Make WordPress Core

Ticket #39049: 39049.patch

File 39049.patch, 731 bytes (added by ben.meredith@…, 8 years ago)

corrects the wording.

  • wp-includes/post.php

    4474  * Retrieve a list of pages.
     4474 * Retrieve an array of pages.
    44754475 *
    44764476 * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
    44774477 *
    45104510 *     @type string|array $post_status  A comma-separated list or array of post statuses to include.
    45114511 *                                      Default 'publish'.
    45124512 * }
    4513  * @return array|false List of pages matching defaults or `$args`.
     4513 * @return array|false Array of pages matching defaults or `$args`.
    45144514 */
    45154515function get_pages( $args = array() ) {
    45164516        global $wpdb;