Make WordPress Core

Ticket #38918: 38918.diff

File 38918.diff, 625 bytes (added by eddhurst, 8 years ago)

Removing plural for translation string and adding colon to make clearer that plugin name follows

  • wp-admin/includes/plugin.php

    893893                set_site_transient( 'update_plugins', $current );
    894894        }
    896         if ( ! empty($errors) )
    897                 return new WP_Error('could_not_remove_plugin', sprintf(__('Could not fully remove the plugin(s) %s.'), implode(', ', $errors)) );
     896        if ( ! empty( $errors ) )
     897                return new WP_Error('could_not_remove_plugin', sprintf( __( 'Could not fully remove the plugin: %s.' ), implode( ', ', $errors ) ) );
    899899        return true;