Make WordPress Core

Ticket #42090: 42090.2.diff

File 42090.2.diff, 4.9 KB (added by maedahbatool, 7 years ago)

NEW: TwentyElevan v2.7 - Update Changelog

  • src/wp-content/themes/twentyeleven/readme.txt

    diff --git a/src/wp-content/themes/twentyeleven/readme.txt b/src/wp-content/themes/twentyeleven/readme.txt
    index 21a57641a4..8ad087d3a1 100644
    a b  
    11=== Twenty Eleven ===
    22Contributors: the WordPress team
    33Requires at least: WordPress 3.2
    4 Tested up to: WordPress 4.9-trunk
    5 Stable tag: 2.6
     4Tested up to: WordPress 5.0-trunk
     5Stable tag: 2.7
    66License: GPLv2 or later
    77License URI:
    88Tags: blog, one-column, two-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-image-header, featured-images, flexible-header, footer-widgets, full-width-template, microformats, post-formats, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, theme-options, translation-ready
    4444== Changelog ==
     46= 2.7 =
     47* Released: November 14, 2017
    4651= 2.6 =
    4752* Released: June 8, 2017
  • src/wp-content/themes/twentyeleven/style.css

    diff --git a/src/wp-content/themes/twentyeleven/style.css b/src/wp-content/themes/twentyeleven/style.css
    index 154d9c6ed1..83e6f7a522 100644
    a b Theme URI: 
    44Author: the WordPress team
    55Author URI:
    66Description: The 2011 theme for WordPress is sophisticated, lightweight, and adaptable. Make it yours with a custom menu, header image, and background -- then go further with available theme options for light or dark color scheme, custom link colors, and three layout choices. Twenty Eleven comes equipped with a Showcase page template that transforms your front page into a showcase to show off your best content, widget support galore (sidebar, three footer areas, and a Showcase page widget area), and a custom "Ephemera" widget to display your Aside, Link, Quote, or Status posts. Included are styles for print and for the admin editor, support for featured images (as custom header images on posts and pages and as large images on featured "sticky" posts), and special styles for six different post formats.
    7 Version: 2.6
     7Version: 2.7
    88License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
    99License URI:
    1010Tags: blog, one-column, two-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-image-header, featured-images, flexible-header, footer-widgets, full-width-template, microformats, post-formats, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, theme-options, translation-ready
  • src/wp-content/themes/twentyten/readme.txt

    diff --git a/src/wp-content/themes/twentyten/readme.txt b/src/wp-content/themes/twentyten/readme.txt
    index 6d30e4491b..804b52c9b5 100644
    a b  
    11=== Twenty Ten ===
    22Contributors: the WordPress team
    33Requires at least: WordPress 3.0
    4 Tested up to: WordPress 4.9-trunk
    5 Stable tag: 2.3
     4Tested up to: WordPress 5.0-trunk
     5Stable tag: 2.4
    66License: GPLv2 or later
    77License URI:
    88Tags: blog, two-columns, custom-header, custom-background, threaded-comments, sticky-post, translation-ready, microformats, rtl-language-support, editor-style, custom-menu, flexible-header, featured-images, footer-widgets, featured-image-header
    GNU General Public License for more details. 
    3838== Changelog ==
     40= 2.4 =
     41* Released: November 14, 2017
    4045= 2.3 =
    4146* Released: June 8, 2017
  • src/wp-content/themes/twentyten/style.css

    diff --git a/src/wp-content/themes/twentyten/style.css b/src/wp-content/themes/twentyten/style.css
    index 1f374f5f73..d73dadd075 100644
    a b Theme URI: 
    44Description: The 2010 theme for WordPress is stylish, customizable, simple, and readable -- make it yours with a custom menu, header image, and background. Twenty Ten supports six widgetized areas (two in the sidebar, four in the footer) and featured images (thumbnails for gallery posts and custom header images for posts and pages). It includes stylesheets for print and the admin Visual Editor, special styles for posts in the "Asides" and "Gallery" categories, and has an optional one-column page template that removes the sidebar.
    55Author: the WordPress team
    66Author URI:
    7 Version: 2.3
     7Version: 2.4
    88License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
    99License URI:
    1010Tags: blog, two-columns, custom-header, custom-background, threaded-comments, sticky-post, translation-ready, microformats, rtl-language-support, editor-style, custom-menu, flexible-header, featured-images, footer-widgets, featured-image-header