Make WordPress Core

Ticket #44130: privacy.diff

File privacy.diff, 4.7 KB (added by XpertOne, 7 years ago)
  • src/wp-admin/privacy.php

    2727                        'page_for_privacy_policy',
    2828                        sprintf(
    2929                                /* translators: %s: URL to Customizer -> Menus */
    30                                 __( 'Privacy policy page updated successfully. Remember to <a href="%s">update your menus</a>!' ),
     30                                __( 'Privacy Policy Page updated successfully. Remember to <a href="%s">update your menus</a>!' ),
    3131                                'customize.php?autofocus[panel]=nav_menus'
    3232                        ),
    3333                        'updated'
    5353                        add_settings_error(
    5454                                'page_for_privacy_policy',
    5555                                'page_for_privacy_policy',
    56                                 __( 'Unable to create privacy policy page.' ),
     56                                __( 'Unable to create Privacy Policy Page.' ),
    5757                                'error'
    5858                        );
    5959                } else {
    8787                                'page_for_privacy_policy',
    8888                                sprintf(
    8989                                        /* translators: URL to Pages Trash */
    90                                         __( 'The currently selected privacy policy page is in the trash. Please create or select new privacy policy page or <a href="%s">restore the current page</a>.' ),
     90                                        __( 'The currently selected Privacy Policy Page is in the trash. Please create or select new privacy policy page or <a href="%s">restore the current page</a>.' ),
    9191                                        'edit.php?post_status=trash&post_type=page'
    9292                                ),
    9393                                'error'
    107107<div class="wrap">
    108108        <h1><?php echo $title; ?></h1>
    109         <h2><?php _e( 'Privacy Policy page' ); ?></h2>
     109        <h2><?php _e( 'Privacy Policy Page' ); ?></h2>
    110110        <p>
    111                 <?php _e( 'As a website owner, you may need to follow national or international privacy laws. For example, you may need to create and display a privacy policy.' ); ?>
    112                 <?php _e( 'If you already have a privacy policy page, please select it below. If not, please create one.' ); ?>
     111                <?php _e( 'As a website owner, you may need to follow national or international privacy laws. For example, you may need to create and display a Privacy Policy.' ); ?>
     112                <?php _e( 'If you already have a Privacy Policy Page, please select it below. If not, please create one.' ); ?>
    113113        </p>
    114114        <p>
    115                 <?php _e( 'The new page will include help and suggestions for your privacy policy.' ); ?>
    116                 <?php _e( 'However, it is your responsibility to use those resources correctly, to provide the information that your privacy policy requires, and to keep that information current and accurate.' ); ?>
     115                <?php _e( 'The new page will include help and suggestions for your Privacy Policy.' ); ?>
     116                <?php _e( 'However, it is your responsibility to use those resources correctly, to provide the information that your Privacy Policy requires, and to keep that information current and accurate.' ); ?>
    117117        </p>
    118118        <p>
    119                 <?php _e( 'After your privacy policy page is set, we suggest that you edit it.' ); ?>
    120                 <?php _e( 'We would also suggest reviewing your privacy policy from time to time, especially after installing or updating any themes or plugins. There may be changes or new suggested information for you to consider adding to your policy.' ); ?>
     119                <?php _e( 'After your Privacy Policy Page is set, we suggest that you edit it.' ); ?>
     120                <?php _e( 'We would also suggest reviewing your Privacy Policy from time to time, especially after installing or updating any themes or plugins. There may be changes or new suggested information for you to consider adding to your policy.' ); ?>
    121121        </p>
    122122        <?php
    137137                        <?php
    139139                        /* translators: 1: URL to edit page, 2: URL to view page */
    140                         printf( __( '<a href="%1$s">Edit</a> or <a href="%2$s">view</a> your privacy policy page content.' ), $edit_href, $view_href );
     140                        printf( __( '<a href="%1$s">Edit</a> or <a href="%2$s">view</a> your Privacy Policy Page content.' ), $edit_href, $view_href );
    142142                        ?>
    143143                </strong></p>
    147147                        /* translators: 1: Privacy Policy guide URL, 2: additional link attributes, 3: accessibility text */
    148148                        printf(
    149                                 __( 'Need help putting together your new Privacy Policy page? <a href="%1$s" %2$s>Check out our guide%3$s</a> for recommendations on what content to include, along with policies suggested by your plugins and theme.' ),
     149                                __( 'Need help putting together your new Privacy Policy Page? <a href="%1$s" %2$s>Check out our guide%3$s</a> for recommendations on what content to include, along with policies suggested by your plugins and theme.' ),
    150150                                admin_url( 'tools.php?wp-privacy-policy-guide' ),
    151151                                '',
    152152                                ''
    163163                        <th scope="row">
    164164                                <?php
    165165                                if ( $privacy_policy_page_exists ) {
    166                                         _e( 'Change your Privacy Policy page' );
     166                                        _e( 'Change your Privacy Policy Page' );
    167167                                } else {
    168                                         _e( 'Select a Privacy Policy page' );
     168                                        _e( 'Select a Privacy Policy Page' );
    169169                                }
    170170                                ?>
    171171                        </th>