Make WordPress Core

Ticket #36206: 36206.patch

File 36206.patch, 981 bytes (added by sebastian.pisula, 9 years ago)
  • wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php

    IDEA additional info:
    Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
    230230 * Fires at the beginning of the publishing actions section of the Publish meta box.
    231231 *
    232232 * @since 2.7.0
     233 * @since 4.5.0 Added the `$post` parameter.
    233234 */
    234 do_action( 'post_submitbox_start' );
     235do_action( 'post_submitbox_start', $post );
    236237<div id="delete-action">
    311312         * in the attachment editing screen.
    312313         *
    313314         * @since 3.5.0
     315         * @since 4.5.0 Added the `$post` parameter.
    314316         */
    315         do_action( 'attachment_submitbox_misc_actions' );
     317        do_action( 'attachment_submitbox_misc_actions', $post );
    316318        ?>
    317319</div><!-- #misc-publishing-actions -->
    318320<div class="clear"></div>