Ticket #38464: 38464.patch
File 38464.patch, 9.6 KB (added by , 8 years ago) |
2899 2899 #section-holder { 2900 2900 position: static; 2901 2901 margin: 0; 2902 padding-bottom: 70px; /* reset from the two column height fix, plus accom odate footer */2902 padding-bottom: 70px; /* reset from the two column height fix, plus accommodate footer */ 2903 2903 } 2904 2904 2905 2905 #plugin-information .fyi h3, -
34 34 // In version 1.x of PclZip, the separator for file list is a space 35 35 // (which is not a very smart choice, specifically for windows paths !). 36 36 // A better separator should be a comma (,). This constant gives you the 37 // abil ty to change that.37 // ability to change that. 38 38 // However notice that changing this value, may have impact on existing 39 39 // scripts, using space separated filenames. 40 // Recomm anded values for compatibility with older versions :40 // Recommended values for compatibility with older versions : 41 41 //define( 'PCLZIP_SEPARATOR', ' ' ); 42 // Recomm anded values for smart separation of filenames.42 // Recommended values for smart separation of filenames. 43 43 if (!defined('PCLZIP_SEPARATOR')) { 44 44 define( 'PCLZIP_SEPARATOR', ',' ); 45 45 } … … 248 248 // When a directory is in the list, the directory and its content is added 249 249 // in the archive. 250 250 // In this synopsis, the function takes an optional variable list of 251 // options. See bel low the supported options.251 // options. See below the supported options. 252 252 // Parameters : 253 253 // $p_filelist : An array containing file or directory names, or 254 254 // a string containing one filename or one directory name, or … … 1064 1064 // Function : deleteByIndex() 1065 1065 // Description : 1066 1066 // ***** Deprecated ***** 1067 // delete(PCLZIP_OPT_BY_INDEX, $p_index) should be prefer ed.1067 // delete(PCLZIP_OPT_BY_INDEX, $p_index) should be preferred. 1068 1068 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1069 1069 function deleteByIndex($p_index) 1070 1070 { … … 1126 1126 return 0; 1127 1127 } 1128 1128 1129 // ----- Read the central directory information s1129 // ----- Read the central directory information 1130 1130 $v_central_dir = array(); 1131 1131 if (($v_result = $this->privReadEndCentralDir($v_central_dir)) != 1) 1132 1132 { … … 1698 1698 if ($v_result_list[$p_options_list[$i]][$j]['start'] < $v_sort_value) { 1699 1699 $v_sort_flag=true; 1700 1700 1701 // ----- TBC : An automatic sort should be writ en ...1701 // ----- TBC : An automatic sort should be written ... 1702 1702 // ----- Error log 1703 1703 PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_OPTION_VALUE, "Invalid order of index range for option '".PclZipUtilOptionText($p_options_list[$i])."'"); 1704 1704 … … 2189 2189 return $v_result; 2190 2190 } 2191 2191 2192 // ----- Read the central directory information s2192 // ----- Read the central directory information 2193 2193 $v_central_dir = array(); 2194 2194 if (($v_result = $this->privReadEndCentralDir($v_central_dir)) != 1) 2195 2195 { … … 2391 2391 // Function : privAddList() 2392 2392 // Description : 2393 2393 // $p_add_dir and $p_remove_dir will give the ability to memorize a path which is 2394 // different from the real path of the file. This is useful lif you want to have PclTar2394 // different from the real path of the file. This is useful if you want to have PclTar 2395 2395 // running in any directory, and memorize relative path from an other directory. 2396 2396 // Parameters : 2397 2397 // $p_list : An array containing the file or directory names to add in the tar … … 2631 2631 $v_result = 1; 2632 2632 } 2633 2633 2634 // ----- Update the information s2634 // ----- Update the information 2635 2635 // Only some fields can be modified 2636 2636 if ($p_header['stored_filename'] != $v_local_header['stored_filename']) { 2637 2637 $p_header['stored_filename'] = PclZipUtilPathReduction($v_local_header['stored_filename']); … … 2783 2783 $v_result = 1; 2784 2784 } 2785 2785 2786 // ----- Update the information s2786 // ----- Update the information 2787 2787 // Nothing can be modified 2788 2788 } 2789 2789 … … 3169 3169 return PclZip::errorCode(); 3170 3170 } 3171 3171 3172 // ----- Read the central directory information s3172 // ----- Read the central directory information 3173 3173 $v_central_dir = array(); 3174 3174 if (($v_result = $this->privReadEndCentralDir($v_central_dir)) != 1) 3175 3175 { … … 3220 3220 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3221 3221 // Function : privConvertHeader2FileInfo() 3222 3222 // Description : 3223 // This function takes the file information sfrom the central directory3223 // This function takes the file information from the central directory 3224 3224 // entries and extract the interesting parameters that will be given back. 3225 3225 // The resulting file infos are set in the array $p_info 3226 3226 // $p_info['filename'] : Filename with full path. Given by user (add), … … 3313 3313 return $v_result; 3314 3314 } 3315 3315 3316 // ----- Read the central directory information s3316 // ----- Read the central directory information 3317 3317 $v_central_dir = array(); 3318 3318 if (($v_result = $this->privReadEndCentralDir($v_central_dir)) != 1) 3319 3319 { … … 3713 3713 $v_result = PCLZIP_ERR_USER_ABORTED; 3714 3714 } 3715 3715 3716 // ----- Update the information s3716 // ----- Update the information 3717 3717 // Only some fields can be modified 3718 3718 $p_entry['filename'] = $v_local_header['filename']; 3719 3719 } … … 4080 4080 $v_result = PCLZIP_ERR_USER_ABORTED; 4081 4081 } 4082 4082 4083 // ----- Update the information s4083 // ----- Update the information 4084 4084 // Only some fields can be modified 4085 4085 $p_entry['filename'] = $v_local_header['filename']; 4086 4086 } … … 4193 4193 $v_result = PCLZIP_ERR_USER_ABORTED; 4194 4194 } 4195 4195 4196 // ----- Update the information s4196 // ----- Update the information 4197 4197 // Only some fields can be modified 4198 4198 $p_entry['filename'] = $v_local_header['filename']; 4199 4199 } … … 4689 4689 return $v_result; 4690 4690 } 4691 4691 4692 // ----- Read the central directory information s4692 // ----- Read the central directory information 4693 4693 $v_central_dir = array(); 4694 4694 if (($v_result = $this->privReadEndCentralDir($v_central_dir)) != 1) 4695 4695 { … … 5075 5075 return $v_result; 5076 5076 } 5077 5077 5078 // ----- Read the central directory information s5078 // ----- Read the central directory information 5079 5079 $v_central_dir = array(); 5080 5080 if (($v_result = $this->privReadEndCentralDir($v_central_dir)) != 1) 5081 5081 { … … 5095 5095 return $v_result; 5096 5096 } 5097 5097 5098 // ----- Read the central directory information s5098 // ----- Read the central directory information 5099 5099 $v_central_dir_to_add = array(); 5100 5100 if (($v_result = $p_archive_to_add->privReadEndCentralDir($v_central_dir_to_add)) != 1) 5101 5101 { -
353 353 } 354 354 355 355 /** 356 * Ou put all navigation menu terms356 * Output all navigation menu terms 357 357 * 358 358 * @since 3.1.0 359 359 */ -
133 133 $lines[] = rtrim( fgets( $fp ), "\r\n" ); 134 134 } 135 135 136 // Split out the existing file into the prece eding lines, and those that appear after the marker136 // Split out the existing file into the preceding lines, and those that appear after the marker 137 137 $pre_lines = $post_lines = $existing_lines = array(); 138 138 $found_marker = $found_end_marker = false; 139 139 foreach ( $lines as $line ) { -
2821 2821 // Multisite schema upgrades. 2822 2822 if ( $wp_current_db_version < 25448 && is_multisite() && wp_should_upgrade_global_tables() ) { 2823 2823 2824 // Upgrade ver ions prior to 3.72824 // Upgrade versions prior to 3.7 2825 2825 if ( $wp_current_db_version < 25179 ) { 2826 2826 // New primary key for signups. 2827 2827 $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->signups ADD signup_id BIGINT(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY FIRST" ); -
318 318 topHeight = heights.textTopHeight; 319 319 } 320 320 321 // TinyMCE still in tializing.321 // TinyMCE still initializing. 322 322 if ( ! visual && ! $top.length ) { 323 323 return; 324 324 } -
140 140 /** 141 141 * Handle server response 142 142 * 143 * @param {string} str Response, will be '0' when an error occur ed otherwise contains link to add Featured Image.143 * @param {string} str Response, will be '0' when an error occurred otherwise contains link to add Featured Image. 144 144 */ 145 145 function(str){ 146 146 if ( str == '0' ) {