Ticket #46704: 46704.1.diff
File 46704.1.diff, 5.7 KB (added by , 6 years ago) |
15 15 display: flex; 16 16 flex-wrap: wrap; 17 17 .widget { 18 -webkit-hyphens: auto; 19 -moz-hyphens: auto; 20 -ms-hyphens: auto; 21 hyphens: auto; 18 22 width: 100%; 23 word-wrap: break-word; 19 24 @include media(desktop) { 20 25 margin-right: calc(3 * #{$size__spacing-unit}); 21 26 width: calc(50% - (3 * #{$size__spacing-unit})); … … 25 30 26 31 .site-info { 27 32 color: $color__text-light; 33 -webkit-hyphens: auto; 34 -moz-hyphens: auto; 35 -ms-hyphens: auto; 36 hyphens: auto; 37 word-wrap: break-word; 28 38 29 39 a { 30 40 color: inherit; -
30 30 .site-branding { 31 31 32 32 color: $color__text-light; 33 -webkit-hyphens: auto; 34 -moz-hyphens: auto; 35 -ms-hyphens: auto; 36 hyphens: auto; 33 37 position: relative; 38 word-wrap: break-word; 34 39 35 40 @include media(tablet) { 36 41 margin: 0 $size__site-margins; -
7 7 } 8 8 9 9 .comments-area { 10 -webkit-hyphens: auto; 11 -moz-hyphens: auto; 12 -ms-hyphens: auto; 13 hyphens: auto; 10 14 margin: calc(2 * #{$size__spacing-unit}) $size__spacing-unit; 15 word-wrap: break-word; 11 16 @include postContentMaxWidth(); 12 17 13 18 @include media(tablet) { -
145 145 .error-404 .page-title, 146 146 .comments-title, 147 147 blockquote { 148 hyphens: auto; 148 -webkit-hyphens: auto; 149 -moz-hyphens: auto; 150 -ms-hyphens: auto; 151 hyphens: auto; 149 152 word-break: break-word; 153 word-wrap: break-word; 150 154 } 151 155 152 156 /* Do not hyphenate entry title on tablet view and bigger. */ -
2389 2389 blockquote { 2390 2390 hyphens: auto; 2391 2391 word-break: break-word; 2392 word-wrap: break-word; 2392 2393 } 2393 2394 2394 2395 /* Do not hyphenate entry title on tablet view and bigger. */ … … 3728 3729 3729 3730 .site-branding { 3730 3731 color: #767676; 3732 -webkit-hyphens: auto; 3733 -moz-hyphens: auto; 3734 hyphens: auto; 3731 3735 position: relative; 3736 word-wrap: break-word; 3732 3737 } 3733 3738 3734 3739 @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) { … … 4508 4513 } 4509 4514 4510 4515 .comments-area { 4516 -webkit-hyphens: auto; 4517 -moz-hyphens: auto; 4518 hyphens: auto; 4511 4519 margin: calc(2 * 1rem) 1rem; 4512 4520 /* Add extra margin when the comments section is located immediately after the 4513 4521 * post itself (this happens on pages). 4514 4522 */ 4523 word-wrap: break-word; 4515 4524 } 4516 4525 4517 4526 @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) { … … 5023 5032 } 5024 5033 5025 5034 #colophon .widget-column .widget { 5035 -webkit-hyphens: auto; 5036 -moz-hyphens: auto; 5037 hyphens: auto; 5026 5038 width: 100%; 5039 word-wrap: break-word; 5027 5040 } 5028 5041 5029 5042 @media only screen and (min-width: 1168px) { … … 5035 5048 5036 5049 #colophon .site-info { 5037 5050 color: #767676; 5051 -webkit-hyphens: auto; 5052 -moz-hyphens: auto; 5053 hyphens: auto; 5054 word-wrap: break-word; 5038 5055 } 5039 5056 5040 5057 #colophon .site-info a { -
2387 2387 .error-404 .page-title, 2388 2388 .comments-title, 2389 2389 blockquote { 2390 hyphens: auto; 2390 -webkit-hyphens: auto; 2391 -moz-hyphens: auto; 2392 -ms-hyphens: auto; 2393 hyphens: auto; 2391 2394 word-break: break-word; 2395 word-wrap: break-word; 2392 2396 } 2393 2397 2394 2398 /* Do not hyphenate entry title on tablet view and bigger. */ … … 3734 3738 3735 3739 .site-branding { 3736 3740 color: #767676; 3741 -webkit-hyphens: auto; 3742 -moz-hyphens: auto; 3743 -ms-hyphens: auto; 3744 hyphens: auto; 3737 3745 position: relative; 3746 word-wrap: break-word; 3738 3747 } 3739 3748 3740 3749 @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) { … … 4514 4523 } 4515 4524 4516 4525 .comments-area { 4526 -webkit-hyphens: auto; 4527 -moz-hyphens: auto; 4528 -ms-hyphens: auto; 4529 hyphens: auto; 4517 4530 margin: calc(2 * 1rem) 1rem; 4531 word-wrap: break-word; 4518 4532 /* Add extra margin when the comments section is located immediately after the 4519 4533 * post itself (this happens on pages). 4520 4534 */ … … 5029 5043 } 5030 5044 5031 5045 #colophon .widget-column .widget { 5046 -webkit-hyphens: auto; 5047 -moz-hyphens: auto; 5048 -ms-hyphens: auto; 5049 hyphens: auto; 5032 5050 width: 100%; 5051 word-wrap: break-word; 5033 5052 } 5034 5053 5035 5054 @media only screen and (min-width: 1168px) { … … 5041 5060 5042 5061 #colophon .site-info { 5043 5062 color: #767676; 5063 -webkit-hyphens: auto; 5064 -moz-hyphens: auto; 5065 -ms-hyphens: auto; 5066 hyphens: auto; 5067 word-wrap: break-word; 5044 5068 } 5045 5069 5046 5070 #colophon .site-info a {