1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> |
2 | <!-- This is a WordPress eXtended RSS file generated by WordPress as an export of your site. --> |
3 | <!-- It contains information about your site's posts, pages, comments, categories, and other content. --> |
4 | <!-- You may use this file to transfer that content from one site to another. --> |
5 | <!-- This file is not intended to serve as a complete backup of your site. --> |
6 | |
7 | <!-- To import this information into a WordPress site follow these steps: --> |
8 | <!-- 1. Log in to that site as an administrator. --> |
9 | <!-- 2. Go to Tools: Import in the WordPress admin panel. --> |
10 | <!-- 3. Install the "WordPress" importer from the list. --> |
11 | <!-- 4. Activate & Run Importer. --> |
12 | <!-- 5. Upload this file using the form provided on that page. --> |
13 | <!-- 6. You will first be asked to map the authors in this export file to users --> |
14 | <!-- on the site. For each author, you may choose to map to an --> |
15 | <!-- existing user on the site or to create a new user. --> |
16 | <!-- 7. WordPress will then import each of the posts, pages, comments, categories, etc. --> |
17 | <!-- contained in this file into your site. --> |
18 | |
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27 | |
28 | <channel> |
29 | <title>DEV Betheme</title> |
30 | <link>http://muffingroup.com/dev8624/betheme</link> |
31 | <description>Just another WordPress site</description> |
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37 | |
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39 | |
40 | |
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42 | |
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44 | <title>TMP SERIALIZED 3</title> |
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46 | <pubDate>Wed, 02 Dec 2015 12:45:30 +0000</pubDate> |
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