Make WordPress Core

Ticket #40568: 40568.2.diff

File 40568.2.diff, 642 bytes (added by johnbillion, 4 years ago)
  • src/wp-includes/load.php

    15061506        if ( $is_wp_error ) {
    15071507                /**
    1508                  * Fires when `is_wp_error()` is called and it's an instance of `WP_Error`.
     1508                 * Fires when `is_wp_error()` is called and its parameter is an instance of `WP_Error`.
    15091509                 *
    15101510                 * @since 5.6.0
    15111511                 *
    15121512                 * @param WP_Error $thing The error object passed to `is_wp_error()`.
    15131513                 */
    1514                 do_action( 'wp_error_checked', $thing );
     1514                do_action( 'wp_error_seen', $thing );
    15151515        }
    15171517        return $is_wp_error;