\"${includes_path}simple-smile.png\" alt=\":)\" class=\"wp-smiley\" /> We got everything you want \xf0\x9f\x98\x8e <em>Honey we know the names <img src=\"${includes_path}simple-smile.png\" alt=\":)\" class=\"wp-smiley\" /></em>" 24 24 ), 25 25 array ( 26 26 "<strong;)>a little bit of this\na little bit:other: of that :D\n:D a little bit of good\nyeah with a little bit of bad8O", 27 "<strong;)>a little bit of this\na little bit:other: of that <img src=\"{$includes_path}icon_biggrin.gif\" alt=\":D\" class=\"wp-smiley\" />\n<img src=\"{$includes_path}icon_biggrin.gif\" alt=\":D\" class=\"wp-smiley\" />a little bit of good\nyeah with a little bit of bad8O"27 "<strong;)>a little bit of this\na little bit:other: of that \xf0\x9f\x98\x84\n\xf0\x9f\x98\x84 a little bit of good\nyeah with a little bit of bad8O" 28 28 ), 29 29 array ( 30 30 '<strong style="here comes the sun :-D">and I say it\'s allright:D:D', … … 147 147 $includes_path = includes_url("images/smilies/"); 148 148 149 149 $in_str = 'Do we ingore smilies ;-) in ' . $element . ' tags <' . $element . '>My Content Here :?: </' . $element . '>'; 150 $exp_str = 'Do we ingore smilies <img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_wink.gif" alt=";-)" class="wp-smiley" /> in ' . $element . ' tags <' . $element . '>My Content Here :?: </' . $element . '>';150 $exp_str = "Do we ingore smilies \xf0\x9f\x98\x89 in $element tags <$element>My Content Here :?: </$element>"; 151 151 152 152 // standard smilies, use_smilies: ON 153 153 update_option( 'use_smilies', 1 ); … … 169 169 return array ( 170 170 array ( 171 171 '8-O :-(', 172 '<img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_eek.gif" alt="8-O" class="wp-smiley" /> <img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_sad.gif" alt=":-(" class="wp-smiley" />'172 "\xf0\x9f\x98\xaf \xf0\x9f\x98\xa6" 173 173 ), 174 174 array ( 175 175 '8-) 8-O', 176 '<img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" class="wp-smiley" /> <img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_eek.gif" alt="8-O" class="wp-smiley" />'176 "\xf0\x9f\x98\x8e \xf0\x9f\x98\xaf" 177 177 ), 178 178 array ( 179 179 '8-) 8O', 180 '<img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" class="wp-smiley" /> <img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_eek.gif" alt="8O" class="wp-smiley" />'180 "\xf0\x9f\x98\x8e \xf0\x9f\x98\xaf" 181 181 ), 182 182 array ( 183 183 '8-) :-(', 184 '<img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" class="wp-smiley" /> <img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_sad.gif" alt=":-(" class="wp-smiley" />'184 "\xf0\x9f\x98\x8e \xf0\x9f\x98\xa6" 185 185 ), 186 186 array ( 187 187 '8-) :twisted:', 188 '<img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" class="wp-smiley" /> <img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_twisted.gif" alt=":twisted:" class="wp-smiley" />'188 "\xf0\x9f\x98\x8e \xf0\x9f\x98\x88" 189 189 ), 190 190 array ( 191 191 '8O :twisted: :( :? :(', 192 '<img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_eek.gif" alt="8O" class="wp-smiley" /> <img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_twisted.gif" alt=":twisted:" class="wp-smiley" /> <img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_sad.gif" alt=":(" class="wp-smiley" /> <img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_confused.gif" alt=":?" class="wp-smiley" /> <img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_sad.gif" alt=":(" class="wp-smiley" />'192 "\xf0\x9f\x98\xaf \xf0\x9f\x98\x88 \xf0\x9f\x98\xa6 \xf0\x9f\x98\xaf \xf0\x9f\x98\xa6" 193 193 ), 194 194 ); 195 195 } … … 228 228 ), 229 229 array ( 230 230 '8O :) additional text here :)', 231 '8O <img src="' . $includes_path . ' icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley" /> additional text here <img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley" />'231 '8O <img src="' . $includes_path . 'simple-smile.png" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley" /> additional text here <img src="' . $includes_path . 'simple-smile.png" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley" />' 232 232 ), 233 233 array ( 234 234 ':) :) :) :)', 235 '<img src="' . $includes_path . ' icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley" /> <img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley" /> <img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley" /> <img src="' . $includes_path . 'icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley" />'235 '<img src="' . $includes_path . 'simple-smile.png" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley" /> <img src="' . $includes_path . 'simple-smile.png" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley" /> <img src="' . $includes_path . 'simple-smile.png" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley" /> <img src="' . $includes_path . 'simple-smile.png" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley" />' 236 236 ), 237 237 ); 238 238 } … … 257 257 $orig_trans = $wpsmiliestrans; // save original tranlations array 258 258 259 259 $wpsmiliestrans = array ( 260 ':)' => ' icon_smile.gif'260 ':)' => 'simple-smile.png' 261 261 ); 262 262 263 263 smilies_init(); … … 294 294 $input[] = 'My test :) smile'; 295 295 $output[] = array('test <img ', 'alt=":)"', ' /> smile'); 296 296 297 $input[] = 'My test ;) smile';298 $output[] = array('test <img ', 'alt=";)"', ' /> smile');299 300 297 $input[] = 'My test :) smile'; 301 298 $output[] = array('test <img ', 'alt=":)"', ' /> smile'); 302 299 303 $input[] = 'My test ;) smile';304 $output[] = array('test <img ', 'alt=";)"', ' /> smile');305 306 300 $input[] = "My test {$nbsp}:){$nbsp}smile"; 307 301 $output[] = array("test {$nbsp}<img ", 'alt=":)"', " />{$nbsp}smile"); 308 302 309 $input[] = "My test {$nbsp};){$nbsp}smile";310 $output[] = array("test {$nbsp}<img ", 'alt=";)"', " />{$nbsp}smile");311 312 303 foreach($input as $key => $in) { 313 304 $result = convert_smilies( $in ); 314 305 foreach($output[$key] as $out) {