Ticket #31476: 31476.2.diff
File 31476.2.diff, 1.5 KB (added by , 8 years ago) |
18 18 overflow: visible; 19 19 } 20 20 21 /* Note: widget-tops are more compact when (max-height: 700px) and (min-width: 981px). */ 21 22 .customize-control-widget_form .widget-top { 22 23 background: #fff; 23 24 -webkit-transition: opacity 0.5s; … … 423 424 #available-widgets [class*="twitter"] .widget-title:before { content: "\f301"; } 424 425 425 426 @media screen and (max-height: 700px) and (min-width: 981px) { 426 .customize-control-widget { 427 /* Compact widget-tops on smaller laptops, but not tablets. See ticket #27112#comment:4 */ 428 .customize-control-widget_form { 427 429 margin-bottom: 0; 428 430 } 431 429 432 .widget-top { 430 433 -webkit-box-shadow: none; 431 434 box-shadow: none; 432 435 margin-top: -1px; 433 436 } 437 434 438 .widget-top:hover { 435 439 position: relative; 436 440 z-index: 1; 437 441 } 442 438 443 .last-widget { 439 444 margin-bottom: 15px; 440 445 } 441 /* This rule reduces the widgets titles height. */ 446 442 447 .widget-title h3 { 443 448 padding: 13px 15px; 444 449 } 450 445 451 .widget-top .widget-action { 446 padding -bottom: 8px;452 padding: 8px 10px; 447 453 } 454 448 455 .widget-reorder-nav span { 449 456 height: 39px; 450 457 } 458 451 459 .widget-reorder-nav span:before { 452 460 line-height: 39px; 453 461 } 462 463 /* Compact the move widget areas. */ 454 464 #customize-theme-controls .widget-area-select li { 455 465 padding: 9px 15px 11px 42px; 456 466 } 467 457 468 #customize-theme-controls .widget-area-select li:before { 458 469 top: 8px; 459 470 }