Ticket #34207: 34207.5.diff
File 34207.5.diff, 33.9 KB (added by , 9 years ago) |
diff --git src/wp-includes/class-wp-oembed-controller.php src/wp-includes/class-wp-oembed-controller.php index a613d06..0db5340 100644
10 10 /** 11 11 * oEmbed API endpoint controller. 12 12 * 13 * Parses the oEmbed API requests and delivers14 * XML and JSON responses.13 * Registers the API route and delivers the response data. 14 * The output format (XML or JSON) is handled by the REST API. 15 15 * 16 16 * @since 4.4.0 17 17 */ 18 18 final class WP_oEmbed_Controller { 19 19 /** 20 * Hook into the query parsing to detect oEmbed requests. 21 * 22 * If an oEmbed request is made, trigger the output. 20 * Register the oEmbed REST API route. 23 21 * 24 22 * @since 4.4.0 25 *26 * @param WP_Query $wp_query The WP_Query instance (passed by reference).27 23 */ 28 public function parse_query( $wp_query ) { 29 if ( false === $wp_query->get( 'oembed', false ) ) { 30 return; 31 } 32 33 if ( false === $wp_query->get( 'url', false ) ) { 34 status_header( 400 ); 35 return get_status_header_desc( 400 ); 36 exit; 37 } 38 39 $url = esc_url_raw( get_query_var( 'url' ) ); 40 41 $format = wp_oembed_ensure_format( get_query_var( 'format' ) ); 42 24 public function register_routes() { 43 25 /** 44 26 * Filter the maxwidth oEmbed parameter. 45 27 * … … final class WP_oEmbed_Controller { 48 30 * @param int $maxwidth Maximum allowed width. Default 600. 49 31 */ 50 32 $maxwidth = apply_filters( 'oembed_default_width', 600 ); 51 $maxwidth = absint( get_query_var( 'maxwidth', $maxwidth ) );52 53 $callback = get_query_var( '_jsonp', false );54 33 55 $request = array( 56 'url' => $url, 57 'format' => $format, 58 'maxwidth' => $maxwidth, 59 'callback' => $callback, 60 ); 61 62 echo $this->dispatch( $request ); 63 exit; 34 register_rest_route( 'oembed/1.0/', '/embed', array( 35 array( 36 'methods' => WP_REST_Server::READABLE, 37 'callback' => array( $this, 'get_item' ), 38 'args' => array( 39 'url' => array( 40 'required' => true, 41 'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw', 42 ), 43 'format' => array( 44 'default' => 'json', 45 'sanitize_callback' => 'wp_oembed_ensure_format', 46 ), 47 'maxwidth' => array( 48 'default' => $maxwidth, 49 'sanitize_callback' => 'absint', 50 ), 51 ), 52 ), 53 ) ); 64 54 } 65 55 66 56 /** 67 * Handle the whole request and print the response. 57 * Callback for the API endpoint. 58 * 59 * Returns the JSON object for the post. 68 60 * 69 61 * @since 4.4.0 70 62 * 71 * @param array $request The request arguments.72 * @return string The oEmbed API response.63 * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full data about the request. 64 * @return WP_Error|array oEmbed response data or WP_Error on failure. 73 65 */ 74 public function dispatch( $request ) {66 public function get_item( $request ) { 75 67 $post_id = url_to_postid( $request['url'] ); 76 68 77 69 /** … … final class WP_oEmbed_Controller { 86 78 87 79 $data = get_oembed_response_data( $post_id, $request['maxwidth'] ); 88 80 89 if ( false === $data ) { 90 status_header( 404 ); 91 return get_status_header_desc( 404 ); 92 } 93 94 if ( 'json' === $request['format'] ) { 95 return $this->json_response( $data, $request ); 96 } 97 98 return $this->xml_response( $data ); 99 } 100 101 /** 102 * Print the oEmbed JSON response. 103 * 104 * @since 4.4.0 105 * 106 * @param array $data The oEmbed response data. 107 * @param array $request The request arguments. 108 * @return string The JSON response data. 109 */ 110 public function json_response( $data, $request ) { 111 if ( ! is_string( $request['callback'] ) || preg_match( '/[^\w\.]/', $request['callback'] ) ) { 112 $request['callback'] = false; 113 } 114 115 $result = wp_json_encode( $data ); 116 117 // Bail if the result couldn't be JSON encoded. 118 if ( ! $result || ! is_array( $data ) || empty( $data ) ) { 119 status_header( 501 ); 120 return get_status_header_desc( 501 ); 121 } 122 123 if ( ! headers_sent() ) { 124 $content_type = $request['callback'] ? 'application/javascript' : 'application/json'; 125 header( 'Content-Type: ' . $content_type . '; charset=' . get_option( 'blog_charset' ) ); 126 header( 'X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff' ); 127 } 128 129 if ( $request['callback'] ) { 130 return '/**/' . $request['callback'] . '(' . $result . ')'; 131 } 132 133 return $result; 134 } 135 136 /** 137 * Print the oEmbed XML response. 138 * 139 * @since 4.4.0 140 * 141 * @param array $data The oEmbed response data. 142 * @return string The XML response data. 143 */ 144 public function xml_response( $data ) { 145 if ( ! class_exists( 'SimpleXMLElement' ) ) { 146 status_header( 501 ); 147 return get_status_header_desc( 501 ); 148 } 149 150 $result = _oembed_create_xml( $data ); 151 152 // Bail if there's no XML. 153 if ( ! $result ) { 154 status_header( 501 ); 155 return get_status_header_desc( 501 ); 156 } 157 158 if ( ! headers_sent() ) { 159 header( 'Content-Type: text/xml; charset=' . get_option( 'blog_charset' ) ); 81 if ( ! $data ) { 82 return new WP_Error( 'oembed_invalid_url', get_status_header_desc( 404 ), array( 'status' => 404 ) ); 160 83 } 161 84 162 return $ result;85 return $data; 163 86 } 164 87 } -
diff --git src/wp-includes/class-wp.php src/wp-includes/class-wp.php index 0f86251..555167b 100644
class WP { 15 15 * @access public 16 16 * @var array 17 17 */ 18 public $public_query_vars = array('m', 'p', 'posts', 'w', 'cat', 'withcomments', 'withoutcomments', 's', 'search', 'exact', 'sentence', 'calendar', 'page', 'paged', 'more', 'tb', 'pb', 'author', 'order', 'orderby', 'year', 'monthnum', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'name', 'category_name', 'tag', 'feed', 'author_name', 'static', 'pagename', 'page_id', 'error', 'comments_popup', 'attachment', 'attachment_id', 'subpost', 'subpost_id', 'preview', 'robots', 'taxonomy', 'term', 'cpage', 'post_type', 'title', 'embed' , 'oembed', 'format', 'url', '_jsonp', 'maxwidth');18 public $public_query_vars = array('m', 'p', 'posts', 'w', 'cat', 'withcomments', 'withoutcomments', 's', 'search', 'exact', 'sentence', 'calendar', 'page', 'paged', 'more', 'tb', 'pb', 'author', 'order', 'orderby', 'year', 'monthnum', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'name', 'category_name', 'tag', 'feed', 'author_name', 'static', 'pagename', 'page_id', 'error', 'comments_popup', 'attachment', 'attachment_id', 'subpost', 'subpost_id', 'preview', 'robots', 'taxonomy', 'term', 'cpage', 'post_type', 'title', 'embed' ); 19 19 20 20 /** 21 21 * Private query variables. -
diff --git src/wp-includes/default-filters.php src/wp-includes/default-filters.php index 0bda80e..70a9791 100644
add_filter( 'image_send_to_editor', 'image_add_caption', 20, 8 ); 439 439 add_filter( 'media_send_to_editor', 'image_media_send_to_editor', 10, 3 ); 440 440 441 441 // Embeds 442 add_action( 'parse_query', 'wp_oembed_parse_query' ); 443 444 add_action( 'wp_head', 'wp_oembed_add_discovery_links' ); 445 add_action( 'wp_head', 'wp_oembed_add_host_js' ); 446 447 add_action( 'embed_head', 'print_emoji_detection_script' ); 448 add_action( 'embed_head', 'print_emoji_styles' ); 449 add_action( 'embed_head', 'print_embed_styles' ); 450 add_action( 'embed_head', 'wp_print_head_scripts', 20 ); 451 add_action( 'embed_head', 'wp_print_styles', 20 ); 452 add_action( 'embed_head', 'wp_no_robots' ); 453 add_action( 'embed_head', 'rel_canonical' ); 454 add_action( 'embed_head', 'locale_stylesheet' ); 455 456 add_action( 'embed_footer', 'print_embed_scripts' ); 457 add_action( 'embed_footer', 'wp_print_footer_scripts', 20 ); 458 459 add_filter( 'excerpt_more', 'wp_embed_excerpt_more', 20 ); 460 add_filter( 'the_excerpt_embed', 'wptexturize' ); 461 add_filter( 'the_excerpt_embed', 'convert_chars' ); 462 add_filter( 'the_excerpt_embed', 'wpautop' ); 463 add_filter( 'the_excerpt_embed', 'shortcode_unautop' ); 464 add_filter( 'the_excerpt_embed', 'wp_embed_excerpt_attachment' ); 465 466 add_filter( 'oembed_dataparse', 'wp_filter_oembed_result', 10, 3 ); 467 add_filter( 'oembed_response_data', 'get_oembed_response_data_rich', 10, 4 ); 442 add_action( 'rest_api_init', 'wp_oembed_register_route' ); 443 add_filter( 'rest_pre_serve_request', '_oembed_rest_pre_serve_request', 10, 4 ); 444 445 add_action( 'wp_head', 'wp_oembed_add_discovery_links' ); 446 add_action( 'wp_head', 'wp_oembed_add_host_js' ); 447 448 add_action( 'embed_head', 'print_emoji_detection_script' ); 449 add_action( 'embed_head', 'print_emoji_styles' ); 450 add_action( 'embed_head', 'print_embed_styles' ); 451 add_action( 'embed_head', 'wp_print_head_scripts', 20 ); 452 add_action( 'embed_head', 'wp_print_styles', 20 ); 453 add_action( 'embed_head', 'wp_no_robots' ); 454 add_action( 'embed_head', 'rel_canonical' ); 455 add_action( 'embed_head', 'locale_stylesheet' ); 456 457 add_action( 'embed_footer', 'print_embed_scripts' ); 458 add_action( 'embed_footer', 'wp_print_footer_scripts', 20 ); 459 460 add_filter( 'excerpt_more', 'wp_embed_excerpt_more', 20 ); 461 add_filter( 'the_excerpt_embed', 'wptexturize' ); 462 add_filter( 'the_excerpt_embed', 'convert_chars' ); 463 add_filter( 'the_excerpt_embed', 'wpautop' ); 464 add_filter( 'the_excerpt_embed', 'shortcode_unautop' ); 465 add_filter( 'the_excerpt_embed', 'wp_embed_excerpt_attachment' ); 466 467 add_filter( 'oembed_dataparse', 'wp_filter_oembed_result', 10, 3 ); 468 add_filter( 'oembed_response_data', 'get_oembed_response_data_rich', 10, 4 ); 468 469 469 470 unset( $filter, $action ); -
diff --git src/wp-includes/embed-functions.php src/wp-includes/embed-functions.php index 3fe4e1a..8a17f93 100644
function wp_embed_handler_video( $matches, $attr, $url, $rawattr ) { 328 328 } 329 329 330 330 /** 331 * Parses an oEmbed API query.331 * Registers the oEmbed REST API route. 332 332 * 333 333 * @since 4.4.0 334 *335 * @see WP_oEmbed_Controller::parse_query()336 *337 * @param WP_Query $wp_query The current WP_Query instance.338 334 */ 339 function wp_oembed_ parse_query( $wp_query) {335 function wp_oembed_register_route() { 340 336 $controller = new WP_oEmbed_Controller(); 341 $controller-> parse_query( $wp_query);337 $controller->register_routes(); 342 338 } 343 339 344 340 /** … … function get_post_embed_url( $post = null ) { 421 417 * @return string The oEmbed endpoint URL. 422 418 */ 423 419 function get_oembed_endpoint_url( $permalink = '', $format = 'json' ) { 424 $url = add_query_arg( array( 'oembed' => 'true' ), home_url( '/' ));420 $url = rest_url( 'oembed/1.0/embed' ); 425 421 426 422 if ( 'json' === $format ) { 427 423 $format = false; … … function get_oembed_response_data( $post = null, $width ) { 545 541 'max' => 600 546 542 ) ); 547 543 548 if ( $width < $min_max_width['min'] ) { 549 $width = $min_max_width['min']; 550 } elseif ( $width > $min_max_width['max'] ) { 551 $width = $min_max_width['max']; 552 } 553 554 $height = ceil( $width / 16 * 9 ); 555 556 if ( 200 > $height ) { 557 $height = 200; 558 } 544 $width = min( max( $min_max_width['min'], $width ), $min_max_width['max'] ); 545 $height = max( ceil( $width / 16 * 9 ), 200 ); 559 546 560 547 $data = array( 561 548 'version' => '1.0', … … function wp_oembed_ensure_format( $format ) { 647 634 } 648 635 649 636 /** 637 * Hooks into the REST API output to print XML instead of JSON. 638 * 639 * This is only done for the oEmbed API endpoint, 640 * which supports both formats. 641 * 642 * @access private 643 * @since 4.4.0 644 * 645 * @param bool $served Whether the request has already been served. 646 * @param WP_HTTP_ResponseInterface $result Result to send to the client. Usually a WP_REST_Response. 647 * @param WP_REST_Request $request Request used to generate the response. 648 * @param WP_REST_Server $server Server instance. 649 * @return true 650 */ 651 function _oembed_rest_pre_serve_request( $served, $result, $request, $server ) { 652 $params = $request->get_params(); 653 654 if ( '/oembed/1.0/embed' !== $request->get_route() || 'GET' !== $request->get_method() ) { 655 return $served; 656 } 657 658 if ( ! isset( $params['format'] ) || 'xml' !== $params['format'] ) { 659 return $served; 660 } 661 662 // Embed links inside the request. 663 $data = $server->response_to_data( $result, false ); 664 665 if ( 404 === $result->get_status() ) { 666 $data = $data[0]; 667 } 668 669 if ( ! class_exists( 'SimpleXMLElement' ) ) { 670 status_header( 501 ); 671 die( get_status_header_desc( 501 ) ); 672 } 673 674 $result = _oembed_create_xml( $data ); 675 676 // Bail if there's no XML. 677 if ( ! $result ) { 678 status_header( 501 ); 679 return get_status_header_desc( 501 ); 680 } 681 682 if ( ! headers_sent() ) { 683 $server->send_header( 'Content-Type', 'text/xml; charset=' . get_option( 'blog_charset' ) ); 684 } 685 686 echo $result; 687 688 return true; 689 } 690 691 /** 650 692 * Creates an XML string from a given array. 651 693 * 652 694 * @since 4.4.0 -
diff --git tests/phpunit/tests/oembed/controller.php tests/phpunit/tests/oembed/controller.php index 51c6302..9410e00 100644
2 2 3 3 /** 4 4 * @group oembed 5 * @group restapi 5 6 */ 6 7 class Test_oEmbed_Controller extends WP_UnitTestCase { 8 /** 9 * @var WP_REST_Server 10 */ 11 protected $server; 12 13 public function setUp() { 14 parent::setUp(); 15 16 /** @var WP_REST_Server $wp_rest_server */ 17 global $wp_rest_server; 18 $this->server = $wp_rest_server = new Spy_REST_Server(); 19 20 do_action( 'rest_api_init', $this->server ); 21 } 22 23 function test_wp_oembed_ensure_format() { 24 $this->assertEquals( 'json', wp_oembed_ensure_format( 'json' ) ); 25 $this->assertEquals( 'xml', wp_oembed_ensure_format( 'xml' ) ); 26 $this->assertEquals( 'json', wp_oembed_ensure_format( 123 ) ); 27 $this->assertEquals( 'json', wp_oembed_ensure_format( 'random' ) ); 28 $this->assertEquals( 'json', wp_oembed_ensure_format( array() ) ); 29 } 30 31 function test_oembed_create_xml() { 32 $actual = _oembed_create_xml( array( 33 'foo' => 'bar', 34 'bar' => 'baz', 35 'ping' => 'pong', 36 ) ); 37 38 $expected = '<oembed><foo>bar</foo><bar>baz</bar><ping>pong</ping></oembed>'; 39 40 $this->assertStringEndsWith( $expected, trim( $actual ) ); 41 42 $actual = _oembed_create_xml( array( 43 'foo' => array( 44 'bar' => 'baz', 45 ), 46 'ping' => 'pong', 47 ) ); 48 49 $expected = '<oembed><foo><bar>baz</bar></foo><ping>pong</ping></oembed>'; 50 51 $this->assertStringEndsWith( $expected, trim( $actual ) ); 52 53 $actual = _oembed_create_xml( array( 54 'foo' => array( 55 'bar' => array( 56 'ping' => 'pong', 57 ), 58 ), 59 'hello' => 'world', 60 ) ); 61 62 $expected = '<oembed><foo><bar><ping>pong</ping></bar></foo><hello>world</hello></oembed>'; 63 64 $this->assertStringEndsWith( $expected, trim( $actual ) ); 65 66 $actual = _oembed_create_xml( array( 67 array( 68 'foo' => array( 69 'bar', 70 ), 71 ), 72 'helloworld', 73 ) ); 74 75 $expected = '<oembed><oembed><foo><oembed>bar</oembed></foo></oembed><oembed>helloworld</oembed></oembed>'; 76 77 $this->assertStringEndsWith( $expected, trim( $actual ) ); 78 } 79 80 public function test_route_availability() { 81 // Check the route was registered correctly. 82 $filtered_routes = $this->server->get_routes(); 83 $this->assertArrayHasKey( '/oembed/1.0/embed', $filtered_routes ); 84 $route = $filtered_routes['/oembed/1.0/embed']; 85 $this->assertCount( 1, $route ); 86 $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'callback', $route[0] ); 87 $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'methods', $route[0] ); 88 $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'args', $route[0] ); 89 } 90 91 function test_request_with_wrong_method() { 92 $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'POST', '/oembed/1.0/embed' ); 93 94 $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); 95 $data = $response->get_data(); 96 97 $this->assertEquals( 'rest_no_route', $data[0]['code'] ); 98 } 99 100 function test_request_without_url_param() { 101 $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'GET', '/oembed/1.0/embed' ); 102 103 $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); 104 $data = $response->get_data(); 105 106 $this->assertEquals( 'rest_missing_callback_param', $data[0]['code'] ); 107 $this->assertEquals( 'url', $data[0]['data']['params'][0] ); 108 } 109 7 110 function test_request_with_bad_url() { 8 $request = array(9 'url' => '',10 'format' => 'json', 11 'maxwidth' => 600,12 );111 $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'GET', '/oembed/1.0/embed' ); 112 $request->set_param( 'url', 'http://google.com/' ); 113 114 $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); 115 $data = $response->get_data(); 13 116 14 $legacy_controller = new WP_oEmbed_Controller(); 117 $this->assertEquals( 'oembed_invalid_url', $data[0]['code'] ); 118 } 119 120 function test_request_invalid_format() { 121 $post_id = $this->factory()->post->create(); 122 123 $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'GET', '/oembed/1.0/embed' ); 124 $request->set_param( 'url', get_permalink( $post_id ) ); 125 $request->set_param( 'format', 'random' ); 15 126 16 $this->assertEquals( get_status_header_desc( 404 ), $legacy_controller->dispatch( $request ) ); 127 $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); 128 $data = $response->get_data(); 129 130 $this->assertInternalType( 'array', $data ); 131 $this->assertNotEmpty( $data ); 17 132 } 18 133 19 134 function test_request_json() { … … class Test_oEmbed_Controller extends WP_UnitTestCase { 25 140 'post_title' => 'Hello World', 26 141 ) ); 27 142 28 // WP_Query arguments. 29 $request = array( 30 'url' => get_permalink( $post->ID ), 31 'format' => 'json', 32 'maxwidth' => 400, 33 'callback' => '', 34 'oembed' => true, 35 ); 143 $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'GET', '/oembed/1.0/embed' ); 144 $request->set_param( 'url', get_permalink( $post->ID ) ); 145 $request->set_param( 'maxwidth', 400 ); 36 146 37 $legacy_controller = new WP_oEmbed_Controller(); 147 $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); 148 $data = $response->get_data(); 38 149 39 $data = json_decode( $legacy_controller->dispatch( $request ), true ); 40 41 $this->assertTrue( is_array( $data ) ); 150 $this->assertInternalType( 'array', $data ); 151 $this->assertNotEmpty( $data ); 42 152 43 153 $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'version', $data ); 44 154 $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'provider_name', $data ); … … class Test_oEmbed_Controller extends WP_UnitTestCase { 59 169 $this->assertTrue( $data['width'] <= $request['maxwidth'] ); 60 170 } 61 171 62 function test_request_jsonp() {63 $user = self::factory()->user->create_and_get( array(64 'display_name' => 'John Doe',65 ) );66 $post = self::factory()->post->create_and_get( array(67 'post_author' => $user->ID,68 'post_title' => 'Hello World',69 ) );70 71 $request = array(72 'url' => get_permalink( $post->ID ),73 'format' => 'json',74 'maxwidth' => 600,75 'callback' => 'mycallback',76 );77 78 $legacy_controller = new WP_oEmbed_Controller();79 80 $data = $legacy_controller->dispatch( $request );81 82 $this->assertEquals( 0, strpos( $data, '/**/mycallback(' ) );83 }84 85 function test_request_jsonp_invalid_callback() {86 $user = self::factory()->user->create_and_get( array(87 'display_name' => 'John Doe',88 ) );89 $post = self::factory()->post->create_and_get( array(90 'post_author' => $user->ID,91 'post_title' => 'Hello World',92 ) );93 94 $request = array(95 'url' => get_permalink( $post->ID ),96 'format' => 'json',97 'maxwidth' => 600,98 'callback' => array( 'foo', 'bar' ),99 );100 101 $legacy_controller = new WP_oEmbed_Controller();102 103 $data = $legacy_controller->dispatch( $request );104 105 $this->assertFalse( strpos( $data, '/**/' ) );106 }107 108 function test_request_json_invalid_data() {109 $request = array(110 'callback' => '',111 );112 113 $legacy_controller = new WP_oEmbed_Controller();114 115 $this->assertEquals( get_status_header_desc( 501 ), $legacy_controller->json_response( null, $request ) );116 $this->assertEquals( get_status_header_desc( 501 ), $legacy_controller->json_response( 123, $request ) );117 $this->assertEquals( get_status_header_desc( 501 ), $legacy_controller->json_response( array(), $request ) );118 }119 120 172 function test_request_xml() { 121 173 $user = self::factory()->user->create_and_get( array( 122 174 'display_name' => 'John Doe', … … class Test_oEmbed_Controller extends WP_UnitTestCase { 126 178 'post_title' => 'Hello World', 127 179 ) ); 128 180 129 $request = array( 130 'url' => get_permalink( $post->ID ), 131 'format' => 'xml', 132 'maxwidth' => 400, 133 'callback' => '', 134 ); 135 136 $legacy_controller = new WP_oEmbed_Controller(); 181 $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'GET', '/oembed/1.0/embed' ); 182 $request->set_param( 'url', get_permalink( $post->ID ) ); 183 $request->set_param( 'format', 'xml' ); 184 $request->set_param( 'maxwidth', 400 ); 137 185 138 $data = $legacy_controller->dispatch( $request ); 186 $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); 187 $data = $response->get_data(); 139 188 140 $data = simplexml_load_string( $data ); 141 $this->assertInstanceOf( 'SimpleXMLElement', $data ); 142 143 $data = (array) $data; 189 $this->assertInternalType( 'array', $data ); 190 $this->assertNotEmpty( $data ); 144 191 145 192 $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'version', $data ); 146 193 $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'provider_name', $data ); … … class Test_oEmbed_Controller extends WP_UnitTestCase { 161 208 $this->assertTrue( $data['width'] <= $request['maxwidth'] ); 162 209 } 163 210 164 function test_request_xml_invalid_data() {165 $legacy_controller = new WP_oEmbed_Controller();166 167 $this->assertEquals( get_status_header_desc( 501 ), $legacy_controller->xml_response( null ) );168 $this->assertEquals( get_status_header_desc( 501 ), $legacy_controller->xml_response( 123 ) );169 $this->assertEquals( get_status_header_desc( 501 ), $legacy_controller->xml_response( array() ) );170 }171 172 211 /** 173 212 * @group multisite 174 213 */ … … class Test_oEmbed_Controller extends WP_UnitTestCase { 178 217 } 179 218 180 219 $child = self::factory()->blog->create(); 181 182 220 switch_to_blog( $child ); 183 221 184 222 $post = self::factory()->post->create_and_get( array( 185 223 'post_title' => 'Hello Child Blog', 186 224 ) ); 187 225 188 $request = array( 189 'url' => get_permalink( $post->ID ), 190 'format' => 'json', 191 'maxwidth' => 600, 192 'callback' => '', 193 ); 194 195 $legacy_controller = new WP_oEmbed_Controller(); 226 $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'GET', '/oembed/1.0/embed' ); 227 $request->set_param( 'url', get_permalink( $post->ID ) ); 228 $request->set_param( 'maxwidth', 400 ); 196 229 197 $data = json_decode( $legacy_controller->dispatch( $request ), true ); 230 $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); 231 $data = $response->get_data(); 198 232 199 233 $this->assertInternalType( 'array', $data ); 200 234 $this->assertNotEmpty( $data ); … … class Test_oEmbed_Controller extends WP_UnitTestCase { 202 236 restore_current_blog(); 203 237 } 204 238 205 function test_get_oembed_endpoint_url() { 206 $this->assertEquals( home_url() . '/?oembed=true', get_oembed_endpoint_url() ); 207 $this->assertEquals( home_url() . '/?oembed=true', get_oembed_endpoint_url( '', 'json' ) ); 208 $this->assertEquals( home_url() . '/?oembed=true', get_oembed_endpoint_url( '', 'xml' ) ); 239 function test_rest_pre_serve_request() { 240 $user = $this->factory()->user->create_and_get( array( 241 'display_name' => 'John Doe', 242 ) ); 243 $post = $this->factory()->post->create_and_get( array( 244 'post_author' => $user->ID, 245 'post_title' => 'Hello World', 246 ) ); 209 247 210 $post_id = self::factory()->post->create(); 211 $url = get_permalink( $post_id ); 212 $url_encoded = urlencode( $url ); 248 $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'GET', '/oembed/1.0/embed' ); 249 $request->set_param( 'url', get_permalink( $post->ID ) ); 250 $request->set_param( 'format', 'xml' ); 251 252 $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); 253 $output = get_echo( '_oembed_rest_pre_serve_request', array( true, $response, $request, $this->server ) ); 213 254 214 $ this->assertEquals( home_url() . '/?oembed=true&url=' . $url_encoded, get_oembed_endpoint_url( $url ));215 $this->assert Equals( home_url() . '/?oembed=true&url=' . $url_encoded . '&format=xml', get_oembed_endpoint_url( $url, 'xml' ));255 $xml = simplexml_load_string( $output ); 256 $this->assertInstanceOf( 'SimpleXMLElement', $xml ); 216 257 } 217 258 218 function test_wp_oembed_ensure_format() { 219 $this->assertEquals( 'json', wp_oembed_ensure_format( 'json' ) ); 220 $this->assertEquals( 'xml', wp_oembed_ensure_format( 'xml' ) ); 221 $this->assertEquals( 'json', wp_oembed_ensure_format( 123 ) ); 222 $this->assertEquals( 'json', wp_oembed_ensure_format( 'random' ) ); 223 $this->assertEquals( 'json', wp_oembed_ensure_format( array() ) ); 259 function test_rest_pre_serve_request_wrong_format() { 260 $post = $this->factory()->post->create_and_get(); 261 262 $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'GET', '/oembed/1.0/embed' ); 263 $request->set_param( 'url', get_permalink( $post->ID ) ); 264 $request->set_param( 'format', 'json' ); 265 266 $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); 267 268 $this->assertTrue( _oembed_rest_pre_serve_request( true, $response, $request, $this->server ) ); 224 269 } 225 270 226 function test_oembed_create_xml() { 227 $actual = _oembed_create_xml( array( 228 'foo' => 'bar', 229 'bar' => 'baz', 230 'ping' => 'pong', 231 ) ); 271 function test_rest_pre_serve_request_wrong_method() { 272 $post = $this->factory()->post->create_and_get(); 232 273 233 $expected = '<oembed><foo>bar</foo><bar>baz</bar><ping>pong</ping></oembed>'; 274 $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'HEAD', '/oembed/1.0/embed' ); 275 $request->set_param( 'url', get_permalink( $post->ID ) ); 276 $request->set_param( 'format', 'xml' ); 234 277 235 $ this->assertStringEndsWith( $expected, trim( $actual ));278 $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); 236 279 237 $actual = _oembed_create_xml( array( 238 'foo' => array( 239 'bar' => 'baz', 240 ), 241 'ping' => 'pong', 242 ) ); 280 $this->assertTrue( _oembed_rest_pre_serve_request( true, $response, $request, $this->server ) ); 281 } 243 282 244 $expected = '<oembed><foo><bar>baz</bar></foo><ping>pong</ping></oembed>'; 283 function test_get_oembed_endpoint_url() { 284 $this->assertEquals( home_url() . '/?rest_route=/oembed/1.0/embed', get_oembed_endpoint_url() ); 285 $this->assertEquals( home_url() . '/?rest_route=/oembed/1.0/embed', get_oembed_endpoint_url( '', 'json' ) ); 286 $this->assertEquals( home_url() . '/?rest_route=/oembed/1.0/embed', get_oembed_endpoint_url( '', 'xml' ) ); 245 287 246 $this->assertStringEndsWith( $expected, trim( $actual ) ); 288 $post_id = $this->factory()->post->create(); 289 $url = get_permalink( $post_id ); 290 $url_encoded = urlencode( $url ); 247 291 248 $actual = _oembed_create_xml( array( 249 'foo' => array( 250 'bar' => array( 251 'ping' => 'pong', 252 ), 253 ), 254 'hello' => 'world', 255 ) ); 292 $this->assertEquals( home_url() . '/?rest_route=%2Foembed%2F1.0%2Fembed&url=' . $url_encoded, get_oembed_endpoint_url( $url ) ); 293 $this->assertEquals( home_url() . '/?rest_route=%2Foembed%2F1.0%2Fembed&url=' . $url_encoded . '&format=xml', get_oembed_endpoint_url( $url, 'xml' ) ); 294 } 256 295 257 $expected = '<oembed><foo><bar><ping>pong</ping></bar></foo><hello>world</hello></oembed>'; 296 function test_get_oembed_endpoint_url_pretty_permalinks() { 297 update_option( 'permalink_structure', '/%postname%' ); 258 298 259 $this->assertStringEndsWith( $expected, trim( $actual ) ); 299 $this->assertEquals( home_url() . '/wp-json/oembed/1.0/embed', get_oembed_endpoint_url() ); 300 $this->assertEquals( home_url() . '/wp-json/oembed/1.0/embed', get_oembed_endpoint_url( '', 'xml' ) ); 260 301 261 $actual = _oembed_create_xml( array( 262 array( 263 'foo' => array( 264 'bar', 265 ), 266 ), 267 'helloworld', 268 ) ); 302 $post_id = $this->factory()->post->create(); 303 $url = get_permalink( $post_id ); 304 $url_encoded = urlencode( $url ); 269 305 270 $expected = '<oembed><oembed><foo><oembed>bar</oembed></foo></oembed><oembed>helloworld</oembed></oembed>'; 306 $this->assertEquals( home_url() . '/wp-json/oembed/1.0/embed?url=' . $url_encoded, get_oembed_endpoint_url( $url ) ); 307 $this->assertEquals( home_url() . '/wp-json/oembed/1.0/embed?url=' . $url_encoded . '&format=xml', get_oembed_endpoint_url( $url, 'xml' ) ); 271 308 272 $this->assertStringEndsWith( $expected, trim( $actual ));309 update_option( 'permalink_structure', '' ); 273 310 } 274 311 } -
diff --git tests/phpunit/tests/oembed/discovery.php tests/phpunit/tests/oembed/discovery.php index e7615f9..63eb5bb 100644
5 5 */ 6 6 class Tests_oEmbed_Discovery extends WP_UnitTestCase { 7 7 function test_add_oembed_discovery_links_non_singular() { 8 ob_start(); 9 wp_oembed_add_discovery_links(); 10 $actual = ob_get_clean(); 11 $this->assertSame( '', $actual ); 8 $this->assertSame( '', get_echo( 'wp_oembed_add_discovery_links' ) ); 12 9 } 13 10 14 11 function test_add_oembed_discovery_links_to_post() { 15 12 $post_id = self::factory()->post->create(); 16 13 $this->go_to( get_permalink( $post_id ) ); 17 18 14 $this->assertQueryTrue( 'is_single', 'is_singular' ); 19 15 20 ob_start();21 wp_oembed_add_discovery_links();22 $actual = ob_get_clean();23 24 16 $expected = '<link rel="alternate" type="application/json+oembed" href="' . esc_url( get_oembed_endpoint_url( get_permalink() ) ) . '" />' . "\n"; 25 17 $expected .= '<link rel="alternate" type="text/xml+oembed" href="' . esc_url( get_oembed_endpoint_url( get_permalink(), 'xml' ) ) . '" />' . "\n"; 26 18 27 $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual);19 $this->assertEquals( $expected, get_echo( 'wp_oembed_add_discovery_links' ) ); 28 20 } 29 21 30 22 function test_add_oembed_discovery_links_to_page() { … … class Tests_oEmbed_Discovery extends WP_UnitTestCase { 32 24 'post_type' => 'page' 33 25 )); 34 26 $this->go_to( get_permalink( $post_id ) ); 35 36 27 $this->assertQueryTrue( 'is_page', 'is_singular' ); 37 28 38 ob_start();39 wp_oembed_add_discovery_links();40 $actual = ob_get_clean();41 42 29 $expected = '<link rel="alternate" type="application/json+oembed" href="' . esc_url( get_oembed_endpoint_url( get_permalink() ) ) . '" />' . "\n"; 43 30 $expected .= '<link rel="alternate" type="text/xml+oembed" href="' . esc_url( get_oembed_endpoint_url( get_permalink(), 'xml' ) ) . '" />' . "\n"; 44 31 45 $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual);32 $this->assertEquals( $expected, get_echo( 'wp_oembed_add_discovery_links' ) ); 46 33 } 47 34 48 35 function test_add_oembed_discovery_links_to_attachment() { … … class Tests_oEmbed_Discovery extends WP_UnitTestCase { 53 40 ) ); 54 41 55 42 $this->go_to( get_permalink( $attachment_id ) ); 56 57 43 $this->assertQueryTrue( 'is_attachment', 'is_singular', 'is_single' ); 58 44 59 ob_start();60 wp_oembed_add_discovery_links();61 $actual = ob_get_clean();62 63 45 $expected = '<link rel="alternate" type="application/json+oembed" href="' . esc_url( get_oembed_endpoint_url( get_permalink() ) ) . '" />' . "\n"; 64 46 $expected .= '<link rel="alternate" type="text/xml+oembed" href="' . esc_url( get_oembed_endpoint_url( get_permalink(), 'xml' ) ) . '" />' . "\n"; 65 47 66 $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual);48 $this->assertEquals( $expected, get_echo( 'wp_oembed_add_discovery_links' ) ); 67 49 } 68 50 } -
diff --git tests/phpunit/tests/oembed/headers.php tests/phpunit/tests/oembed/headers.php index 3c9f80f..b0bc2c8 100644
7 7 * @group oembed-headers 8 8 */ 9 9 class Tests_oEmbed_HTTP_Headers extends WP_UnitTestCase { 10 function test_re quest_json_response_headers() {10 function test_rest_pre_serve_request_headers() { 11 11 if ( ! function_exists( 'xdebug_get_headers' ) ) { 12 12 $this->markTestSkipped( 'xdebug is required for this test' ); 13 13 } 14 14 15 $post = self::factory()->post->create_and_get( array(15 $post = $this->factory()->post->create_and_get( array( 16 16 'post_title' => 'Hello World', 17 17 ) ); 18 18 19 $request = array( 20 'url' => get_permalink( $post->ID ), 21 'format' => 'json', 22 'maxwidth' => 600, 23 'callback' => '', 24 ); 19 $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'GET', '/oembed/1.0/embed' ); 20 $request->set_param( 'url', get_permalink( $post->ID ) ); 21 $request->set_param( 'format', 'xml' ); 25 22 26 $legacy_controller = new WP_oEmbed_Controller(); 27 $legacy_controller->dispatch( $request ); 23 $server = new WP_REST_Server(); 24 $response = $server->dispatch( $request ); 25 $output = get_echo( '_oembed_rest_pre_serve_request', array( true, $response, $request, $server ) ); 28 26 29 $headers = xdebug_get_headers(); 30 31 $this->assertTrue( in_array( 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=' . get_option( 'blog_charset' ), $headers ) ); 32 $this->assertTrue( in_array( 'X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff', $headers ) ); 33 34 $request['callback'] = 'foobar'; 35 36 $legacy_controller->dispatch( $request ); 37 38 $headers = xdebug_get_headers(); 39 40 $this->assertTrue( in_array( 'Content-Type: application/javascript; charset=' . get_option( 'blog_charset' ), $headers ) ); 41 $this->assertTrue( in_array( 'X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff', $headers ) ); 42 } 43 44 function test_request_xml_response_headers() { 45 if ( ! function_exists( 'xdebug_get_headers' ) ) { 46 $this->markTestSkipped( 'xdebug is required for this test' ); 47 } 48 49 $post = self::factory()->post->create_and_get( array( 50 'post_title' => 'Hello World', 51 ) ); 52 53 $request = array( 54 'url' => get_permalink( $post->ID ), 55 'format' => 'xml', 56 'maxwidth' => 600, 57 ); 58 59 $legacy_controller = new WP_oEmbed_Controller(); 60 $legacy_controller->dispatch( $request ); 27 $this->assertNotEmpty( $output ); 61 28 62 29 $headers = xdebug_get_headers(); 63 30 -
diff --git tests/phpunit/tests/oembed/template.php tests/phpunit/tests/oembed/template.php index b0bb1a3..b45b930 100644
class Tests_Embed_Template extends WP_UnitTestCase { 248 248 } 249 249 250 250 function test_add_host_js() { 251 ob_start();252 251 wp_oembed_add_host_js(); 253 ob_end_clean();254 252 255 253 $this->assertTrue( wp_script_is( 'wp-embed' ) ); 256 254 }