Make WordPress Core

Ticket #46920: 46920.3.patch

File 46920.3.patch, 7.7 KB (added by ramiy, 6 years ago)
  • wp-admin/includes/class-wp-automatic-updater.php

    649649                switch ( $type ) {
    650650                        case 'success': // We updated.
    651                                 /* translators: 1: Site name, 2: WordPress version number. */
     651                                /* translators: Site updated notification email subject. 1: Site name, 2: WordPress version number. */
    652652                                $subject = __( '[%1$s] Your site has updated to WordPress %2$s' );
    653653                                break;
    655655                        case 'fail':   // We tried to update but couldn't.
    656656                        case 'manual': // We can't update (and made no attempt).
    657                                 /* translators: 1: Site name, 2: WordPress version number. */
     657                                /* translators: Updated available notification email subject. 1: Site name, 2: WordPress version number. */
    658658                                $subject = __( '[%1$s] WordPress %2$s is available. Please update!' );
    659659                                break;
    661661                        case 'critical': // We tried to update, started to copy files, then things went wrong.
    662                                 /* translators: 1: Site name. */
     662                                /* translators: Site down notification email subject. 1: Site name. */
    663663                                $subject = __( '[%1$s] URGENT: Your site may be down due to a failed update' );
    664664                                break;
    911911                        );
    912912                        $body[] = '';
    914                         /* translators: Background update failed notification email subject. %s: site title */
     914                        /* translators: Background update failed notification email subject. %s: Site name */
    915915                        $subject = sprintf( __( '[%s] Background Update Failed' ), $site_title );
    916916                } else {
    917                         /* translators: Background update finished notification email subject. %s: site title */
     917                        /* translators: Background update finished notification email subject. %s: Site name */
    918918                        $subject = sprintf( __( '[%s] Background Update Finished' ), $site_title );
    919919                }
  • wp-admin/includes/file.php

    24232423        $mail_success = wp_mail(
    24242424                $email_address,
    24252425                sprintf(
     2426                        /* translators: Personal data export notification email subject. %s: Site name */
    24262427                        __( '[%s] Personal Data Export' ),
    24272428                        $site_name
    24282429                ),
  • wp-admin/includes/misc.php

    12891289        $content      = str_replace( '###SITENAME###', wp_specialchars_decode( get_option( 'blogname' ), ENT_QUOTES ), $content );
    12901290        $content      = str_replace( '###SITEURL###', home_url(), $content );
     1292        /* translators: New admin email address notification email subject. %s: Site name */
    12921293        wp_mail( $value, sprintf( __( '[%s] New Admin Email Address' ), wp_specialchars_decode( get_option( 'blogname' ), ENT_QUOTES ) ), $content );
    12941295        if ( $switched_locale ) {
  • wp-admin/user-new.php

    122122Please click the following link to confirm the invite:
    124124                        );
     126                        /* translators: Joining confirmation notification email subject. %s: Site name */
    125127                        wp_mail( $new_user_email, sprintf( __( '[%s] Joining Confirmation' ), wp_specialchars_decode( get_option( 'blogname' ) ) ), sprintf( $message, get_option( 'blogname' ), home_url(), wp_specialchars_decode( translate_user_role( $role['name'] ) ), home_url( "/newbloguser/$newuser_key/" ) ) );
    127129                        if ( $switched_locale ) {
  • wp-includes/ms-functions.php

    26452645        $content      = str_replace( '###SITENAME###', wp_specialchars_decode( get_site_option( 'site_name' ), ENT_QUOTES ), $content );
    26462646        $content      = str_replace( '###SITEURL###', network_home_url(), $content );
     2648        /* translators: Email change notification email subject. %s: Site name */
    26482649        wp_mail( $value, sprintf( __( '[%s] Network Admin Email Change Request' ), wp_specialchars_decode( get_site_option( 'site_name' ), ENT_QUOTES ) ), $content );
    26502651        if ( $switched_locale ) {
  • wp-includes/pluggable.php

    15351535                                /* translators: %s: comment text */
    15361536                                $notify_message .= sprintf( __( 'Comment: %s' ), "\r\n" . $comment_content ) . "\r\n\r\n";
    15371537                                $notify_message .= __( 'You can see all trackbacks on this post here:' ) . "\r\n";
    1538                                 /* translators: 1: blog name, 2: post title */
     1538                                /* translators: Trackback notification email subject. 1: blog name, 2: post title */
    15391539                                $subject = sprintf( __( '[%1$s] Trackback: "%2$s"' ), $blogname, $post->post_title );
    15401540                                break;
    15411541                        case 'pingback':
    15481548                                /* translators: %s: comment text */
    15491549                                $notify_message .= sprintf( __( 'Comment: %s' ), "\r\n" . $comment_content ) . "\r\n\r\n";
    15501550                                $notify_message .= __( 'You can see all pingbacks on this post here:' ) . "\r\n";
    1551                                 /* translators: 1: blog name, 2: post title */
     1551                                /* translators: Pingback notification email subject. 1: blog name, 2: post title */
    15521552                                $subject = sprintf( __( '[%1$s] Pingback: "%2$s"' ), $blogname, $post->post_title );
    15531553                                break;
    15541554                        default: // Comments
    15631563                                /* translators: %s: comment text */
    15641564                                $notify_message .= sprintf( __( 'Comment: %s' ), "\r\n" . $comment_content ) . "\r\n\r\n";
    15651565                                $notify_message .= __( 'You can see all comments on this post here:' ) . "\r\n";
    1566                                 /* translators: 1: blog name, 2: post title */
     1566                                /* translators: Comment notification email subject. 1: blog name, 2: post title */
    15671567                                $subject = sprintf( __( '[%1$s] Comment: "%2$s"' ), $blogname, $post->post_title );
    15681568                                break;
    15691569                }
  • wp-includes/user.php

    30853085        $content = str_replace( '###SITEURL###', esc_url_raw( $email_data['siteurl'] ), $content );
    30873087        $subject = sprintf(
    3088                 /* translators: 1: Site name. 2: Name of the confirmed action. */
     3088                /* translators: Privacy data request confirmed notification email subject. 1: Site name. 2: Name of the confirmed action. */
    30893089                __( '[%1$s] Action Confirmed: %2$s' ),
    30903090                $email_data['sitename'],
    30913091                $action_description
    34973497        $content = str_replace( '###SITENAME###', $email_data['sitename'], $content );
    34983498        $content = str_replace( '###SITEURL###', esc_url_raw( $email_data['siteurl'] ), $content );
    3500         /* translators: Privacy data request subject. 1: Site name, 2: Name of the action */
     3500        /* translators: Confirm privacy data request notification email subject. 1: Site name, 2: Name of the action */
    35013501        $subject = sprintf( __( '[%1$s] Confirm Action: %2$s' ), $email_data['sitename'], $email_data['description'] );
    35033503        /**
  • wp-login.php

    395395        $message .= __( 'To reset your password, visit the following address:' ) . "\r\n\r\n";
    396396        $message .= '<' . network_site_url( "wp-login.php?action=rp&key=$key&login=" . rawurlencode( $user_login ), 'login' ) . ">\r\n";
    398         /* translators: Password reset email subject. %s: Site name */
     398        /* translators: Password reset notification email subject. %s: Site name */
    399399        $title = sprintf( __( '[%s] Password Reset' ), $site_name );
    401401        /**