Ticket #38808: 38808-sticky.patch
File 38808-sticky.patch, 633 bytes (added by , 8 years ago) |
1270 1270 } 1271 1271 } elseif ( isset( $post_data['sticky'] ) ) { 1272 1272 if ( ! current_user_can( $post_type->cap->edit_others_posts ) ) { 1273 return new IXR_Error( 401, __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to stick this post.' ) );1273 return new IXR_Error( 401, __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to make posts sticky.' ) ); 1274 1274 } 1275 1275 1276 1276 $sticky = wp_validate_boolean( $post_data['sticky'] );