Make WordPress Core

Ticket #36338: 36338.3.diff

File 36338.3.diff, 2.6 KB (added by theMikeD, 9 years ago)

Last one. I think I have captured the current behaviour adequately

  • src/wp-admin/includes/export.php

    2323 * @global wpdb    $wpdb
    2424 * @global WP_Post $post
    2525 *
    26  * @param array $args Filters defining what should be included in the export.
     26 * @param array $args {
     27 *     Optional. Default is to export all content except those with status 'auto-draft'.
     28 *
     29 *     @type string $content        If set, only content of this post type will be exported.
     30 *                                  Default is everything (via the 'all' default). Accepts 'all',
     31 *                                  'post', 'page', 'attachment' or a defined custom post type. Note that
     32 *                                  if an invalid custom post type is supplied, every post type that has
     33 *                                  'can_export' set to 'true' will be used instead. If a valid custom post
     34 *                                  type is supplied but its 'can_export' property is 'false', then 'posts' will
     35 *                                  be used instead.
     36 *     @type string $author         If set, only content by this author will be exported. Default is
     37 *                                  all authors. Applies only to 'post', 'page' and 'attachment' post types.
     38 *     @type string $category       If set and if $content is 'post' or 'all', only content assigned
     39 *                                  to $category will be exported. Default is all categories.
     40 *     @type string $start_date     If set and if $content is 'post' or 'all', this will be the start
     41 *                                  date. Default is earliest date. Date format is 'Y-m-d'. Applies only
     42 *                                  to 'post', 'page' and 'attachment' post types.
     43 *     @type string $end_date       If set and if $content is 'post' or 'all', this will be the end date.
     44 *                                  Default is latest date. Date format is 'Y-m-d'. Applies only to 'post',
     45 *                                  'page' and 'attachment' post types.
     46 *     @type string $status         If set and if $content is 'post' or 'page', only content of this status
     47 *                                  will be exported. Default is all status' except 'auto-draft'. Accepts
     48 *                                  'publish', 'pending', 'draft', 'auto-draft', 'future', 'private',
     49 *                                  'inherit', 'trash'.
     50 * }
    2751 */
    2852function export_wp( $args = array() ) {
    2953        global $wpdb, $post;