Make WordPress Core

Ticket #42040: wp-db.diff

File wp-db.diff, 1.6 KB (added by thekt12, 7 years ago)

Patch For the issue

  • wp-includes/wp-db.php

    12521252                $query = preg_replace( '|(?<!%)%s|', "'%s'", $query ); // quote the strings, avoiding escaped strings like %%s
    12531253                $query = preg_replace( '/%(?:%|$|([^dsF]))/', '%%\\1', $query ); // escape any unescaped percents
    12541254                array_walk( $args, array( $this, 'escape_by_ref' ) );
     1256                /**
     1257                * Patch to find number of convertible patterns in the query and match it to the arguments count
     1258                * Throw a notice if there is a mismatch in the number of covertible patterns to the argument count passed in
     1259                * I recommend exception over notice but keeping backward compatibility in mind, i have used notice.             
     1260                */
     1262                preg_match_all('/%(%|s|d|F)/', $query, $patterns, PREG_SET_ORDER, 0);  // search for %% %s %d %F  in the string
     1263                $convertible_pattern_count = 0;
     1265                foreach ( $patterns as $pattern ) {
     1266                        if ( $pattern[0][0] != "%%" ) {   // as %% is a escape pattern, ignore %% form the list of convertible pattern
     1267                                $convertible_pattern_count++;
     1268                        }
     1269                }
     1271                if ( count( $args ) != $convertible_pattern_count ) {
     1272                        _doing_it_wrong(
     1273                                'wpdb::prepare',
     1274                                sprintf('Number of argument passed is incorrect. Requires %d arguments, but %d arguments is passed', $convertible_pattern_count, count($args)),
     1275                                '4.8.2' //version needs to be updated accordingly
     1276                        );
     1277                }
    12551279                return @vsprintf( $query, $args );
    12561280        }