From 35449d890cba4eee3e104db3978c33235c44bde0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Carlos R. Pasqualini" <>
Date: Mon, 7 May 2018 19:34:00 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] Add Telegram and Whatsapp to Social Media Menu (someone
should write better Icons)
wp-content/themes/twentyseventeen/assets/images/svg-icons.svg | 7 +++++++
wp-content/themes/twentyseventeen/inc/icon-functions.php | 3 +++
2 files changed, 10 insertions(+)
diff --git a/wp-content/themes/twentyseventeen/assets/images/svg-icons.svg b/wp-content/themes/twentyseventeen/assets/images/svg-icons.svg
index d5f9adee92..7c6bf18da1 100644
45 | 45 | <symbol id="icon-facebook" viewBox="0 0 19 32"> |
46 | 46 | <path class="path1" d="M17.125 0.214v4.714h-2.804q-1.536 0-2.071 0.643t-0.536 1.929v3.375h5.232l-0.696 5.286h-4.536v13.554h-5.464v-13.554h-4.554v-5.286h4.554v-3.893q0-3.321 1.857-5.152t4.946-1.83q2.625 0 4.071 0.214z"></path> |
47 | 47 | </symbol> |
| 48 | <symbol id="icon-whatsapp" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> |
| 49 | <path d="M15.968 2.003a14.03 13.978 0 0 0-14.03 13.978 14.03 13.978 0 0 0 2.132 7.391L1.938 29.96l6.745-2.052a14.03 13.978 0 0 0 7.285 2.052 14.03 13.978 0 0 0 14.03-13.978 14.03 13.978 0 0 0-14.03-13.978z" stroke-width=".2000562"/> |
| 50 | <path d="M10.454 8.236a2.57 3.401 51.533 0 0-1.475 3.184v.015c.01 2.04 4.045 10.076 10.017 12.688l.017-.013a2.57 3.401 51.533 0 0 3.454-.706 2.57 3.401 51.533 0 0 1.064-4.129 2.57 3.401 51.533 0 0-4.262.103 2.57 3.401 51.533 0 0-.505.473c-1.346-.639-2.952-1.463-4.168-2.98-.771-.962-1.257-2.732-1.549-4.206a2.57 3.401 51.533 0 0 .605-.403 2.57 3.401 51.533 0 0 1.064-4.129 2.57 3.401 51.533 0 0-4.262.103z" stroke-width=".372"/> |
| 51 | </symbol> |
| 52 | <symbol id="icon-telegram" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> |
| 53 | <path d="M4.058 14.65l3.917 3.918.84 6.576 1.26-4.338 4.337 4.618 9.794-15.531z"/><path d="M7.975 18.568l16.231-8.675-14.132 10.913M8.815 25.144l2.938-2.729"/> |
| 54 | </symbol> |
48 | 55 | <symbol id="icon-github" viewBox="0 0 27 32"> |
49 | 56 | <path class="path1" d="M13.714 2.286q3.732 0 6.884 1.839t4.991 4.991 1.839 6.884q0 4.482-2.616 8.063t-6.759 4.955q-0.482 0.089-0.714-0.125t-0.232-0.536q0-0.054 0.009-1.366t0.009-2.402q0-1.732-0.929-2.536 1.018-0.107 1.83-0.321t1.679-0.696 1.446-1.188 0.946-1.875 0.366-2.688q0-2.125-1.411-3.679 0.661-1.625-0.143-3.643-0.5-0.161-1.446 0.196t-1.643 0.786l-0.679 0.429q-1.661-0.464-3.429-0.464t-3.429 0.464q-0.286-0.196-0.759-0.482t-1.491-0.688-1.518-0.241q-0.804 2.018-0.143 3.643-1.411 1.554-1.411 3.679 0 1.518 0.366 2.679t0.938 1.875 1.438 1.196 1.679 0.696 1.83 0.321q-0.696 0.643-0.875 1.839-0.375 0.179-0.804 0.268t-1.018 0.089-1.17-0.384-0.991-1.116q-0.339-0.571-0.866-0.929t-0.884-0.429l-0.357-0.054q-0.375 0-0.518 0.080t-0.089 0.205 0.161 0.25 0.232 0.214l0.125 0.089q0.393 0.179 0.777 0.679t0.563 0.911l0.179 0.411q0.232 0.679 0.786 1.098t1.196 0.536 1.241 0.125 0.991-0.063l0.411-0.071q0 0.679 0.009 1.58t0.009 0.973q0 0.321-0.232 0.536t-0.714 0.125q-4.143-1.375-6.759-4.955t-2.616-8.063q0-3.732 1.839-6.884t4.991-4.991 6.884-1.839zM5.196 21.982q0.054-0.125-0.125-0.214-0.179-0.054-0.232 0.036-0.054 0.125 0.125 0.214 0.161 0.107 0.232-0.036zM5.75 22.589q0.125-0.089-0.036-0.286-0.179-0.161-0.286-0.054-0.125 0.089 0.036 0.286 0.179 0.179 0.286 0.054zM6.286 23.393q0.161-0.125 0-0.339-0.143-0.232-0.304-0.107-0.161 0.089 0 0.321t0.304 0.125zM7.036 24.143q0.143-0.143-0.071-0.339-0.214-0.214-0.357-0.054-0.161 0.143 0.071 0.339 0.214 0.214 0.357 0.054zM8.054 24.589q0.054-0.196-0.232-0.286-0.268-0.071-0.339 0.125t0.232 0.268q0.268 0.107 0.339-0.107zM9.179 24.679q0-0.232-0.304-0.196-0.286 0-0.286 0.196 0 0.232 0.304 0.196 0.286 0 0.286-0.196zM10.214 24.5q-0.036-0.196-0.321-0.161-0.286 0.054-0.25 0.268t0.321 0.143 0.25-0.25z"></path> |
50 | 57 | </symbol> |
diff --git a/wp-content/themes/twentyseventeen/inc/icon-functions.php b/wp-content/themes/twentyseventeen/inc/icon-functions.php
index 87572bcecd..d5741f5f82 100644
function twentyseventeen_social_links_icons() { |
207 | 207 | '' => 'wordpress', |
208 | 208 | '' => 'yelp', |
209 | 209 | '' => 'youtube', |
| 210 | '' => 'whatsapp', |
| 211 | '' => 'telegram', |
| 212 | '' => 'telegram', |
210 | 213 | ); |
211 | 214 | |
212 | 215 | /** |