394 | | 'siteurl' => $guessurl, |
395 | | 'home' => $guessurl, |
396 | | 'blogname' => __('My Site'), |
397 | | /* translators: site tagline */ |
398 | | 'blogdescription' => __('Just another WordPress site'), |
399 | | 'users_can_register' => 0, |
400 | | 'admin_email' => 'you@example.com', |
401 | | /* translators: default start of the week. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday */ |
402 | | 'start_of_week' => _x( '1', 'start of week' ), |
403 | | 'use_balanceTags' => 0, |
404 | | 'use_smilies' => 1, |
405 | | 'require_name_email' => 1, |
406 | | 'comments_notify' => 1, |
407 | | 'posts_per_rss' => 10, |
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412 | | 'mailserver_port' => 110, |
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418 | | /* translators: default date format, see https://secure.php.net/date */ |
419 | | 'date_format' => __('F j, Y'), |
420 | | /* translators: default time format, see https://secure.php.net/date */ |
421 | | 'time_format' => __('g:i a'), |
422 | | /* translators: links last updated date format, see https://secure.php.net/date */ |
423 | | 'links_updated_date_format' => __('F j, Y g:i a'), |
424 | | 'comment_moderation' => 0, |
425 | | 'moderation_notify' => 1, |
426 | | 'permalink_structure' => '', |
427 | | 'rewrite_rules' => '', |
428 | | 'hack_file' => 0, |
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430 | | 'moderation_keys' => '', |
431 | | 'active_plugins' => array(), |
432 | | 'category_base' => '', |
433 | | 'ping_sites' => 'http://rpc.pingomatic.com/', |
434 | | 'comment_max_links' => 2, |
435 | | 'gmt_offset' => $gmt_offset, |
436 | | |
437 | | // 1.5 |
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439 | | 'recently_edited' => '', |
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441 | | 'stylesheet' => $stylesheet, |
442 | | 'comment_whitelist' => 1, |
443 | | 'blacklist_keys' => '', |
444 | | 'comment_registration' => 0, |
445 | | 'html_type' => 'text/html', |
446 | | |
447 | | // 1.5.1 |
448 | | 'use_trackback' => 0, |
449 | | |
450 | | // 2.0 |
451 | | 'default_role' => 'subscriber', |
452 | | 'db_version' => $wp_db_version, |
453 | | |
454 | | // 2.0.1 |
455 | | 'uploads_use_yearmonth_folders' => $uploads_use_yearmonth_folders, |
456 | | 'upload_path' => '', |
457 | | |
458 | | // 2.1 |
459 | | 'blog_public' => '1', |
460 | | 'default_link_category' => 2, |
461 | | 'show_on_front' => 'posts', |
462 | | |
463 | | // 2.2 |
464 | | 'tag_base' => '', |
465 | | |
466 | | // 2.5 |
467 | | 'show_avatars' => '1', |
468 | | 'avatar_rating' => 'G', |
469 | | 'upload_url_path' => '', |
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471 | | 'thumbnail_size_h' => 150, |
472 | | 'thumbnail_crop' => 1, |
473 | | 'medium_size_w' => 300, |
474 | | 'medium_size_h' => 300, |
475 | | |
476 | | // 2.6 |
477 | | 'avatar_default' => 'mystery', |
478 | | |
479 | | // 2.7 |
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481 | | 'large_size_h' => 1024, |
482 | | 'image_default_link_type' => 'none', |
483 | | 'image_default_size' => '', |
484 | | 'image_default_align' => '', |
485 | | 'close_comments_for_old_posts' => 0, |
486 | | 'close_comments_days_old' => 14, |
487 | | 'thread_comments' => 1, |
488 | | 'thread_comments_depth' => 5, |
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494 | | 'widget_categories' => array(), |
495 | | 'widget_text' => array(), |
496 | | 'widget_rss' => array(), |
497 | | 'uninstall_plugins' => array(), |
498 | | |
499 | | // 2.8 |
500 | | 'timezone_string' => $timezone_string, |
501 | | |
502 | | // 3.0 |
503 | | 'page_for_posts' => 0, |
504 | | 'page_on_front' => 0, |
505 | | |
506 | | // 3.1 |
507 | | 'default_post_format' => 0, |
508 | | |
509 | | // 3.5 |
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511 | | |
512 | | // 4.3.0 |
513 | | 'finished_splitting_shared_terms' => 1, |
514 | | 'site_icon' => 0, |
515 | | |
516 | | // 4.4.0 |
517 | | 'medium_large_size_w' => 768, |
518 | | 'medium_large_size_h' => 0, |
| 394 | 'siteurl' => array( $guessurl, 'yes' ), |
| 395 | 'home' => array( $guessurl, 'yes' ), |
| 396 | 'blogname' => array( __( 'My Site' ), 'yes' ), |
| 397 | /* translators: site tagline */ |
| 398 | 'blogdescription' => array( __( 'Just another WordPress site' ), 'yes' ), |
| 399 | 'users_can_register' => array( 0, 'yes' ), |
| 400 | 'admin_email' => array( 'you@example.com', 'yes' ), |
| 401 | /* translators: default start of the week. 0 = Sunday, 'yes' ), 1 = Monday */ |
| 402 | 'start_of_week' => array( _x( '1', 'no', 'start of week' ), 'yes' ), |
| 403 | 'use_balanceTags' => array( 0, 'yes' ), |
| 404 | 'use_smilies' => array( 1, 'yes' ), |
| 405 | 'require_name_email' => array( 1, 'yes' ), |
| 406 | 'comments_notify' => array( 1, 'yes' ), |
| 407 | 'posts_per_rss' => array( 10, 'yes' ), |
| 408 | 'rss_use_excerpt' => array( 0, 'yes' ), |
| 409 | 'mailserver_url' => array( 'mail.example.com', 'yes' ), |
| 410 | 'mailserver_login' => array( 'login@example.com', 'yes' ), |
| 411 | 'mailserver_pass' => array( 'password', 'yes' ), |
| 412 | 'mailserver_port' => array( 110, 'yes' ), |
| 413 | 'default_category' => array( 1, 'yes' ), |
| 414 | 'default_comment_status' => array( 'open', 'yes' ), |
| 415 | 'default_ping_status' => array( 'open', 'yes' ), |
| 416 | 'default_pingback_flag' => array( 1, 'yes' ), |
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| 418 | /* translators: default date format, 'yes' ), see https://secure.php.net/date */ |
| 419 | 'date_format' => array( __( 'F j, Y' ), 'yes' ), |
| 420 | /* translators: default time format, 'yes' ), see https://secure.php.net/date */ |
| 421 | 'time_format' => array( __( 'g:i a' ), 'yes' ), |
| 422 | /* translators: links last updated date format, 'yes' ), see https://secure.php.net/date */ |
| 423 | 'links_updated_date_format' => array( __( 'F j, Y g:i a' ), 'yes' ), |
| 424 | 'comment_moderation' => array( 0, 'yes' ), |
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| 426 | 'permalink_structure' => array( '', 'yes' ), |
| 427 | 'rewrite_rules' => array( '', 'yes' ), |
| 428 | 'hack_file' => array( 0, 'yes' ), |
| 429 | 'blog_charset' => array( 'UTF-8', 'yes' ), |
| 430 | 'moderation_keys' => array( '', 'no' ), |
| 431 | 'active_plugins' => array( array(), 'yes' ), |
| 432 | 'category_base' => array( '', 'yes' ), |
| 433 | 'ping_sites' => array( 'http://rpc.pingomatic.com/', 'yes' ), |
| 434 | 'comment_max_links' => array( 2, 'yes' ), |
| 435 | 'gmt_offset' => array( $gmt_offset, 'yes' ), |
| 436 | |
| 437 | // 1.5 |
| 438 | 'default_email_category' => array( 1, 'yes' ), |
| 439 | 'recently_edited' => array( '', 'no' ), |
| 440 | 'template' => array( $template, 'yes' ), |
| 441 | 'stylesheet' => array( $stylesheet, 'yes' ), |
| 442 | 'comment_whitelist' => array( 1, 'yes' ), |
| 443 | 'blacklist_keys' => array( '', 'no' ), |
| 444 | 'comment_registration' => array( 0, 'yes' ), |
| 445 | 'html_type' => array( 'text/html', 'yes' ), |
| 446 | |
| 447 | // 1.5.1 |
| 448 | 'use_trackback' => array( 0, 'yes' ), |
| 449 | |
| 450 | // 2.0 |
| 451 | 'default_role' => array( 'subscriber', 'yes' ), |
| 452 | 'db_version' => array( $wp_db_version, 'yes' ), |
| 453 | |
| 454 | // 2.0.1 |
| 455 | 'uploads_use_yearmonth_folders' => array( $uploads_use_yearmonth_folders, 'yes' ), |
| 456 | 'upload_path' => array( '', 'yes' ), |
| 457 | |
| 458 | // 2.1 |
| 459 | 'blog_public' => array( '1', 'yes' ), |
| 460 | 'default_link_category' => array( 2, 'yes' ), |
| 461 | 'show_on_front' => array( 'posts', 'yes' ), |
| 462 | |
| 463 | // 2.2 |
| 464 | 'tag_base' => array( '', 'yes' ), |
| 465 | |
| 466 | // 2.5 |
| 467 | 'show_avatars' => array( '1', 'yes' ), |
| 468 | 'avatar_rating' => array( 'G', 'yes' ), |
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| 471 | 'thumbnail_size_h' => array( 150, 'yes' ), |
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| 473 | 'medium_size_w' => array( 300, 'yes' ), |
| 474 | 'medium_size_h' => array( 300, 'yes' ), |
| 475 | |
| 476 | // 2.6 |
| 477 | 'avatar_default' => array( 'mystery', 'yes' ), |
| 478 | |
| 479 | // 2.7 |
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| 481 | 'large_size_h' => array( 1024, 'yes' ), |
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| 484 | 'image_default_align' => array( '', 'yes' ), |
| 485 | 'close_comments_for_old_posts' => array( 0, 'yes' ), |
| 486 | 'close_comments_days_old' => array( 14, 'yes' ), |
| 487 | 'thread_comments' => array( 1, 'yes' ), |
| 488 | 'thread_comments_depth' => array( 5, 'yes' ), |
| 489 | 'page_comments' => array( 0, 'yes' ), |
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| 493 | 'sticky_posts' => array( array(), 'yes' ), |
| 494 | 'widget_categories' => array( array(), 'yes' ), |
| 495 | 'widget_text' => array( array(), 'yes' ), |
| 496 | 'widget_rss' => array( array(), 'yes' ), |
| 497 | 'uninstall_plugins' => array( array(), 'no' ), |
| 498 | |
| 499 | // 2.8 |
| 500 | 'timezone_string' => array( $timezone_string, 'yes' ), |
| 501 | |
| 502 | // 3.0 |
| 503 | 'page_for_posts' => array( 0, 'yes' ), |
| 504 | 'page_on_front' => array( 0, 'yes' ), |
| 505 | |
| 506 | // 3.1 |
| 507 | 'default_post_format' => array( 0, 'yes' ), |
| 508 | |
| 509 | // 3.5 |
| 510 | 'link_manager_enabled' => array( 0, 'yes' ), |
| 511 | |
| 512 | // 4.3.0 |
| 513 | 'finished_splitting_shared_terms' => array( 1, 'yes' ), |
| 514 | 'site_icon' => array( 0, 'yes' ), |
| 515 | |
| 516 | // 4.4.0 |
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| 518 | 'medium_large_size_h' => array( 0, 'yes' ), |