Make WordPress Core

Ticket #35590: 35590.2.diff

File 35590.2.diff, 1.4 KB (added by ocean90, 8 years ago)
  • src/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php

    875875                                }
    877877                                /**
    878                                  * Call a filter before executing any REST API callbacks.
     878                                 * Filters the response before executing any REST API callbacks.
    879879                                 *
    880880                                 * Allows plugins to perform additional validation after a
    881881                                 * request is initialized and matched to a registered route,
    930930                                }
    932932                                /**
    933                                  * Call a filter immediately after executing any REST API
     933                                 * Filters the response immediately after executing any REST API
    934934                                 * callbacks.
    935935                                 *
    936936                                 * Allows plugins to perform any needed cleanup, for example,
    937                                  * to undo changes made during `rest_request_before_callbacks`.
    938                                  *
     937                                 * to undo changes made during {@see 'rest_request_before_callbacks'}.
     938                                 *.
    939939                                 * Note that this filter will not be called for requests that
    940940                                 * fail to authenticate or match to a registered route.
    941941                                 *
    942942                                 * Note that an endpoint's `permission_callback` can still be
    943                                  * called after this filter - see the `rest_send_allow_header`
    944                                  * function.
     943                                 * called after this filter - see `rest_send_allow_header()`.
    945944                                 *
    946945                                 * @since 4.7.0
    947946                                 *