Make WordPress Core

Ticket #38567: 38567.1.patch

File 38567.1.patch, 962 bytes (added by davidakennedy, 8 years ago)

Changes panel placeholder language to be consistent with Customizer.

  • src/wp-content/themes/twentyseventeen/inc/template-tags.php

    151151                wp_reset_postdata();
    152152        } elseif ( is_customize_preview() ) {
    153153                // The output placeholder anchor.
    154                 echo '<article class="panel-placeholder panel twentyseventeen-panel twentyseventeen-panel' . $id . '" id="panel' . $id . '"><span class="twentyseventeen-panel-title">' . sprintf( __( 'Panel %1$s Placeholder', 'twentyseventeen' ), $id ) . '</span></article>';
     154                echo '<article class="panel-placeholder panel twentyseventeen-panel twentyseventeen-panel' . $id . '" id="panel' . $id . '"><span class="twentyseventeen-panel-title">' . sprintf( __( 'Front Page Section %1$s Placeholder', 'twentyseventeen' ), $id ) . '</span></article>';
    155155        }