Make WordPress Core

Ticket #37903: query.p1

File query.p1, 920 bytes (added by scrappy@…, 8 years ago)

Patch for query.php to replace && with AND for SQL

1*** /tmp/query.php      Thu Sep  1 03:54:11 2016
2--- src/wp-includes/query.php   Thu Sep  1 03:54:16 2016
4*** 3239,3245 ****
5                                $cgroupby = "{$this->db->comments}.comment_id";
6                        } else { // Other non singular e.g. front
7                                $cjoin = "JOIN {$this->db->posts} ON ( {$this->db->comments}.comment_post_ID = {$this->db->posts}.ID )";
8!                               $cwhere = "WHERE ( post_status = 'publish' OR ( post_status = 'inherit' && post_type = 'attachment' ) ) AND comment_approved = '1'";
9                                $cgroupby = '';
10                        }
12--- 3239,3245 ----
13                                $cgroupby = "{$this->db->comments}.comment_id";
14                        } else { // Other non singular e.g. front
15                                $cjoin = "JOIN {$this->db->posts} ON ( {$this->db->comments}.comment_post_ID = {$this->db->posts}.ID )";
16!                               $cwhere = "WHERE ( post_status = 'publish' OR ( post_status = 'inherit' AND post_type = 'attachment' ) ) AND comment_approved = '1'";
17                                $cgroupby = '';
18                        }