Make WordPress Core

Ticket #46057: 46057.1.diff

File 46057.1.diff, 8.2 KB (added by audrasjb, 3 years ago)

Administration: Remove self-references ("we") in text in core.

  • src/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-site-health.php

    diff --git a/src/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-site-health.php b/src/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-site-health.php
    index 8a6fa79827..8f0516ca30 100644
    a b class WP_Site_Health { 
    285285                        $result['description'] = sprintf(
    286286                                '<p>%s</p>',
    287                                 __( 'We were unable to check if any new versions of WordPress are available.' )
     287                                __( 'Unable to check if any new versions of WordPress are available.' )
    288288                        );
    290290                        $result['actions'] = sprintf(
    class WP_Site_Health { 
    467467                                        ),
    468468                                        $unused_plugins
    469469                                ),
    470                                 __( 'Inactive plugins are tempting targets for attackers. If you&#8217;re not going to use a plugin, we recommend you remove it.' )
     470                                __( 'Inactive plugins are tempting targets for attackers. If you&#8217;re not going to use a plugin, you should consider removing it.' )
    471471                        );
    473473                        $result['actions'] .= sprintf(
    class WP_Site_Health { 
    634634                                                ),
    635635                                                sprintf(
    636636                                                        /* translators: 1: The currently active theme. 2: The active theme's parent theme. */
    637                                                         __( 'To enhance your site&#8217;s security, we recommend you remove any themes you&#8217;re not using. You should keep your current theme, %1$s, and %2$s, its parent theme.' ),
     637                                                        __( 'To enhance your site&#8217;s security, you should consider removing any themes you&#8217;re not using. You should keep your current theme, %1$s, and %2$s, its parent theme.' ),
    638638                                                        $active_theme->name,
    639639                                                        $active_theme->parent()->name
    640640                                                )
    class WP_Site_Health { 
    653653                                                ),
    654654                                                sprintf(
    655655                                                        /* translators: 1: The default theme for WordPress. 2: The currently active theme. 3: The active theme's parent theme. */
    656                                                         __( 'To enhance your site&#8217;s security, we recommend you remove any themes you&#8217;re not using. You should keep %1$s, the default WordPress theme, %2$s, your current theme, and %3$s, its parent theme.' ),
     656                                                        __( 'To enhance your site&#8217;s security, you should consider removing any themes you&#8217;re not using. You should keep %1$s, the default WordPress theme, %2$s, your current theme, and %3$s, its parent theme.' ),
    657657                                                        $default_theme ? $default_theme->name : WP_DEFAULT_THEME,
    658658                                                        $active_theme->name,
    659659                                                        $active_theme->parent()->name
    class WP_Site_Health { 
    679679                                                        $themes_inactive,
    680680                                                        $active_theme->name
    681681                                                ),
    682                                                 __( 'We recommend removing any unused themes to enhance your site&#8217;s security.' )
     682                                                __( 'You should consider removing removing any unused themes to enhance your site&#8217;s security.' )
    683683                                        );
    684684                                } else {
    685685                                        $result['description'] .= sprintf(
    class WP_Site_Health { 
    695695                                                        $default_theme ? $default_theme->name : WP_DEFAULT_THEME,
    696696                                                        $active_theme->name
    697697                                                ),
    698                                                 __( 'We recommend removing any unused themes to enhance your site&#8217;s security.' )
     698                                                __( 'You should consider removing any unused themes to enhance your site&#8217;s security.' )
    699699                                        );
    700700                                }
    701701                        }
    class WP_Site_Health { 
    12001200                                '<p>%s</p>',
    12011201                                sprintf(
    12021202                                        /* translators: 1: The database engine in use (MySQL or MariaDB). 2: Database server recommended version number. */
    1203                                         __( 'For optimal performance and security reasons, we recommend running %1$s version %2$s or higher. Contact your web hosting company to correct this.' ),
     1203                                        __( 'For optimal performance and security reasons, you should consider running %1$s version %2$s or higher. Contact your web hosting company to correct this.' ),
    12041204                                        ( $this->is_mariadb ? 'MariaDB' : 'MySQL' ),
    12051205                                        $this->health_check_mysql_rec_version
    12061206                                )
  • src/wp-admin/includes/network.php

    diff --git a/src/wp-admin/includes/network.php b/src/wp-admin/includes/network.php
    index 5a4add381b..ae3e906fcc 100644
    a b function network_step1( $errors = false ) { 
    179179        }
    180180        ?>
    181181        <p><?php _e( 'Welcome to the Network installation process!' ); ?></p>
    182         <p><?php _e( 'Fill in the information below and you&#8217;ll be on your way to creating a network of WordPress sites. We will create configuration files in the next step.' ); ?></p>
     182        <p><?php _e( 'Fill in the information below and you&#8217;ll be on your way to creating a network of WordPress sites. Configuration files will be created in the next step.' ); ?></p>
    183183        <?php
    185185        if ( isset( $_POST['subdomain_install'] ) ) {
    function network_step1( $errors = false ) { 
    271271                <?php
    272272                printf(
    273273                        /* translators: 1: Site URL, 2: Host name, 3: www. */
    274                         __( 'We recommend you change your site domain to %1$s before enabling the network feature. It will still be possible to visit your site using the %3$s prefix with an address like %2$s but any links will not have the %3$s prefix.' ),
     274                        __( 'You should consider changing your site domain to %1$s before enabling the network feature. It will still be possible to visit your site using the %3$s prefix with an address like %2$s but any links will not have the %3$s prefix.' ),
    275275                        '<code>' . substr( $hostname, 4 ) . '</code>',
    276276                        '<code>' . $hostname . '</code>',
    277277                        '<code>www</code>'
    function network_step2( $errors = false ) { 
    444444                        echo '<strong>' . __( 'Caution:' ) . '</strong> ';
    445445                        printf(
    446446                                /* translators: 1: wp-config.php, 2: .htaccess */
    447                                 __( 'We recommend you back up your existing %1$s and %2$s files.' ),
     447                                __( 'You should back up your existing %1$s and %2$s files.' ),
    448448                                '<code>wp-config.php</code>',
    449449                                '<code>.htaccess</code>'
    450450                        );
    function network_step2( $errors = false ) { 
    452452                        echo '<strong>' . __( 'Caution:' ) . '</strong> ';
    453453                        printf(
    454454                                /* translators: 1: wp-config.php, 2: web.config */
    455                                 __( 'We recommend you back up your existing %1$s and %2$s files.' ),
     455                                __( 'You should back up your existing %1$s and %2$s files.' ),
    456456                                '<code>wp-config.php</code>',
    457457                                '<code>web.config</code>'
    458458                        );
    function network_step2( $errors = false ) { 
    460460                        echo '<strong>' . __( 'Caution:' ) . '</strong> ';
    461461                        printf(
    462462                                /* translators: %s: wp-config.php */
    463                                 __( 'We recommend you back up your existing %s file.' ),
     463                                __( 'You should back up your existing %s file.' ),
    464464                                '<code>wp-config.php</code>'
    465465                        );
    466466                }
  • src/wp-admin/plugin-editor.php

    diff --git a/src/wp-admin/plugin-editor.php b/src/wp-admin/plugin-editor.php
    index 800e468f3f..82d9cc5aff 100644
    a b if ( ! in_array( 'plugin_editor_notice', $dismissed_pointers, true ) ) : 
    326326                        <div class="file-editor-warning-content">
    327327                                <div class="file-editor-warning-message">
    328328                                        <h1><?php _e( 'Heads up!' ); ?></h1>
    329                                         <p><?php _e( 'You appear to be making direct edits to your plugin in the WordPress dashboard. We recommend that you don&#8217;t! Editing plugins directly may introduce incompatibilities that break your site and your changes may be lost in future updates.' ); ?></p>
     329                                        <p><?php _e( 'You appear to be making direct edits to your plugin in the WordPress dashboard. Editing plugins directly is not recommended as it may introduce incompatibilities that break your site and your changes may be lost in future updates.' ); ?></p>
    330330                                        <p><?php _e( 'If you absolutely have to make direct edits to this plugin, use a file manager to create a copy with a new name and hang on to the original. That way, you can re-enable a functional version if something goes wrong.' ); ?></p>
    331331                                </div>
    332332                                <p>
  • src/wp-admin/theme-editor.php

    diff --git a/src/wp-admin/theme-editor.php b/src/wp-admin/theme-editor.php
    index 46926df87c..68228edc40 100644
    a b if ( ! in_array( 'theme_editor_notice', $dismissed_pointers, true ) ) : 
    359359                                        <h1><?php _e( 'Heads up!' ); ?></h1>
    360360                                        <p>
    361361                                                <?php
    362                                                 _e( 'You appear to be making direct edits to your theme in the WordPress dashboard. We recommend that you don&#8217;t! Editing your theme directly could break your site and your changes may be lost in future updates.' );
     362                                                _e( 'You appear to be making direct edits to your theme in the WordPress dashboard. It is not recommended! Editing your theme directly could break your site and your changes may be lost in future updates.' );
    363363                                                ?>
    364364                                        </p>
    365365                                                <?php