Ticket #36307: 36307.v2.patch
File 36307.v2.patch, 1009 bytes (added by , 8 years ago) |
313 313 314 314 function ns_to_prefix($qname, $attr=false) { 315 315 # split 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml:div' into ('http','//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml','div') 316 $components = split(":", $qname);316 $components = explode( ":", $qname ); 317 317 318 318 # grab the last one (e.g 'div') 319 319 $name = array_pop($components); -
114 114 // check for a namespace, and split if found 115 115 $ns = false; 116 116 if ( strpos( $element, ':' ) ) { 117 list( $ns, $el) = split( ':', $element, 2);117 list( $ns, $el ) = explode( ':', $element, 2 ); 118 118 } 119 119 if ( $ns and $ns != 'rdf' ) { 120 120 $this->current_namespace = $ns;