Ticket #34204: 34204.4.diff
File 34204.4.diff, 12.0 KB (added by , 9 years ago) |
diff --git a/Gruntfile.js b/Gruntfile.js index b8dd5f8..29173b4 100644
a b module.exports = function(grunt) { 233 233 234 234 // Exceptions 235 235 '!wp-includes/css/dashicons.css', 236 '!wp-includes/css/wp-oembed-embed.css' 236 '!wp-includes/css/wp-oembed-embed.css', 237 '!wp-includes/css/wp-oembed-embed-ie.css' 237 238 ] 238 239 }, 239 240 colors: { -
new file src/wp-includes/css/wp-oembed-embed-ie.css
diff --git a/src/wp-includes/css/wp-oembed-embed-ie.css b/src/wp-includes/css/wp-oembed-embed-ie.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dca8c07
- + 1 /* Dashicons */ 2 .dashicons { 3 *display: inline; 4 *zoom: 1; 5 } 6 7 .dashicons-no { 8 background-image: url(); 9 *background-image: url(../images/embed/close.png); 10 } 11 12 .dashicons-admin-comments { 13 background-image: url(); 14 *background-image: url(../images/embed/comment.png); 15 *background-position: 0 0; 16 } 17 18 .wp-embed-comments a:hover .dashicons-admin-comments { 19 background-image: url(); 20 *background-image: url(../images/embed/comment.png); 21 *background-position: 0 -40px; 22 } 23 24 .dashicons-share { 25 background-image: url(); 26 *background-image: url(../images/embed/share.png); 27 *background-position: 0 0; 28 } 29 30 .wp-embed-share-dialog-open:hover .dashicons-share { 31 background-image: url(); 32 *background-image: url(../images/embed/share.png); 33 *background-position: 0 -40px; 34 } 35 36 .wp-embed-share-dialog { 37 *background-color: #222; 38 } 39 No newline at end of file -
diff --git a/src/wp-includes/css/wp-oembed-embed.css b/src/wp-includes/css/wp-oembed-embed.css index 9ea586b..0e85aae 100644
a b body { 19 19 /* Dashicons */ 20 20 .dashicons { 21 21 display: inline-block; 22 *display: inline; 23 *zoom: 1; 22 24 width: 20px; 23 25 height: 20px; 24 26 background-color: transparent; … … body { 48 50 background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%27http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%27%20viewBox%3D%270%200%2020%2020%27%3E%3Cpath%20d%3D%27M14.5%2012q1.24%200%202.12.88T17.5%2015t-.88%202.12-2.12.88-2.12-.88T11.5%2015q0-.34.09-.69l-4.38-2.3Q6.32%2013%205%2013q-1.24%200-2.12-.88T2%2010t.88-2.12T5%207q1.3%200%202.21.99l4.38-2.3q-.09-.35-.09-.69%200-1.24.88-2.12T14.5%202t2.12.88T17.5%205t-.88%202.12T14.5%208q-1.3%200-2.21-.99l-4.38%202.3Q8%209.66%208%2010t-.09.69l4.38%202.3q.89-.99%202.21-.99z%27%20fill%3D%27%2382878c%27%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E"); 49 51 } 50 52 53 .no-js .dashicons-share { 54 display: none; 55 } 56 51 57 .wp-embed-share-dialog-open:hover .dashicons-share { 52 58 background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%27http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%27%20viewBox%3D%270%200%2020%2020%27%3E%3Cpath%20d%3D%27M14.5%2012q1.24%200%202.12.88T17.5%2015t-.88%202.12-2.12.88-2.12-.88T11.5%2015q0-.34.09-.69l-4.38-2.3Q6.32%2013%205%2013q-1.24%200-2.12-.88T2%2010t.88-2.12T5%207q1.3%200%202.21.99l4.38-2.3q-.09-.35-.09-.69%200-1.24.88-2.12T14.5%202t2.12.88T17.5%205t-.88%202.12T14.5%208q-1.3%200-2.21-.99l-4.38%202.3Q8%209.66%208%2010t-.09.69l4.38%202.3q.89-.99%202.21-.99z%27%20fill%3D%27%230073aa%27%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E"); 53 59 } … … p.wp-embed-heading { 139 145 .wp-embed-site-title a { 140 146 position: relative; 141 147 display: inline-block; 148 *display: inline; 149 *zoom: 1; 142 150 padding-left: 35px; 143 151 } 144 152 145 153 .wp-embed-site-title, 146 154 .wp-embed-meta { 147 155 display: table-cell; 156 *display: inline; 157 *zoom: 1; 148 158 } 149 159 150 160 .wp-embed-meta { … … p.wp-embed-heading { 156 166 .wp-embed-comments, 157 167 .wp-embed-share { 158 168 display: inline; 169 *zoom: 1; 159 170 } 160 171 161 172 .wp-embed-meta a:hover { … … p.wp-embed-heading { 166 177 .wp-embed-comments a { 167 178 line-height: 25px; 168 179 display: inline-block; 180 *display: inline; 181 *zoom: 1; 169 182 } 170 183 171 184 .wp-embed-comments + .wp-embed-share { … … p.wp-embed-heading { 178 191 left: 0; 179 192 right: 0; 180 193 bottom: 0; 194 background-color: #222; 181 195 background-color: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.9); 182 196 color: #fff; 183 197 opacity: 1; … … p.wp-embed-heading { 254 268 } 255 269 256 270 .wp-embed-share-tab-button { 257 display: inline; 271 display: inline-block; 272 *display: inline; 273 *zoom: 1; 258 274 } 259 275 260 276 .wp-embed-share-tab-button button { … … html[dir="rtl"] .wp-embed-share-tab-button + .wp-embed-share-tab-button { 355 371 padding: 0 11px 0 0; 356 372 border-left: none; 357 373 border-right: 1px solid #aaa; 358 } 374 } 375 No newline at end of file -
diff --git a/src/wp-includes/default-filters.php b/src/wp-includes/default-filters.php index 75dadfc..42491f3 100644
a b add_action( 'parse_query', 'wp_oembed_parse_query' ); 446 446 add_action( 'wp_head', 'wp_oembed_add_discovery_links' ); 447 447 add_action( 'wp_head', 'wp_oembed_add_host_js' ); 448 448 449 add_action( 'oembed_head', 'wp_oembed_enqueue_scripts', 1 ); 449 450 add_action( 'oembed_head', 'print_emoji_detection_script' ); 450 451 add_action( 'oembed_head', 'print_emoji_styles' ); 451 452 add_action( 'oembed_head', 'print_oembed_embed_styles' ); -
diff --git a/src/wp-includes/embed-functions.php b/src/wp-includes/embed-functions.php index 094d8cd..066db33 100644
a b function wp_oembed_excerpt_attachment( $content ) { 802 802 } 803 803 804 804 /** 805 * Enqueue embed iframe default CSS and JS & fire do_action('wp_oembed_enqueue_scripts') 806 * 807 * Enqueue PNG fallback CSS for embed iframe for legacy versions of IE. 808 * 809 * Allows plugins to queue scripts for the embed iframe end using wp_enqueue_script(). 810 * Runs first in oembed_head(). 811 * 812 * @since 4.4.0 813 */ 814 function wp_oembed_enqueue_scripts() { 815 wp_enqueue_style( 'open-sans' ); 816 wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-oembed-embed-ie' ); 817 /** 818 * Fires when scripts and styles are enqueued for the embed iframe. 819 * 820 * @since 4.4.0 821 */ 822 do_action( 'wp_oembed_enqueue_scripts' ); 823 } 824 825 /** 805 826 * Prints the CSS in the embed iframe header. 806 827 * 807 828 * @since 4.4.0 -
diff --git a/src/wp-includes/embed-template.php b/src/wp-includes/embed-template.php index 9d5371c2..4c64a71 100644
a b if ( ! headers_sent() ) { 14 14 header( 'X-WP-oembed: true' ); 15 15 } 16 16 17 wp_enqueue_style( 'open-sans' );18 19 17 ?> 20 18 <!DOCTYPE html> 21 <html <?php language_attributes(); ?> >19 <html <?php language_attributes(); ?> class="no-js"> 22 20 <head> 23 21 <title><?php wp_title( '-', true, 'right' ); ?></title> 24 22 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> -
diff --git a/src/wp-includes/js/wp-oembed-embed.js b/src/wp-includes/js/wp-oembed-embed.js index 847ebcf..114a9e4 100644
a b 2 2 'use strict'; 3 3 4 4 var secret = window.location.hash.replace( /.*secret=([\d\w]{10}).*/, '$1' ), 5 featuredBrowser = ( document.querySelector && window.addEventListener ), 6 loaded = false, 5 7 resizing; 6 8 7 9 function sendEmbedMessage( message, value ) { … … 13 15 } 14 16 15 17 function onLoad() { 18 if ( loaded ) { 19 return; 20 } 21 loaded = true; 22 16 23 var share_dialog = document.querySelector( '.wp-embed-share-dialog' ), 17 24 share_dialog_open = document.querySelector( '.wp-embed-share-dialog-open' ), 18 25 share_dialog_close = document.querySelector( '.wp-embed-share-dialog-close' ), … … 141 148 } 142 149 } 143 150 144 document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', onLoad, false );145 146 151 /** 147 152 * Iframe resize handler. 148 153 */ … … 158 163 }, 100 ); 159 164 } 160 165 161 window.addEventListener( 'resize', onResize, false ); 166 if ( featuredBrowser ) { 167 document.documentElement.className = document.documentElement.className.replace( /\bno-js\b/, '' ) + ' js'; 168 document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', onLoad, false ); 169 window.addEventListener( 'load', onLoad, false ); 170 window.addEventListener( 'resize', onResize, false ); 171 } 162 172 })( window, document ); -
diff --git a/src/wp-includes/js/wp-oembed.js b/src/wp-includes/js/wp-oembed.js index dd03bc0..6e92082 100644
a b 1 1 (function ( window, document ) { 2 2 'use strict'; 3 3 4 var featuredBrowser = ( document.querySelector && window.addEventListener ), 5 loaded = false; 6 4 7 window.wp = window.wp || {}; 5 8 6 9 if ( !! window.wp.receiveEmbedMessage ) { … … 44 47 } 45 48 }; 46 49 47 window.addEventListener( 'message', window.wp.receiveEmbedMessage, false );48 49 50 function onLoad() { 51 if ( loaded ) { 52 return; 53 } 54 loaded = true; 55 50 56 var isIE10 = -1 !== navigator.appVersion.indexOf( 'MSIE 10' ), 51 57 isIE11 = !!navigator.userAgent.match( /Trident.*rv\:11\./ ); 52 58 … … 63 69 } 64 70 } 65 71 66 document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', onLoad, false ); 72 if ( featuredBrowser ) { 73 window.addEventListener( 'message', window.wp.receiveEmbedMessage, false ); 74 document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', onLoad, false ); 75 window.addEventListener( 'load', onLoad, false ); 76 } 67 77 })( window, document ); -
diff --git a/src/wp-includes/script-loader.php b/src/wp-includes/script-loader.php index cb88adc..b5db5f2 100644
a b function wp_default_styles( &$styles ) { 728 728 $styles->add( 'open-sans', $open_sans_font_url ); 729 729 730 730 // Includes CSS 731 $styles->add( 'admin-bar', "/wp-includes/css/admin-bar$suffix.css", array( 'open-sans', 'dashicons' ) ); 732 $styles->add( 'wp-auth-check', "/wp-includes/css/wp-auth-check$suffix.css", array( 'dashicons' ) ); 733 $styles->add( 'editor-buttons', "/wp-includes/css/editor$suffix.css", array( 'dashicons' ) ); 734 $styles->add( 'media-views', "/wp-includes/css/media-views$suffix.css", array( 'buttons', 'dashicons', 'wp-mediaelement' ) ); 735 $styles->add( 'wp-pointer', "/wp-includes/css/wp-pointer$suffix.css", array( 'dashicons' ) ); 736 $styles->add( 'customize-preview', "/wp-includes/css/customize-preview$suffix.css" ); 731 $styles->add( 'admin-bar', "/wp-includes/css/admin-bar$suffix.css", array( 'open-sans', 'dashicons' ) ); 732 $styles->add( 'wp-auth-check', "/wp-includes/css/wp-auth-check$suffix.css", array( 'dashicons' ) ); 733 $styles->add( 'editor-buttons', "/wp-includes/css/editor$suffix.css", array( 'dashicons' ) ); 734 $styles->add( 'media-views', "/wp-includes/css/media-views$suffix.css", array( 'buttons', 'dashicons', 'wp-mediaelement' ) ); 735 $styles->add( 'wp-pointer', "/wp-includes/css/wp-pointer$suffix.css", array( 'dashicons' ) ); 736 $styles->add( 'customize-preview', "/wp-includes/css/customize-preview$suffix.css" ); 737 $styles->add( 'wp-oembed-embed-ie', "/wp-includes/css/wp-oembed-embed-ie$suffix.css" ); 738 $styles->add_data( 'wp-oembed-embed-ie', 'conditional', 'lte IE 8' ); 737 739 738 740 // External libraries and friends 739 741 $styles->add( 'imgareaselect', '/wp-includes/js/imgareaselect/imgareaselect.css', array(), '0.9.8' );