Ticket #36597: 36597.patch
File 36597.patch, 1.0 KB (added by , 8 years ago) |
2997 2997 * Default empty. 2998 2998 * @type string $pinged Space or carriage return-separated list of URLs that have 2999 2999 * been pinged. Default empty. 3000 * @type string $post_modified The date when the post was last modified. Default is3001 * the current time.3002 * @type string $post_modified_gmt The date when the post was last modified in the GMT3003 * timezone. Default is the current time.3004 3000 * @type int $post_parent Set this for the post it belongs to, if any. Default 0. 3005 3001 * @type int $menu_order The order the post should be displayed in. Default 0. 3006 3002 * @type string $post_mime_type The mime type of the post. Default empty.