Make WordPress Core

Ticket #40553: 40553.patch

File 40553.patch, 2.3 KB (added by bnap00, 8 years ago)
  • wp-admin/users.php

    3434) ) ;
    3636get_current_screen()->add_help_tab( array(
    37         'id'      => 'screen-display',
    38         'title'   => __('Screen Display'),
     37        'id'      => 'screen-content',
     38        'title'   => __('Screen Content'),
    3939        'content' => '<p>' . __('You can customize the display of this screen in a number of ways:') . '</p>' .
    4040                                        '<ul>' .
    4141                                        '<li>' . __('You can hide/display columns based on your needs and decide how many users to list per screen using the Screen Options tab.') . '</li>' .
    4747$help = '<p>' . __('Hovering over a row in the users list will display action links that allow you to manage users. You can perform the following actions:') . '</p>' .
    4848        '<ul>' .
    49         '<li>' . __('Edit takes you to the editable profile screen for that user. You can also reach that screen by clicking on the username.') . '</li>';
     49        '<li>' . __('<strong>Edit</strong> takes you to the editable profile screen for that user. You can also reach that screen by clicking on the username.') . '</li>';
    5151if ( is_multisite() )
    52         $help .= '<li>' . __( 'Remove allows you to remove a user from your site. It does not delete their content. You can also remove multiple users at once by using Bulk Actions.' ) . '</li>';
     52        $help .= '<li>' . __( '<strong>Remove</strong> allows you to remove a user from your site. It does not delete their content. You can also remove multiple users at once by using Bulk Actions.' ) . '</li>';
    54         $help .= '<li>' . __( 'Delete brings you to the Delete Users screen for confirmation, where you can permanently remove a user from your site and delete their content. You can also delete multiple users at once by using Bulk Actions.' ) . '</li>';
     54        $help .= '<li>' . __( '<strong>Delete</strong> brings you to the Delete Users screen for confirmation, where you can permanently remove a user from your site and delete their content. You can also delete multiple users at once by using Bulk Actions.' ) . '</li>';
    5656$help .= '</ul>';
    5858get_current_screen()->add_help_tab( array(
    59         'id'      => 'actions',
    60         'title'   => __('Actions'),
     59        'id'      => 'action-links',
     60        'title'   => __('Available Actions'),
    6161        'content' => $help,
    6262) );
    6363unset( $help );