Make WordPress Core

Ticket #43974: 43974.4.diff

File 43974.4.diff, 2.7 KB (added by garrett-eclipse, 5 years ago)

Refresh to avoid the hunk on applying the latest patch

  • src/js/_enqueues/admin/privacy-tools.js

    7171                clearResultsAfterRow( $requestRow );
    7373                function onExportDoneSuccess( zipUrl ) {
    74                         setActionState( $action, 'export-personal-data-success' );
     74                        var summaryMessage = strings.emailSent;
     76                        setActionState( $action, 'export-personal-data-idle' );
     78                        appendResultsAfterRow( $requestRow, 'notice-success', summaryMessage, [] );
     79                        $this.hide();
    7581                        if ( 'undefined' !== typeof zipUrl ) {
    7682                                window.location = zipUrl;
    7783                        } else if ( ! sendAsEmail ) {
    168174                                        classes = 'notice-warning';
    169175                                }
    170176                        }
    171                         appendResultsAfterRow( $requestRow, 'notice-success', summaryMessage, messages );
     177                        appendResultsAfterRow( $requestRow, classes, summaryMessage, messages );
     178                        $this.hide();
    172179                }
    174181                function onErasureFailure() {
  • src/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-privacy-data-export-requests-list-table.php

    101101                                ?>
    102102                                <span class="export-personal-data-idle"><button type="button" class="button export-personal-data-handle"><?php _e( 'Send Export Link' ); ?></button></span>
    103103                                <span class="export-personal-data-processing button updating-message hidden"><?php _e( 'Sending Email...' ); ?></span>
    104                                 <span class="export-personal-data-success success-message hidden"><?php _e( 'Email sent.' ); ?></span>
    105104                                <span class="export-personal-data-failed hidden"><?php _e( 'Email could not be sent.' ); ?> <button type="button" class="button export-personal-data-handle"><?php _e( 'Retry' ); ?></button></span>
    106105                                <?php
  • src/wp-includes/script-loader.php

    18011801                                'noneRemoved'     => __( 'Personal data was found for this user but was not erased.' ),
    18021802                                'someNotRemoved'  => __( 'Personal data was found for this user but some of the personal data found was not erased.' ),
    18031803                                'removalError'    => __( 'An error occurred while attempting to find and erase personal data.' ),
     1804                                'emailSent'       => __( 'The personal data export link for this user was sent.' ),
    18041805                                'noExportFile'    => __( 'No personal data export file was generated.' ),
    18051806                                'exportError'     => __( 'An error occurred while attempting to export personal data.' ),
    18061807                        )